Class 9

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 2 बहुपद

Haryana State Board HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 2 बहुपद Important Questions and Answers.

Haryana Board 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 2 बहुपद

Multiple Choice Questions With Answers:

प्रश्न 1.
निम्नलिखित प्रत्येक बहुपद में का गुणांक लिखिए।
(i) √2 + x – x2
(ii) 5x2 + 3x + 2
हल :
(i) √2 + x – x2 में x2 का गुणांक = – 1
(ii) 5x2 + 3x + 2 में x2 का गुणांक = 5.

प्रश्न 2.
बताइए कि निम्नलिखित दरुपदों में से कौन-कौन से बहुपद रैखिक हैं। कौन-कौन से द्विघाती हैं और कौन-कौन से त्रिघाती हैं-
(i) y2 + 1
(ii) 5x3
(iii) y2 + y + 5
(iv) √2 + x – x2
(v) u + 1
हल :
(i) बहुपद y2 + 1 द्विघाती बहुपद है।
(ii) बहुपद 5x3 एक त्रिघाती बहुपद है।
(iii) बहुपद y2 + y + 5 एक द्विघाती बहुपद है।
(iv) √2 + x – x2 एक द्विघाती बहुपद है।
(v) बहुपद u + 1 एक रैखिक बहुपद है।

प्रश्न 3.
बताइए कि निम्नलिखित बहुपदों में से कौन-कौन से बहुपद एकपदी हैं, कौन-कौन से द्विपदी हैं और कौन-कौन से त्रिपदी हैं
(i) x4 + x + 5
(ii) 5y6 – 4y2 – 6
(iii) x3 – 1
(iv) – 5x2
(v) u4
(vi) u43 – u2
हल :
(i) बहुपद x4 + x + 5 एक त्रिपदी है।
(ii) बहुपद 5y6 – 4y – 6 एक त्रिपदी है।
(iii) बहुपद x3 – 1 एक द्विपदी है।
(iv) बहुपद – 5x2 एक एकपदी है।
(v) बहुपद u4 एक एकपदी है।
(vi) बहुपद u43 – u2 एक द्विपदी है।

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 2 बहुपद

प्रश्न 4.
बहुपद p (x) = 4x4 + 5x3 – x2 + 6 के लिए p (0), p (1) तथा p (2) का मान ज्ञात कीजिए।
हल :
यहाँ पर
p (x) = 4x4 + 5x3 – x2 + 6
x = 0 रखने पर
p (0) = 4 (0)4 + 5 (0)3 – (0)2 + 6
= 0 + 0 – 0 + 6
= 6

x = 1 रखने पर
p (1) = 4 (1)4 + 5 (1)3 – (1)2 + 6
= 4 + 5 – 1 + 6
= 15 – 1 = 14

x = 2 रखने पर
p (2) = 4 (2)4 + 5 (2)3 – (2)2 + 6
= 4 × 16 + 5 × 8 – 4 + 6
= 64 + 40 – 4 + 6
= 110 – 4 = 106

प्रश्न 5.
बहुपद p (x) = 2x + 1 का एक शून्यक ज्ञात कीजिए।
हल :
बहुपद का शून्यक ज्ञात करने के लिए आवश्यक है-
p (x) = 0
2x + 1 = 0
2x = 0 – 1
2x = -1
x = – \(\frac{1}{2}\)
अतः – \(\frac{1}{2}\) बहुपद 2x + 1 का एक शून्यक है।

प्रश्न 6.
3x2 + x – 1 को x + 1 से भाग दीजिए।
हल :

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 2 बहुपद 1

अतः भागफल = 3x – 2; शेषफल = 1

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 2 बहुपद

प्रश्न 7.
शेषफल ज्ञात करें जब बहुपद p (x) = 2x4 – 6x3 – 2x2 – x + 2 को x + 2 से भाग किया जाता है।
हल :
यहाँ पर
p (x) = 2x4 – 6x3 – 2x2 – x + 2
x + 2 का शून्यक -2 है।
∴ p(- 2) = 2(- 2)4 – 6 (- 2)3 – 2 (- 2)2 – (- 2) + 2
= 2 (16) – 6 (- 8) – 2 (4) + 2 + 2
= 32 + 48 – 8 + 2 + 2 = 76
अतः p (x) को x + 2 से भाग देने पर शेषफल = 76.

प्रश्न 8.
यदि x – 1, 4x3 + 3x2 – 4x + k का एक गुणनखंड हो, तो k का मान ज्ञात कीजिए।
हल :
क्योंकि x – 1, p (x) = 4x3 + 3x2 – 4x + k का एक गुणनखंड है,
p(1) = 0 होगा।
p (1) = 4 (1)3 + 3 (1)2 – 4 (1) + k
इसलिए 4 + 3 – 4 + k = 0
या k = 3.

प्रश्न 9.
x2 + 14x + 45 का गुणनखंडन कीजिए।
x2 + 14x + 45 = x2 + 9x + 5x + 45
= x (x + 9) + 5 (x + 9)
= (x + 9) (x + 5).

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 2 बहुपद

प्रश्न 10.
द्विघात बहुपद 6x2 + 5x – 6 के गुणनखण्ड ज्ञात कीजिए।
हल :
यहाँ पर
6x2 + 5x – 6 = 6x2 + 9x – 4x – 6
= 3x (2x + 3) – 2 (2x + 3)
= (2x + 3) (3x – 2)

प्रश्न 11.
x3 – 6x2 + 11x – 6 का गुणनखंडन कीजिए।
हल :
p(x) = x3 – 6x2 + 11x – 6
यहाँ पर अचर पद – 6 है जिसके गुणनखंड ± 1, ± 2, ± 3, ± 6 हैं।
x = 1 रखने पर
p(1) = (1)3 – 6 (1)2 + 11 (1) – 6
= 1 – 6 + 11 – 6
= 12 – 12 = 0
अतः x – 1, p (x) का एक गुणनखंड है।

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 2 बहुपद 2

x3 – 6x2 + 11x – 6 = (x – 1) (x2 – 5x + 6)
= (x – 1) (x2 – 3x – 2x + 6)
= (x – 1) [x (x – 3) – 2 (x – 3)]
= (x – 1) (x – 3)(x – 2)

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 2 बहुपद

प्रश्न 12.
सीधे गुणा किए बिना 102 × 103 का मान ज्ञात करें।
हल :
102 × 103 = (100 + 2) (100 +3)
= (100)2 + (2 + 3) (100) + 2 × 3
= 10000 + 500 + 6 = 10506.

प्रश्न 13.
p4 – 625 का गुणनखंडन कीजिए।
p4 – 625 = (p2)2 – (25)2
= (p2 – 25) (p2 + 25)
= [(p)2 – (5)] (p2 + 25)
= (p – 5) (p + 5) (p2 + 25).

प्रश्न 14.
उपयुक्त सर्वसमिका का प्रयोग करके 105 × 106 का मान ज्ञात कीजिए।
हल :
105 × 106 = (100 + 5) (100 +6)
= (100)2 + (5 + 6) × 100 + 5 × 6
= 10000 + 11 × 100 + 30
10000 + 1100 + 30
= 11130.

प्रश्न 15.
8x3 + y3 + 27z3 – 18xyz का गुणनखण्ड कीजिए।
हल :
हम जानते हैं कि a3 + b3 + c3 – 3abc = (a + b + c) (a2 + b2 + c2 – ab – bc – ca)
8x3 + y3 + 27z3 – 18xyz = (2x)3 + (y)3 + (3z)3 – 3 (2x) (y) (z)
(2x + y + 3z) [(2x)2 + (y)2 + (3z)2 – (2x) (y) – (y) (3z) – (3z) (2x)]
(2x + y + 3z) [4x2 + y2 + 9z2 – 2xy – 3yz – 6zx]

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 2 बहुपद

Multiple Choice Questions With Answers:

प्रश्न 1.
बहुपद x5 – x4 + 3 की घात है-
(A) शून्य
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
(D) 5

प्रश्न 2.
बहुपद 2 – x2 – x3 + 2x8 की घात होगी-
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) शून्य
(D) 8
(D) 8

प्रश्न 3.
निम्नलिखित बीजीय व्यंजकों में कौन-सा एक बहुपद है ?
(A) x2 + 5x + 6
(B) y + \(\frac{1}{2 y}\)
(C) 5t + 3
(D) \(\frac{1}{5 x+3}\)
(A) x2 + 5x + 6

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 2 बहुपद

प्रश्न 4.
निम्नलिखित वीजीय व्यंजकों में से कौन-सा व्यंजक बहुपद नहीं है ?
(A) x10 + 3x3 + 5x50
(B) y2 + √2
(C) 4y2 – 3y + 7
(D) y + \(\frac{2}{2y}\)
(D) y + \(\frac{2}{2y}\)

प्रश्न 5.
निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा व्यंजक एक चर वाला है ?
(A) 4x2 – 3x + 7
(B) x10 + y3 – t5
(C) 4x2 – 3y + 7
(D) 4x2 – 3y + 7z
(A) 4x2 – 3x + 7

प्रश्न 6.
निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा व्यंजक दो चर वाला है ?
(A) 4x2 – 3x + 7
(B) x10 + y3 – 150
(C) 4x2 – 3y + 7
(D) 4x2 – 3y + 7z
(C) 4x2 – 3y + 7.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 2 बहुपद

प्रश्न 7.
\(\frac{\pi}{2}\) x2 + x में :’ का गुणांक है-
(A) 1
(B) π
(C) \(\frac{1}{2}\)
(D) \(\frac{\pi}{2}\)
(D) \(\frac{\pi}{2}\)

प्रश्न 8.
√2x – 1 में x2 का गुणांक है-
(A) शून्य
(B) 1
(C) √2
(D) – 1
(A) शून्य

प्रश्न 9.
निम्नलिखित बहुपदों में से कौन-सा बहुपद द्विघाती नहीं है ?
(A) x2 + x
(B) x – x3
(C) y + y2 + 4
(D) r2
(B) x – x3

प्रश्न 10.
निम्नलिखित बहुपदों में से कौन-सा बहुपद रैखिक है ?
(A) x2 + x
(B) y + 4
(C) 3t – t3
(D) 7
(B) y + 4

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 2 बहुपद

प्रश्न 11.
निम्नलिखित बहुपदों में से कौन-सा बहुपद त्रिघाती है ?
(A) 1 + x
(B) y + y2 + 4
(C) x – x3
(D) y2 + y
(C) x – x3

प्रश्न 12.
x = 1 पर बहुपद p(x) = 5x2 – 3x + 7 का मान होगा-
(A) 8
(B) 15
(C) 9
(D) 1
(C) 9

प्रश्न 13.
बहुपद p(x) = 2x + 1 का एक शून्यक होगा
(A) \(\frac{1}{2}\)
(B) – \(\frac{1}{2}\)
(C) 2
(D) – 2
(B) – \(\frac{1}{2}\)

प्रश्न 14.
x = – 1 पर बहुपद 5x – 4x2 + 3 का मान होगा-
(A) 6
(B) 4
(C) 6
(D) – 4
(A) 6

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 2 बहुपद

प्रश्न 15.
बहुपद p(x) = (x – 1) (x + 1) के लिए p(0) का मान होगा-
(A) – 1
(B) 1
(C) 0
(D) 3
(A) – 1

प्रश्न 16.
बहुपद p(y) = y2 – y + 1 के लिए p(0) का मान होगा-
(A) 1
(B) – 1
(C) 2
(D) – 2

प्रश्न 17.
बहुपद p(x) = 2x + 5 का शून्यक होगा-
(A) \(\frac{5}{2}\)
(B) – \(\frac{5}{2}\)
(C) \(\frac{2}{5}\)
(D) – \(\frac{2}{5}\)
(B) – \(\frac{5}{2}\)

प्रश्न 18.
बहुपद p(x) = cx + d; {c’ 0, c, d वास्तविक संख्याएँ हैं} में बहुपद का शून्यक होगा-
(A) \(\frac{d}{c}\)
(B) – \(\frac{d}{c}\)
(C) \(\frac{c}{d}\)
(D) – \(\frac{c}{d}\)
(B) – \(\frac{d}{c}\)

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 2 बहुपद

प्रश्न 19.
बहुपद P(y) = 3y में बहुपद का शून्यक होगा-
(A) शून्य
(B) 1
(C) 3
(D) – 3
(A) शून्य

प्रश्न 20.
3x2 + x – 1 को x + 1 से भाग देने पर शेषफल प्राप्त होगा-
(A) 1
(B) – 1
(C) – 2
(D) 2
(A) 1

प्रश्न 21.
3x4 + – 4x3 – 3x – 1 को x – 1 से भाग करने पर शेषफल प्राप्त होगा-
(A) 5
(B) – 5
(C) शून्य
(D) – 3
(B) – 5

प्रश्न 22.
p(x) = x3 +3x2 + 3x + 1 को x + π से भाग देने पर शेषफल प्राप्त होगा-
(A) – π3 + 3π2 – 3π + 1
(B) π3 + 3π2 – 3π + 1
(C) π3 + 3π2 + 3π + 1
(D) – π3 – 3π2 + 3π + 1
(A) – π3 + 3π2 – 3π + 1

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 2 बहुपद

प्रश्न 23.
x3 + 3x2 + 3x + 1 को x + 1 से भाग देने पर शेषफल प्राप्त होगा-
(A) – 1
(B) 1
(C) शून्य
(D) 2
(C) शून्य

प्रश्न 24.
p(x) = x3 – ax2 + 6x – 4 को x – a से भाग देने पर शेषफल प्राप्त होगा-
(A) – 5a
(B) 5a
(C) 7a
(D) – 7a
(B) 5a

प्रश्न 25.
p(y) = y3 + 3y2 + 3y + 1 को y से भाग करने पर शेषफल प्राप्त होगा-
(A) शून्य
(B) – 1
(C) 1
(D) 2
(C) 1.

प्रश्न 26.
यदि p(x) = x2 + x + k का एक गुणनखंड (x-1) हो तो k का मान होगा-
(A) 2
(B) – 2
(C) 1
(D) – 1
(B) – 2

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 2 बहुपद

प्रश्न 27.
y2 – 5y + 6 का गुणनखंडन होगा-
(A) (y – 2) (y – 3)
(B) (y – 2) (y + 3)
(C) (y + 2) (y – 3)
(D) (y + 2) (y +3)
(A) (y – 2) (y – 3)

प्रश्न 28.
2x2 + 7x + 3 का गुणनखंडन होगा-
(A) (x – 3) (2x + 1)
(B) (x + 3) (2x + 1)
(C) (x + 3) (2x – 1)
(D) (x -3) (2x – 1)
(B) (x + 3) (2x + 1)

प्रश्न 29.
उपयुक्त सर्वसमिका के उपयोग से (x + 4) (x + 10) का गुणनफल होगा-
(A) x2 + 6x + 40
(B) x2 + 14x + 40
(C) x2 + 14x – 40
(D) x2 + 14x – 40
(B) x2 + 14x + 40

प्रश्न 30.
उपयुक्त सर्वसमिका के उपयोग से (3x + 4) (3x – 5) का गुणनफल होगा-
(A) 9x2 – 3x – 20
(B) 9x2 + 3x + 20
(C) 9x2 – 3x + 20
(D) 9x2 + 3x – 20
(A) 9x2 – 3x – 20

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 2 बहुपद

प्रश्न 31.
104 × 96 का मान ज्ञात करने के लिए उपयुक्त है-
(A) (100 + 4) (90 + 6)
(B) (110 – 6) (90 + 6)
(C) (100 + 4) (100 – 4)
(D) (110 – 6) (100 – 4)
(C) (100 + 4) (100 – 4)

प्रश्न 32.
(x + 3) (x + 3) = x2 + ……………….. + 9 के रिक्त स्थान पर होगा-
(A) 2x
(B) 3x
(C) 6x
(D) 5x
(C) 6x

प्रश्न 33.
(3 + 2x) (3 – 2x) का मान होगा-
(A) 9 + 4x2
(B) 9 – 42
(C) 9 – 2x2
(D) 9 + 2x2
(B) 9 – 4x2

प्रश्न 34.
9x2 + 6xy + y2 का गुणनखंडन होगा-
(A) (3x+ y) (3x + y)
(B) (3x – y) (3x – y)
(C) (3x + y) (3x–2)
(D) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(A) (3x +y) (3x + y)

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 2 बहुपद

प्रश्न 35.
उपयुक्त सर्वसमिका का प्रयोग करके \(x^2-\frac{y^2}{100}\) का गुणनखंडन होगा
(A) \(\left(x-\frac{y}{10}\right)\left(x-\frac{y}{10}\right)\)
(B) \(\left(x+\frac{y}{10}\right)\left(x-\frac{y}{10}\right)\)
(C) \(\left(x+\frac{y}{10}\right)\left(x+\frac{y}{10}\right)\)
(D) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(B) \(\left(x+\frac{y}{10}\right)\left(x-\frac{y}{10}\right)\)

प्रश्न 36.
उपयुक्त सर्वसमिका का प्रयोग करके 49a2 + 70ab + 25b2 का गुणनखंडन होगा-
(A) (7a + 5b) (7a + 5b)
(B) (7a-5b) (7a-5b)
(C) (7a + 5b) (7a-5b)
(D) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(A) (7a + 5 b) (7a + 5b)

प्रश्न 37.
उपयुक्त सर्वसमिका का प्रयोग करके 4y2 – 4y + 1 का गुणनखंडन होगा-
(A) (2y + 1) (2y + 1)
(B) (2y – 1) (2y – 1)
(C) (2y – 1) (2y + 1)
(D) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(B) (2y – 1) (2y – 1)

प्रश्न 38.
(- 2x + 5y – 3z)2 का प्रसारित रूप होगा-
(A) – 4x2 + 25y2 – 9z2 – 20xy – 30yz + 12xz
(B) – 4x2 + 25y2 + 9z2 + 20xy + 30yz + 12xz
(C) – 4x2 + 25y2 – 9z2 + 20xy + 30yz + 12xz
(D) 4x2 + 25y2 + 922 – 20xy – 30yz + 12xz
(D) 4x2 + 25y2 + 9z2 – 20xy – 30yz + 12xz

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 2 बहुपद

प्रश्न 39.
(104) को सरल करने के लिए उपयुक्त सर्वसमिका है-
(A) (100 + 4)3
(B) (110 – 6)3
(C) (90 + 14)3
(D) (120 – 16)3
(A) (100 + 4)3

प्रश्न 40.
(5p – 3q)3 का प्रसारित रूप होगा-
(A) 125p3 – 27q3 – 225pq2 – 135pq2
(B) 125p3 — 27q3 – 225p2q + 135pq2
(C) 125p3 + 27q3 + 225p2q + 135pq2
(D) 125p3 – 27q3 + 225p2q + 135pq2
(B) 125p3 — 27q3 – 225p2q + 135pq2

प्रश्न 41.
(2x + 1)3 का प्रसारित रूप होगा-
(A) 8x3 + 12x2 + 6x + 1
(B) 8x3 + 12x2 + 6x – 1
(C) 8x3 – 12x2 + 6x – 1
(D) 8x3 – 12x2 – 6x – 1
(A) 8x3 + 12x2 + 6x + 1

प्रश्न 42.
निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सी सर्वसमिका सत्य है ?
(A) x3 + y3 = (x + y) (x2 + xy + y2)
(B) x3 + y3 = (x + y) (x2 – xy + y2)
(C) x3 – y3 = (x – y) (x2 – xy + y2)
(D) x3 – y3 = (x + y) (x2 – xy + y2)
(B) x3 + y3 = (x + y) (x2 – xy + y2)

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 2 बहुपद

प्रश्न 43.
64m3 – 343n3 का गुणनखंडन करने पर प्राप्त होगा-
(A) (4m – 7n) (16m2 + 49n2 – 28mn)
(B) (4m + 7n) (16m2 + 49n2 – 28mn)
(C) (4m – 7n) (16m2 + 49n2 + 28mn)
(D) (4m + 7n) (16m2 + 49n2 + 28mn)
(C) (4m – 7n) (16m2 + 49n2 + 28mn)

प्रश्न 44.
यदि x + y + z = 0 हो तो निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा कथन सत्य है ?
(A) x3 – y3 – z3 = 3xyz
(B) x3 + y3 + z3 = 3xyz
(C) x3 – y3 + z3 = 3xyz
(D) x3 + y3 + z3 = – 3xyz
(B) x3 + y3 + z3 = 3xyz

प्रश्न 45.
यदि किसी आयत का क्षेत्रफल 25a2 – 35a + 12 हो तो उसकी लंबाई व चौड़ाई क्रमशः होगी-
(A) (5a – 3) व (5a – 4)
(B) (5a + 3) व (5a – 4)
(C) (5a + 3) व (5a + 4)
(D) (5a – 3) व (5a + 4)
(A) (5a – 3) व (5a – 4)

प्रश्न 46.
यदि किसी घनाभ का आयतन 12ky2 + 8ky – 206 हो तो उसकी संभावित विमाएँ होंगी-
(A) 4k, 3y – 5 व y – 1
(B) 4k, 3y + 5 व y – 1
(C) 4k, 3y + 5 व y + 1
(D) 4k, 3y – 5 व y + 1
(B) 4k, 3y + 5 व y – 1

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 2 बहुपद

प्रश्न 47.
यदि किसी घनाभ का आयतन 3x2 – 12x हो तो उसकी संभावित विमाएँ होंगी-
(A) 4, x और x + 3
(B) 3, x और x + 4
(C) 4, x और x – 3
(D) 3, x और x – 4
(D) 3, x और x – 4

प्रश्न 48.
बहुपद 2 – x2 – x3 + 5x7 की घात होगी-
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 7
(D) 5
(C) 7

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 2 बहुपद Read More »

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 1 संख्या पद्धति

Haryana State Board HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 1 संख्या पद्धति Important Questions and Answers.

Haryana Board 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 1 संख्या पद्धति

अध्याय का तीव्र अध्ययन:

प्रश्न 1.
निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा कथन सत्य है ?
(A) प्रत्येक पूर्ण संख्या एक प्राकृत संख्या होती है
(B) प्रत्येक पूर्णांक एक परिमेय संख्या होता है
(C) प्रत्येक परिमेय संख्या एक पूर्णांक होती है
(D) प्रत्येक पूर्णांक एक पूर्ण संख्या होता है
(B) प्रत्येक पूर्णांक एक परिमेय संख्या होता है

प्रश्न 2.
1 और 2 के बीच कितनी परिमेय संख्याएँ होंगी ?
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) अपरिमित रूप से अनेक
(D) अपरिमित रूप से अनेक

प्रश्न 3.
क्या शून्य एक परिमेय संख्या है ?
(A) हाँ, क्योंकि इसे \(\frac{p}{q}\) के रूप में लिख सकते हैं, जहाँ p और q पूर्णांक हैं और q ≠ 0 है
(B) नहीं, क्योंकि इसे \(\frac{p}{q}\) के रूप में लिख सकते हैं, जहाँ p और 4 पूर्णांक हैं और q ≠ 0 है
(C) हाँ, क्योंकि शून्य अपरिमेय नहीं है
(D) नहीं, क्योंकि शून्य अपरिमेय है
(A) हाँ, क्योंकि इसे \(\frac{p}{q}\) के रूप में लिख सकते हैं, जहाँ p और 4 पूर्णांक हैं और q ≠ 0 है

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 1 संख्या पद्धति

प्रश्न 4.
\(\frac{3}{5}\) के तुल्य परिमेय संख्या है-
(A) \(\frac{30}{50}\)
(B) \(\frac{9}{20}\)
(C) \(\frac{30}{55}\)
(D) \(\frac{33}{50}\)
(A) \(\frac{30}{50}\)

प्रश्न 5.
\(\frac{1}{2}\) के तुल्य परिमेय संख्या है-
(A) \(\frac{2}{4}\)
(B) \(\frac{10}{20}\)
(C) \(\frac{25}{50}\)
(D) उपरोक्त सभी
(D) उपरोक्त सभी

प्रश्न 6.
\(\frac{3}{7}\) के तुल्य परिमेय संख्या है-
(A) \(\frac{12}{28}\)
(B) \(\frac{12}{21}\)
(C) \(\frac{15}{28\)
(D) \(\frac{18}{35}\)
(A) \(\frac{12}{28}\)

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 1 संख्या पद्धति

प्रश्न 7.
किन्हीं दो दी हुई परिमेय संख्याओं के बीच परिमेय संख्याएँ होती हैं-
(A) केवल 2
(B) केवल 4
(C) कोई नहीं
(D) अपरिमित रूप से अनेक
(D) अपरिमित रूप से अनेक

प्रश्न 8.
सबसे छोटी प्राकृत संख्या है
(A) शून्य
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) – 1
(B) 1

प्रश्न 9.
सबसे छोटी पूर्ण संख्या है-
(A) शून्य
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) – 1
(A) शून्य

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 1 संख्या पद्धति

प्रश्न 10.
√2 एक-
(A) परिमेय संख्या है
(B) पूर्णां संख्या है
(C) पूर्णांक है
(D) अपरिमेय संख्या है
(D) अपरिमेय संख्या है

प्रश्न 11.
√3,√5,√6,√7,√10,√11,√12 आदि हैं-
(A) परिमेय संख्याएँ
(B) पूर्णां संख्याएँ
(C) पूर्णांक
(D) अपरिमेय संख्याएँ
(D) अपरिमेय संख्याएँ

प्रश्न 12.
वास्तविक संख्या रेखा पर √2 का स्थान निर्धारण करने के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है
(A) \(\sqrt{(2)^2+(1)^2}\)
(B) \(\sqrt{(1)^2+(1)^2}\)
(C) \(\sqrt{(1)^2-(1)^2}\)
(D) \(\sqrt{(2)^2-(1)^2}\)
(B) \(\sqrt{(1)^2+(1)^2}\)

प्रश्न 13.
वास्तविक संख्या रेखा पर √17 का स्थान निर्धारण करने के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है
(A) \(\sqrt{(4)^2+(1)^2}\)
(B) \(\sqrt{(4)^2-(1)^2}\)
(C) \(\sqrt{(\sqrt{13})^2+(2)^2}\)
(D) \(\sqrt{(\sqrt{20})^2-(\sqrt{3})^2}\)
(A) \(\sqrt{(4)^2+(1)^2}\)

प्रश्न 14.
वास्तविक संख्या रेखा पर √5 का स्थान निर्धारण करने के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है
(A) \(\sqrt{(2)^2+(1)^2}\)
(B) \(\sqrt{(2)^2-(1)^2}\)
(C) \(\sqrt{(\sqrt{2})^2+(1)^2}\)
(D) \(\sqrt{(4)^2-(1)^2}\)
(A) \(\sqrt{(2)^2+(1)^2}\)

प्रश्न 15.
निम्नलिखित में से अपरिमेय संख्या छाँटो-
(A) 0.1011
(B) 0.10110111
(C) 0.10110111001111
(D) 0.10110111011110……..
(D) 0.10110111011110……..

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 1 संख्या पद्धति

प्रश्न 16.
निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सी संख्या सात दशमलव है ?
(A) \(\frac{10}{3}\)
(B) \(\frac{7}{8}\)
(C) \(\frac{1}{7}\)
(D) \(\frac{1}{3}\)
(B) \(\frac{7}{8}\)

प्रश्न 17.
0.3333… = \(0 . \overline{3}\) का \(\frac{p}{q}\) रूप होगा-
(A) \(\frac{10}{3}\)
(B) \(\frac{100}{3}\)
(C) \(\frac{1}{3}\)
(D) \(\frac{0.1}{3}\)
(C) \(\frac{1}{3}\)

प्रश्न 18.
\(\frac{3}{8}\) का दशमलव प्रसार होगा-
(A) 0.375
(B) 0.3705
(C) 0.3755
(D) 0.0375
(A) 0.375

प्रश्न 19.
\(\frac{3}{4}\) का दशमलव प्रसार होगा-
(A) 0.075
(B) 0.0075
(C) 0.75
(D) 0.057
(C) 0.75

प्रश्न 20.
\(\frac{36}{100}\) का दशमलव प्रसार होगा-
(A) 0.36
(B) \(0 . \overline{36}\)
(C) 3.6
(D) 36.0
(A) 0.36

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 1 संख्या पद्धति

प्रश्न 21.
\(\frac{2}{11}\) का दशमलव रूप होगा-
(A) असांत आवर्ती
(B) असांत अनावर्ती
(C) सांत
(D) उपरोक्त में से कोई नहीं का दशमलव प्रसार होगा
(A) असांत आवर्ती

प्रश्न 22.
\(0 . \overline{001}\) का \(\frac{p}{q}\) रूप होगा-
(A) \(\frac{1}{9}\)
(B) \(\frac{1}{99}\)
(C) \(\frac{1}{999}\)
(D) \(\frac{1}{9999}\)
(C) \(\frac{1}{999}\)

प्रश्न 23.
\(\frac{2}{11}\) का दशमलव रूप होगा-
(A) 0.18
(B) 0.018
(C) \(0 . \overline{18}\)
(D) \(0 . \overline{018}\)
(C) \(0 . \overline{18}\)

प्रश्न 24.
\(\frac{28}{100}\) का दशमलव रूप होगा-
(A) 0.28
(B) 2.8
(C) 0.028
(D) 0.0028
(A) 0.28

प्रश्न 25.
\(\frac{1}{17}\) के दशमलव प्रसार में अंकों के पुनरावृत्ति खंड में अंकों की अधिकतम संख्या होगी-
(A) 5
(B) 10
(C) 14
(D) 16
(D) 16

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 1 संख्या पद्धति

प्रश्न 26.
निम्नलिखित संख्याओं में अपरिमेय संख्या कौन-सी है ?
(A) √16
(B) √36
(C) √48
(D) √64
(C) √48

प्रश्न 27.
निम्नलिखित में अपरिमेय संख्या कौन-सी है?
(A) √225
(B) 0.2576
(C) 4.7878…………
(D) 2.303003000………..
(D) 2.303003000………..

प्रश्न 28.
निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सी अपरिमेय संख्या है ?
(A) 7√5
(B) \(\frac{7}{\sqrt{5}}\)
(C) π – 2
(D) उपरोक्त सभी
(D) उपरोक्त सभी

प्रश्न 29.
2√2 + 5√3 और 2 – 3√3 का योग करने पर प्राप्त संख्या होगी-
(A) 3√2 – 2√3
(B) 3√2 + 2√3
(C) – 3√2 + 2√3
(D) – 3√2 – 2√3
(B) 3√2 + 2√3

प्रश्न 30.
निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सी संख्या परिमेय है ?
(A) 2 – √5
(B) (3 + √23) – √23
(C) \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\)
(D) 2π
(B) (3 + √23) – √23

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 1 संख्या पद्धति

प्रश्न 31.
(√11 – √7) (√11 + √17) का सरल रूप होगा
(A) 4
(B) – 4
(C) 18
(D) – 18
(A) 4

प्रश्न 32.
(2 + √2) (2 – √2) का सरल रूप होगा-
(A) 2
(B) 4
(C) 6
(D) 8
(A) 2

प्रश्न 33.
6√5 को 2√5 से गुणा करने पर प्राप्त संख्या होगी-
(A) 12√5
(B) 60
(C) 600
(D) 300
(B) 60

प्रश्न 34.
6√5 को 2√5 से भाग करने पर प्राप्त संख्या होगी
(A) 3√5
(B) 3
(C) 12√5
(D) 60
(B) 3

प्रश्न 35.
(√3 + √7)2 का सरल रूप होगा-
(A) 3 + 2√21
(B) 7 + 2√21
(C) 10 + 2√21
(D) 4 + 2√21
(C) 10 + 2√21

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 1 संख्या पद्धति

प्रश्न 36.
\(\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\) के हर का परिमेयकरण करने पर प्राप्त संख्या होगी-
(A) \(\frac{2}{\sqrt{2}}\)
(B) \(\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}\)
(C) \(\frac{-\sqrt{2}}{2}\)
(D) \(\frac{-2}{\sqrt{2}}\)
(B) \(\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}\)

प्रश्न 37.
\(\frac{\sqrt{2}}{3 \sqrt{5}}\) का सरल रूप होगा-
(A) \(\frac{\sqrt{10}}{15}\)
(B) \(\frac{\sqrt{10}}{5}\)
(C) \(\frac{\sqrt{10}}{3}\)
(D) \(\frac{\sqrt{10}}{25}\)
(A) \(\frac{\sqrt{10}}{15}\)

प्रश्न 38.
\(125^{\frac{1}{3}}\) का मान होगा-
(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 5
(D) 6
(C) 5

प्रश्न 39.
\((36)^{1 / 2}\) का मान होगा-
(A) 6
(B) 12
(C) 18
(D) 9
(A) 6

प्रश्न 40.
\(125^{-\frac{1}{3}}\) का मान होगा-
(A) 5
(B) \(\frac{1}{5}\)
(C) 25
(D) 125
(B) \(\frac{1}{5}\)

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 1 संख्या पद्धति

प्रश्न 41.
\(7^{\frac{1}{2}} \cdot 8^{\frac{1}{2}}\) का सरल रूप होगा-
(A) \(56^{\frac{1}{2}}\)
(B) \(56^{\frac{1}{4}}\)
(C) 56
(D) \(56^{\frac{3}{4}}\)
(A) \(56^{\frac{1}{2}}\)

प्रश्न 42.
\(11^{\frac{1}{2}} \div 11^{\frac{1}{4}}\) का सरल रूप होगा-
(A) \(11^{\frac{1}{2}}\)
(B) \(11^{\frac{1}{4}}\)
(C) \(11^{\frac{1}{6}}\)
(D) \(11^{\frac{3}{4}}\)
(B) \(11^{\frac{1}{4}}\)

प्रश्न 43.
यदि x = 3 – 2√2 हो तो \(\frac{1}{x}\) होगा-
(A) 3 – 2√2
(B) 3 + 2 √2
(C) – 3 + 2√2
(D) – 3 – 2√2
(B) 3 + 2√2

प्रश्न 44.
23.23 का सरल रूप होगा
(A) 2
(B) 4
(C) 8
(D) 16
(A) 2

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 1 संख्या पद्धति

प्रश्न 45.
\(\left(2^3\right)^0\) का सरल रूप होगा-
(A) 8
(B) 9
(C) 6
(D) 1
(D) 1

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HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles

Haryana State Board HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles Important Questions and Answers.

Haryana Board 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
In ΔPQR, if altitude PM bisects QR, prove that PQ = PR.
Solution :
Given: A ΔPQR such that PM ⊥ QR and MQ = MR.
To prove PQ = PR.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 1
Proof: In ΔPMQ and ΔPMR, we have
MQ = MR, (Given)
∠PMQ = ∠PMR, (Each = 90°)
and PM = PM, (Common)
(By SAS congruence rule)
⇒ PQ = PR (CPCT)
Hence Proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles

Question 2.
In the figure, BD ⊥ AC, CE ⊥ AB and AB = AC. Prove that BD = CE.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 2
Solution :
In ΔABD and ΔACE, we have
∠ADB = ∠AEC (Each = 90°)
∠BAD = ∠CAE (Common)
and AB = AC (Given)
(By AAS congruence rule)
⇒ BD = CE (CPCT)
Hence Proved

Question 3.
In the figure, ABCD is a quadrilateral in which AX ⊥ BD, CY ⊥ BD, AX = CY and BX = YD. Show that :
(ii) AD = BC.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 3
Solution :
(i) We have
⇒ BX + XY = YD + XY,
(Adding XY on both sides)
⇒ BY = XD ……(i)
Now in ΔAXD and ΔCYB, we have
AX = CY. (Given)
∠AXD = ∠CYB (Each = 90°)
and XD = BY, [From (i)]
∴ ΔAXD ≅ ΔCYB, (By SAS congruence rule)
⇒ AD = BC,
Hence proved

(ii) ΔАХD ≅ ΔCYB (As proved above)
⇒ AD = BC, (CPCT)
Hence proved

Question 4.
On the arms AB and BC of an ∠ABC, points N and M are taken respectively such that ∠MAB = ∠NCB (see the figure). If AB = BC, then prove that BM = BN.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 4
Solution :
In ΔABM and ΔCBN, we have
∠MAB = ∠NCB, (Given)
AB = BC, (Given)
∠B = ∠B (Common)
(By ASA congruence rule)
⇒ BM = BN, (CPCT)
Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles

Question 5.
In the figure, AP ⊥ BD, CQ ⊥ BD and AP = CQ. Prove that BD bisects AC.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 5
Solution :
In ΔAOP and ΔCOQ, we have
∠APO = ∠CQO,
[∵ AP ⊥ BD and CQ ⊥ BD
∴ Each = 90°]
∠AOP = ∠COQ,
(Vertically opposite angles) and
and AP = CQ, (Given)
(By AAS congruence rule)
⇒ AO = OC, (CPCT)
⇒ O is the midpoint of AC.
Hence, BD bisects AC. Hence Proved

Question 6.
See figure, explain how one can find the breadth of the river without crossing it.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 6
Solution :
AB be the breadth of river Mark Point P on the bank of river.
Construction: Let O be the midpoint of BP. Mark a point Q on AO produced such that AO = OQ. Join PQ.
Now in ΔAOB and ΔQOP, we have
(O is the midpoint of BP)
(Vertically opposite angles)
and AO = OQ (By construction)
(By SAS congruence rule)
⇒ AB = PQ (CPCT)
Hence, breadth of river AB = PQ i.e., one should measure PQ to find the breadth AB of the river.

Question 7.
In the figure, AP is the bisector of ∠CAD and AP || BC. Prove that AB = AC.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 7
Solution :
∠DAP = ∠CAP …………..(i)
(∵ AP is the bisector of ∠CAD)
∵ AP || ВC (Given)
∠DAP = ∠ABC …………..(ii)
(Corresponding angles)
∠CAP = ∠ACB ………….(iii)
(Alternate interior angles)
From (i), (ii) and (iii), we get
⇒ AB = AC, (sides opposite to equal angles are equal)
Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles

Question 8.
In the figure, AC = BC and ∠x = ∠y.
Prove that: (i) ΔABD ≅ ΔBAE (ii) AD = BE.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 8
Solution :
(i) We have, BC = AC, (Given)
⇒ ∠B = ∠A, …………(i)
(Angles opposite to equal sides are equal)
In ΔABD and ΔBAE, we have
∠B = ∠A [from (i)]
∠y = ∠x, (Given)
and AB = AB, (Common)
∴ ΔABD ≅ ΔBAE, (By AAS congruence rule)
Hence proved

AD = BE. Hence proved

Question 9.
ABCD is a quadrilateral in which AB = BC and AD = CD. Show that BD bisects both the angles ABC and ADC.
[NCERT Exemplar Problems]
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 9
Solution :
In ΔABD and ΔCBD, we have
AB = BC (given)
AD = CD (given)
and BD = BD (common)
(by SSS congruence rule)
⇒ ∠ABD = ∠CBD (CPCT) and
and ∠ADB = ∠CDB (CPCT)
So, BD bisects ∠ABC and ∠ADC.
Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles

Question 10.
In a triangle ABC, if ∠A = 55° and ∠C = 65°. Determine the shortest and longest sides of the triangle.
Solution :
In a ΔABC, we have
∠A = 55°, ∠C = 65°
∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180°
(Sum of interior angles of a triangle = 180°)
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 10
⇒ 55° + ∠B + 65° = 180°
⇒ 120° + ∠B = 180°
⇒ ∠B = 180° – 120°
⇒ ∠B = 60°
∵∠C is the greatest angle.
∴ AB is the longest side of the ΔABC. [∵ Side opposite to greater angle is larger] and ∠A is the smallest angle.
∴ BC is the shortest side of the ΔABC. [∵ side opposite to smaller angle is shortest]
Hence, AB is the longest side and BC is the shortest side of the triangle.

Question 11.
In figure, D is a point on the side AC of ΔABC and E is a point such that CD = ED. Prove that AB + BC > AE.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 11
Solution :
In ΔABC, we have
AB + BC > AC, (Sum of any two sides of a triangle is greater than third side)
⇒ AB + BC > CD + AD,
[∵ AC = CD + AD]
⇒ AB + BC > ED + AD ……(i)
[∵ It is given that CD = ED]
In ΔAED, we have
AD + ED > AE ……(ii)
From (i) and (ii), we get
AB + BC > AE. Hence proved

Question 12.
The ABCD is a rectangle in which sides AB and AD produced to E and respectively such that AB = BE and EC = CF. Prove that AD = DF.
Solution :
We have,
AB = BE, (Given)
AB = DC, (Opposite sides of rectangle)
∴ BE = DC ……(i)
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 12
In ΔEBC and ΔCDF, we have
∠EBC = ∠FDC, (Each = 90°)
Hyp. EC = Hyp. CF, (Given)
and BE = DC,
[As proved above in (i)]
(By RHS congruence rule)
⇒ BC = DF, (CPCT) … (ii)
But BC = AD …..(iii)
From (ii) and (iii), we get
AD = DF. Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles

Question 13.
In figure, ABCD is a square. P and Q are points on sides AB and CD respectively such that CP = BQ. Prove that :
(i) BP = QC
(ii) ∠BCP = ∠CBQ
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 13
Solution :
In ΔPBC and ΔQCB, we have
∠PBC = ∠QCB,
(Each angle of a square is 90°)
Hyp. PC = Hyp. BQ, (Given)
and BC = BC (Common)
(By RHS congruence rule)
⇒ PB = QC, (CPCT) [Proved (i)]
and ∠BCP = ∠CBQ,(CPCT) [Hence proved (ii)]

Question 14.
In the figure, ABCD is a quadrilateral in which AD = BC. If equal perpendiculars DP and BQ are drawn on diagonal AC. Prove that AP = CQ
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 14
Solution :
In ΔDPA and ΔBQC, we have
∠DPA = ∠BQC,
[∵ DP ⊥ AC and BQ ⊥ AC]
Hyp. AD = Hyp. BC, (Given)
and DP = BQ (Given)
(By RHS congruence rule)
⇒ AP = CQ, (CPCT)
Hence proved

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
In the ΔABC, D is the midpoint of BC, AD is produced upto E so that DE = AD.
Prove that:
(ii) AB = EC
(iii) AB || EC
Solution :
Given: A ΔABC, in which D is the midpoint of BC and AD is produced upto E such that AD = DE.
To prove : (i) ΔΑΒD ≅ ΔECD
(ii) AB = EC
(iii) AB || EC
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 15
Proof :
(i) In ΔΑΒD and ΔECD, we have
(∵ D is the midpoint of BC)
∠ADB = ∠EDC, (vertically opposite angles)
and AD = DE, (Given)
(by SAS congruence rule) Hence proved

(ii) ΔABD ≅ ΔECD
(As proved above)
⇒ AB = EC, (CPCT) Hence proved

(iii) ΔABD ≅ ΔECD
(As proved above)
⇒ ∠ABD = ∠ECD, (CPCT)
⇒ ∠ABC = ∠ECB,
But these are alternate interior angles.
So, AB || EC, (By theorem 6.3) Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles

Question 2.
In the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram in which E is the mid point of BC. DE is produce and intersect side AB produced at L. Prove that AL = 2CD.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 16
Solution :
Since opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal and parallel.
∴ AB = CD
and AB || CD …………(i)
∵ AB || CD and DL is the transversal.
∴ ∠CDL = ∠ALD
(A pair of alternate interior angles)
⇒ ∠CDL = ∠BLE …………(ii)
Now in ΔCDE and ΔBLE, we have
∠CDE = ∠BLE, [from (ii)]
∠DEC = ∠LEB,
(vertically opposite angles)
and EC = EB,
(E is the midpoint of BC)
(By AAS congruence rule)
⇒ CD = BL (CPCT)
⇒ AB = BL, [Using (i) …(iii)]
Now, AL = AB + BL
⇒ AL = AB + AB, [Using (iii)]
⇒ AL = 2AB
⇒ AL = 2CD, [Using (i)]
Hence proved

Question 3.
In the parallellogram ABCD, the angles A and Care obtuse. Points P and Q are taken on the diagonal BD such that the angles PAD and QCB are right angles. Prove that PA = QC.
Solution :
Given: A parallelogram ABCD such that ∠A and ∠C are obtuse and ∠PAD = ∠QCB = 90°.
To prove: PA = QC.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 17
Proof : Since opposite sides of a parallelogram are parallel and equal.
∴ AD = BC and AD || BC …(i)
∵ AD || BC and BD is the transversal
⇒ ∠ADB = ∠CBD, (A pair of alternate interior angles)
⇒ ∠ADP = ∠CBQ …(ii)
Now, in ΔPAD and ΔQCB, we have
∠PAD = ∠QCB, (Each = 90°)
AD = BC [From (i)]
and ∠ADP = ∠CBQ, [From (ii)]
(By ASA congruence rule)
⇒ PA = QC, (CPCT)
Hence proved

Question 4.
In the figure, ABCD is a square in which P, Q and R are the points in AB, BC and CD respectively such that AP = BQ = CR. Prove that:
(i) PB = QC
(ii) PQ = QR
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 18
Solution :
∵ ABCD is a square and we know that each side of a square is equal.
∴ AB = BC = CD = DA
Now, AB = BC
⇒ AB – AP = BC – AP
(Subtracting AP from both sides)
⇒ AB – AP = BC – BQ (∵ AP = BQ)
⇒ PB = QC …………..(i) Hence Proved.

(ii) Now in triangles PBQ and QCR, we have
PB = QC [From (i)]
[∵ Each angle of a square is 90°]
and BQ = CR (Given)
(By SAS congruence rule)
⇒ PQ = QR (CPCT) Hence Proved.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles

Question 5.
In the figure, ΔABC is the right-angled at B. Squares ABPQ and ACDE are draw on the sides AB and AC of ΔABC respectively. Prove that :
(ii) QC = BE
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 19
Solution :
(i) We have
(Each angle of the square is 90°)
⇒ ∠QAB + ∠BAC = ∠CAE + ∠BAC,
(Adding ∠BAC on both sides)
⇒ ∠QAC = ∠BAE ……(i)
Now, in ΔQAC and ΔBAE, we have
AQ = AB, (Equal sides of square ABPQ)
∠QAC = ∠BAE, [From (i)]
and AC = AE, (Equal sides of square ACDE)
∴ ΔQAC ≅ ΔBAE, (By SAS congruence rule)
Hence proved

(ii) ΔQAC ≅ ΔBAE,
(As proved above)
⇒ QC = BE (CPCT)
Hence proved

Question 6.
In figure, the lines segment joining the midpoints P and Q of opposite sides AD and BC of quadrilateral ABCD is perpendicular to both these sides. Prove that the other sides of the quadrilateral are equal. [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 20
Solution :
Join BP and CP.
In ΔPQB and ΔPQC, we have
BQ = QC,
[∵ Q is the midpoint of BC]
∠PQB = ∠PQC, [Each = 90°]
and PQ = PQ, (Common)
(By SAS congruence rule)
⇒ BP = CP, (CPCT) …(i)
and ∠BPQ = ∠CPQ, (CPCT) …(ii)
Now, ∠APQ = ∠DPQ, (Each = 90°)
⇒ ∠APQ – ∠BPQ = ∠DPQ – ∠BPQ,
(Subtracting ∠BPQ from both sides)
⇒ ∠APQ – ∠BPQ = ∠DPQ – ∠CPQ,
[Using (ii)]
⇒ ∠APB = ∠DPC …(iii)
Now, in ΔAPB and ΔDPV, we have
AP = PD, (∴ Pis the midpoint of AD)
∠APB = ∠DPC, [From …(iii)]
and BP = CP, [From (i)]
(By SAS congruence rule)
⇒ AB = CD, (CPCT)
Or other sides of the quadrilateral are equal. Hence proved

Question 7.
If the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other at right angles and ∠A = 90° prove that ABCD is a square.
Solution :
Given: A quadrilateral ABCD, in which diagonals AC and BD bisect each other at 90° and ∠A = 90°
To prove: ABCD is a square
i.e., AB = BC = CD = DA and
∠A = 90°.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 21
Proof: In ΔAOD and ΔAOB, we have
OD = OB (Given, diagonals bisect each other)
∠AOD = ∠AOB, (Each = 90°)
and AO = AO (Common)
(By SAS congruence rule)
⇒ AD = AB (CPCT) …(i)
Similarly we can prove that
(By SAS congruence rule)
⇒ AB = BC ……(ii)
(By SAS congruence rule)
⇒ BC = CD …….(iii) (CPCT)
From (i), (ii) and (iii), we get
AD = AB = BC = CD
and ∠A = 90 (Given)
Hence, ABCD is a square. Proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles

Question 8.
In the figure, ∠ABC = 70° and AB = AC = CD. Find the value of x.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 22
Solution :
In the ΔABC, we have AB = AC, (Given)
⇒ ∠ABC = ∠ACB, [∵ Angles opposite to equal sides are equal]
⇒ 70° = ∠ACB [∵ ∠ABC = 70°]
⇒ ∠ACB = 70°
Now in ΔACD, we have
AC = CD (Given)
⇒ ∠DAC = ∠ADC, ………(i)
[∵ Angles opposite to equal sides are equal]
In ΔACD, we have
∠ACB = ∠DAC + ∠ADC,
[By theorem 6.8]
⇒ 70° = ∠ADC + ∠ADC [From (i)]
⇒ 2∠ADC = 70°
⇒ ∠ADC = \(\frac {70°}{2}\) = 35° ……….(ii)
(Now in ΔABD, we have
x° = ∠ABD + ∠ADB
⇒ x° = ∠ABC + ∠ADC
⇒ x° = 70° + 35°,
[∵∠ABC = 70° and from (ii), ∠ADC = 35°]
⇒ x° = 105°
Hence, x° = 105°

Question 9.
In the figure, ABC is an isosceles triangle with AB = AC. BE and CF are respectively bisectors of ∠B and ∠C. Prove that ΔFCB ≅ ΔEBC.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 23
Solution :
In ΔABC, we have AB = AC (Given)
⇒ ∠ABC = ∠ACB ……….(i)
(Angles opposite to equal sides are equal)
⇒ \(\frac {1}{2}\)∠ABC = \(\frac {1}{2}\)∠ACB (Multiply by 1/2 on both sides)
⇒ ∠EBC = ∠FCB ……..(ii)
[∵ BE and CF are the bisectors of ∠B and ∠C respectively]
Now in ΔFCB and ΔEBC,
∠FBC = ∠ECB, [From (i)]
∠FCB = ∠EBC, [From (ii)]
and BC = BC, (Common)
∴ ΔFCB ≅ ΔEBC, (By ASA congruence rule)

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles

Question 10.
If bisector of the vertical angle of a triangle bisects the base, show that the triangle is isosceles. [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
Solution :
Given: A ΔABC in which AP is the bisector of vertical angle A bisects BC on Pie., BP = CP.
To prove AB = AC.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 24
Construction: Produce AP to Q, so that AP = PQ. Join C to Q.
Proof: In ΔABP and ΔQCP, we have
BP = CP, (∵ AP bisects BC)
∠APB = ∠QPC,
(Vertically opposite angles)
and AP = PQ. (By construction)
(By SAS congruence rule)
⇒ AB=QC, (CPCT) …(i)
and ∠1 = ∠3, (CPCT) …(ii)
But ∠1 = ∠2, (Given) …(iii)
From (ii) and (iii), we get
∠2 = ∠3
⇒ AC = QC, …(iv)
(Sides opposite to equal angles are equal)
From (i) and (iv), we get
So, ΔABC is an isosceles triangle. Hence proved

Question 11.
In the figure, equilateral triangles APB and AQC are drawn on the sides of a ΔABC. If AB = AC, prove that CP = BQ.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 25
Solution :
Since, ΔAPB and ΔAQC are equilateral triangles.
AB = PB …(i) [Sides of equilateral triangle)
and AC = CQ ………(ii)
AB = AC (Given)…(iii)
From (i), (ii) and (iii), we get
PB = CQ …(iv)
∠ABP = ∠ACQ, ………….(v)
[Each = 60°]
∠ABC = ∠ACB, …(vi)
[∵ AB = AC]
Adding (v) and (vi), we get
∠ABP + ∠ABC = ∠ACQ + ∠ACB
⇒ ∠PBC = ∠QCB …(vii)
Now in ΔPBC and ΔQCB, we have
PB = CQ, [From (iv)]
∠PBC = ∠QCB, (From (vii)]
and BC = BC (Common)
(By SAS congruence rule)
⇒ CP = BQ. (CPCT)
Hence proved

Question 12.
In the figure, CP is the bisector of ∠C meets AB on P. A point Q lies on CP such that AP = AQ. Prove that ∠CAQ = ∠ABC.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 26
Solution :
In ΔAPQ, we have
∠APQ = ∠AQP ……….(i)
[Angles opposite to equal sides are equal]
∵ CP is the bisector of ∠C.
⇒ ∠ACP = ∠BCP ……….(ii)
In ΔBPC, we have
∠APC = B + ∠BCP,
[By theorem 6.8]
⇒ ∠APQ = ∠B + ∠ACP, ……(iii)
[Using (ii)]
In ΔAQC, we have
∠AQP = ∠CAQ + ∠ACQ
[By theorem 6.8]
⇒ ∠AQP = ∠CAQ + ∠ACP …(iv)
From (i), (iii) and (iv), we get
∠B + ∠ACP = ∠CAQ + ∠ACP
⇒ ∠B = ∠CAQ
⇒ ∠ABC = ∠CAQ. Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles

Question 13.
In a parallelogram ABCD diagonals AC and BD are equal. Find the measure of angle B.
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Solution :
We have, ABCD is a parallelogram. AC and BD are its diagonals.
∴ AB = CD, ……(i) (Opposite sides of a parallelogram)
Now in ΔABC and ΔDCB, we have
AB = CD, [From (i)]
AC = BD, (Given)
and BC = BC, (Common)
(By SSS congruence rule)
⇒ ∠ABC = ∠DCB, (CPCT) …(ii)
Now AB || CD and transversal BC intersects them at B and C respectively. ∠ABC + ∠DCB = 180°
(Sum of co-interior angles is 180°)
⇒ ∠ABC + ∠ABC = 180°
[From (ii), ∠DCB = ∠ABC]
⇒ 2∠ABC = 180°
⇒ ∠ABC = \(\frac {180°}{2}\) = 90°
Hence measure of ∠B = 90°

Question 14.
In the figure, ΔPQR is a triangle in which PM ⊥ QR. Prove that :
(i) PQ > PM
(ii) PQ + PR > 2PM.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 28
Solution :
(i) In right-angled ΔPQM, we have
Proof : ∠PQM + ∠QPM + ∠PMQ = 180°,
(Sum of interior angles of a triangle = 180°)
⇒ ∠PQM + ∠QPM + 90° = 180°
⇒ ∠PQM + ∠QPM = 180° – 90°
⇒ ∠PQM + ∠QPM = 90°
∴ ∠PQM and ∠QPM are acute angles.
⇒ ∠PMQ > ∠PQM
⇒ PQ > PM ………….(i)
(Side opposite to greater angle is larger)
Hence proved

(ii) Similarly, In right-angled ΔPRM, we have
∠PRM + ∠RPM = 90°
⇒ ∠PRM and ∠RPM are acute angles.
⇒ ∠PMR > ∠PRM
⇒ PR > PM ………….(ii)
(Side opposite to greater angle is larger)
Adding (i) and (ii), we get
PQ + PR > PM + PM
⇒ PQ + PR > 2PM. Hence proved

Question 15.
In the figure, BM and CM are the bisectors of ∠B and ∠C respectively and AC > AB. Prove that CM > BM.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 29
Solution :
In ΔABC, we have
AC > AB (Given)
⇒ ∠B > ∠C [Angle opposite to longer side is greater]
⇒ \(\frac {1}{2}\)∠B > \(\frac {1}{2}\)∠C
(Multiply by 1/2 on both sides)
⇒ ∠MBC > ∠MCB, [∵ BM and CM are bisectors of ∠B and ∠C respectively]
∴ ∠MBC = \(\frac {1}{2}\)∠B and ∠MCB = \(\frac {1}{2}\)∠C)
⇒ CM > BM, (Side opposite to larger angle is longer)
Hence proved

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
In a right-angled triangle, if one of the acute angles is double the other, prove that the hypotenuse is double the shortest side. [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
Solution :
Given: A ΔPQR such that
∠PQR = 90° and ∠R = 2.∠P.
To prove: PR = 2RQ.
Construction: Produce RQ to S such that QS = QR. Join PS.
Proof: ∠R = 2∠P, (Given)
Let ∠P = x, ∠R = 2x
In right-angled ΔPQR, we have
∠P + ∠R + ∠Q = 180°
(∵ Sum of interior angles of a Δ = 180°)
⇒ x + 2x + 90° = 180°
⇒ 3x = 180° – 90°
⇒ 3x = 90°
⇒ x = \(\frac {90°}{3}\) = 30°
∴ ∠P = 30° and ∠R = 2 × 30° = 60°
Now, ΔPQR and ΔPQS, we have
QR = QS, (By construction)
∠PQR = ∠PQS, (Each = 90°)
and PQ = PQ, (Common)
(By SAS congruence rule)
⇒ ∠R = ∠S (CPCT)
⇒ ∠R = ∠S = 60°
⇒ ΔPRS is an equilateral triangle.
RS = PS = PR, …(i) (Sides of an equilateral triangle)
But RQ = QS, (By construction)
∴ RS = RQ + QS
⇒ RS = RQ + RQ
⇒ RS = 2RQ
⇒ PR = 2RQ, [Using (i)]
Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles

Question 2.
Prove that the medians of an equilateral triangle are equal.
Solution :
Given: An equilateral ΔABC such that AL, BM and CN are its medians.
To prove: AL = BM = CN.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 30
Proof: ΔABC is an equilateral triangle.
∴ AB = BC = AC ……………..(i)
⇒ AB = BC
⇒ \(\frac {1}{2}\)AB = \(\frac {1}{2}\)BC
(Multiply by 1/2 on both sides)
⇒ AN = BL …………….(ii)
(∵ CN and AL are medians)
Now in ΔALB and ΔCNA, we have
AB = AC, [From (i)]
∠ABL = ∠CAN, (Each = 60°)
and BL = AN, [From (ii)]
(By SAS congruence rule)
⇒ AL = CN, (CPCT) …(iii)
Similarly, ΔΑLC ≅ ΔΒΜΑ,
(By SAS congruence rule)
⇒ AL = BM (CPCT) …(iv)
From (iii) and (iv), we get
AL = BM = CN
Hence, medians of an equilateral triangle are equal.

Question 3.
In the figure, BCDE is a square and ΔABC is an equilateral triangle. Prove that :
(i) ∠BAE = 15°
(ii) AE = AD.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 31
Solution :
∠ABE = ∠ABC + ∠CBE
∠ABE = 60° + 90°,
⇒ ∠ABE = 150° …….(i)
Similarly, ∠ACD = 60° + 90° = 150° …(ii)
In ΔABE and ΔACD, we have
AB = AC, (Sides of an equilateral triangle)
∠ABE = ∠ACD,
[From (i) and (ii)]
and BE = CD, (Square’s sides)
(By SAS congruence rule)
Proved (ii)
∵ AB = BC,
(Sides of an equilateral triangle)
and BE = BC, (Square’s sides)
⇒ AB = BE
⇒ ∠BAE = ∠BEA, ………….(iii)
(Angles opposite to equal sides are equal)
Now in ΔABE, we have
∠ABE + ∠BAE + ∠BEA= 180°,
(Sum of interior angles of a triangle = 180°)
⇒ 150° + ∠BAE + ∠BAE = 180°,
[From (iii), ∠BEA = ∠BAE]
⇒ 2∠BAE = 180° – 150°
⇒ ∠BAE = \(\frac {30°}{2}\)
⇒ ∠BAE = 15°. Proved (i).

Question 4.
In ΔPQR, ∠Q = 2∠R, PM is the bisector of ∠QPR meets QR on M and PQ = MR (see figure). Find the ∠PQR.
Solution :
In ΔPQR, we have
∠Q = 2∠R (Given)
Let ∠Q = 2∠R = 2x
⇒ ∠R = x
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 32
PM is the bisector of ∠QPR (given).
Let ∠QPM = ∠RPM = y
Draw QN, bisector of ∠PQR.
∴ ∠PQN = ∠RQN = x
In ΔNQR, ∠NQR = ∠QRN = x
⇒ QN = NR …(i) (∵ Sides opposite to equal angles are equal)
In ΔPQN and ΔMRN, we have
PQ = MR. (Given)
∠PQN = ∠MRN = x
and QN = RN, [From (i)]
(By SAS congruence rule)
⇒ ∠QPN = ∠RMN, (CPCT)
⇒ ∠QPN = ∠RMN = 2y …(ii) (CPCT)
and PN = MN, (CPCT)
⇒ ∠NMP = ∠MPN = y, …………(iii)
(Angles opposite to equal sides are equal)
In ΔPQM, we have
∠PMR = ∠PQM + ∠QPM,
(By theorem 6.8)
⇒ ∠PMR = 2x + y ……(iv)
But ∠PMR = ∠NMP + ∠RMN,
⇒ ∠PMR = y + 2y
[Using (ii) and (iii)]
⇒ ∠PMR = 3y ……(v)
From (iv) and (v), we get
2x + y = 3y
⇒ 2x = 2y
⇒ x = y
In ΔPQR, we have
∠P + ∠Q + ∠R = 180°
⇒ 2y + 2x + x = 180°
⇒ 2x + 2x + x = 180°, (∵ y = x)
⇒ 5x = 180°
⇒ x = \(\frac {180°}{5}\) = 36°
∴ ∠PQR = 2 × 36° = 72°
Hence, ∠PQR = 72°

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles

Question 5.
In the figure, ABCD is a square. X, Y and Z are the points in AB, BC and CD respectively, such that AX = BY = CZ.
Prove that :
(i) XY = YZ
(ii) ∠XYZ = 90°.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 33
Solution :
(i) ∵ ABCD is a square.
∴ AB = BC = CD = DA
Now AB = BC …(i)
and AX = BY (Given)…(ii)
AB – AX = BC – BY
[Subtracting (ii) from (i)]
⇒ BX = CY …….(iii)
(∵ AX = BY)
and BY = CZ (Given) …….(iv)
Now in ΔXBY and ΔYCZ, we have
BX = YC, [From (iii)]
∠XBY = ∠YCZ [Each = 90°]
and BY = CZ, [From (iv)]
(By SAS congruence rule)
⇒ XY = YZ (CPCT)
Hence proved

(ii) ∵ XY = YZ, (As proved above)
⇒ ∠YXZ = ∠YZX [Angles opposite to equal sides one equal]
∴ ∠YXZ = ∠YZX = 45°
In ΔXYZ, we have
∠YXZ + ∠YZX + ∠XYZ = 180°
⇒ 45° + 45° + ∠XYZ = 180°
⇒ 90° + ∠XYZ = 180°
⇒ ∠XYZ = 180° – 90°
⇒ ∠XYZ = 90°. Hence proved

Question 6.
In the figure, ABC is an isosceles triangle in which AB = AC, AE ⊥ BC and F is the mid point of BE and D is the mid
point of EC. Prove that :
(i) E is the midpoint of BC.
(ii) AF = AD,
(iii) ΔABF ≅ ΔACD.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 34
Solution :
(i) In ΔAEB and ΔAEC, we have
∠AEB = ∠AEC, (Each = 90°)
Hyp. AB = Hyp. AC, (Given)
and AE = AE (Common)
(By RHS congruence rule)
⇒ BE = EC, (CPCT) …(i)
Or E is the midpoint of BC. Hence Proved

(ii) BE = EC, (As proved above)
⇒ \(\frac {1}{2}\)BE = \(\frac {1}{2}\)EC
(Multiply by 1/2 on both sides)
⇒ FE = ED,
[∵ F is the midpoint of BE and D is the midpoint of EC
∴ FE = \(\frac {1}{2}\)BE and ED = \(\frac {1}{2}\)EC]
Now in ΔAFE and ΔADE, we have
FE = ED, (As proved above)
∠AEF = ∠AED, (Each = 90°)
and AE = AE (Common)
(By SAS congruence rule)
⇒ AF = AD, (CPCT) …(ii)
Hence proved

(iii) In ΔABF and ΔACD, we have
AB = AC, (Given)
BF = CD.
[∵ BE = EC ⇒ \(\frac {1}{2}\)BE = \(\frac {1}{2}\)EC
F and D are midpoints of BE and EC respectively ∴ BF = CD]
and AF = AD, [From (ii)]
∴ ΔABF ≅ ΔACD, (By SSS congruence rule)
Hence proved

Question 7.
Show at the difference of any two sides of a triangle is less than the third side.
Solution :
Given: A ΔABC.
To prove :
(i) AC – AB < BC.
(ii) BC – AC < AB.
(iii) BC – AB < AC.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 35
Construction: Take a point D on AC such that AD = AB. Join BD.
Proof: In ΔABD, side AD has been produced to C.
∠BDC > ∠ABD ………..(i)
(∵ Exterior angle of a triangle is greater than each of interior opposite angle)
In ΔBCD, side CD has been produced to A.
∠ADB > ∠DBC ………..(ii)
[∵ Exterior angle of a triangle is greater than each of interior opposite angle]
In ΔABD, we have
AB = AD, (By construction)
⇒ ∠ABD = ∠ADB ………..(iii)
(Angles opposite to equal sides are equal)
From (ii) and (iii), we get
From (i) and (iv), we get
⇒ BC > CD, (Side opposite to greater angle is larger)
⇒ CD < BC
⇒ AC – AD < BC
⇒ AC – AB < BC (By construction)
Similarly, BC – AC < AB and BC – AB < AC.
Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles

Question 8.
In the figure, ABCD is a square and P, Q and R are points on the sides AB, BC and CD respectively such that AP = BQ = CR. Prove that ∠PQR = 90°.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 36
Solution :
In square ABCD, we have
AP = BQ = CR(Given) …(i)
AB = BC, (Square’s sides)
⇒ AB – AP = BC – AP
(Subtracting AP from both sides)
⇒ AB – AP = BC – BQ,
[From (i), AP = BQ]
⇒ PB = QC ………(ii)
Join PR.
Now, in ΔPBQ and ΔQCR, we have
PB = QC,
[As proved above in (ii)]
∠PBQ = ∠QCR,
(Each angle of square = 90°)
and BQ = CR (Given)
(By SAS congruence rule)
⇒ ∠2 = ∠5, (CPCT) … (iii)
and ∠6 = ∠1 (CPCT)
AB || CD
⇒ PB || CR and PR is the transversal.
⇒ ∠BPR + ∠CRP = 180°,
(Sum of allied angles = 180°)
⇒ ∠2 + ∠3 + ∠1 + ∠4 = 180° …… (iv)
and ∠5 + ∠PQR + ∠6 = 180°, …… (v)
(Linear pair)
From (iv) and (v), we get
∠2 + ∠3 + ∠1 + ∠4 = ∠5 + ∠PQR + ∠6
⇒ ∠2 + ∠3 + ∠1 + ∠4 = ∠2 + ∠PQR + ∠1
[From (iii), ∠5 = ∠2 and ∠6 = ∠1]
⇒ ∠3 + ∠4 = ∠PQR …(vi)

In ΔPQR, we have
∠3 + ∠4 + ∠PQR = 180° (Sum of interior angles of a triangle = 180°)
⇒∠PQR + ∠PQR = 180° [Using (vi)]
⇒ 2∠PQR = 180°
⇒ ∠PQR = \(\frac {180°}{2}\) = 90°
Hence, ∠PQR = 90°. Hence Proved

Question 9.
ABCD is a square in which P and Q are points on the sides BC and CD respectively such that PQ || BD. If AR bisects the PQ.
prove that :
(i) ∠PAR = ∠QAR
(ii) If AR produce it will passes through C.
Solution :
(i) In ΔBCD, we have
BC = DC, (Square’s sides)
⇒ ∠CBD = ∠CDB
(Angles opposite to equal sides are equal)
Now, PQ || BD (Given) …(i)
∠CPQ = ∠CBD …….(ii)
(Corresponding angles)
∠CQP = ∠CDB, …….(iii)
(Corresponding angles)
From (i), (ii) and (iii), we get
⇒ CP = CQ
(Side opposite to equal angles are equal)
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 37
Now BC = CD
⇒ BC – CP = CD – CP
⇒ BC – CP = CD – CQ, [∵ CP = CQ]
⇒ BP = DQ ……….(iii)
In ΔABP and ΔADQ, we have
AB = AD, (Square’s sides)
∠ABP = ∠ADQ, (Each = 90°)
and BP = DQ [Using (iii)]
[By SAS congruence rule]
⇒ AP = AQ, (CPCT) …(iv)
Now, in ΔAPR and ΔAQR, we have
AP = AQ, [As proved in (iv)]
AR = AR (Common)
and PR = QR [It is given that R is the midpoint of PQ]
(By SSS congruence rule)
⇒ ∠PAR = ∠QAR, (CPCT)

(ii) If AR produce and join to C. It must be a straight line we have PQ || BD.
∠BSR + ∠PRS = 180°,
(Sum of allied angles = 180°)
⇒ ∠PRC + ∠PRS = 180°, [∵ ∠BSR and ∠PRC are corresponding angles ∴ ∠PRC = ∠BSR]
∴ Point A, R and C lies on the line AC.
⇒ AC is a straight line.
Hence, if AR is produced it will passes through C.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles

Question 10.
Squares ABCD and AFPQ are drawn on the sides AD and AF of parallelogram ADEF. Prove that BQ = AE.
Solution :
We have
AQ = AF …………(i)
(Square’s sides)
DE = AF …………(ii)
(Opposite sides of a parallelogram)
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 38
From (i) And (ii), we get
AQ = DE …………(iii)
⇒ ∠BAQ + 90° + ∠FAD + 90° = 360° (from fig.)
⇒ ∠BAQ + ∠FAD = 360°- 90° – 90°
⇒ ∠BAQ + ∠FAD = 180°
⇒ ∠BAQ = 180° – ∠FAD …(iv)
AF || DE, (Opposite sides of a parallelogram)
⇒ ∠ADE + ∠FAD = 180°,
(Sum of allied angles = 180°)
⇒ ∠ADE = 180° – ∠FAD …(v)
From (iv) and (v), we get
∠BAQ = ∠ADE …..(vi)
Now in ΔBAQ and ΔADE, we have
BA = AD, (Square’s sides)
∠BAQ = ∠ADE, [As proved in (vi)]
and AQ = DE, [As proved in (iii)]
(By SSS congruence rule)
⇒ BQ = AE, (CPCT)
Hence proved.

Question 11.
In the figure, ABC is a triangle in which PQ ⊥ BC and PR ⊥ AB. If BP and CP are the bisectors of ∠B and ∠C respectively. Prove that :
(i) PR = PT,
(ii) AP bisects ∠A.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 39
Solution :
(i) In ΔPRB and ΔPQB, we have
∠PRB = ∠PQB, (Each = 90°)
∠RBP = ∠QBP, [BP is the bisector of ∠B]
and BP = BP, (Common)
(By AAS congruence rule)
⇒ PR = PQ, (CPCT) …(i)
Now draw PT ⊥ AC and join AP.
Again in ΔPQC and ΔPTC, we have
∠PQC = ∠PTC (Each = 90°)
∠PCQ = ∠PCT, (PC is the bisector of ∠C)
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 40
and PC = PC (Common)
(By AAS congruence rule)
⇒ PQ = PT, (CPCT)
⇒ PT = PQ …………(ii)
From (i) and (ii), we get
PR = PT ……..(iii)
Hence Proved

(ii) Now in ΔARP and ΔATP, we have
∠ARP = ∠ATP, (Each = 90°)
Hyp. AP = Hyp. AP (Common)
and PR = PT,
[As proved above in (iii)]
(By RHS congruence rule)
⇒ ∠RAP = ∠TAP (CPCT)
⇒ AP bisects the ∠A.
Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles

Question 12.
E is the point on the side AC of ΔABC such that AB = AE. If AD bisects ∠A, prove that :
(i) BD = DE,
(ii) ∠ABE > ∠C.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 41
Solution :
(i) In ΔABE, we have
AB = AE (Given)
⇒ ∠ABE = ∠AEB,
(Angles opposite to equal sides are equal)
⇒ ∠ABP = ∠AEP
In ΔABP and ΔAEP, we have
∠PAB = ∠PAE (Given)
∠ABP = ∠AEP,
[As proved above in (i)]
and AP = AP, (common)
(By AAS congruence rule)
⇒ BP = PE (CPCT) …….(ii)
and ∠APB = ∠APE (CPCT)
⇒ ∠EPD = ∠BPD, ………..(iii)
(∵ ∠APB = ∠EPD and ∠APE = ∠BPD)
Now in ΔBPD and ΔEPD, we have
BP = PE, [As proved above in (ii)]
∠BPD = ∠EPD,
[As proved above in (iii)]
and PD = PD, (common)
(By SAS congruence rule)
⇒ BD = DE (CPCT)
Hence proved

(ii) In ΔBEC, we have
∠AEB = ∠C + ∠EBC, (By theorem 6.8)
∴ ∠AEB > ∠C
⇒ ∠ABE > ∠C, [∵ ∠AEB = ∠ABE]
Hence proved

Question 13.
In the figure, AD, BE and CF are medians of ΔABC. Prove that :
2(AD + BE + CF) > AB + BC + CA.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 42
Solution :
In ΔABD, we have
BD + AD > AB, [∵ Sum of any two sides of a triangle is greater than third side]
⇒ \(\frac {1}{2}\)BC + AD > AB ……..(i)
Again in ΔACD, we have
CD + AD > AC,
[∵ Sum of any two sides of a Δ is greater than third side]
⇒ \(\frac {1}{2}\)BC + AD > AC …………(ii)
Adding (i) and (ii), we get
\(\frac {1}{2}\)BC + AD + \(\frac {1}{2}\)BC + AD > AB + AC
⇒ 2AD + BC > AB + AC …………….(iii)
Similarly, we can prove that
2BE + AC > AB + BC ………(iv)
and 2CF + AB > AC + BC ……………(v)
Adding (iii), (iv) and (v), we get
2AD + 2BE + 2CF + AB + BC + AC > AB + AC + AB + BC + AC + BC
⇒ 2AD + 2BE + 2CF > AB + BC + AC
2(AD + BE + CF) > AB + BC + CA.
Hence proved

Question 14.
In the figure, ABC is an equilateral triangle in which BP and CP are bisectors of ∠B and ∠C respectively. If PQ || AB and PR || AC, prove that BQ = QR = RC.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 43
Solution :
We have ΔABC is an equilateral triangle.
∠A = ∠B = ∠C = 60°
∠PBQ = \(\frac {1}{2}\)∠B = \(\frac {60°}{2}\) = 30°……(i) [∵ BP is the bisector of ∠B]
and ∠PCR = \(\frac {1}{2}\)∠C = \(\frac {60°}{2}\) = 30°…(ii)
[∵ CP is the bisector of ∠C]
∵ PQ || AB
⇒ ∠PQR = ∠ABQ,
[Corresponding angles]
⇒ ∠PQR = 60° ……….(iii)
[∵ ∠ABQ = ∠ABC = 60°]
and PR || AC
⇒ ∠PRQ = ∠ACR
[Corresponding angles]
⇒ ∠PRQ = 60° ……(iv) [∵ ∠ABR = ∠ACB60°C]
In ΔPQR, we have
∠PQR + ∠PRQ + ∠QPR = 180°, (Sum of interior angles of a triangle = 180°)
⇒ 60° + 60° + ∠QPR = 180°,
[Using (iii) and (iv)]
⇒ ∠QPR = 180° – 60° – 60°
⇒ ∠QPR = 60°
∴ ΔPQR is an equilateral triangle.
⇒ PQ = QR = RP ……..(v)
In ΔPBQ, we have
∠PQR = ∠PBQ + ∠BPQ,
⇒ 60° = 30° + ∠BPQ,
[Using (i) and (iii)]
⇒ ∠BPQ = 60° – 30° = 30°
⇒ ∠PBQ = ∠BPQ, (Each = 30°)
⇒ PQ = BQ …(vi)
Similarly, PR = RC …(vii)
From (v), (vi) and (vii), we get
BQ = QR = RC.
Hence proved

Multiple Choice Questions

Choose the correct option in each of the following:

Question 1.
Which of the following is not a rule ‘for congruence of triangles’ :
(NCERT Exemplar Problems)
(a) SSS
(b) RHS
(c) SSA
(d) SAS
Solution :
(c) SSA

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles

Question 2.
If ΔABC ≅ ΔPQR and ΔABC is not congruent to ΔRPQ, then which of the following is not true :
[NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) BC = PQ
(b) AC = PR
(c) QR = BC
(d) AB = PQ
Solution :
(a) BC = PQ

Question 3.
In triangles ABC and DEF, AB = FD and ∠A = ∠D. The two triangles will be congruent by SAS axiom if : [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) BC = EF
(b) AC = DE
(c) AC = EF
(d) BC = DE
Solution :
(b) AC = DE

Question 4.
Two equilateral triangles are congruent, when :
(a) their sides are proportional
(b) their sides are equal
(c) their angles are equal
(d) None of these
Solution :
(b) their sides are equal

Question 5.
ΔABC ≅ ΔPQR, if BC = 4 cm, ∠B = 60° and ∠C = 70°, then which of the following is true :
(a) QR = 4 cm, ∠P = 60°
(b) PQ = 4 cm, ∠Q = 60°
(c) QR = 4 cm, ∠R = 60°
(d) QR = 4 cm, ∠Q = 60°
Solution :
(d) QR = 4 cm, ∠Q = 60°

Question 6.
In figure, ΔABD ≅ ΔACD, AB = AC, BD = CD. Name the criteria by which the triangles are congruent :
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 44
(a) SSS
(b) SAS
(c) ASA
(d) RHS
Solution :
(a) SSS

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles

Question 7.
In the figure, ΔABD ≅ ΔACD. Name the criteria by which the triangles are congruent :
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 45
(a) SSS
(b) ASA
(c) AAS
(d) RHS
Solution :
(a) SSS

Question 8.
Two right-angled triangles ADB and ADC are congruent if AB = AC. Name the criteria by which the triangles are congruent :
(a) RHS
(b) SAS
(c) ASA
(d) SSA
Solution :
(a) RHS

Question 9.
In the figure, if AB = PQ, BC = QR and AC = PR, then which of the following is true :
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 46
Solution :

Question 10.
In ΔPQR, ∠R = ∠P and QR = 4 cm and PR = 5 cm. Then the length of PQ is : [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) 4 cm
(b) 5 cm
(c) 2 cm
(d) 2.5 cm
Solution :
(a) 4 cm

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles

Question 11.
In ΔABC, BC = AB and ∠B = 80°. Then ∠A is equal to [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) 80°
(b) 40°
(c) 50°
(d) 100
Solution :
(c) 50°

Question 12.
In triangles ABC and PQR, AB = AC, ∠C = ∠P and ∠B = ∠Q. The two triangles are:
[NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) isosceles but not congruent
(b) isosceles and congruent
(c) congruent but not isosceles
(d) neither congruent nor isosceles
Solution :
(a) isosceles but not congruent

Question 13.
In the figure, PQ = PR and QS = RS, then ratio of ∠PQS : ∠PRS is :
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles - 47
(a) 1 : 2
(b) 2 : 1
(c) 2 : 3
(d) 1 : 1
Solution :
(d) 1 : 1

Question 14.
In a ΔABC, we have:
(a) AB + BC > AC
(b) AB + AC = BC
(c) AB + BC < AC
(d) None of these
Solution :
(a) AB + BC > AC

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles

Question 15.
In ΔABC, we have :
(a) AB + BC < AC
(b) AC – AB < BC (c) BC – AC > AB
(d) BC – AB > AC
Solution :
(b) AC – AB < BC

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 7 Triangles Read More »

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles

Haryana State Board HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles Important Questions and Answers.

Haryana Board 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Find the complement of the following angles :
(i) 64° 23′ 35″
(ii) 28° 25′ 48″.
Solution :
We can write,
90° = 89° 59′ 60″
(i) Complement of 64° 23′ 35″ = An angle of (90° – 64° 23′ 35″) = An angle of 25° 36′ 25″.
(ii) Complement of 28° 25′ 48″ = An angle of (90°- 28 °25′ 48″) = An angle of 61° 34′ 12″.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles

Question 2.
Find the measures of suppliment of the following angles :
(i) 115° 35′ 42″
(ii) 85° 15′ 59″.
Solution :
We can write,
180° = 179° 59′ 60″
(i) Supplement of 115° 35′ 42″ = An angle of (180° – 115°35′ 42″) = An angle of 64° 24′ 18″.
(ii) Suppliment of 85° 15′ 59″ = An angle of (180° – 85° 15′ 59”) = An angle of 94° 44′ 01″.

Question 3.
Find the measure of an angle which is 34° more than its complement.
Solution :
Let the complement of an angle be x° then
measure of an angle = (x + 34)°
We know that,
sum of an angle and its complement = 90°
∴ x° + (x + 34)° = 90°
⇒ 2x° + 34° = 90°
⇒ 2x° = 90° – 34°
⇒ 2x° = 56°
⇒ x° = \(\frac {56°}{2}\) = 28°
Hence,measure of an angle
= 28° + 34° = 62°.

Question 4.
Find the measure of an angle which is 26° less than its supplement.
Solution :
Let the supplement of an angle be x°
Then measure of an angle = (x – 26)°
We know that,
Sum of an angle and its supplement = 180°
∴ x° + (x – 26)° = 180°
⇒ 2x° – 26° = 180°
⇒ 2x° = 180° + 26°
⇒ 2x° = 206°
⇒ x° = \(\frac {206°}{2}\) = 103°
Hence measure of an angle = 103° – 26° = 77°.

Question 5.
Find the angle, which is 18° less than five times its complement.
Solution :
Let the complement angle be x°
Five times of complement angle = 5x°
Then angle = (5x – 18)°
We know that, Sum of an angle and its complement = 90°
∴ (5x – 18)° + x° = 90°
⇒ 6x° – 18° = 90°
⇒ 6x° = 90° + 18°
⇒ 6x° = 108°
⇒ x° = \(\frac {108°}{6}\) = 18°
Hence,measure of angle
= 5 × 18° – 18°
= 90° – 18° = 72°.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles

Question 6.
Find the angle, which is four times its supplement
Solution :
Let the supplement angle be x°.
Then angle = 4x°
We know that, Sum of an angle and its suppliment = 180°
∴ 4x° + x° = 180°
⇒ 5x° = 180°
⇒ x° = \(\frac {180°}{5}\) = 18°
Hence,measure of the angle
= 4 × 36° = 144°.

Question 7.
Find the measure of an angle whose supplement is three times of its complement.
Solution :
Let the angle be x°, then Supplement of an angle = (180 – x)°
Compliment of an angle = (90 – x)°
According to question,
(180 – x)° = 3(90 – x)°
⇒ 180° – x° = 270° – 3x°
⇒ – x° + 8x° = 270° – 180°
⇒ 2x° = 90°
⇒ x° = \(\frac {90°}{2}\) = 45°
Hence, the measure of the angle = 45°

Question 8.
Find the measure of an angle, if five times its complement is equal to two times of its supplement.
Solution :
Let the angle be x°, then
Complement of an angle = (90 – x)°
Supplement of an angle = (180 – x)°
According to question,
5(90 – x)° = 2(180 – x)°
⇒ 450° – 5x° = 360° – 2x°
⇒ – 5x° + 2x° = 360° – 450°.
⇒ – 3x° = – 90°
⇒ x° = \(\frac {-90°}{- 3}\) = 30°
Hence the measure of the angle = 30°.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
One of two complementary angles is seven-eighth as large as the other. How many degree are in each angle?
Solution :
Let the other complementary angle be x°.
One complimentary angle = \(\frac {7}{8}\)x°
We know that, Sum of two complementary angles = 90°
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles - 1
Hence, other complementary angle = 48° and one complementary angle = \(\frac {7}{8}\) × 48° = 42°.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles

Question 2.
In the figure, AC and BC are opposite rays. If 2x – 3y = 60°, then find the values of x and y.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles - 2
Solution :
Since, AC and BC are opposite rays. Therefore, ∠ACD + ∠BCD = 180°,
(Linear pair axiom)
⇒ x + y = 180° …(i)
2x – 3y = 60° (Given) …(ii)
Multiplying equation (i) by 3 and adding equation (i) and (ii), we get
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles - 3
⇒ x = \(\frac {600°}{5}\) = 120°
Substituting the value of x in the equation (i), we get
120° + y = 180°
⇒ y = 180° – 120° = 60°
Hence, x = 120° and y = 60°

Question 3.
In figure, BCA is a line. Find the value of x.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles - 4
Solution :
Since, BCA is a line. Therefore ∠BCD + ∠ACD = 180°,
(Linear pair axiom)
⇒ ∠BCD + ∠DCE + ∠ACE = 180°,
[∵ ∠ACD = ∠DCE + ∠ACE]
⇒ 2x° + (2x° + 30)° + x° = 180°
⇒ 5x° + 30° = 180°
⇒ 5x° = 180° – 30°
⇒ 5x° = 150°
⇒ x° = \(\frac {150°}{5}\) = 30°
Hence, x° = 30°

Question 4.
In figure, PQR is a line. If a : b : c = 2 : 3 : 5, find the values of a, b and c.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles - 5
Solution :
Since, PQR is a line. Therefore ∠PQM + ∠RQM = 180°, (Linear pair axiom)
⇒ ∠PQM + ∠MQS + ∠RQS = 180°,
[∵ ∠RQM = ∠MQS + ∠RQS]
⇒ a + c + b = 180°
But a : b : c = 2 : 3 : 5
Sum of ratios = 2 + 3 + 5 = 10
∴ a = \(\frac {2}{10}\) × 180° = 36°
b = \(\frac {3}{10}\) × 180° = 54°
and c = \(\frac {5}{10}\) × 180° = 90°
Hence, a = 36°, b = 54 and c = 90°.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles

Question 5.
In figure, three straight lines AB, CD and EF intersect at a point o forming the angles as shown. Find the values of x, y, z and r.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles - 6
y = 60°, (Vertically opposite angles)
r = 90° (Vertically opposite angles)
Since, AOB is a line.
∠AOE + ∠BOE = 180°
(Linear pair axiom)
⇒ ∠AOD + ∠DOE + ∠BOE = 180°
⇒ y + x + 90° = 180°
⇒ 60° + x + 90° = 180°
⇒ x + 150° = 180°
⇒ x = 180° – 150°= 30°
z = x
(Vertically opposite angles)
⇒ z = 30°
x = 30°, y = 60°,
z = 30°, r = 90°.

Question 6.
In the figure , AB || CD, PQ || AX and ∠BAC = 70°, find ∠DPQ
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles - 7
Solution :
∵ AB || CD and AX is a transversal
∴ ∠BAC + ∠ACD = 180°,
(Sum of a pair of allied angles is 180°)
⇒ 70° + ∠ACD = 180°,(∵ ∠BAC = 70°)
⇒ ∠ACD = 180° – 70°
⇒ ∠ACD = 110°
Now PQ || AX and CD is a transversal.
∠DPQ = ∠ACD, (Corresponding angles axiom)
⇒ ∠DPQ = 110°
Hence, ∠DPQ = 110°

Question 7.
In the figure, AB || CD aud m || n, find the value of x.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles - 8
Solution :
∠QPR = 3x,
(Vertically opposite angles)
∵ AB || CD and line m is a transversal.
∴ ∠QPR + ∠PRS = 180°,
(A pair of allied angles is supplementary)
⇒ 3x + ∠PRS = 180°
⇒ ∠PRS = 180° – 3x ……(i)
Now, m || n and line CD is a transversal.
∠PRS = ∠QSD,
(Corresponding angles axiom)
⇒ 180° – 3x = 2x + 5°, [From (i), ∠PRS = 180° – 3x and ∠QSD = 2x + 5°]
⇒ 180° – 5° = 2x + 3x
⇒ 175° = 5x
⇒ \(\frac {175°}{5}\) = x
⇒ x = 35°
Hence, x = 35°

Question 8.
In the figure, AB || CD, find the value of x.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles - 9
Solution :
From E, draw EF || AB || CD.
Now, AB || EF and AE is the transversal.
∴ ∠BAE + ∠AEF = 180°
(A pair of allied angles are supplementary)
⇒ 110° + ∠AEC + ∠CEF = 180°
⇒ 110° + 25° + ∠CEF = 180°
⇒ 135° + ∠CEF = 180°
⇒ ∠CEF = 180° – 135°
⇒ ∠CEF = 45°
Again CD || EF and CE is the transversal.
∴ ∠DCE + ∠CEF = 180°,
(A pair of allied angles is supplementary)
⇒ x + 45° = 180°
⇒ x = 180° – 45°
⇒ x = 135°
Hence, x = 135°

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles

Question 9.
In the figure, AB || DE and x = y, prove that BC || EF.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles - 10
Solution :
Since AB || DE and BC is the transversal.
Therefore, ∠DOC = ∠ABC,
(Corresponding angles axiom)
⇒ ∠DOC = x
But x = y, (Given)
∴ ∠DOC = y
Thus, a pair of corresponding angles ∠DOC and y are equal. By converse of corresponding axiom, we have BC || EF. Hence proved

Question 10.
In the given figure, AB || CD, PQ || BC, ∠BAC = 52° and ∠DRS = 43°. Find the value of x.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles - 11
Solution :
Since, AB || CD and AC is the transversal.
∴ ∠ACD = ∠BAC,
(Alternate interior angles)
⇒ ∠ACD = 52°
⇒ ∠QCR = 52°,
(∵ ∠ACD = ∠QCR) …(i)
∠QRC = ∠DRS,
(Vertically opposite angles)
⇒ ∠QRC = 43° …….(ii)
In ΔCQR, we have
∠AQR = ∠QCR + ∠QRC,
⇒ x = 52° + 43°, [From (i) and (ii), ∠QCR = 52° and ∠QRC = 43°)
⇒ x = 95°
Hence, x = 95°

Question 11.
The sides BC, CA and AB of a triangle ABC are produced in order, forming exterior angles ∠ACD, ∠BAE and ∠CBF. Show that ∠ACD + ∠BAE + ∠CBF = 360°
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles - 12
Solution :
In ΔABC, we have
∠ACD = ∠1 + ∠3 ………….(i)
∠BAE = ∠1 + ∠2 ………….(ii)
∠CBF = ∠2 + ∠3 ………….(iii)
Adding (i), (ii) and (iii), we get
∠ACD + ∠BAE + ∠CBF = ∠1 + ∠3 + ∠1 + ∠2 + ∠2 + ∠3
⇒ ∠ACD + ∠BAE + ∠CBF = 2∠1 + 2∠2 + 2∠3
⇒ ∠ACD + ∠BAE + ∠CBF = 2(∠1 + ∠2 + ∠3)
But ∠1 + ∠2 + ∠3 = 180°,
(Sum of the angles of a triangle = 180°)
∴ ∠ACD + ∠BAE + ∠CBF = 2 × 180°
⇒ ∠ACD + ∠BAE + ∠CBF = 360°
Hence proved

Question 12.
In the given figure, show that ∠A + ∠B + ∠C + ∠P + ∠Q + ∠R = 360°.
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Solution :
In ΔABC, we have
∠A + ∠B + ∠C= 180°,
(Sum of angles of a triangle = 180°) …(i)
In ΔPQR, we have
∠P + ∠Q + ∠R = 180°,
(Sum of angles of a triangle = 180°) …(ii)
Adding (i) and (ii), we get
∠A + ∠B + ∠C + ∠P + ∠Q + ∠R = 180° + 180°
⇒ ∠A + ∠B + ∠C + ∠P + ∠Q + ∠R = 360°
Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles

Question 13.
ABC is a triangle in which ∠A = 66°, the internal bisectors of ∠B and ∠C intersect at O. Find the measure of ∠BOC.
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Solution :
In a triangle ΔABC, we have
∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180°,
(Sum of angles of a triangle = 180°)
⇒ 66° + ∠B + ∠C = 180°
⇒ ∠B + ∠C = 180° – 66° = 114°
⇒ \(\frac {1}{2}\)∠B + \(\frac {1}{2}\)∠C = \(\frac {114°}{2}\) = 57°
⇒ ∠1 + ∠2 = 57° …….(i)
[∵ BO and CO are bisectors of ∠B and ∠C respectively]
Now, in ΔBOC, we have
∠1 + ∠2 + ∠BOC = 180°,
(Sum of angles of a triangle = 180°)
⇒ 57° + ∠BOC = 180°, [using (i)]
⇒ ∠BOC = 180° – 57°
⇒ ∠BOC = 123°
Hence, ∠BOC = 123°

Question 14.
The sum of two angles of a triangle is equal to its third angle. Prove that triangle is right-angled.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles - 15
Solution :
Let the smaller angles be A and C and greater angle be B. According to question,
∠B = ∠A + ∠C ……..(i)
But, ∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180°,
(∵ Sum of angles of a triangle = 180°)
(∠A + ∠C) + ∠B = 180°
⇒ ∠B + ∠B = 180°, [Using (i)]
⇒ 2∠B = 180°
⇒ ∠B = \(\frac {180°}{2}\)
⇒ ∠B = 90°
Hence, triangle ABC is right angled.

Question 15.
In the given figure, ∠P = ∠Q and ∠1 = ∠2. Prove that RT || PQ.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles - 16
Solution :
In ΔRPQ, we have
∠SRQ = ∠P + ∠Q
⇒ ∠1 + ∠2 = ∠Q + ∠Q
(∵ It is given ∠P = ∠Q)
⇒ ∠2 + ∠2 = 2∠Q
(∵ It is given ∠1 = ∠2)
⇒ 2∠2 = 2∠Q
⇒ ∠2 = ∠Q
Thus, a pair of alternate interior angles 2 and Q are equal, then
RT || PQ. Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles

Question 16.
In figure, p || t and m || n. If ∠1 = 75°, prove that ∠2 = ∠1 + \(\frac {1}{3}\) of a right angle.
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Solution :
∵ m || n and line p is a transversal
∴ ∠3 = ∠1
(Corresponding angles)
⇒ ∠3 = 75° (∴ ∠1 = 75°)
Now p || t and line n is a transversal.
∴ ∠2 + ∠3 = 180° (A pair of allied angles is supplementary)
⇒ ∠2 + 75° = 180°
⇒ ∠2 = 180° – 75°
⇒ ∠2 = 105°
⇒ ∠2 = 75° + 30°
⇒ ∠2 = ∠1 + \(\frac {1}{3}\) × 90°
(∵ ∠1 = 75°)
⇒ ∠2 = ∠1 + \(\frac {1}{3}\) of a right angle.
Hence proved

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
In the figure, OP and OQ are respectively bisectors of angles ∠BOD and ∠AOC. Show that the rays OP and OQ are in the same straight line.
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Solution :
∠1 + ∠2 + ∠6 + ∠4 + ∠3 + ∠5 = 360° …….(i)
(Sum of angles at a point = 360°)
∵ ray OP is the bisertor of ∠BOD.
∴ ∠3 = ∠4 …….(ii)
∵ ray OQ is the bisector of ∠AOC.
∴ ∠1 = ∠2 …….(iii)
∠5 = ∠6, (Vertically opposite angles) …(iv)
From (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv), we get
∠2 + ∠2 + ∠6 + ∠4 + ∠4 + ∠6 = 360°
⇒ 2∠2 + 2∠6 + 2∠4 = 360°
⇒ 2(∠2 + ∠6 + ∠4) = 360°
⇒ ∠2 + ∠6 + ∠4 = \(\frac {360°}{2}\) = 180°
⇒ ∠POQ = 180°
Hence, OP and OQ are in the same straight line.
Hence Proved

Question 2.
In the figure, AB || CD, find the value of x.
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Solution :
Draw a line EF parallel to AB.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles - 20
∵ AB || EF and a transversal PQ cuts them at P and Q respectively.
∴ ∠APQ + ∠EQP = 180°,
(∵ Sum of a pair of allied angles is 180°)
⇒ 40° + ∠EQP = 180°, (∵ ∠APQ = 40°)
⇒ ∠EQP = 180° – 40°
⇒ ∠EQP = 140° …….(i)
∴ AB || EF, (By construction)
and AB || CD, (Given)
∴ EF || CD, (By theorem 6.6)
∠EQR = ∠QRD,
(Alternate interior angles)
⇒ ∠EQR = 120°,
(∵ ∠QRD = 120°) …(ii)
Adding (i) and (ii), we get
∠EQP + ∠EQR = 140° + 120°
⇒ Reflex angle PQR = 260°
⇒ x = 260°
Hence, x= 260°.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles

Question 3.
In the given figure :
(i) If x = 70°, find y and z.
(ii) If 3x = 2y, find x.
(iii) If z = 2(x + 15), find y.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles - 21
Solution :
(i) ∵ CD || EF and CE is a transversal.
∴ x + z = 180° (Sum of a pair of allied angles is 180°)
⇒ 70° + z = 180°, (∵ x = 70°)
⇒ z = 180° – 70°
⇒ z = 110°
∵ AB || CD and AC is a transversal.
∴ y = z,
(Corresponding angles axiom)
⇒ y = 110°
Hence y = 110° and z = 110°.

(ii) 3x = 2y, (Given)
⇒ \(\frac {3}{2}\)x = y …….(i)
∵ AB || EF and AE is a transversal.
∴ x + y = 180° (Sum of a pair of allied angles is 180°)
⇒ x + \(\frac {3}{2}\)x = 180°
[From (i), y = \(\frac {3}{2}\)x]
⇒ \(\frac{2 x+3 x}{2}\) = 180°
⇒ 5x = 2 × 180°
⇒ x = \(\frac {360°}{5}\)
⇒ x = 72°
Hence, x = 72°.

(iii) ∵ CD || EF and CE is a transversal.
∴ x + z = 180°, (Sum of a pair of allied angle is 180°)
⇒ x + 2(z + 15) = 180,[∵ z = 2(x + 15°)
⇒ x + 2x + 30° = 180°
⇒ 3x + 30° = 180°
⇒ 3x = 180° – 30° = 150°
⇒ x = \(\frac {150°}{3}\) = 50°
z = 2(x + 15°)
⇒ z = 2(50° + 15°)
[Put x = 50°]
⇒ z = 2 × 65°
⇒ z = 130°
Now, y = z,
(Corresponding angles)
⇒ y = 130°
Hence, y = 130°

Question 4.
In the figure, PQ || RS, find the value of x.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles - 22
Solution :
Through T draw LTM || PQ || RS.
∵ LT || PQ and PT is the transversal.
∴ ∠LTP = ∠TPQ,
(Alternate interior angles)
⇒ ∠LTP = 55° ……..(i)
and TM || RS and TR is the transversal.
∴ ∠MTR + ∠TRS = 180°,
(A pair of allied angles is supplementary)
⇒ ∠MTR + 115° = 180°
⇒ ∠MTR = 180° – 115°
⇒ ∠MTR = 65° ……..(ii)
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles - 23
Now LTM is a line.
∴ ∠LTP + ∠PTR + ∠MTR = 180°
(Straight line)
⇒ 55° + x + 65° = 180°. [From (i) and (ii), ∠LTP = 55° and ∠MTR = 65°]
⇒ 120° + x = 180°
⇒ x = 180° – 120°
⇒ x = 60°
Hence, x = 60°.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles

Question 5.
In the figure, AB || CD, find the values of x, y and z.
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Solution :
∵ AB || CD and EF is the transversal
∴ ∠PQB = ∠EPD,
(Corresponding angles)
⇒ x + 25° = 50°
⇒ x = 50° – 25° = 25° and ∠DPQ + ∠PQB = 180°,
(A pair of allied angles is supplementary)
⇒ (y + 60°) + (x + 25°) = 180°
⇒ y + 60° + 25° + 25° = 180° (∵ x = 25°)
⇒ y + 110°= 180°
⇒ y = 180° – 110°
⇒ y = 70°
In the triangle ΔPQR, Sum of the angles of a triangle is 180°
∴ x + y + z = 180°
⇒ 25° + 70° + z = 180°
⇒ 95° + z = 180°
⇒ z = 180° – 95°
⇒ z = 85°
x = 25°, y = 70° and z = 85°

Question 6.
In the given figure, if ΔABC right angled at B, then show that ∠x = ∠y.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles - 25
Solution :
Since, CDB is a straight line.
∠ADC + ∠ADB= 180°,(Linear pair axiom)
⇒ 110° + ∠ADB = 180°
⇒ ∠ADB = 180° – 110°
⇒ ∠ADB = 70°
In ΔABD, we have
∠ADC = ∠DAB + ∠ABD,
⇒ 110° = ∠y + 90°
⇒ 110° – 90° = ∠y
⇒ ∠y = 20° ………..(i)
Again in ΔADC, we have
∠ADB = ∠ACD + ∠DAC,
(By theorem 6.8)
⇒ 70° = 50° + ∠x
⇒ 70° – 50° = ∠x
⇒ ∠x = 20° ………..(ii)
From (i) and (ii), we get
∠x = ∠y. Hence proved

Question 7.
In the figure 6.110, AB || CD and EF is a transversal. Prove that bisectors of interior angles on the same side of transversal EF intersect at right angle. [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles - 26
Solution :
Since AB || CD and EF is the transversal.
∠DPR + ∠PRB = 180°, (A pair of interior angles of the same side of transversal is supplementary) …(i)
⇒ ∠1 + ∠2 + ∠3 + ∠4 = 180°
∠1 = ∠2, (∵ PQ is the bisector of ∠DPR) …(ii) and
∠3 = ∠4, (∵ RQ is the bisector of ∠PRB) …(iii)
From (i), (ii) and (iii), we get
∠1 + ∠1 + ∠3 + ∠3 = 180°
⇒ 2∠1 + 2∠3 = 180°
⇒ 2(∠1 + ∠3) = 180°
⇒ ∠1 + ∠3 = 90° ……..(iv)
In the ΔPQR, Sum of the angles of a triangle is 180°,
∴ ∠1 + ∠3 + ∠PQR = 180°
⇒ 90° + ∠PQR = 180°,
[From (iv), ∠1 + ∠3 = 90°]
⇒ ∠PQR = 180° – 90°
⇒ ∠PQR = 90°
⇒ ∠PQR = a right angle
Hence, bisectors of interior angles on the same side of the transversal EF intersect at right angle.
Hence Proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles

Question 8.
In the given figure, AD || BC, if y0 = \(\frac {3}{4}\)x0 and x0 = \(\frac {4}{5}\)z0, find the values of x0, y0, z0 and k0.
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Solution :
Since, AD || BC and BD is the transversal.
∴ ∠DBC = ∠ADB,
(Alternate interior angles)
⇒ ∠DBC = x0
In ΔBDC, we have
x° + y° + z° = 180°, (Sum of angles of a triangle = 180°)
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles - 28
Now in ΔDAB,
∠DAB + ∠ADB + ∠ABD = 180°,
(Sum of angles of a triangle = 180°)
⇒ k° + x° + 65° = 180°
⇒ k° + 60° + 65° = 180° (∵ x = 60°)
⇒ k° + 125° = 180°
⇒ k° = 180° – 125°
⇒ k° = 55°
x° = 60°, y° = 45°, z° = 75° and k° = 55°

Question 9.
The side BC of a tr iangle ΔABC is produced to D. The bisector of ∠A meets BC at M (see in figure). Prove that ∠ABC + ∠ACD = 2∠AMC.
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Solution :
In ΔABC, we have
∠ACD = ∠ABC + ∠BAC,
(By theorem 6.8) …(i)
But AM is the bisector of ∠BAC. (Given)
∴ ∠BAM = ∠CAM
or ∠BAC = 2∠BAM
Putting the value of ∠BAC in (i), we get
∠ACD = ∠ABC + 2∠BAM … (ii)
Again, in ΔABM, we have
∠AMC = ∠ABC + ∠BAM
⇒ 2∠AMC = 2∠ABC + 2∠BAM ……(iii)
Subtracting (ii) from (iii), we get
2∠AMC – ∠ACD = ∠ABC
⇒ 2∠AMC = ∠ABC + ∠ACD
⇒ ∠ABC + ∠ACD = 2∠AMC. Hence proved

Question 10.
If two parallel lines are intersected by a transversal, prove that the bisectors of the two pairs of interior angles enclose a rectangle.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles - 30
Solution :
Given : Two parallel lines AB and CD are intersected by a transversal EF at P and R respectively. PQ, RS, PS and RQ are the bisectors of the two pairs of interior angles.
To prove: PQRS is a rectangle.
Proof : ∠BPR = ∠PRC,
(A pair of alternate interior angles)
⇒ \(\frac {1}{2}\)∠BPR = \(\frac {1}{2}\)∠PRC
⇒ ∠QPR = ∠PRS
[∵ PQ and RS are bisectors of ∠BPR and ∠PRC
∴ ∠QPR = \(\frac {1}{2}\)∠BPR and ∠PRS = \(\frac {1}{2}\)∠PRC]
But these are alternate interior angles.
PQ || SR, (By theorem 6.3)
Similarly, SP || RQ
∴ PQRS is a parallelogram.
Now, ∠BPR + ∠PRD = 180°,
(Sum of a pair of allied angles = 180°)
⇒ \(\frac {1}{2}\)∠BPR + \(\frac {1}{2}\)∠PRD = \(\frac {180°}{2}\)
⇒ \(\frac {1}{2}\)∠BPR + \(\frac {1}{2}\)∠PRD = 90°
⇒ ∠QPR + ∠QRP = 90° ,
[∵ PQ and RQ are the bisectors of ∠BPR and ∠PRD respectively]
Now in ΔPQR,
∠QPR + ∠PQR + ∠QRP = 180°,
(Sum of angles of a triangle is 180°)
⇒ ∠PQR + 90° = 180°, [Using (i)]
⇒ ∠PQR = 180° – 90° = 90°
In a parallelogram PQRS, ∠PQR = 90°
Hence, PQRS is a rectangle. Hence Proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles

Question 11.
In the given figure, AB = AC in ΔABC. From B, BP is drawn such that BP = BC. From P, a line PQ is drawn parallel to BC to meet AB at Q. If exterior ∠RAB = 124°, find ∠BPQ.
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Solution :
In ΔABC, we have
⇒ ∠ACB = ∠ABC, (The angles opposite to equal sides of a triangle are equal)
∠RAB = ∠ACB + ∠ABC, (By theorem 6.8)
⇒ 124° = ∠ABC + ∠ABC [∵ ∠ACB = ∠ABC]
⇒ 124° = 2∠ABC
⇒ \(\frac {124°}{2}\) = ∠ABC
⇒ ∠ABC = 62°
∴ ∠ACB = ∠ABC = 62°
Now in ΔBPC, we have
BP = BC, (Given)
∠BPC = ∠PCB, (The angles opposite to equal sides of a triangle are equal)
⇒ ∠BPC = ∠PCB = 62°, (∵ ∠PCB = ∠ACB)
In ΔBPC, we have
∠BPC + ∠PCB + ∠PBC = 180°,
(Sum of angles of a triangle = 180°)
⇒ 62° + 62° + ∠PBC = 180°
⇒ 124° + ∠PBC = 180°
⇒ ∠PBC = 180° – 124°
⇒ ∠PBC = 56°
Since, PQ || BC (Given)
∴ ∠BPQ = ∠PBC (A pair of alternate interior angles are equal)
⇒ ∠BPQ = 56°
Hence, ∠BPQ = 56°

Question 12.
In figure, ∠B > ∠C and L is a point on BC such that AL is the bisector of ∠BAC. If AM ⊥ BC, prove that ∠LAM = \(\frac {1}{2}\)(∠B – ∠C). [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
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Solution :
Given : In ΔABC, AL is the bisector of ∠BAC and AM ⊥ BC.
To prove : ∠LAM = \(\frac {1}{2}\)(∠B – ∠C).
Proof : Since AL is the bisector of ∠BAC.
∴ ∠BAL = ∠CAL
⇒ ∠1 + ∠2 = ∠3 ………….(i)
In ΔAMB, ∠AMB = 90°, [∵ AM ⊥ BC]
∴ ∠ABM + ∠AMB + ∠1 = 180°,
(∵ Sum of angles of a triangle = 180°)
⇒ ∠ABM + 90° + ∠1 = 180°
⇒ ∠ABM = 180° – 90° – ∠1
⇒ ∠ABM = 90° – ∠1 ……..(ii)
Again in ΔAMC, we have
∠ACM + ∠AMC + ∠2 + ∠3 = 180°,
(∵ Sum of angles of a triangle = 180°)
⇒ ∠ACM + 90° + ∠2 + ∠3 = 180°
⇒ ∠ACM = 180° – 90° – ∠2 – ∠3
⇒ ∠ACM = 90° – ∠2 – ∠3 …….(iii)
Subtracting (iii) from (ii), we get
∠ABM – ∠ACM = 90° – ∠1 – 90° + ∠2 + ∠3
⇒ ∠B – ∠C = ∠2 + ∠3 – ∠1
⇒ ∠B – ∠C = ∠2 + (∠1 + ∠2) – ∠1,
[From (i), ∠3 = ∠1 + ∠2]
⇒ ∠B – ∠C = 2∠2
⇒ ∠2 = \(\frac {1}{2}\)(∠B – ∠C)
⇒ ∠LAM = \(\frac {1}{2}\)(∠B – ∠C).
Hence proved.

Question 13.
In figure, P and Q are two plane mirrors perpendicular to each other. Show that incident ray AB is parallel to the reflected ray CD.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles - 33
Solution :
∵ Angle of incidence = Angle of reflection
∴ ∠1 = ∠2 and ∠3 = ∠4
∴ ∠ABC = ∠1 + ∠2
= ∠2 + ∠2 = 2∠2 …(i)
and ∠DCB = ∠3 + ∠4 = ∠3 + ∠3
= 2∠3 …(ii)
Since, the two mirrors are perpendicular, the rays perpendicular to them are also perpendicular.
i.e., BO ⊥ OC or ∠BOC = 90°
In ΔBOC, we have
∠2 + ∠3 + ∠BOC= 180°,
(Sum of angles of a triangle = 180°)
⇒ ∠2 + ∠3 + 90° = 180°
⇒ ∠2 + ∠3 = 180° – 90°
⇒ ∠2 + ∠3 = 90°
⇒ 2∠2 + 2∠3 = 180°
⇒ ∠ABC + ∠DCB = 180°, [Using (i) and (ii)]
Thus, sum of a pair of co-interior angles ∠ABC and ∠DCB is 180°.
By theorem 6.5, we have
AB || CD. Hence proved

Multiple Choice Questions

Choose the correct alternative each of the following :

Question 1.
If two angles are supplementary of each other, then each angle is :
(a) a right angle
(b) an acute angle
(c) an obtuse angle
(d) a straight angle
Solution :
(a) a right angle

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles

Question 2.
The complement of 47° 32′ 45″ is:
(a) 43° 28′ 15″
(b) 43° 27′ 15″
(c) 42° 27′ 15″
(d) 43° 27′ 15″
Solution :
(c) 42° 27′ 15″

Question 3.
The supplement of 75° 30′ 50″ is :
(a) 14° 29′ 10″
(b) 15° 30′ 10″
(c) 105° 30′ 10″
(d) 104° 29′ 10″
Solution :
(d) 104° 29′ 10″

Question 4.
The angles a triangle are in the ratio 5 : 3 : 7 The triangle is: [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) an acute angled triangle
(b) an obtused angled triangle
(c) a right triangle
(d) an isosceles triangle
Solution :
(a) an acute angled triangle

Question 5.
If angles of a triangle are in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3, then the smallest angle of the triangle is :
(a) 60°
(b) 30°
(c) 90°
(d) 50°
Solution :
(b) 30°

Question 6.
If one angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the other two angles, then triangle is : [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) a right angled triangle
(b) acute angled triangle
(c) obtuse angled triangle
(d) equilateral triangle
Solution :
(a) a right angled triangle

Question 7.
If one of the angles of a triangle is 130°, then the angle between the bisectors of the other two angles can be : [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) 50°
(b) 65°
(c) 145°
(d) 155°
Solution :
(d) 155°

Question 8.
In ΔPQR, side QR is produced to S such that ∠PRS = 110, if ∠P = ∠Q, then ∠Q is equal to :
(a) 70°
(b) 55°
(c) 50°
(d) 45°
Solution :
(b) 55°

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles

Question 9.
In the figure, ∠x + ∠y + ∠z is equal to :
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles - 34
(a) 180°
(b) 90°
(c) 360°
(d) 270°
Solution :
(c) 360°

Question 10.
In the figure, ∠A + ∠B + ∠C + ∠P + ∠Q + ∠R is equal to :
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles - 35
(a) 180°
(b) 270°
(c) 90°
(d) 360°
Solution :
(d) 360°

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 6 Lines and Angles Read More »

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles

Haryana State Board HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles Important Questions and Answers.

Haryana Board 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
In the given figure ABCD is a quadrilateral and AC is one of its diagonal. Show that ABCD is a parallelogram and finds its area.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 1
We have,
∠ACD = ∠CAB (each angle = 90°)
But these are alternate interior angles.
∴ AB || CD
and AB = CD = 4 cm
∴ ABCD is a parallelogram.
Area of parallelogram ABCD = base × height
= AB × AC
= 4 × 5
= 20 cm2
ar (||gm ABCD) = 20 cm2.

Question 2.
In the given figure, ABCD and QPCD are rectangle and parallelogram respectively. If area of ΔQPD is 35 cm2, then find the area of rectangle ABCD.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 2
Since rectangle ABCD and parallelogram QPCD are on the same base CD and between the same parallels CD and BQ.
∴ ar (rectangle ABCD) = ar(||gm QPCD)…(i)
[since rectangle is also a parallelogram]
Now, ΔQPD and parallelogram QPCD are on the same base QP and between the same parallels QP and CD.
ar (ΔQPD) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (||gm QPCD) …..(ii)
From (i) and (ii), we get
ar (ΔQPD) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (rectangle ABCD) [Using (i)]
⇒ 35 = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (rectangle ABCD),
[It is given that ar (AQPD) = 35 cm2]
⇒ 70 = ar (rectangle ABCD)
ar (rectangle ABCD)= 70 cm2.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles

Question 3.
In the given figure, triangles DAC and BAC are on same base AC. If vertex B and D are on opposite side of AC such that area of ΔDAC is equal to area of ΔBAC. Prove that OD = OB.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 3
Draw BM ⊥ AC and DN ⊥ AC.
ar (ΔDAC) = ar (ΔBAC), (given)
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 4
⇒ \(\frac{1}{2}\)AC × DN = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AC × BM
⇒ DN = BM ……(i)
In ΔDNO and ΔBMO, we have
∠DNO = ∠BMO,
(by construction each = 90°)
(vertically opposite angles)
DN = BM (as proved above)
(By AAS congruence rule)
⇒ OD = OB (CPCT) Hence proved

Question 4.
In a rhombus ABCD, AC and BD are its diagonals. Show that area of ABCD is equal to \(\frac{1}{2}\)(AC × BD)
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 5
Given: A rhombus ABCD whose diagonals AC and BD intersect at O.
To prove : ar (rhombus ABCD) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(AC × BD).
Proof : Since diagonals of rhombus bisect each other at right angles.
∴ AO ⊥ BD and OC ⊥ BD
⇒ ar (rhombus ABCD) = ar (ΔDAB) + ar (ΔBCD)
⇒ ar (rhombus ABCD) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(BD × AO) + (BD × OC)
⇒ ar (rhombus ABCD) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(AO + OC)
⇒ ar (rhombus ABCD) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(BD × AC)
⇒ ar (rhombus ABCD) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(AC × BD).
Hence proved

Question 5.
In the given figure, AD is the median of ΔABC and DE is the median of ΔABD. Show that:
ar (ΔABC) = 4 × ar(ΔBED).
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 6
Since AD is the median of AABC.
∴ ar (ΔABD) = ar (ΔACD)
[∵ a median divides the triangle into two triangles of equal areas]
⇒ ar (ΔABD)= \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (ΔABC) …(i)
Again, DE is the median of ΔABD.
∴ ar (ΔBED) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (ΔABD)
⇒ ar (ΔBED) = \(\frac{1}{2} \cdot \frac{1}{2}\)ar(ΔABC) [using (i)]
⇒ ar (ΔBED) = \(\frac{1}{4}\)ar (ΔABC)
⇒ ar (ΔABC) = 4 ar (ΔBED).
Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles

Question 6.
In fig. 9.78 BD || CA, E is the mid point of CA and BD = \(\frac{1}{2}\)CA. Prove that ar (ABC) = 2 ar (DBC)
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 7
Join DE. Since, BD = CE and BD || CE. Therefore, BCED is a parallelogram.
∴ Triangles DBC and EBC are on the same base BC and between the same prallels BC and DE.
∴ ar (DBC) = ar (EBC) …(i)
In ΔABC, BE is the median and we know that a median divides the triangles into two triangles of equal areas.
∴ ar (EBC) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (ABC)
⇒ ar (ABC) = 2 ar (EBC)
⇒ ar (ABC) = 2 ar (DBC) [Using (i)]
Hence, ar (ABC) = 2 ar (DBC). Proved

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
In the given figure, ABCD and ABFE are parallelogram on the same base AB. Prove that :
(i) ar (ΔADB) + ar (ΔBFA) = ar (llgm ABFE)
(ii) If area of ||gm ABCD is 72 cm2
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 8
Find the area of ΔBFA.
(i) Since parallelograms ABCD and ABFE are on the same base AB and between the same parallels AB and CE.
∴ ar (||gm ABCD) = ar (||gm ABFE) …(i)
ΔBFA and parallelogram ABFE are on the same base AB between the same parallels AB and FE.
∴ ar (ΔBFA) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (||gm ABFE) …(ii)
ΔADB and parallelogram ABCD are on the same base AB and between the same parallels AB and CD.
∴ ar (ΔADB) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (||gm ABCD) ….(iii)
Adding (ii) and (iii), we get
ar (ΔBFA) + ar (ΔADB) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (||gm ABFE) + \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (ABCD)
⇒ ar (ΔADB) + ar (ΔBFA) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (||gm ABFE) + ar (||gm ABFE),
[∵ From (i) ar (||gm ABCD) = ar (||gm ABFE)
∴ \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (||gm ABCD) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (||gm ABFE)]
⇒ ar (ΔADB) + ar (ΔBFA) = ar (||gm ABFE). Hence proved

(ii) From (i) and (ii), we get
ar (ΔBFA) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (||gm ABCD)
⇒ ar (ΔBFA) = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 72,
It is given that
ar (||gm ABCD = 72 cm2)
⇒ ar (ΔBFA) = 36 cm2
Hence ar (ΔBFA) = 36 cm2.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles

Question 2.
ABCD is a parallelogram in which BC is produced to E such that CE = BC (see fig 9.80). AE intersects CD at F. If ar(DFB)= 3 cm2, find the area of the parallelogram ABCD. [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
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Since, FC || AB (∵ CD || AB) and C is the mid point of BE. Therefore, F is the mid point of CD
∴ BF is the median in ΔBCD.
Since, we know that a median divides a
triangle into two triangles of equal areas.
∴ ar(CFB) = ar (DFB)
Now ar (BCD) = ar (CFB) + ar (DFB)
⇒ ar (BCD) = 2 ar (DFB)
⇒ ar (BCD) = 2 × 3 = 6 cm2
Since, BD is a diagonal of parallelogram ABCD and we know that a diagonal divides the parallelogram into two triangles of equal areas.
∴ ar (||gm ABCD) = 2 × ar (BCD)
= 2 × 6 = 12 cm2
ar (||gm ABCD)= 12 cm2.

Question 3.
In the given figure PQR is a triangle in which PM divides QR in the ratio a : b.
Show that ar(ΔPQM)/ar(ΔPRM) = a/b.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 10
Given : In ΔABC, PM divides QR in the ratio a : b.
To prove ar(ΔPQM)/ar(ΔPRM) = a/b
Construction : Draw PN ⊥ QR.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 11
Proof : Since QM : MR = a : b
⇒ \(\frac{Q M}{M R}=\frac{a}{b}\) …..(i)
Area of ΔPQM = \(\frac{1}{2}\)QM × PN …..(ii)
and Area of ΔPRM = \(\frac{1}{2}\)MR × PN …..(iii)
Dividing (ii) by (iii), we get
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 12

Question 4.
In the given figure, AC is the diagonal of quadrilateral ABCD and DE is drawn parallel to AC, which meets BA produced at point E such that ED = AC. Prove that ar (ΔCBE) = ar (quad. ABCD)
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 13
ED || AC and ED = AC
∴ ACDE is a parallelogram.
Since ΔACD and parallelogram ACDE are on the same base AC and between the same parallels AC and DE.
∴ ar (ΔACD) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (||gm ACDE) ……(i)
Similarly, ΔACE and parallelogram ACDE are on the same base AC and between the same parallels AC and DE.
∴ ar (ΔACE) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (||gm ACDE) ……(ii)
From (i) and (ii), we get
ar (ΔACE) = ar (ΔACD)
⇒ ar(ΔACE) + ar(ΔABC) = ar(ΔACD) + ar(ΔABC)
[Adding ar (SABC) on both sides]
⇒ ar (ΔCBE) = ar (quadrilateral ABCD).
Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles

Question 5.
In the figure AB || CD || EF, BC || AE and CE || BF. Prove that ar (CEFH) = ar (ABCD).
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 14
AB || CD and AD || BC [∵ AE || BC]
∴ ABCD is a parallelogram.
Now CD || EF and CE || BF
⇒ HC || EF and CE || HF
∴ CEFH is a parallelogram.
AE || BC and CD || EF
⇒ GE || BC and HC || FE
∴ GECB is a parallelogram.
Now parallelogram GECB and ABCD are on the same base BC and between the same parallels AE and BC.
∴ ar (||gm GECB) = ar (||gm ABCD) …(i)
Parallelograms GECB and CEFH are on the same base CE and between the same parallels CE and BF.
∴ ar (||gm GECB)= ar (||gm CEFH) …(ii)
From (i) and (ii), we get
ar (||gm CEFH) = ar (||gm ABCD). Hence proved

Question 6.
In the given figure, D is a point on the side BC of ΔABC such that BD : CD = 2 : 3. Show that:
ar (ΔACD) = \(\frac{3}{5}\)ar (ΔABC).
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Draw AE ⊥ BC
In ΔABC, we have
BD : CD = 2 : 3
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Now ar (ΔABC) = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × BC × AE ……(i)
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 17
and ar (ΔACD) = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × CD × AE
⇒ ar (ΔACD) = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × \(\frac{3}{5}\) × BC × AE
[From (1), CD = \(\frac{3}{5}\)BC]
⇒ ar (ΔACD) = \(\frac{3}{5}\)(\(\frac{1}{2}\) × BC × AE)
⇒ ar (ΔACD) = \(\frac{3}{5}\)ar (ΔABC) [using (ii)]
Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles

Question 7.
The medians AD and BE of a triangle ABC intersect at G. Prove that :
ar (ΔABG) = ar (quad. GECD).
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Since D and E are the mid points of BC and AC respectively.
∴ DE || AB
Now, ΔABE and ΔABD are on the same base AB and between the same parallels AB and ED.
∴ ar (ΔABE) = ar (ΔABD) …(i) (By theorem 9.2)
In a triangle ABC, BE is the median and we know that a median divides the triangle into, two triangles of equal areas.
∴ ar (ΔABE) = ar (ΔCBE) …(ii)
From (i) and (ii), we get
ar (ΔABD) = ar (ΔCBE)
⇒ ar (ΔABD) – ar (ΔGBD) = ar (ΔCBE) – ar (ΔGBD)
⇒ ar (ΔABG) = ar (quad. GECD). Hence proved

Question 8.
In the figure AB || CQ and CS || AT. Prove that:
(i) ar (ΔAPQ) = ar (ΔCPB)
(ii) ar (ΔACR) = ar (ΔSRT)
(iii) ar (quad. BCRQ) = ar (ΔSRT).
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 19
(i) Since, ΔABQ and ΔBAC are on the same base AB and between the same parallels AB and CQ.
∴ ar (ΔABQ) = ar (ΔBAC) (By theorem 9.2)
⇒ ar(ΔABQ) – ar(ΔABP) = ar(ΔBAC) – ar(ΔABP)
⇒ ar (ΔAPQ) = ar (ΔCPB) …(i)
(ii) Since, ΔACT and ΔAST are on same base AT and between the same parallels AT and CS.
∴ ar (ΔACT) = ar (ΔAST)
⇒ ar(ΔACT) – ar (ΔART) = ar(ΔAST) – ar(ΔART)
⇒ ar (ΔACR) = ar (ΔSRT)
(iii) ar (ΔACR) = ar (ΔSRT)
⇒ ar (ΔAPQ) + ar (quad. PQRC) = ar (ΔSRT)
⇒ ar (ΔCPB) + ar (quad. PQRC) = ar (ΔSRT) [using (i)]
⇒ ar (quad. BCRQ) = ar (ΔSRT). Hence proved

Question 9.
In the given figure, D is the mid point of side AB of the SABC, E is any point on BC such that DE || FC. Prove that FE bisects the ΔABC.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 20
Given: D is the mid point of the side AB of ΔABC. E is the point on BC such that DE || FC.
To prove : FE bisects ΔABC.
Construction : Join CD.
Proof : Since ΔFCD and ΔFCE are on the same base FC and between the same parallels FC and DE.
∴ ar (ΔFCD) = ar (ΔFCE)
⇒ ar (ΔFCD) + ar (ΔACF) = ar (ΔFCE) + ar (ΔACF)
⇒ ar (ΔACD) = ar (quad. AFEC) …(i)
In ΔABC, CD is the median.
ar (ΔACD) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (ΔABC) …(ii)
From (i) and (ii), we get
ar (ΔACD) = ar (quad. AFEC) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (ΔABC).
Hence, FE bisects ΔABC. Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles

Question 10.
Through the vertex A of a parallelogram ABCD, line AEF is drawn to meet BC at E and DC produced at F. Show that the triangles BEF and DCE are equal in area.
Given: In a||gm ABCD, through vertex A, a straight line AEF is drawn to meet BC at E and DC produced at F.
To prove : ar (ΔBEF) = ar (ΔDCE).
Construction : Join BD.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 21
Proof: Since ΔABF and ||gm ABCD are on the same base AB and between the same parallels AB and DF.
∴ ar (ΔABF) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (||gm ABCD ……(i)
Diagonal BD divides parallelogram ABCD into two triangles of equal area.
∴ ar (ΔBCD) = ar (||gm ABCD) ……(ii)
From (i) and (ii), we get
ar (ΔABF) = ar (ΔBCD) …(iii)
Now, ΔABE and ΔDBE are on the same base BE and between the same parallels BE and AD.
∴ ar (ΔABE) = ar (ΔDBE) ……(iv)
Subtracting (iv) from (iii), we get
ar (ΔABF) – ar (ΔABE) = ar (ΔBCD) – ar (ΔDBE)
⇒ ar (ΔBEF) = ar (ΔDCE). Hence proved

Question 11.
In the given figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. P is any point on AB. CB and DP are produced to meet Q. Prove that:
(i) ar (ΔCPQ) = ar (ΔBDQ)
(ii) If P is the mid point of AB, then prove that:
ar (ΔPBC) + ar (ΔPBD) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (||gm ABCD).
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 22
(i) Since ΔPBC and ΔPBD are on the same base PB and between the same parallels PB and CD.
∴ ar(ΔPBC) = ar (ΔPBD) ……(i)
⇒ ar (ΔPBC) + ar (ΔPBQ) = ar (ΔPBD) + ar (ΔPBQ)
⇒ ar (ΔCPQ) = ar (ΔBDQ).
(ii) ∵ Diagonal BD divides parallelogram ABCD into two triangles of equal areas.
∴ ar (ΔBAD) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (||gm ABCD) …….(ii)
In ΔBAD, DP is the median.
∴ ar (ΔPBD) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (ΔBAD)
⇒ ar (ΔPBD) = \(\frac{1}{2}\) · \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (||gm ABCD) [using (ii)]
⇒ ar (ΔPBD) = \(\frac{1}{4}\)ar (||gm ABCD) ……(iii)
From (i) and (iii), we get
ar (ΔPBC) = ar (ΔPBD) = \(\frac{1}{4}\)ar (||gm ABCD)
Now, ar (ΔPBC) + ar (ΔPBD) = \(\frac{1}{4}\)ar (||gm ABCD + \(\frac{1}{4}\)ar (||gm ABCD)
⇒ ar (ΔPBC) + ar (ΔPBD) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (||gm ABCD). Hence proved

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
If the area of an equilateral triangle is equal to the area of a square, prove that the perimeter of the equilateral triangle is greater than the perimeter of the square.
Let the side of the equilateral triangle be x units and side of the square be y units.
∴ Area of equilateral triangle = \(\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4} x^2\) square units
and area of a square = y2 square units
According to question,
Area of equilateral triangle = Area of a square
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 23
Therefore, perimeter of an equilateral triangle is greater than perimeter of a square.
Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles

Question 2.
In the given figure, D and E are respectively the mid points of the sides AB and AC of a ΔABC. If XY || BC and BEX and CDY are straight lines, prove that:
(i) ar (ΔADY) = ar (ΔAEX)
(ii) ar (ΔACY) = ar (ΔBX).
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 24
Since D and E are the respectively mid points of the sides AB and AC.
Therefore, DE || BC
⇒ BC || DE || XY
(i) In ΔAEX and ΔCEB, we have
∠AEX = ∠CEB (vertically opposite angles)
[∵ XY || BC ⇒ alternate interior angle AXE and CBE are equal]
and AE = EC
[∵ E is the mid point of AC]
(By AAS congruence rule)
⇒ ar (ΔAEX) = ar (ΔCEB) …(i)
Similarly, ΔADY ≅ ΔBDC
⇒ ar (ΔADY) = ar (ΔBDC) …(ii)
But ΔBDC and ΔCEB are on the same base BC and between the same parallels DE and BC.
∴ ar(ΔBDC) = ar (ΔCEB) …(iii)
From (i), (ii) and (iii), we get
ar (ΔADY) = ar (ΔAEX) …(iv)
(ii) Now, ΔDEB and ΔEDC are on the same base DE and between the same parallels DE and BC.
∴ ar (ΔDEB) = ar (ΔEDC)
⇒ ar (ΔDEB) + ar (ΔADE) = ar (ΔEDC) + ar (ΔADE)
⇒ ar (ΔABE) = ar (ΔACD)
⇒ ar (ΔACD) = ar (ΔABE) …..(v)
Adding (iv) and (v), we get
ar (ΔADY) + ar (ΔACD) = ar (ΔAEX) + ar (ΔABE)
⇒ ar (ΔACY) = ar (ΔABX). Hence proved

Question 3.
In the figure, ABC is a triangle in which E and D are the points on AC such that AE = ED = CD. EF drawn parallel to AB and FD is joined. If AF and BE intersect at G, then prove that:
(i) ar (ΔAEG) = ar (ΔBFG)
(ii) ar (ΔAFD) = ar (quad. BEDF)
(iii) ar (ΔAFC) = 3 ar (ΔFED).
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 25
(i) ΔABE and ΔABF are on the same base AB and between the same parallels AB and EF.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 26
ar (ΔABE) = ar (ΔABF)
ar (ΔABE) – ar (ΔABG) = ar (ΔABF) – ar (ΔABG)
⇒ ar(ΔAEG) = ar (ΔBFG)
(ii) ar (ΔAEG) = ar (ΔBFG) (as proved above)
⇒ ar (ΔAEG) + ar (quad. GEDF) = ar (ΔBFG) + ar (quad. GEDF)
[Adding ar (quad. GEDF) on both sides]
⇒ ar (ΔAFD) = ar (quad. BEDF)
(iii) Draw FT ⊥ AC
Let AE = ED = CD = x
ar (ΔAEF) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AE × FT
⇒ ar (ΔAEF) = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × x × FT ……(i)
ar (ΔFED) = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × x × FT …(ii)
and ar (ΔCDF) = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × x × FT …(iii)
From (i), (ii) and (iii), we get
ar (ΔAEF) = ar (ΔCDF) = ar (ΔFED) ……(iv)
Now, ar (ΔAFC) = ar (ΔAEF) + ar (ΔFED) + ar (ΔCDF)
⇒ ar (ΔAFC) = ar (ΔFED)+ ar (ΔFED) + ar (ΔFED) [using (iv)]
⇒ ar (ΔAFC)= 3 ar (ΔFED). Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles

Question 4.
In a parallelogram ABCD, the side AB is produced to point P such that BP = AB. A line DP intersects BC at E. Prove that:
(i) BPCD is a parallelogram
(ii) ar (ΔCEP) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (ΔAED).
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 27
(i) Since ABCD is a parallelogram.
∴ AB || CD
⇒ BP || CD [∵ AB = BP]
and AB = CD
AB = BP (given)
∴ BP = CD
Thus, BP = CD and BP || CD
⇒ BPCD is a parallelogram.

(ii) Since, BPCD is a parallelogram and BC and DP are its diagonals.
We know that in a parallelogram a diagonal divides the parallelogram into two triangles of equal areas.
∴ ar (ΔCBP) = ar (ΔCBD)
⇒ ar (ΔCBP) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (||gm BPCD)…(i)
We know that diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.
∴ E is the mid point of BC.
⇒ ar (ΔCEP) = ar (ΔBEP)
[a median divides the triangle into two triangles of equal areas]
⇒ ar (ΔCEP) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (ΔCBP) …(ii)
From (i) and (ii), we get
ar (ΔCEP) = \(\frac{1}{2} \cdot \frac{1}{2}\)ar (||gm BPCD)
⇒ ar (ΔCEP) = \(\frac{1}{4}\)ar (||gm BPCD) …(ii)
Parallelograms ABCD and BPCD are on the same base CD and between the same parallels CD and AP.
∴ ar (||gm ABCD) = ar (||gm BPCD) …(iv)
From (iii) and (iv), we get
ar (ΔCEP) = \(\frac{1}{4}\)ar (||gm ABCD)
4 ar (ΔCEP) = ar (||gm ABCD) …(v)
Now, ΔAED and parallelogram ABCD are on the same base AD and between the same paralles AD and BC.
∴ ar (ΔAED) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (||gm ABCD)
⇒ 2 ar (ΔAED) = ar (||gm ABCD) …(vi)
From (v) and (vi), we get
4 ar (ΔCEP) = 2 ar (ΔAED)
⇒ ar (ΔCEP) = \(\frac{2}{4}\)ar (ΔAED)
⇒ ar (ΔCEP) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (ΔAED). Hence proved

Question 5.
P and Q are respectively the mid points of the sides AB and BC of a parallelogram ABCD. Prove that ar (ΔDPQ) = \(\frac{3}{8}\)ar (||gm ABCD).
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 28
Given : P and Q are respectively the mid points of the side AB and BC of a parallelogram ABCD.
To prove : ar (ΔDPQ) = \(\frac{3}{8}\)ar (||gm ABCD).
Construction : Join AC, BD and CP.
Proof : Since in ΔABC, P is the mid point of AB.
∴ CP is the median of ΔABC.
We know that a median divides the triangle into two triangles of equal areas.
∴ ar (ΔPBC) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (ΔABC) …(i)
In ΔPBC, Q is the mid point of BC.
∴ PQ is the median of ΔPBC.
∴ ar (ΔPBQ) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (ΔPBC)
⇒ 2 ar (ΔPBQ) = ar (ΔPBC) …….(ii)
From (i) and (ii), we get
2 ar (ΔPBQ) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (ΔABC)
⇒ 4 ar (ΔPBQ) = ar (ΔABC) …….(iii)
Since, a diagonal divides the parallelogram into two triangles of equal area.
∴ ar (ΔABC) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (||gm ABCD)..(iv)
From (iii) and (iv), we get
4 ar (ΔPBQ) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (||gm ABCD)
⇒ ar (ΔPBQ) = \(\frac{1}{8}\)ar (||gm ABCD)…(v)
Since, diagonal BD divides parallelogram ABCD into two triangles of equal area.
∴ ar (ΔDAB) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (||gm ABCD)..(vi)
In ΔDAB, DP is the median.
∴ ar (ΔDAP) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (ΔDAB) …(vii)
From (vi) and (vii), we get
ar (ΔDAP) = \(\frac{1}{2} \cdot \frac{1}{2}\)ar (||gm ABCD)
ar (ΔDAP) = \(\frac{1}{4}\)ar (||gm ABCD) …..(8)
ar (ΔDCQ) = \(\frac{1}{4}\)ar (||gm ABCD) …..(9)
Now, ar (ΔDPQ) = ar (||gm ABCD) – [ar (ΔDAP) + ar (ΔDCQ) + ar (ΔPBQ)]
⇒ ar (ΔDPQ) = ar (||gm ABCD)
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 29

Question 6.
In the given figure, ABCD is a trapezium in which E is the mid point of AD. If E is joined to vertices B and C, prove that :
ar (ΔABE) + ar (ΔCDE) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (trap. ABCD).
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 30
Draw EF ⊥ AB and produced to opposite of EF meets CD produced at G.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 31
Since, AB || CG
∴ ∠DGE = ∠AFE = 90° (alternate interior angles)
In ΔAFE and ΔDGE, we have
∠AFE = ∠DGE (Each = 90°)
∠AEF = ∠DEG (vertically opposite angles)
and AE = ED (∵ E is the mid point of AD)
∴ ΔAFE ≅ ΔDGE (By AAS congruence rule)
⇒ EF = EG (CPCT) ……(i)
Now, ar (ΔABE) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AB × EF …(ii)
and ar (ΔCDE) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)CD × GE …(iii)
Adding (ii) and (iii), we get
ar (ΔABE) + ar (ΔCDE) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AB × EF + \(\frac{1}{2}\)CD × GE
⇒ ar (ΔABE) + ar (ΔCDE) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(AB × EF + CD × EF) [using (1)]
⇒ ar (ΔABE) + ar (ΔCDE) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(AB + CD) × EF
⇒ ar (ΔABE) + ar (ΔCDE) = \(\frac{1}{2} \cdot \frac{1}{2}\)(AB + CD) × 2EF
⇒ ar (ΔABE) + ar (ΔCDE) = \(\frac{1}{2} \cdot \frac{1}{2}\)(AB + CD) × GF
⇒ ar (ΔABE) + ar (ΔCDE) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (trap. ABCD).
Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles

Question 7.
In a triangle ABC, if the medians AD, BE and CF intersect at G. Show that:
ar (ΔABG) = ar (ΔACG) = ar (ΔBCG)
= \(\frac{1}{3}\)ar (ΔABC).
Given : In a triangle ABC, medians AD, BE and CF intersect at G.
To prove: ar (ΔABG) = ar (ΔACG) = ar (ΔBCG)
= \(\frac{1}{3}\)ar (ΔABC).
Proof : We know that the median of a triangle divides it into two triangles of equal areas.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 32
In ΔABC, AD is the median.
∴ ar (ΔABD) = ar (ΔACD) ….(i)
In ΔGBC, GD is the median.
∴ ar(ΔGBD) = ar (ΔGCD) …(ii)
Subtracting (ii) from (i), we get
ar (ΔABD) – ar (ΔGBD) = ar (ΔACD) – ar (ΔGCD)
⇒ ar (ΔABG) = ar (ΔACG) … (iii)
ar (ΔABG) = ar (ΔBCG) …(iv)
From (iii) and (iv), we get
ar (ΔABG) = ar (ΔACG) = ar (ΔBCG) …(v)
Now, ar(ΔABC) = ar (ΔABG) + ar (ΔACG) + ar (ΔBCG)
⇒ ar (ABC) = ar (ΔABG) + ar (ΔABG) + ar (ΔABG) [using (v)]
⇒ ar (ΔABC) = 3 ar (ΔABG)
⇒ ar(ΔABG) = \(\frac{1}{3}\)ar (ΔABC) …(vi)
From (v) and (vi), we get
ar (ΔABG) = ar (ΔACG)
= ar (ΔBCG)
= \(\frac{1}{3}\)ar (ΔABC). Hence proved

Question 8.
In the given figure, ABCD is a trapezium in which AB || CD, AB = 40 cm and CD = 30 cm. If M and N are respectively the mid points of AD and BC, prove that:
(i) MNCD is a trapezium
(ii) ar (trap. ABNM) = \(\frac{15}{13}\) ar(trap. MNCD).
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 33
(i) Join DN and produce it to meet AB produced at O.
In ΔDCN and ΔOBN, we have
∠DCN = ∠OBN (∵ CD || OA)
(∵ N is the mid point of BC)
and ∠CND = ∠BNO (vertically opp. angles)
∴ ΔDCN ≅ ΔOBN (By ASA congruence rule)
⇒ CD = OB (CPCT) …(i)
and DN = ON (CPCT)
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 34
⇒ N is the mid point of OD.
In ΔAOD, M is the mid point of AD and N is the mid point of OD.
∴ MN || AO and MN = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AO
⇒ MN = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(AB + BO)
⇒ MN = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(AB + CD)
[From (i), OB = CD]
⇒ MN = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(40 + 30) = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 70 = 35 cm
Now, MN || AO and CD || AB (given)
⇒ MN || AB and CD || AB
⇒ MN || CD
⇒ MNCD is a trapezium.

(ii) Since, M and N are respectively the mid points of AD and BC.
Therefore trapeziums MNCD and ABNM have the same height, say h cm.
ar (trap. ABNM) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(AB + MN) × h
⇒ ar (trap. ABNM = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(40 + 35) × h = \(\frac{75}{2}\) × h ….(ii)
and ar (trap. MNCD) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(MN + CD) × h
⇒ ar (trap. MNCD)= \(\frac{1}{2}\)(35 + 30) × h = \(\frac{65}{2}\) × h …..(iii)
Dividing (ii) by (iii), we get
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 35

Question 9.
ABCD is a trapezium in which AB || CD and E is the mid point of BC. Prove that:
ar (ΔAED) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (trap. ABCD).
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 36
Given : AB || CD and E is the mid point of BC.
To prove : ar (ΔAED) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (trap. ABCD).
Construction : Join AC and BD.
Proof: ΔACD and ΔBCD are on the same base CD and between the same parallels AB and CD.
∴ ar (ΔACD) = ar (ΔBCD) …(i)
In ΔABC, AE is the median.
∴ ar (ΔAEB) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (ΔABC) …(ii)
In ΔBCD, DE is the median.
∴ ar (ΔDEC) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (ΔBCD) …….(iii)
Adding (ii) and (iii), we get
ar (ΔAEB) + ar (ΔDEC) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (ΔABC) + \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (ΔBCD)
⇒ ar (ΔAEB) + ar (ΔDEC) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)[ar (ΔABC) + ar (ΔBCD)]
⇒ ar (ΔAEB) + ar (ΔDEC) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)[ar (ABC) + ar (ΔACD)] [using (i)]
⇒ ar (ΔAEB) + ar (ΔDEC) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (trap.ABCD) …..(iv)
ar (trap. ABCD) = ar (ΔAEB) + ar (ΔAED) + ar (ΔDEC)
⇒ ar (trap. ABCD) = ar (ΔAEB) + ar (ΔDEC) + ar (ΔAED)
⇒ ar (trap. ABCD) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (trap. ABCD) + ar (ΔAED)
⇒ ar (ΔAED) = ar (trap. ABCD) – \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (trap. ABCD)
⇒ ar (ΔAED) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (trap. ABCD). Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles

Question 10.
ABCD is a parallelogram in which P is a point on AB such that AP : PB = 2 : 1 and Q is a point on BC such that BQ : QC = 2 : 1 and R is a point on CD such that CR : DR = 2 : 1. Prove that :
(i) ar (trap. APRD) = ar (trap. PBCR)
(ii) ar (ΔPBR) = \(\frac{1}{6}\)ar (||gm ABCD)
(iii) ar (ΔRCQ) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (ΔRQB)
(iv) 2 ar (ΔPBR) = 3 ar (ΔRCQ).
BM ⊥ CD and DN ⊥ AB
AP : PB = 2 : 1 and CR : DR = 2 : 1
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 37
AP = AB – PB
and CR = CD – DR
⇒ AP = AB – \(\frac{1}{3}\)AB
and CR = CD – \(\frac{1}{3}\)CD
⇒ AP = \(\frac{2}{3}\)AB and CR = \(\frac{2}{3}\) CD
Similarly, CQ = \(\frac{1}{3}\)BC and BQ = \(\frac{2}{3}\)BC
(i) Area of trap. APRD = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(AP + DR) × DN
= \(\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{2}{3} A B+\frac{1}{3} C D\right) \times D N\)
= \(\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{2}{3} A B+\frac{1}{3} A B\right) \times D N\)
= \(\frac{1}{2}\)AB × DN
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 38
ar (trap. APRD) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AB × DN …(i)
Similarly,area of trap.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 39
Since, perpendiculars BM and DN are between the parallel sides AB and CD.
∴ BM = DN ……(iii)
From (i), (ii) and (iii), we get
ar (trap. APRD) = ar (trap. PBCR)

(ii) ar (ΔPBR) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)PB × DN
⇒ ar (ΔPBR) = \(\frac{1}{2} \times \frac{1}{3}\)AB × DN
ar (ΔPBR) = \(\frac{1}{6}\)AB × DN
ar (ΔPBR) = \(\frac{1}{6}\)ar (||gm ABCD)
[∵ ar (||gm ABCD) = AB × DN]

(iii) Draw RO ⊥ BC
ar (ΔRCQ) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)CQ × RO
⇒ ar (ΔRCQ) = \(\frac{1}{2} \times \frac{1}{3}\)BC × RO
⇒ ar (ΔRCQ) = \(\frac{1}{6}\)BC × RO
⇒ 6 ar (ΔRCQ) = BC × RO …(iv)
and ar (ΔRQB) = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × BQ × RO
⇒ ar (ΔRQB) = \(\frac{1}{2} \times \frac{2}{3}\) BC × RO
⇒ 3 ar (ΔRQB) = BC × RO …(v)
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 40
From (iv) and (v), we get
6 ar (ΔRCQ) = 3 ar (ΔRQB)
⇒ ar (ΔRCQ) = \(\frac{3}{6}\)ar (ΔRQB)
⇒ ar (ARCQ) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ar (ΔRQB)

(iv) ar (ΔRCB) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)CR × BM
⇒ ar (ΔRCB) = \(\frac{1}{2} \times \frac{2}{3}\)CD × BM
⇒ ar (ΔRCB) = \(\frac{1}{3}\)CD × BM …(vi)
Again, ar (ARCB) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)BC × RO ……(vii)
From (vi) and (vii), we get
\(\frac{1}{2}\)BC × RO = \(\frac{1}{3}\)CD × BM
⇒ RO = \(\frac{2}{3} \times \frac{C D \times B M}{B C}\)
Putting the value of RO in (iv), we get
ar (ΔRCQ) = \(\frac{1}{6} B C \times \frac{2}{3} \frac{C D \times B M}{B C}\)
⇒ ar (ΔRCQ) = \(\frac{1}{9}\)CD × BM
⇒ 9 ar (ΔRCQ) = CD × BM ……(viii)
From IInd part, we have
ar (ΔPBR) = \(\frac{1}{6}\)AB × DN
⇒ 6 ar (ΔPBR) = CD × BM ……(ix)
[∵ From (iii), BM = DN and AB = CD]
From (viii) and (ix), we get
6 ar (ΔPBR) = 9 ar (ΔRCQ)
⇒ ar (ΔPBR)= \(\frac{9}{6}\)ar (ΔRCQ)
⇒ ar (ΔPBR) = \(\frac{3}{2}\)ar (ΔRCQ)
⇒ 2 ar (ΔPBR) = 3 ar (ΔRCQ). Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles

Multiple Choice Questions

Choose the correct option in each of the following:

Question 1.
Out of the following given figures, which are on the same base and between the same parallels :
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 41
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 42
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 43

Question 2.
In the given figure, ABCD is a trapezium in which AB || CD such that AB = a cm and CD = b cm. If F and E are the mid points of BC and AD respectively, then ar(ABFE)/ar(EFCD) is equal to: [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 44
(a) \(\frac{a}{b}\)
(b) \(\frac{(3 a+b)}{(a+3 b)}\)
(c) \(\frac{(a+3 b)}{(3 a+b)}\)
(d) \(\frac{(2 a+b)}{(3 a+b)}\)
(b) \(\frac{(3 a+b)}{(a+3 b)}\)

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles

Question 3.
In the given figure, ARCD is a square, if diagonals AC and BD intersect at O and AO = 4 cm, then the area of square ABCD is :
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 45
(a) 32 cm2
(b) 64 cm2
(c) 16 cm2
(d) 20 cm2
(a) 32 cm2

Question 4.
In the given figure, ABCD is a rhombus. If OD = 3 cm and area of rhombus ABCD = 24 cm2, then length of diagonal AC is :
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 46
(a) 6 cm
(b) 8 cm
(c) 16 cm
(d) 10 cm
(b) 8 cm

Question 5.
If two parallelograms are on the same base and between the same parallels. The ratio of their areas is : [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) 1 : 3
(b) 1 : 2
(c) 1 : 1
(d) 2 : 1
(c) 1 : 1

Question 6.
If a triangle and a parallelogram have a same base and are between the same parallels, then ratio of areas of parallelograms to the triangle is : [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) 1 : 4
(b) 4 : 1
(c) 1 : 2
(d) 2 : 1
(d) 2 : 1

Question 7.
If medians of a triangle ABC intersect at G, then ratio of ar (ΔBCG) : ar (ΔABC) is :
(a) 1 : 3
(b) 3 : 1
(c) 1 : 2
(d) 2 : 1
(a) 1 : 3

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles

Question 8.
The area of a parallelogram ABCD is 36 cm2, then area of figure obtained by joining the mid points of the sides of parallelogram ABCD is :
(a) 36 cm2
(b) 18 cm2
(c) 20 cm2
(d) 24 cm2
(b) 18 cm2

Question 9.
If diagonal AC divides the quadrilateral ABCD into two triangles of equal area, then ABCD is a: [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) rhombus
(b) parallelogram
(c) rectangle
(d) need not be any of (a), (b) or (c)
(d) need not be any of (a), (b) or (c)

Question 10.
ΔΑΒC and ΔΑΡQ are two equilateral traingles such that P is the mid point of AB, then ratio of ar (ΔAPQ) : (ΔABC) is:
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 47
(a) 1 : 2
(b) 1 : 4
(c) 3 : 4
(d) 4 : 1
(b) 1 : 4

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HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals

Haryana State Board HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals Important Questions and Answers.

Haryana Board 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
In the figure 8.54, ABCD is a parallelogram. Find the measure of x.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 1
Since ABCD is a parallelogram.
∴ ∠C = ∠A ⇒ ∠C = 70°
In ΔCBD, we have
⇒ ∠CDB = ∠CBD, (angles opposite to equal sides are equal)
⇒ ∠CBD = x
and ∠CDB + ∠CBD + ∠C = 180°
(sum of interior angles of a triangle = 180°)
⇒ x + x + 70° = 180°
⇒ 2x = 180° – 70°
⇒ 2x = 110°
⇒ x = \(\frac{110^{\circ}}{2}\) = 55°
Hence,measure of x = 55°.

Question 2.
In the figure 8.55, P, Q and R are the mid points of AB, BC and CA respectively. If PQ = 2.5 cm, QR = 3.0 cm and PR = 3.5 cm, calculate AB, BC and CA.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 2
Since, P and R are the mid points of AB and AC respectively.
∴ PR = \(\frac{1}{2}\)BC (By theorem 8.9)
⇒ 3.5 = \(\frac{1}{2}\)BC
⇒ BC = 3.5 × 2 = 7 cm
Again, Q and R are the mid points of BC and AC respectively.
∴ QR = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AB,
⇒ 3.0 = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AB
⇒ AB = 3 × 2 = 6 cm
and similarly, P and Q are the mid points of AB and BC respectively.
∴ PQ = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AC
⇒ 2.5 = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AC
⇒ AC = 2.5 × 2 = 5 cm
Hence, AB = 6 cm, BC = 7 cm and AC = 5 cm.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals

Question 3.
In a parallelogram ABCD, K is the mid point of side CD and DM is drawn parallel to BK, which meets CB produced at M and cut side AB at L. Prove that:
(i) AD = \(\frac{1}{2}\)CM
(ii) DM = 2BK.
(i) In ΔCDM, K is the mid point of CD.
and BK || DM, (Given)
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 3
B is the mid point of CM. [By theorem 8.10]
⇒ CM = 2BC …..(i)
Since, ABCD is a parallelogram.
∴ AD = BC …..(ii)
(Opposite sides of parallelogram)
From (i) and (ii), we get
CM = 2AD
AD = \(\frac{1}{2}\)CM
Hence proved

(ii) In ΔMCD, B and K are respectively the mid points of CM and CD
∴ BK = \(\frac{1}{2}\)DM
⇒ DM = 2BK. Hence proved

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
In the figure 8.57, ABC is a right angled triangle, D is the mid point of AC and E is the point on AB such that DE || BC. If AE = 6 cm and area of ΔADE = 22.5 cm2. Find the area of a ΔABC.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 4
DE || BC
∴ ∠AED = ∠ABC = 90°
Area of right ΔADE = \(\frac{1}{2}\)DE × AE
⇒ 22.5 = \(\frac{1}{2}\)DE × 6, [∵ ar ΔADE = 22.5 cm2 and AE = 6 cm]
⇒ \(\frac{22.5 \times 2}{6}\) = DE
⇒ DE = \(\frac{15}{2}\) = 7.5 cm
Since, D is the mid point of AC and DE || BC.
∴ E is the mid point of AB. [By theorem 8.10]
⇒ AB = 2 × AE = 2 × 6 = 12 cm
Since, D and E are mid points of AC and AB respectively.
∴ BC = 2 × DE
= 2 × 7.5 = 15 cm
Now, area of right
ΔABC = \(\frac{1}{2}\)BC × AB
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 15 × 12
= 90 cm2
Area of ΔABC = 90 cm2.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals

Question 2.
ABCD is a trapezium in which AB || CD. P and Q are mid points of AD and BC respectively such that PQ || CD. If AB = 8 cm and CD = 10 cm, find the length of PQ.
Join AC intersects PQ at R.
P is the mid point of AD and PR || CD.
[∵ PQ || CD]
∴ R is the mid point of AC.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 5
Thus, P and R are the mid points of AD and AC respectively.
∴ PR = \(\frac{1}{2}\)CD,
⇒ PR = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 10
⇒ PR = 5 cm ……(1)
Since, AB || CD and PQ || CD, (Given)
Therefore, AB || PQ
⇒ AB || QR
In ΔCAB, QR || AB and R is the mid point of AC.
∴ Q is the mid point of BC.
⇒ QR = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AB,
⇒ QR = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 8
⇒ QR = 4 cm ……(ii)
Adding (i) and (ii), we get
PR + QR = 5 + 4 ⇒ PQ = 9 cm
Hence, PQ = 9 cm.

Question 3.
In the figure 8.59, PQRS is a parallelogram. Bisector of ∠P and ∠Q meets SR in T. Prove that PQ = 2QR.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 6
Since ABCD is a parallelogram.
∴ PQ || SR and PT intersects them.
⇒ ∠5 = ∠2, …..(i)
(Alternate interior angles)
∠1 = ∠2 …..(ii)
[PT is the bisector of ZP]
From (i) and (ii), we get
∠1 = ∠5
⇒ PS = ST ……(iii)
(Sides opposite to equal angles are equal)
Similarly, we can prove that
QR = TR ……(iv)
Adding (iii) and (iv), we get
PS + QR = ST + TR
⇒ QR + QR = SR, [∵ PS = QR]
⇒ 2QR = PQ, [∵ SR = PQ]
⇒ PQ = 2QR. Hence proved

Question 4.
In the figure 8.60, PQRS is a parallelogram in which line segments SM and QN trisects the diagonal PR. Prove that:
(i) SM || QN and SM = QN,
(ii) SMQN is a parallelogram.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 7
(i) Since SM and QN trisects the diagonal PR.
∴ PM = MN = NR
⇒ PM = NR
⇒ PM + MN = NR + MN
(Adding MN on both sides)
⇒ PN = MR ……(i)
Now, PQRS is a parallelogram.
∴ PQ || RS and PR intersects them.
∠QPR = ∠SRP,
(Alternate interior angles)
⇒ ∠QPN = ∠SRM …..(ii)
In ΔPQN and ΔRSM, we have
PQ = RS, (Opposite sides of a parallelogram)
∠QPN = ∠SRM, [From (ii)]
and PN = MR [From (i)]
[By SAS congruence rule]
⇒ QN = SM, (CPCT)
and ∠PNQ = ∠RMS, (CPCT)
But these are alternate interior angles.
∴ QN || SM
Hence, SM || QN and SM = QN.

(ii) Since, SM || QN and SM = QN Proved
∴ SMQN is a parallelogram. Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals

Question 5.
ABCD is a parallelogram in which P and Q are points on the sides AB and CD such that PB = DQ. Prove that OP = OQ.
Since, ABCD is a parallelogram.
∴ AB || CD and AC intersects them.
∴ ∠DCA = ∠BAC
(alternate interior angles)
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 8
⇒ ∠QCO = ∠PAO …..(i)
and AB = CD, (opposite sides of a parallelogram)
⇒ AB – PB = CD – DQ
[∵ it is given that PB = DQ]
⇒ AP = CQ,
Now, in ΔAOP and ΔCOQ, we have
∠PAO = ∠QCO, [from (i)]
∠AOP = ∠COQ, (Vertically opposite angles)
and AP = CQ, [From (ii)]
[By AAS congruence rule]
⇒ OP = OQ, [By CPCT]
Hence proved

Question 6.
In the figure 8.62, ABCD is a parallelogram. AB is produced to E such that BE = AB. EF meets CB produced at F and parallel to AC. Prove that:
(i) AFEC is a parallelogram.
(ii) AF = EC.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 9
(i) Since AC || FE and CF intersects them.
∴ ∠ACF = ∠EFC, (Alternate interior angles)
⇒ ∠ACB = ∠EFB ……(i)
Now, in ΔABC and ΔEBF, we have
∠ABC = ∠EBF, (Vertically opposite angles)
∠ACB = ∠EFB, [From (i)]
and AB = BE, (Given)
∴ ΔABC ≅ ΔEBF, (By AAS congruence rule)
⇒ AC = EF, (CPCT)
Now, AC = EF
and AC || EF, (Given)
∴ AFEC is a parallelolgram.

(ii) Since AFEC is a paralleogram.
∴ AF = EC, (Opposite sides of a parallelogram)
Hence proved

Question 7.
The figure ABCD is a trapezium in which AB || CD. P and Q are the mid points of diagonals BD and AC respectively. BQ joined and produced meets CD at R. Prove that:
(i) PQ || CD
(ii) PQ = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(CD – AB).
Prove that the line joining the mid points of the diagonals of a trapezium is parallel to the parallel sides of the trapezium. [NCERTExemplar Problems]
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 10
In ΔBAQ and ΔRCQ, we have
AQ = QC, (∵ Q is the mid point of AC)
∠BAQ = ∠RCQ, [∵ AB || CD and AC intersects them)
and ∠AQB = ∠CQR, (vertically opposite angles)
ΔBAQ ≅ ΔRCQ, [by AAS congruence rule]
⇒ BQ = RQ and AB = CR, (CPCT) …(i)
(i) In ΔBRD, P and Q are the mid points of BD and BR respectively.
∴ PQ || DR ⇒ PQ || CD.
⇒ PQ || AB and AB || CD (given)
(ii) In ΔBRD, P and Q are the mid points of BD and BR respectively.
∴ PQ = \(\frac{1}{2}\)DR, (by theorem 8.9)
⇒ PQ = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(CD – CR)
PQ = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(CD – AB), [from (i), CR = AB]
Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals

Question 8.
In the figure 8.64, ABCD is a parallelogram in which BD is a diagonal. P, Q and R are the mid points of BD, BC and CD respectively. If ΔPQR is an equilateral triangle, then prove that parallelogram ABCD is a rhombus not a square.
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In ΔDBC, R and P are the mid points of CD and BD respectively.
RP || BC and RP = \(\frac{1}{2}\)BC, (By theorem 8.9)
RP || CQ and RP =CQ,
[∵ Q is the mid point of BC]
∴ PQCR is parallelogram. [by theorem 8.8]
Since ΔPQR is an equilateral triangle.
∴ RP = PQ and ∠P = 60° …(i)
Thus, adjacent sides of a parallelogram are equal.
Therefore, PQCR is a rhombus.
∴ PQ = CQ = CR = PR
Now, CR = CQ
⇒ 2CR = 2CQ
⇒ CD = BC,
[∵ Q and R are the mid points of BC and CD respectively]
Thus, adjacent sides of a parallelogram ABCD are equal.
Therefore, ABCD is a rhombus.
But ∠P= 60° ⇒ ∠C = 60° [∵ ∠P = ∠C]
∴ ABCD is a rhombus not a square.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
ABCD is a quadrilateral in which AD = BC. E, F, G and H are the mid points of AB, BD, CD and AC respectively. Prove that EFGH is a rhombus.
In ΔDCB, G and Fare mid points of CD and BD respectively.
∴ GF || BC
and GF = \(\frac{1}{2}\)BC ……(i)
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 12
In ΔACB, H and E are mid points of AC and AB respectively.
∴ HE || BC
and HE = \(\frac{1}{2}\)BC ……(ii)
From (i) and (ii), we get
HE || GF
and HE = GF = \(\frac{1}{2}\)BC … (iii)
∴ EFGH is a parallelogram. (by theorem 8.8)
Similarly, in ΔBAD, E and F are mid points of AB and BD respectively.
∴ EF ||AD
and EF = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AD …(iv)
In ΔCAD, G and H are mid points of CD and AC respectively.
∴ HG || AD
and HG = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AD …(v)
From (iv) and (v), we get
HG = EF = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AD …(vi)
But, AD = BC (given) …(vii)
From (iii), (vi) and (vii), we get
HE = EF = GF = HG
Thus, in a parallelogram EFGH,
HE = EF = GF = HG.
Therefore, EFGH is a rhombus.
Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals

Question 2.
P and R are the mid points of opposite sides AB and CD of a parallelogram ABCD respectively. AR and CP are joined and if S and Q are mid points of AR and CP respectively. Prove that PQRS is a parallelogram.
Since ABCD is a parallelogram.
∴ AB = CD, (opposite sides of a parallelogram)
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 13
⇒ \(\frac{1}{2}\)AB = \(\frac{1}{2}\)CD,
⇒ PB = DR and AP = CR …(i)
[∵ P and R are the mid points of AB and CD]
In ΔARD and ΔCPB, we have
DR = PB, (as proved above)
AD = BC,
(opposite sides of a parallelogram)
and ∠D = ∠B (opposite angles of a parallelogram)
∴ ΔARD ≅ ΔCPB, (by SAS congruence rule)
⇒ AR = CP, (CPCT)
\(\frac{1}{2}\)AR = \(\frac{1}{2}\)CP
⇒ RS = PQ
[∵ S and Q are mid points of AR and CP respectively]
and ∠1 = ∠4, (CPCT) … (iii)
Now, AR = CP, (as proved above)
⇒ AR – RS = CP – PQ,
[∵ RS = PQ, from (ii)]
⇒ AS = CQ ……(iv)
⇒ ∠A = ∠C, (opposite angles of parallelogram)
⇒ ∠A – ∠1 = ∠C – ∠1
⇒ ∠A – ∠1 = ∠C – ∠4,
[from (iii), ∠1 = ∠4]
⇒ ∠2 = ∠3 …(v)
Now, in ΔASP and ΔCQR, we have
AS = CQ, [from (iv)]
∠2 = ∠3, [from (v)]
and AP = CR, [from (i)]
∴ ΔASP ≅ ΔCQR, (by SAS congruence rule)
⇒ SP= QR, (CPCT) … (vi)
Thus, from (ii) and (vi), we get
RS = PQ and SP = QR
Hence, PQRS is a parallelogram. Proved

Question 3.
The figure 8.67, represents a trapezium ABCD in which AB || CD and AD = BC. Prove that:
(i) ∠DAB = ∠CBA
(ii) diagonal AC = diagonal BD,
(iii) OA = OB and OC = OD.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 14
Given : A trapezium ABCD in which AB || CD and AD = BC.
To prove : (i) ∠DAB = ∠CBA,
(ii) diagonal AC = diagonal BD,
(iii) OA = OB and OC = OD.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 15
Construction : Draw DP ⊥ AB and CQ ⊥ AB.
Proof: (i) Since DP ⊥ AB and CQ ⊥ AB.
∴ DP || CQ
and PQ || CD, (∵ AB || CD)
∴ PQCD is a parallelogram.
⇒ DP = CQ ……(i)
(opposite sides of a parallelogram)
In ΔAPD and ΔBQC, we have
∠APD = ∠BQC, (Each = 90°)
Hyp. AD = Hyp. BC, (given)
and DP = CQ, [from (i)]
[by RHS congruence rule]
⇒ ∠DAP = ∠CBQ, (CPCT)
⇒ ∠DAB = ∠CBA …(ii)
(ii) In ΔDAB and ΔCBA, we have
AD = BC, (given)
∠DAB = ∠CBA, [from (ii)]
and AB = AB, (common)
(by SAS congruence rule)
⇒ BD = AC, (CPCT)
and ∠ADB = ∠BCA, (CPCT)
⇒ ∠ADO = ∠BCO …(iii)
(iii) In ΔAOD and ΔBOC, we have
⇒ ∠AOD = ∠BOC, (vertically opposite angles)
∠ADO = ∠BCO, [From (iii)]
and AD = BC, (given)
∴ ΔAOD ≅ ΔBOC, (by AAS congrunce rule)
⇒ OA = OB and OD = OC, (CPCT)
Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals

Question 4.
If through the middle point of the base of a triangle, a straight line is drawn parallel to one of the sides, prove that its intercepts on the internal and external bisectors of the vertical angle is equal to the other side.
Given : P is the mid point of side BC of ΔABC. RK is drawn parallel to AB through P, such that RK is the intercept between AK and AR, the internal and external bisectors at ∠A.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 16
To prove: RK = AC.
Proof : ∵ AB || RK and transversal AK intersects them.
∠1 = ∠5 …..(i) (alternate interior angles)
and ∠1 = ∠2 …(ii)
AK bisects ∠A
From (i) and (ii), we get
∠2 = ∠5
⇒ AQ = KQ, ……..(iii)
(sides opposite to equal angles are equal)
∵ AR intersects parallel lines AB and RK.
∴ ∠3 = ∠6, …(iv)
(alternate interior angles)
and ∠3 = ∠4, …(v)
(AR bisects ∠MAC)
From (iv) and (v), we get
∠4 = ∠6
⇒ AQ = RQ ……(vi)
From (iii) and (vi), we get
AQ = KQ = RQ
⇒ AQ = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(KQ + RQ)
⇒ AQ = \(\frac{1}{2}\)RK ..(vii)
In ΔABC, PQ || AB and P is the mid point of BC.
∴ Q is the mid point of AC. (By theorem 8·10)
⇒ AQ = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AC …(viii)
From (vii) and (viii), we get
\(\frac{1}{2}\)RK = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AC
⇒ RK = AC. Hence proved

Question 5.
In the figure 8.70, AD = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AB, P is the mid point of AB, S is the mid point of DQ and PQ || BR. Prove that:
(i) AS || BR
(ii) QR = \(\frac{1}{3}\)DR.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 17
(i) ∵ AD = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AB
AP = PB, (∵ P is the mid point of AB)
∴ AD = AP = PB …..(i)
In ΔDPQ, A is the mid point of DP and S is the mid point of DQ.
∴ AS || PQ
But BR || PQ (given)
∴ AS || BR
Now, AS || PQ || BR and a transversal BD making equal intercepts i.e., AP = PB.
Therefore, other transversal DR will also make equal intercepts i.e.,
SQ = QR …..(ii)
But, DS = SQ, …..(iii) (∵ S is the mid point of DQ)
From (ii) and (iii), we get
DS = SQ = QR
Now, DR = DS + SQ + QR
⇒ DR = QR + QR + QR
⇒ DR = 3QR
⇒ QR = \(\frac{1}{3}\)DR. Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals

Question 6.
Show that quadrilateral formed by joining the mid points of the sides of a square, is also a square. [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
Given : A square ABCD in which P, Q, R and S are the mid points of sides AB, BC, CD and DA respectively. PQ, QR, RS and SP are joined
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 18
To prove : PQRS is a square.
Construction : Join AC and BD.
Proof: In ΔDAC, S and R are the mid points of AD and CD respectively.
∴ SR || AC and SR = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AC, …..(i)
In ΔBAC, P and Q are the mid points of AB and BC respectively.
∴ PQ || AC and PQ = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AC…(ii)
From (i) and (ii), we get
PQ || SR and PQ = SR
∴ PQRS is a parallelogram.
In ΔPBQ and ΔRCQ, we have
PB = CR,
[∵ AB = CD ⇒ \(\frac{1}{2}\)AB = \(\frac{1}{2}\)CD]
BQ = CQ, (∵ Q is the mid point of BC)
and ∠PBQ = ∠RCQ, (Each = 90°)
∴ ΔPBQ ≅ ΔRCQ, (By SAS congruence rule)
⇒ PQ = RQ (CPCT)
But, PQ = SR
(Opposite sides of parallelogram)
and SP = RQ
∴ PQ = RQ = SR = SP
Now, PQ || AC and PS || BD
PM || OL ⇒ LP || OM
∴ OLPM is a parallelogram.
∠LPM = ∠MOL …(iii)
(Opposite angles of parallelogram)
Since, diagonals of square bisect each other at 90°.
∠AOB = 90°
⇒ ∠MOL = 90° ……(iv)
From (iii) and (iv), we get
∠LPM = 90°
Thus, in a parallelogram PQRS,
PQ = QR = RS = SP
and ∠P = 90°
Hence, PQRS is a square.

Question 7.
In the figure 8.72, sides BC and DA of a quadrilateral produced respectively to M and N such that bisectors of ∠A and ∠C meets respectively M and N. Prove that:
∠M + ∠N = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(∠A + ∠C).
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 19
In ΔABM, we have
∠1 + ∠B + ∠M = 180°,
[∵ Sum of interior angles of a triangle = 180°]
⇒ \(\frac{1}{2}\)∠A + ∠B + ∠M = 180° …….(i)
[∵ AM is the bisector of ∠A]
In ΔCND, we have
∠4 + ∠D + ∠N = 180°
⇒ \(\frac{1}{2}\)∠C + ∠D + ∠N = 180° …(ii)
[∵ CN is the bisector of ∠C]
Adding (i) and (ii), we get
\(\frac{1}{2}\)∠A + ∠B + ∠M + \(\frac{1}{2}\)∠C + ∠D + ∠N = 180° + 180°
⇒ \(\frac{1}{2}\)∠A + ∠C + ∠B + ∠D + ∠M + ∠N = 360° ….(ii)
But, ∠A + ∠B + ∠C + ∠D = 360°,
[∵ Sum of angles of a quadi. = 360°] …(iv)
From (iii) and (iv), we get
\(\frac{1}{2}\)∠A + \(\frac{1}{2}\)∠C + ∠B + ∠D + ∠M + ∠N = ∠A + ∠B + ∠C + ∠D
⇒ ∠M + ∠N = ∠A + ∠C – \(\frac{1}{2}\)∠A – \(\frac{1}{2}\)∠C
⇒ ∠M + ∠N = \(\frac{1}{2}\)∠A + \(\frac{1}{2}\)∠C
∠M + ∠N = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(∠A + ∠C).
Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals

Question 8.
ABCD is a parallelogram in which Pis the mid point of AB and DP bisects 2D. Prove that:
(i) BC = PB.
(ii) PC bisects ∠C.
(iii) ∠DPC = 90°.
(i) Since ABCD is a parallelogram.
∴ AB || CD and DP intersects them.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 20
⇒ ∠CDP = ∠APD …..(i) (Alternate interior angles)
and ∠CDP = ∠ADP, … (ii)
[∵ DP is the bisector of ∠D]
From (i) and (ii), we get
⇒ AD = AP …(iii)
(Sides opposite to equal angles are equal)
In parallelogram ABCD, we have
AD = BC, …(iv)
(∵ Opposite sides of parallelogram)
and AP = PB, …(v)
(∵ P is the mid point of AB)
From (iii), (iv) and (v), we get
BC = PB. Hence proved

(ii) ∵ BC = PB
⇒ ∠CPB = ∠PCB …….(vi)
(Angles opposite to equal sides are equal)
and ∠CPB = ∠DCP, …(vii)
(Alternate interior angles)
From (vi) and (vii), we get
Hence, PC bisects ZC. Hence proved

(iii) AD || BC and CD intersects them.
∴ ∠C + ∠D = 180°,
(Sum of co-interior angles is 180°)
⇒ \(\frac{1}{2}\)∠C + \(\frac{1}{2}\)∠D = \(\frac{180^{\circ}}{2}\)
⇒ ∠DCP + ∠CDP = 90° ….(viii)
[∵ PD and CP are bisectors of ∠D and ∠C respectively]
Now in ΔDPC, we have
ΔDCP + ΔCDP + ΔDPC = 180°
[∵ Sum of interior angles of a triangle = 180°]
⇒ 90° + ∠DPC = 180° [Using (viii)]
⇒ ∠DPC = 180° – 90° = 90°.
Hence proved

Question 9.
ABCD is a rhombus. PABQ is a straight line such that PA = AB = BQ. Prove that PD and QC when produced meet at right angle.
Let PD and QC when produced meet at point R.
Since, ABCD is a rhombus.
AB = BC = CD = AD …(i) (Sides of a rhombus)
and PA = AB = BQ(Given) …(ii)
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 21
From (i) and (ii), we get
⇒ ∠1 = ∠2 …..(iii)
(Angles opposite to equal sides)
and BQ = BC
⇒ ∠3 = ∠4 …(iv)
In ΔPAD, we have
Ext. ∠DAB = ∠1 + ∠2,
[∵ Ext. angle is equal to sum of its opp. interior angles]
⇒ ∠DAB = ∠1 + ∠1 = 2∠1 …(v)
Ext. ∠CBA = ∠3 + ∠4
⇒ ∠CBA = ∠3 + ∠3 = 2∠3 …(vi)
Adding (v) and (vi), we get
∠DAB + ∠CBA = 2∠1 + 2∠3
= 2(∠1 + ∠3) …(vii)
Now, ABCD is a rhombus.
∴ AD || BC and AB intersects them.
⇒ ∠DAB + ∠CBA = 180° …..(viii)
[Sum of co-interior angles is 180°]
From (vii) and (viii), we get
2(∠1 + ∠3) = 180°
⇒ ∠1 + ∠3 = \(\frac{180^{\circ}}{2}\) = 90° …(ix)
In ΔPQR, we have
∠1 + ∠3 + ∠R = 180°, (∵ Sum of interior angles of a triangle is 180°)
⇒ 90° + ∠R = 180°, [Using (ix)]
⇒ ∠R = 180° – 90°
⇒ ∠R = 90°
Hence, PD and QC when produced meet at right angle. Proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals

Question 10.
In the figure 8.75, ABCD is a square in which P, Q and R are the mid points of sides AB, BC and CD respectively. Prove that :
(i) ∠PQR = 90°,
(ii) if a line is drawn through P and parallel to QR bisects AD.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 22
(i) Join BD. Since ABCD is a square
∴ AB = BC
⇒ \(\frac{1}{2}\)AB = \(\frac{1}{2}\)BC
⇒ PB = BQ,
[∵ P is the mid point of AB and Q is the mid point of BC]
⇒ ∠1 = ∠2 ……(i)
[Angles opposite to equal sides are equal]
Similarly, ∠3 = ∠4 ……(ii)
∠1 + ∠2 + ∠B = 180°, (∵ Sum of interior angles of a triangle = 180°)
⇒ ∠1 + ∠2 + 90° = 180°,
(∵ Each angle of a square is 90°)
⇒ ∠1 + ∠2 = 180° – 90° = 90°…(iii)
Similarly, ∠3 + ∠4 = 90° …(iv)
Adding (iii) and (iv), we get
∠1 + ∠2 + ∠3 + ∠4 = 90° + 90°
⇒ ∠2 + ∠2 + ∠3 + ∠3 = 180°
⇒ 2(∠2+ ∠3) = 180°
⇒ ∠2+ ∠3 = \(\frac{180^{\circ}}{2}\) = 90° …….(v)
But, ∠2 + ∠3 + ∠PQR = 180°, (linear pair)
⇒ 90° + ∠PQR = 180°, [using (v)]
⇒ ∠PQR = 90°.
(ii) In ΔCBD, Q and R are the mid points of BC and CD respectively.
∴ QR || BD,
and QR || PS, (given)
∴ PS || BD
In ΔADB, PS || BD and P is the mid point of AB.
∴ S is the mid point of AD.
Hence, PS bisects AD. Proved

Multiple Choice Questions

Choose the correct option in each of the following:

Question 1.
Three angles of a quadrilateral are 70°, 85° and 90°. It’s fourth angle is :
(a) 90°
(b) 115°
(c) 100°
(d) 85°
(b) 115°

Question 2.
The angles of quadrilateral are in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3 : 4. The greatest of these angles is :
(a) 120°
(b) 140°
(c) 144°
(d) 108°
(c) 144°

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals

Question 3.
If two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are equal, then it is a :
(a) rectangle
(b) square
(c) kite
(d) rhombus
(d) rhombus

Question 4.
If diagonals of a parallelogram are equal, then it is a :
(a) square only
(b) rectangle only
(c) rhombus only
(d) both (a) and (b)
(d) both (a) and (b)

Question 5.
D and E are the mid points of the sides AB and AC respectively of ΔABC. DE is produced to F. To prove that CF is equal and parallel to DA, we need an additional information which is : [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) ∠DAE = ∠EFC
(b) AE = EF
(c) DE = EF
(d) ∠ADE = ∠ECF
(c) DE = EF

Question 6.
If diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other at right angles, then it is :
(a) parallelogram
(b) square
(c) rectangle
(d) kite
(b) square

Question 7.
In a square ABCD, the diagonals bisect at O, then ΔAOB is :
(a) an isosceles but not a right angled triangle
(b) an isosceles right angled triangle
(c) an equilateral triangle
(d) a right angled but not an isosceles triangle.
(b) an isosceles right angled triangle

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals

Question 8.
A quadrilateral is a rectangle but not a square when :
(a) it’s diagonals do not bisect each other
(b) it’s diagonals are not equal
(c) it’s diagonals are not perpendicular
(d) all angles are not equal.
(c) it’s diagonals are not perpendicular

Question 9.
The bisectors of any two adjacent angles of a parallelogram intersect at :
(a) 90°
(b) 45°
(c) 80°
(d) 100°
(a) 90°

Question 10.
The bisectors of the angles of a parallelogram enclose a :
(a) rectangle
(b) parallelogram
(c) kite
(d) both (a) and (b)
(a) rectangle

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals Read More »

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables

Haryana State Board HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables Important Questions and Answers.

Haryana Board 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Express the following linear equations in the form ax + by + c = 0 and indicate the values of a, b and c:
(i) 4x + 7y = 12.5
(ii) – 4x = – 5y – 9
(iii) 14 = 5x
(iv) 5x = – y
(v) 7y = 20
(vi) \(\frac{x}{3}+\frac{y}{5}\) – 13 = 0.
Solution :
(i) Writing the given equation 4x + 7y = 12.5 in the form ax + by + c = 0, we get
4x + 7y – 12.5 = 0 ……..(i)
Comparing the equation (i) with the standard form of the linear equation ax + by + c = 0, we get
a = 4, b = 7 and c = – 12.5.

(ii) Writing the given equation – 4x = – 5y – 9 in the form ax + by + c = 0, we get
– 4x + 5y + 9 = 0 ……..(i)
Comparing the equation (i) with the standard form of the linear equation ax + by + c = 0,we get a = – 4, b = 5 and c = 9.

(iii) Writing the given equation 14 = 5x in the form ax + by + c = 0, we get
5x + 0.y – 14 = 0 ……..(i)
Comparing the equation (i) with the standard form of the linear equation ax + by + c = 0, we get
a = 5, b = 0 and c = – 14.

(iv) Writing the given equation 5x = – y in the form ax + by + c = 0, we get
5x + 1.y + 0 = 0 ….(i)
Comparing the equation (i) with the standard form of the linear equation ax + by + c = 0, we get
a = 5, b = 1 and c = 0.

(v) Writing the given equation 7y = 20 in the form ax + by + c = 0, we get
0.x + 7y – 20 = 0 …(i)
Comparing the equation (i) with the standard form of the linear equation ax + by + c = 0, we get
a = 0, b = 7 and c = – 20.

(vi) Writing the given equation \(\frac{x}{3}+\frac{y}{5}\) – 13 = 0 in the form ax + by + c = 0, we get
\(\frac {1}{3}\). x + \(\frac {1}{5}\). y – 13 = 0
Comparing the equation (i) with the standard form of the linear equation ax + by + c = 0, we get
a = \(\frac {1}{3}\), b = \(\frac {1}{5}\) and c = – 13.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables

Question 2.
The total cost of a mobile and a computer is. ₹ 24,400. Write a linear equation in two variables to represent this statement.
Solution :
Let the cost of a mobile be Rs. x and cost of a computer be ₹ y.
According to statement, total cost of a mobile and a computer is ₹ 24,400. So, the required linear equation in two variables to represent above statement is
x + y = 24400 or x + y – 24400 = 0.

Question 3.
Write the linear equation such that each point on its graph has an ordinate 3 times its abscissa. [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
Solution :
Let abscissa of the graph of the linear equation be x and ordinate be y.
According to question, ordinate is 3 times its abscissa. So, required linear equation is
y = 3x
⇒ 3x – y = 0.

Question 4.
The ratio of hydrogen and oxygen in water is 2 : 1. Set up a linear equation in two variables between oxygen and water.
Solution :
Let the amount of oxygen bex and the amount of water be y.
According to question,
hydrogen : oxygen= 2 : 1
⇒ oxygen : hydrogen = 1 : 2
⇒ oxygen : water = 1 : (1 + 2)
⇒ x : y = 1 : 3
⇒ \(\frac{x}{y}=\frac{1}{3}\)
⇒ 3x = y
⇒ 3x – y = 0
Hence, required linear equation in two variables is 3x – y = 0.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables

Question 5.
Find three different solutions for each of the following equations:
(i) 5x + 3y = 4
(ii) x + 4y = 6
(iii) 3y – 5 = 0.
Solution :
(i) We have, 5x + 3y = 4 …(i)
Substituting x = – 1 in the equation (i), we get
5 × (-1) + 3y = 4
⇒ – 5 + 3y = 4
⇒ 3y = 4 + 5 = 9
⇒ y = \(\frac {9}{3}\) = 3
∴ (- 1, 3) is a solution of the given equation.
Substituting x = 2 in the equation (1), we get
5 × 2 + 3y = 4
⇒ 10 + 3y = 4
⇒ 3y = 4 – 10 = – 6
⇒ y = \(\frac {-6}{3}\) = – 2
∴ (2, – 2) is a solution of the given equation.
Substituting x = 5 in the equation (i), we get
5 × 5 + 3y = 4
⇒ 25 + 3y = 4
⇒ 3y = 4 – 25 = – 21
⇒ y = \(\frac {-21}{3}\) = – 7
∴ (5, – 7) is a solution of the given equation.
Hence, three different solutions of the given equation are (-1, 3), (2, – 2) and (5, – 7).

Question 6.
Check which of the following are solutions of the equation 5x – 2y = 10
(i) (0, – 5)
(ii) (2, – 2)
Solution :
We have,
5x – 2y = 10
(i) Substituting x = 0, y = – 5 in the L.H.S. of equation (i), we get
L.H.S. = 5 × 0 – 2 × (-5)
= 0 + 10 = 10
= R.H.S.
∵ L.H.S. = R.H.S.
∴ (0, – 5) is a solution of the given equation.

(ii) Substituting x = 2, y = – 2 in the L.H.S. of equation (i), we get
L.H.S. = 5 × 2 – 2 × (- 2)
= 10 + 4 = 14
≠ R.H.S.
∵ L.H.S. ≠ R.H.S.
∴ (2, – 2) is not a solution of the given equation.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables

Question 8.
Find out which of the following equations have x = 2, y = – 1 as a
solution :
(i) 5x + 2y = 8
(ii) 4x – 3y = 14
Solution :
(i) We have, 5x + 2y = 8 …(i)
Substituting x = 2, y = – 1 in L.H.S. of the equation (i), we get
L.H.S. = 5 × 2 + 2 × (-1)
= 10 – 2 = 8
= R.H.S.
∵ L.H.S. = R.H.S.
∴ x = 2, y = – 1 is a solution of the given equation.

(ii) We have, 4x – 3y = 14 …(i)
Substituting x = 2, y = – 1 in L.H.S. of the equation (i), we get
L.H.S. = 4 × 2 – 3 × (-1)
= 8 + 3 = 11
≠ R.H.S.
∵ L.H.S. ≠ R.H.S.
∴ x = 2, y = – 1 is not a solution of the given equation.

Question 9.
Find the value of k, if x = 3, y = – 2 is a solution of the equation 4x – ky = 14.
Solution :
Since, x = 3, y = – 2 is a solution of the equation 4x – ky = 14.
Therefore, x 3, y=-2 will satisfy the given equation.
⇒ 4 × 3 – k × (-2) = 14
⇒ 12 + 2k = 14
⇒ 2k = 14 – 12 = 2
⇒ k = \(\frac {2}{2}\) = 1
Hence, k = 1.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Find the value of k, if x = 3, y = – 4 is a solution of the equation kx + 4y = 5. Hence, find more solutions of this equations.
Solution :
Since, x = 3, y = – 4 is a solution of the equation kx + 4y = 5.
Therefore, x = 3, y = – 3 will satisfy the given equation.
⇒ k 3 + 4 × (-4) = 5
⇒ 3k – 16 = 5
⇒ 3k = 5 + 16
⇒ 3k = 21
⇒ k = \(\frac {21}{3}\) = 7
Putting the value of k in the given equation, we get
7x + 4y = 5
Substituting x = – 1 in the equation (i), we get
7 (- 1) + 4y = 5
⇒ – 7 + 4 = 5
⇒ 4y = 5 + 7 = 12
⇒ y = \(\frac {21}{4}\) = 3
∴ (- 1, 3) is a solution of the given equation.
Hence, k = 7, one more solution of the given is (- 1, 3).

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables

Question 2.
For what value of p, the linear equation px + 5y = 8 has equal values of x and for its solution.
Solution :
We have,
px + 5y = 8
Since, given equation has equal values of x and y, then y = x
Substituting y = x in the equation (i), we
px + 5x = 8
⇒ px = 8 – 5x
⇒ p = \(\frac{8-5 x}{x}\)
By inspection if (1, 1) be a solution of the given equation, we have
⇒ p = \(\frac{8-5 \times 1}{x}\)
⇒ p = \(\frac{8-5}{x}\) = 3
Thus (1, 1) will be a solution of 3x + 5y = 8. If (2, 2) be a solution of the given equation, we have
p = \(\frac{8-5 \times 2}{x}\)
⇒ p = \(\frac{8-10}{2}\)
⇒ p = \(\frac {-2}{2}\) = – 1
Thus, (2, 2) will be a solution of – x + 5y = 8.

Question 3.
Determine the point on the graph of the linear equation 2x + 5y = 19, where ordinate is 1\(\frac {1}{2}\) times its abscissa.
[NCERT Exemplar Problems]
Solution :
Given linear equation is
2x + 5y = 19 ………(i)
Since, ordinate is 1\(\frac {1}{2}\) (i.e.\(\frac {3}{2}\)) times its abscissa.
Therefore, y = \(\frac {3}{2}\)x
Now, putting the value of y in equation (i) we get
2x + 5 × \(\frac {3}{2}\)x = 19
⇒ 2x + \(\frac {15x}{2}\) = 19
⇒ \(\frac{4 x+15 x}{2}\) = 19
⇒ \(\frac {19x}{2}\) = 19
⇒ x = \(\frac{19 \times 2}{19}\) = 2
and y = \(\frac {3}{2}\) × 2 = 3
Hence, required point is (2, 3).

Question 4.
Draw the graph of the linear equation whose solutions are represented by the points having the sum of the coordinates as 10 units. [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
Solution :
Let abscissa of the linear equation be x and ordinate be y, according to question
x + y = 10
⇒ y = 10 – x
When x = 3, then y = 10 – 3 = 7
When x = 4, then y = 10 – 4 = 6
When x = 5, theny = 10 – 5 = 5
Now, we prepare the table of values of (x, y)


Plotting the points A(3, 7), B(4, 6) and C(5, 5) on the graph paper and joining these points, we get a straight line AC. It is the required graph of x + y = 10.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables - 1

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables

Question 5.
Draw the graph of the equation 2y – x = 7 and determine from the graph whether x = 3, y = 2 is a solution or not.
Solution :
We have,
2y – x = 7
2y = 7 + x
y = \(\frac{7+x}{2}\)
When x = 3, then y = \(\frac{7+3}{2}=\frac{10}{2}\) = 5
When x = 1, then y = \(\frac{7+1}{2}=\frac{8}{2}\) = 4
When x = – 1, then y = \(\frac{7-1}{2}=\frac{6}{2}\) = 3
Now, we prepare the table of values of (x, y) as :

x31– 1

Plotting the points A(3, 5), B(1, 4) and C(-1, 3) on the graph paper and joining these points, we get a straight line AC. It is the required graph of 2y – x = 7.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables - 2
Also, plot the point D(3, 2). We observe that it does not lie on the graph of the equation 2y – x = 7.
Hence, x = 3, y = 2 is not a solution of the given equation.

Question 6.
Show that the points A(1, 2), B(-1, – 16) and C(0, – 7) lie on the graph of linear equation y = 9x – 7.
[NCERT Exemplar Problems]
Solution :
The given linear equation is
y = 9x – 7
When x = 0, then y = 9 × 0 – 7 = – 7
When x = 1, then y = 9 × 1 – 7 = 9 – 7 = 2
When x = 2, then y = 9 × 2 – 7 = 18 – 7 = 11
Now, we prepare the table of values of (x, y).

y– 7211

Plotting the points C(0, – 7), A(1, 2) and D(2, 11) on the graph paper and joining these points, we get a straight line DC and extend in both the directions. It is the required graph of y = 9x – 7.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables - 3
From the graph, we observe that points C(0, – 7) and A (1, 2) lie on the graph of the A equation. We plot the point B(- 1, – 16), it also lies on the graph of the given equation. Hence, the points A(1, 2), B(-1, – 16) and C(0, – 7) lie on the graph of given linear equation. Hence Proved.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables

Question 7.
Draw the graph of the equation x + 2y – 3 = 0. From the graph, find :
(i) x1, the value of x, when y = 3.
(ii) y1, the value of y, when x = 2.
Solution :
We have,
x + 2y – 3 = 0
2y = 3 – x
y = \(\frac{3-x}{2}\)
When x = 3, then
y = \(\frac{3-3}{2}=\frac{0}{2}\) = 0
When x = 1, then
y = \(\frac{3-1}{2}=\frac{2}{2}\) = 1
When x = – 1, then y = \(\frac{3+1}{2}=\frac{4}{2}\) = 2
Now, we prepare the table of values of (x, y) as :

x31– 1

Plotting the points A(3, 0), B(1, 1) and C(- 1, 2) on the graph paper and joining these points, we get a straight line AC. It is the required graph of x + 2y – 3 = 0.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables - 4
(i) To find x1, the value of x, when y = 3. Through the point y = 3, draw a horizontal straight line which meets the straight line AC produced at D. Through the point D, draw a vertical line which meets the x-axis at x = – 3.
∴ The value of x when y = 3 is – 3, i.e., x1 = – 3.

(ii) To find y1, the value of y, when x = 2. Through the point x = 2, draw a vertical line which meets straight line AC at point E. Through the point E draw horizontal line which meets the y axis at y = 1/2
∴ The value of y, when x = 2 is \(\frac {1}{2}\) i.e., y1 = \(\frac {1}{2}\).

Question 8.
A taxi charges ₹ 12 for the first km and ₹ 8 per km for subsequent distance covered. Taking the distance covered as x km and total fare ₹ y, write a linear equation for this information and, draw its graph. From the graph, find the taxi charges for convering 4 km.
Solution :
Taking the distance covered as x km and total fare as ₹ y.
Fare for first km = ₹ 12
Remaining distance = (x – 1) km
Fare for remaining distance = (x – 1) × 8
According to question, Total fare (y) = 12 + (x – 1) × 8
⇒ y = 12 + 8x – 8
⇒ y = 8x + 4
When x = 1, then y = 8 × 1 + 4 = 8 + 4 = 12
When x = 2, then y = 8 × 2 + 4 = 16 + 4 = 20
When x = 3, then y = 8 × 3 + 4 = 24 + 4 = 28
Now, we prepare the table of values of (x, y).


HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables - 5
Plotting the points A(1, 12), B(2, 20) and C(3, 28) on the graph paper and joining these points, we get a straight line AC. It is the required graph of y = 8x + 4.
Fare for 4 km i.e., x = 4 through the point x = 4 draw a vertical line which meets the extended straight line AC at point D. Through the point D, draw horizontal line which meets the y-axis at y = 36.
Hence, linear equation is y = 8x + 4 and fare for 4 km = ₹ 36.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Draw the graph of the equation \(\frac{x}{2}+\frac{y}{3}\) = 1
Solution :
We have,
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables - 6
Now, we prepare the table of values of (x, y) as :

y30– 3

Plotting the points A(0, 3), B(2, 0) and C(4, – 3) on the morph paper and joining these points, we get a striaght line AC. It is the required graph of \(\frac{x}{2}+\frac{y}{3}\) = 1.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables

Question 2.
Draw the graphs of the following equations :
3x + 2y – 11 = 0 and 2x – 3y + 10 = 0 Also, find the area of the triangle formed by the lines and the x-axis.
Solution :
We have,
3x + 2y – 11 = 0
⇒ 2y = – 3x + 11
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables - 7
Now, we prepare the table of values of (x, y).

x1– 13

Plotting the points A(-1, 7), B(1, 4) and C(3, 1) on the graph paper and joining these points, we get a straight line AC. It is the required graph of 3x + 2y – 11 = 0.
And 2x – 3y + 10 = 0
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables - 8
Now, we prepare the table of values of (x, y).

x– 214

On the graph paper plotting the points P(-2, 2), B(1, 4) and Q(4, 6), point B(1, 4) already plotted and joining these points, we get the straight line PQ. It is required graph of 2x – 3y + 10 = 0.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables - 9
When produce the lines AC and PQ both directions they intersect at the point B and cut the x-axis at the points S and R. ΔBRS is formed. Draw BL ⊥ RS. Length of BL = 4 units and length of RS = 8.5 units.
Area of the ΔBRS = \(\frac {1}{2}\) × Base × Altitude
= \(\frac {1}{2}\) × RS × BL
= \(\frac {1}{2}\) × 8.5 × 4
= 8.5 × 2
= 17 sq. units
Hence, Area of ΔBRS = 17 sq. units.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables

Question 3.
Find graphically, the vertices of the triangle whose sides have the equations 2y = 8 + x, 5y = x + 14 and y – 2x – 1 = 0 respectively.
Solution :
We have,
2y = 8 + x
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables - 10
Now, we prepare the table of values of (x, y).

x– 202

Plotting the points A(-2, 3), B(0, 4) and C(2, 5) on the graph paper and joining these points, we get a straight line AC. It is the required graph of 2y = 8 + x.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables - 11
Now, we prepare the table of values of (x, y).

x16– 4

Plotting the points P(6, 4), Q(1, 3) and R(- 4, 2) on the graph paper and joining these points, we get a straight-line PR. It is the required graph of 5y = x + 14.
and y – 2x – 1 = 0
⇒ y = 2x + 1
When x = 1, then y = 2 × 1 + 1 = 3
When x = 2, then y = 2 × 2 + 1 = 5
When x = 3, then y = 2 × 3 + 1 = 7
Now, we prepare the table of values of (x, y).


Plotting the points Q(1, 3), C(2, 5) and M(3, 7) on the graph paper and joining these points, we get a straight line QM. The points Q(1, 3) and C(2, 5) already plotted. It is the required graph of y – 2x – 1 = 0.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables - 12
Graph of the lines intersect at the points, Q, C and R : ΔCQR is the required triangle. From the graph, the co-ordinates of the vertices of the triangle are Q(1, 3), C(2, 5) and R(-4, 2).

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables

Question 4.
In a factory, the cost of manufacturing x articles is Rs. (20 + 2x) and selling price of x articles is Rs. (2.5x). On the same graph paper with the same axes, draw two graphs, first for the cost of manufacturing against no. of articles and the second for the selling price against no. of articles.
Use your graph determine:
(i) No. of articles to be manufactured and sold to reach breakeven point (no profit and no loss situation).
(ii) The profit made when 60 articles are manufactured and sold.
Solution :
We have,
CP = ₹ (20 + 2x)
When x = ₹ 0, then CP = 20 + 2 × 0 = ₹ 20
When x = ₹ 30, then CP = 20 + 2 × 30 = 20 + 60 = ₹ 80
When x = ₹ 50, then CP = 20 + 2 × 50 = 20 + 100 = ₹ 120
When x = ₹ 80, then CP = 20 + 2 × 80 = 20 + 160 = ₹ 180
Now, we prepare the table of values of (x, CP).


HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables - 13
Plotting the ponts A(0, 20), B(30, 80), C(50, 120) and D(80, 180) on the graph paper and joining these points, we get a straight line AD. It is the required graph of CP = ₹ (20 + 2x).
And then SP = ₹ 2.5x
When x = ₹ 0, then SP = ₹ 0
When x = ₹ 40, then SP = 2.5 × 40 = ₹ 100
When x = ₹ 60, then SP = 2.5 × 60 = ₹ 150
When x = ₹ 80, then SP = 2.5 × 80 = ₹ 200
Now, we prepare the table of values of (x, SP).


Plotting the points P(0, 0), Q(40, 100), R(60, 150) and S(80, 200) on the graph paper and joining these points, we get a straight line PS. It is the required graph of SP = ₹ 2.5x.
(i) The above figure shows the graph of CP and SP. Since straight lines AD and PS meets at the point Q, which x coordinate is 40, it shows that cost price of 40 articles is the same as their selling price.
Hence, no. of articles that must be manufactured and sold to reach breakeven point is 40.

(ii) Draw the vertical line through x = 60; which meets graph for CP at ₹ 140 and graph for SP at ₹ 150.
Profit = SP – CP = 150 – 140 = ₹ 10 Hence, profit = ₹ 10.

Question 5.
The ratio of girls and boys in the class is 2 : 3. Set up an equation between boys and the total students of a class and then draw its graph and find the number of boys in a class of 25 students.
Solution :
Let the total boys be x and that of students be y.
girls : boys = 2 : 3
⇒ boys : girls = 3 : 2
⇒ boys : students = 3 : (3+2)
⇒ x : y = 3 : 5
⇒ \(\frac{x}{y}=\frac{3}{5}\)
⇒ 3y = 5x
⇒ y = \(\frac {5}{3}\)x
When x = 3, then y = \(\frac {5}{3}\) × 3 = 5
When x = 6, then y = \(\frac {5}{3}\) × 6 = 10
When x = 9, then y = \(\frac {5}{3}\) × 9 = 15
Now, we prepare the table of values of (x, y) as :


HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables - 14
Plotting the points A(3, 5), B(6, 10) and C(9, 15) on the graph paper and joining these points, we get a straight line AC. It is the required graph of 3y = 5x.
Total number of students = 25 i.e., y = 25
Through the point y = 25, draw a horizontal line which meets straight line AC produced at the point D. Through the point D draw a vertical line which meets at x-axis at x = 15.
Hence, linear equation is 5x – 3y = 0 and number of boys out of 25 students = 15.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables

Question 6.
The cost of diesel in a city is ₹ 45 per litre. Set up a linear equation with x representing quantity of diesel (in litres) purchased and y representing the total cost (in ₹) and draw its graph.
Solution :
Cost of 1 litre diesel = ₹ 45
Cost of x litres diesel = ₹ 45x
Cost of x litres diesel = ₹ y
∴ y = 45x
When x = 1, then y = 45 × 1 = 45
When x = 2, then y = 45 × 2 = 90
When x = 3, then y = 45 × 3 = 135
Now, we prepare the table of values of (x, y) as :


Plotting the points A(1, 45), B(2, 90) and C(3, 135) on the graph paper and joining these points, we get a straight line AC. It is the required graph of y = 45x.
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Hence, the linear equation is y – 45x = 0.

Question 7.
60% of the students in a school are boys and remaining are girls. Set up an equation and draw the graph representing the number of boys and girls. By reading the graph, find :
(i) Number of boys if girls are 16.
(ii) Number of girls if boys are 18.
Solution :
Let the number of boys be x and number of girls be y.
∴ Total number of students = x + y
According to question, x = 60% of (x + y)
⇒ x = \(\frac {60}{100}\) × (x + y) ⇒ x = \(\frac {3}{5}\) (x + y)
⇒ 5x = 3x + 3y ⇒ 5x – 3x = 3y
⇒ 2x = 3y ⇒ y = \(\frac {2}{3}\)x
When x = 3, then y = \(\frac {2}{3}\) × 3 = 2
When x = 9, then y = \(\frac {2}{3}\) × 9 = 6
When x = 15, then y = \(\frac {2}{3}\) × 15 = 10
Now, we prepare the table of values of (x, y) as :


Plotting the points A(3, 2), B(9, 6) and C(15, 10) on the graph paper and joining these points, we get a straight line AC. It is the required graph of 2x = 3y.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables - 16
From the graph we observe that :
(i) If girls are 16, then number of boys = 24
(ii) If boys are 18, then number of girls = 12
Linear equation is
2x – 3y = 0.

Multiple Choice Questions

Choose the correct option in each of the following:

Question 1.
Any point on x-axis is of the form:
[NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) (x, y), where x ≠ 0, y ≠ 0
(b) (x, 0), where x ≠ 0
(c) (0, y), where y ≠ 0
(d) (y, y), where y ≠ 0
Solution :
(b) (x, 0), where x ≠ 0

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables

Question 2.
Any point on y-axis is of the form:
[NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) (x, y), where x ≠ 0, y ≠ 0
(b) (0, y), where y ≠ o
(c) (x, 0), where x ≠ 0
(d) (x, x), where x ≠ 0
Solution :
(b) (0, y), where y ≠ o

Question 3.
The equation x – 5 = 0 represents the line:
(a) parallel to y-axis
(b) parallel to x-axis
(c) passes through origin
(d) is perpendicular to y-axis
Solution :
(a) parallel to y-axis

Question 4.
The equation 2y = – 5 represents the line:
(a) parallel to y-axis
(b) passes through origin
(c) parallel to x-axis
(d) perpendicular to x-axis
Solution :
(c) parallel to x-axis

Question 5.
If x = 1, y = 1 is a solution of the equation ax – 2y = 10, then value of a is :
(a) 10
(b) 8
(c) 12
(d) 14
Solution :
(c) 12

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables

Question 6.
If x = – 1, y = 3 is a solution of the equation 5x + ay = 4, then value of a is :
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 9
Solution :
(a) 3

Question 7.
y = 0 is the equation of
(a) x-axis
(b) y-axis
(c) both x-axis and y-axis
(d) a line parallel to y-axis
Solution :
(a) x-axis

Question 8.
x = 0 is the equation of:
(a) x-axis
(b) y-axis
(c) both r-axis and y-axis
(d) a line parallel to x-axis
Solution :
(b) y-axis

Question 9.
The graph of the linear equation 5x + 2y = 10 cut the x-axis at the point:
(a) (2, 0)
(b) (0, 2)
(c) (0, – 5)
(d) (-5, 0)
Solution :
(a) (2, 0)

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables

Question 10.
The graph of the linear equation 2x + 3y = 6 cuts they axis at the point:
[NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) (0, 2)
(b) (2,0)
(c) (0, 3)
(d) (3, 0)
Solution :
(a) (0, 2)

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables Read More »

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles

Haryana State Board HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles Important Questions and Answers.

Haryana Board 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
AB and CD are two parallel chords of a circle whose diameter is BC. Prove that AB = CD.
Since AB || CD and transversal BC cuts them.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 1
∴ ∠ABC = ∠DCB
(Alternate interior angles)
\(\widehat{A C}=\widehat{B D}\) …(i)
[∵ Equal arcs of a circle subtends equal angles at the circumference]
Since BC is a diameter.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 2
⇒ chord AB = chord CD.
Hence proved

Question 2.
In the given figure, if O is the centre of a circle and OP is perpendicular to the chord AC. Show that BC = 20P.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 3
Since O is the centre of a circle.
∴ O is the mid point of AB and OP ⊥ AC.
AP = PC [By theorem 10.3]
⇒ P is the mid point of AC.
Thus O is the mid point of AB and Pis the mid point of AC.
⇒ OP || BC and OP = \(\frac{1}{2}\)BC
[By mid point theorem]
⇒ BC = 20P. Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles

Question 3.
Two circles whose centres are O and O’ intersecting at P and Q. Through P, a straight line l parallel to OO’ is drawn to meets the circles at A and B. If M is the mid point of OO’, prove that AP = PB.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 4
O’D ⊥ AB and MP ⊥ AB
Since OC ⊥ AB, MP ⊥ AB and O’D ⊥ AB.
OC || MP || O’D
and M is the mid point of OO’.
∴ P is the mid point of CD.
⇒ CP = PD ….(i)
∵ OC ⊥ AP and AP is a chord.
∴ AC = CP ….(ii)
O’D ⊥ PB and PB is a chord.
∴ BD = PD ….(iii)
From (i), (ii) and (iii), we get
AC = CP = PD = BD …(iv)
⇒ AC = PD [using (iv)]
⇒ 2AC = 2PD
⇒ AP = PB Hence proved

Question 4.
Prove that a diameter is the longest chord in a circle.
Given: AB is a diameter of a circle C(O, r) and CD is a chord of the circle.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 5
To prove : Diameter
AB > chord CD.
Proof : Since diameter passes through the centre.
∴ Diameter is nearer to the centre than chord CD.
But, of any two chords of a circle, the one which is nearer to the centre is larger.
∴ AB > CD
Hence, a diameter is the longest chord in a circle.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles

Question 5.
In the given figure, AB is a diameter of the circle whose centre is O. If ∠ADC = 120°, calculate the ∠BAC.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 6
Since, AB is a diameter of the circle.
∠ACB = 90° [∵ Angle in a semicircle is 90°]
Since, ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.
∠ABC + ∠ADC = 180°
[∵ sum of opposite angles of cyclic quadrilateral is 180°]
⇒ ∠ABC + 120° = 180°
⇒ ∠ABC = 180° – 120° = 60°
In right ΔACB, we have
∠ACB + ∠ABC + ∠BAC = 180°
[∵ sum of angles of a triangle is 180°]
⇒ 90° + 60° + ∠BAC = 180°
⇒ 150° + ∠BAC = 180°
⇒ ∠BAC = 180° – 150°
Hence, ∠BAC = 30°.

Question 6.
In the given figure, ∠ACB = 45° and ∠BDC = 40°. Calculate ∠CAB and ∠ABC.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 7
∠CAB = ∠BDC [∵ Angles in a same segment are equal]
⇒ ∠CAB = 40°
In ΔABC, we have
∠CAB + ∠ABC + ∠ACB = 180°
[sum of angles of a triangle is 180°]
⇒ 40° + ∠ABC + 45o = 180°
⇒ 85° + ∠ABC = 180°
⇒ ∠ABC = 180° – 85°
⇒ ∠ABC = 95°
Hence ∠CAB = 40° and ∠ABC = 95o.

Question 7.
In the given figure, ∠BAD = 88°. Find the values of x and y.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 8
Since, ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.
∴ ∠BCD + ∠BAD = 180°
[∵ sum of opp. angles of a cyclic quadrilateral is 180°]
⇒ x + 88° = 180°
⇒ x = 180° – 88°
⇒ x = 92°
⇒ ∠BCD + ∠FCD= 180°
(By linear pair axiom)
⇒ 92° + ∠FCD = 180°
⇒ ∠FCD = 180° – 92° = 88°
Since, CDEF is a cyclic quadrilateral.
∴ ∠FCD + ∠FED = 180°
⇒ 88° + ∠FED = 180°
⇒ ∠FED = 180° – 88°
⇒ ∠FED = 92°
⇒ ∠y = 92°
Hence, x = 92° and y = 92°.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles

Question 8.
An equilateral triangle of side 8 cm is inscribed in a circle. Find the radius of the circle.
Let ABC be an equilateral triangle of side 8 cm and AD be its median.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 9
Let G be centroid of AABC, then
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 10
⇒ \(\frac{A D}{A G}=\frac{3}{2}\)
⇒ \(\frac{A G}{A D}=\frac{2}{3}\)
⇒ AG = \(\frac{2}{3}\)AD …….(i)
Since, D is the mid point of BC i.e.,
BD = CD.
∴ AD ⊥ BC [By theorem 10.4]
We know that in an equilateral triangle centroid coincides with the circumcentre.
Therefore G is the circumcentre with circumradius GA.
BD = \(\frac{1}{2}\)BC
⇒ BD = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 8 = 4 cm
In right ΔADB, we have
⇒ AB2 = BD2 + AD2
(By Pythagoras theorem)
⇒ 82 = 42 + AD2
⇒ 82 – 42 = AD2
⇒ (8 + 4) (8 – 4) = AD2
⇒ 12 × 4 = AD2
⇒ AD2 = 48
⇒ AD = \(\sqrt{48}=\sqrt{4 \times 4 \times 3}\)
= 4\(\sqrt{3}\) cm
AG = \(\frac{2}{3}\)AD [From (i)]
⇒ AG = \(\frac{2}{3} \times 4 \sqrt{3}\)
⇒ \(\frac{8 \sqrt{3}}{3}\)
Hence,radius of the circle = \(\frac{8 \sqrt{3}}{3}\) cm.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
AB and CD are two chords of a circle such that AB = 24 cm and CD= 32 cm and AB || CD. If the distance between AB and CD is 4 cm, find the radius of the circle.
Draw OP ⊥ AB, OQ ⊥ CD and join OA and OC.
Since, OP ⊥ AB
∴ AP = PB = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AB
(By theorem 10.3)
AP = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 24 = 12 cm
Again, OQ ⊥ CD
∴ CQ = QD = \(\frac{1}{2}\)CD
(By theorem 10.3)
∴ CQ = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 32 = 16 cm
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 11
Let radius of the circle be r сm and OQ be x cm.
In right triangle OPA, we have
OA2 = AP2 + OP2
(By Pythagoras theorem)
⇒ r2 = 122 + (OQ + QP)2
⇒ r2 = 144 + (x + 4)2
⇒ r2 = 144 + x2 + 16 + 8x
⇒ r2 = 160 + x2 + 8x …(i)
In right ΔOQC, we have
CO2 = CQ2 + OQ2
⇒ r2 = 162 + x2 …(ii)
From (i) and (ii), we get
⇒ 160 + x2 + 8x = 162 + x2
⇒ 160 + 8x = 256
⇒ 8x = 256 – 160
⇒ 8x = 96
⇒ x = \(\frac{96}{8}\) = 12 cm
Putting the value of x in equation (ii), we get
r2 = 162 + (12)2
⇒ r2 = 256 + 144
⇒ r2 = 400
⇒ r= \(\sqrt{400}=\sqrt{20 \times 20}\)
= 20 cm
Hence,radius of the circle = 20 cm.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles

Question 2.
In the given figure, AB and CD are two parallel chords of a circle whose centre is O, such that AB = 30 cm, AO = OC = 17 cm, OM ⊥ AB, ON ⊥ CD and distance between AB and CD is 23 cm. Find the length of chord CD.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 12
AM = MB = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AB
⇒ AM = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 30 = 15 cm
In right ΔOMA, we have
AO2 = AM2 + OM2
(By Pythagoras theorem)
⇒ 172 = 152 + OM2
⇒ 172 – 152 = OM2
⇒ (17 + 15) (17 – 15) = OM2
⇒ 32 × 2 = OM2
⇒ OM = \(\sqrt{32 \times 2}=\sqrt{4 \times 4 \times 2 \times 2}\)
⇒ OM = 8 cm
Distance between AB and CD is 23 cm i.e.,
MN = 23 cm
ON = MN – OM
⇒ ON = 23 – 8 = 15 cm
In right ΔONC, we have
OC2 = CN2 + ON2
⇒ 172 = CN2 + 152
⇒ CN2 = 172 – 152
⇒ CN2 = (17 + 15) (17 – 15)
⇒ CN2 = 32 × 2 = 64
⇒ CN = \(\sqrt{64}\) = 8 cm
Since, ON ⊥ CD
⇒ CN = \(\frac{1}{2}\)CD
⇒ 8 = \(\frac{1}{2}\)CD
⇒ CD = 8 × 2 = 16 cm
Hence,length of chord CD = 16 cm.

Question 3.
Of any two chords of a circle, show that the one which is nearer to the centre is larger.
Given: Two chords AB and CD of a circle C(O, r), OP ⊥ AB and OQ ⊥ CD such that
OP < OQ.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 13
To prove: AB > CD.
Construction : Join OA and OC.
Proof : Since OP ⊥ AB and OQ ⊥ CD.
AP = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AB and CQ = \(\frac{1}{2}\)CD ……..(i)
Since, OA = OC = r
OP < OQ (given)
⇒ OQ > OP
⇒ OQ2 > OP2 …(i)
In right ΔOPA and ΔOQC, we have
OA2 = OP2 + AP2
and CO2 = OQ2 + CQ2
⇒ OP2 + AP2 = OQ2 + CQ2 [∵ OA = OC = r]
⇒ OP2 + AP2 = OQ2 + CQ2 > OP2 + CQ2 [using (ii)]
⇒ OP2 + AP2 > OP2 +CQ2
⇒ AP2 > CQ2
⇒ AP > CQ
⇒ 2AP > 2CQ
⇒ AB > CD [using (i)]
Hence AB > CD. Proved

Question 4.
In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle. Prove that ∠a = ∠b + ∠c.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 14
In ΔACF, we have
∠b = ∠1 + ∠2 [∵ Exterior angle is equal to sum of its two opposite interior angles]
⇒ ∠2 = ∠b – ∠1 …..(i)
In ΔAED, we have
∠4 = ∠1 + ∠c …(ii)
[∵ Exterior angle is equal to sum of it opposite two interior angles]
∠2 = ∠4 ……(iii)
[Angles in a same segment of a circle are equal]
Arc AB subtends ∠a at the centre and ∠2 at the remaining part of the circle.
∴ ∠a = 2∠2
⇒ ∠a = ∠2 + ∠2
⇒ ∠a = ∠2 + ∠4 [Using (iii)]
⇒ ∠a = ∠b – ∠1 + ∠1 + ∠c [Using (ii) and (iii)]
⇒ ∠a = ∠b + ∠c.
Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles

Question 5.
Prove that the line joining the mid points of two parallel chords of a circle passes through the centre.
Given : AB and CD are two parallel chords of a circle whose centre is O. P and Q are the mid points of AB and CD respectively.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 15
To prove : PQ is a straight line.
Construction : Join OP and OQ, draw OR || AB
but CD || AB ∴ OR || CD.
Proof : Since P is the mid point of AB.
∴ OP ⊥ AB [By theorem 10.4]
⇒ ∠APO = 90°
Again, Q is the mid point of CD.
∴ OQ ⊥ CD
⇒ OQC = 90°
∴ OR || CD (By construction)
(Alternate interior angles)
⇒ ∠QOR = 90°
and OR || AB
(Alternate interior angles)
⇒ ∠POR = 90° …..(ii)
Adding (i) and (ii), we get
∠QOR + ∠POR = 90° + 90°
⇒ ∠QOP = 180°
∴ POQ is a straight line. Hence proved

Question 6.
In the given figure, a diameter AB of a circle bisects a chord CD. If AD || BC, prove that chord CD is also a diameter of the circle.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 16
Given : A circle with centre o in which diameter AB bisects chord CD and AD || BC.
To prove : CD is also a diameter of the circle.
Proof: Since AD || BC and transversal CD cut them.
∴ ∠ADC = ∠BCD
(Alternate interior angles)
⇒ ∠ADO = ∠BCO
In ΔBOC and ΔAOD, we have
(As proved above)
CO = OD[∵ AB bisects CD]
(Vertically opposite angles)
∴ ΔΒΟC ≅ ΔΑOD (By ASA congruence rule)
⇒ CO = OD
∴ O is the mid point of CD.
∵ O is the centre of circle.
So, CD is also a diameter of the circle.
Hence proved

Question 7.
AB and CD are equal chords of a circle with centre 0, when produced these chords meet at P. Prove that : [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(i) PB = PD
(ii) AP = PC.
Given : AB and CD are equal chords of a circle and when produced AB and CD meet at P.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 17
To prove : (i) PB = PD
(ii) AP= PC.
Construction : Draw OL ⊥ AB and OM ⊥ CD.
Proof : Since OL ⊥ AB and OM ⊥ CD.
∴ L is the mid point of AB and M is the mid point of CD.
∵ AB = CD (given)
⇒ \(\frac{1}{2}\)AB = \(\frac{1}{2}\)CD
⇒ AL = CM and BL =DM…(i)
∵ AB = CD
∴ OL = OM …(ii)
[∵ Equal chords are equidistant from the centre]
In right ΔOLP and ΔOMP, we have
∠OLP = ∠OMP (Each is 90°)
hyp. OP= hyp. OP (common)
OL = OM [As proved in (ii)]
∴ ΔOLP ≅ ΔOMP [By RHS congruence rule]
⇒ PL = PM (CPCT) … (iii)
Subtracting (i) from (iii), we get
PL – BL = PM – DM
⇒ PB = PD
Adding (i) and (iii), we get
AL + PL = CM + PM
⇒ AP = PC
Hence, (i) PB = PD (ii) AP = PC. Proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles

Question 8.
In an equilateral triangle, prove that the centroid and the circumcentre coincide.
Given : An equilateral triangle ABC such that D, E and Fare respectively the mid points of the sides BC, CA and AB.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 18
To prove: The centroid and circumcentre are coincide.
Construction : Draw medians AD, BE and CF.
Proof : Let medians AD, BE and CF intersect at G. So, G is the centroid of ΔABC.
∵ ABC is an equilateral triangle
∴ AB = BC = CA
⇒ \(\frac{1}{2}\)AB = \(\frac{1}{2}\)BC = \(\frac{1}{2}\)CA
⇒ \(\frac{1}{2}\)AB = \(\frac{1}{2}\)CA
⇒ BF = CE ……(i)
In ΔBFC and ΔCEB, we have
BF = CE [As proved in (i)]
∠B = ∠C [Each = 60°]
BC = BC [Common]
(By SAS congruence rule)
⇒ CF = BE (CPCT) … (ii)
Similarly, ΔABD ≅ ΔBCE
(By SAS congruence rule)
⇒ AD = BE (CPCT) …(iii)
From (ii) and (iii), we get
AD = BE = CF ….(iv)
But we know that centroid divide the medians in the ratio 2 : 1. So the centroid is the point located at \(\frac{2}{3}\) of the distance from a vertex along a median. The centre of the circumcircle of this triangle is called the circumcentre.
From (iv), we get
AD = BE = CF
⇒ \(\frac{2}{3}\)AD = \(\frac{2}{3}\)BE = \(\frac{2}{3}\)CF
⇒ GA = GB = GC
⇒ G is the equidistant from the vertices.
⇒ G is the circumcentre of the ΔABC.
Hence, G is the centroid as well as circumcentre of ΔABC.

Question 9.
In the given figure, OA, OB and OD are radii of the circle and AB is a chord when DO and AB are produced meet at point C such that OB = BC. Prove that b° = \(\frac{1}{3}\)a°.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 19
Since, OB = BC (given)
∠BCO = ∠BOC = b° …(i)
[Angles opp. to equal sides are equal]
In ΔOBC, we have
∠OBA = ∠BCO + ∠BOC
[Exterior angle is equal to sum of two opposite interior angles]
∠OBA = b° +6° = 2b°
In ΔOBA, we have
OB = OA [Radii of the same circle]
⇒ ∠OBA = ∠OAB
⇒ 2b° = ∠OAB
⇒ ∠OAB = 2b° ……(ii)
Now in ΔOCA, we have
∠AOD = ∠OCA + ∠OAC
∠AOD = b° + 2b° [using (i) and (ii)]
a° = 3b°
b° = \(\frac{1}{3}\)a°
Hence proved

Question 10.
The circumcentre of the triangle ABC is O. Prove that ∠OBC + ∠BAC = 90°. [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
Let O be the circumcentre of triangle ABC.
Join BO and CO.
∵ OB = OC (equal radii of same circle)
⇒ ∠OBC = ∠OCB …..(i)
(Angles opp. to equal sides are equal)
Since, arc BC subtends ∠BOC at the centre and ∠BAC at the remaining part of the circle.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 20
Therefore, ∠BOC = 2∠BAC …..(ii)
(By theorem 10.8)
In ΔBOC, we have
∠OBC + ∠OCB + ∠BOC = 180°,
[∵ Sum of angles of a triangle is 180°]
⇒ ∠OBC + ∠OBC + 2∠BAC = 180° [Using (i) and (ii)]
⇒ 2∠OBC + 2∠BAC = 180°
⇒ 2(∠OBC + ∠BAC)= 180°
⇒ ∠OBC + ∠BAC = \(\frac{180^{\circ}}{2}\)
⇒ ∠OBC + ∠BAC = 90° Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles

Question 11.
Prove that the circle drawn on any one equal sides of an isosceles triangle as diameter, bisects the base.
Given: A triangle ABC in which AB = AC and a circle is drawn by taking AB as diameter intersecting BC at D.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 21
To prove: BD = CD.
Construction : Join AD.
Proof : ∠ADB = 90°
(Angle in a semicircle is 90°)
But, ∠ADB + ∠ADC = 180°
(By linear pair axiom)
⇒ 90° + ∠ADC = 180°
⇒ ∠ADC = 180° – 90°
⇒ ∠ADC = 90°
In ΔADB and ΔADC, we have
∠ADB = ∠ADC [Each is 90°]
Hyp. AB = Hyp. AC (given)
AD = AD (Common)
(By RHS congruence rule)
⇒ BD = CD (CPCT)
Hence, BD = CD. Proved

Question 12.
In the given figure, AB and CD are chords of a circle whose centre is O. If AB and CD intersect at P inside the circle. Prove that ∠AOC + ∠BOD = 2∠BPD.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 22
Join AD.
Arc AC subtends ∠AOC at the centre and ∠ADC at the remaining part of the circle.
∠AOC = 2∠ADC ….(i)
[By theorem 10.8]
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 23
Similarly, arc BD subtends ∠BOD at the centre and ∠BAD at remaining part of the circle.
∴ ∠BOD = 2∠BAD …(ii)
Adding (i) and (ii), we get
∠AOC + ∠BOD = 2∠ADC + 2∠BAD
∠AOC + ∠BOD = 2(∠ADP + ∠DAP) … (iii)
In ΔAPD, we have
∠BPD = ∠ADP + ∠DAP
[∵ Exterior angle is equal to sum of its two opp. interior angles]
⇒ 2∠BPD = 2(∠ADP + ∠DAP)…(iv)
From (iii) and (iv), we get
∠AOC + ∠BOD = 2∠BPD. Hence proved

Question 13.
D and E are respectively the points on equal sides AB and AC of an isosceles triangle ABC such that AD = AE. Prove that points B, C, E and D are concyclic.
If a line is drawn parallel to the base of an isosceles triangle to intersect its equal sides, prove that the quadrilateral so formed is cyclic. [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
In ΔABC, we have
AB = AC (given)
⇒ ∠B = ∠C [Angles opposite to equal sides are equal]
In ΔADE, we have
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 24
AD = AE (given)
⇒ ∠1 = ∠2 [Angles opp. to equal sides are equal]
In ΔABC, we have
∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180° …….(i)
[∵ Sum of angles of a triangle is 180°]
In ΔADE, we have
∠A + ∠1 + ∠2 = 180° …..(ii)
From (i) and (ii), we get
∠A + ∠B + ∠C = ∠A + ∠1 + ∠2
⇒ ∠B + ∠C = ∠1 + ∠2
⇒ ∠B + ∠B = ∠2 + ∠2
[∵ ∠C = ∠B and ∠1 = ∠2]
⇒ 2∠B = 2∠2
⇒ ∠B = ∠2
⇒ ∠B = 180° – ∠3
[∵ ∠2 + ∠3 = 180° (By linear pair axiom)
⇒ ∠2 = 180° – ∠3]
⇒ ∠B + ∠3 = 180° – ∠3 + ∠3
[Adding ∠3 on both sides]
⇒ ∠B + ∠DEC = 180°
Similarly, ∠C + ∠BDE = 180°
Thus, in a quadrilateral BCED, sum of opposite angles is 180°.
Therefore, quadrilateral BCED is cyclic.
Hence, B, C, E and D are concyclic. Proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles

Question 14.
ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral in which AD and BC when produced meet at P such that AP = PB. Prove that :
(i) ABCD is a cyclic trapezium
(ii) DP = CP.
Given : A cyclic quadrilateral ABCD in which AD and BC when produced meet at P such that AP = PB.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 25
To prove: (i) ABCD is a cyclic trapezium.
(ii) DP = CP.
Proof: In ΔPAB, we have
AP = PB (given)
⇒ ∠A = ∠B [Angles opposite to equal sides are equal]
∵ ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
∴ ∠A + ∠C = 180°
[Sum of opp. angles of a cyclic quad. is 180°]
⇒ ∠B + ∠C = 180° [∵ ∠A = ∠B]
But, these are consecutive interior angles.
∴ AB || CD
⇒ ABCD is cyclic trapezium.
Now, AB || CD and a transversal PB cuts them,
∠1 = ∠B …..(ii) (Corresponding angles)
Again, AB || CD and a transversal AP cuts them
∠3 = ∠A …..(iii) (Corresponding angles)
From (i), (ii) and (iii), we get
∠3 = ∠1
⇒ DP = CP [Sides opposite to equal angles are equal]
Hence, (i) ABCD is a cyclic trapezium, (ii) DP = CP.
Hence Proved

Question 15.
The diagonals AC and BD of cyclic quadrilateral ABCD intersect at right angles at E (see in figure). A line l through E and perpendicular to AB meets CD at F. Prove that F is the mid point of CD.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 26
Given : The diagonals AC and BD of a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD intersect at 90° at E. A line l through E and ⊥ to AB meets CD at F.
To prove: CF = DF.
Proof: ∠AEB = 90°
[∵ AC and BD intersect at 90°]
⇒ ∠1 + ∠2 = 90° …..(i)
EM ⊥ AB (given).
In right AEMB, we have
∠2 + ∠3 + ∠EMB = 180°
[∵ Sum of angles of a triangle is 180°]
⇒ ∠2 + ∠3 +90° = 180°
⇒ ∠2 + ∠3 = 180° – 90°
⇒ ∠2 + ∠3 = 90° ……(ii)
From (i) and (ii), we get
∠1 + ∠2 = ∠2 + ∠3
⇒ ∠1 = ∠3 …..(iii)
But, ∠1 = ∠4 ….(iv)
(Vertically opposite angles)
and ∠5 = ∠3 ……(v)
(Angles in a same segment are equal).
From (iii), (iv) and (v), we get
∠4 = ∠5
⇒ EF = FC …..(vi)
[Sides opp. to equal angles are equal]
Similarly, ∠6 = ∠7 3
⇒ EF = FD…(7)
From (vi) and (7), we get
CF = DF. Hence proved

Question 16.
The bisector of ∠B of an isosceles triangle ABC with AB = AC meets the circumcircle of ΔABC at P (see in figure). If AP and BC are produced meet at Q, prove that CQ = CA,
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 27
Join CP.
∠1 = ∠2 (BP is the bisector of ∠B)
∠3 = ∠2 …..(ii)
(Angles in a same segment are equal)
AB = AC (given)
∠B = ∠4 (Angles opp. to equal sides are equa)
⇒ ∠1 + ∠2 = ∠4
⇒ ∠2 + ∠2 = ∠4 [∵ ∠1 = ∠2]
⇒ ∠4 = 2∠2
⇒ ∠4 = 2∠3
[From (ii), ∠2 = ∠3) …(iii)
In ΔACQ, we have
∠ACB = ∠3 + ∠Q
[∵ Exterior angle is equal to sum of its two opposite interior angles
⇒ ∠4 = ∠3 + ∠Q
⇒ 2∠3 = ∠3 + ∠Q
[From (iii), ∠4 = 2∠3]
⇒ 2∠3 – ∠3 = ∠Q
⇒ ∠3 = ∠Q
⇒ AC = CQ [Sides opposite to equal angles are equal]
⇒ CQ = CA. Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles

Question 17.
Prove that the sum of the angles in the four segments exterior to a cyclic quadrilateral is equal to 6 right angles.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 28
Given : A cyclic quadrilateral PQRS and angles A, B, C and D are in the four external segments.
To prove: ∠A + ∠B + ∠C + ∠D = 6 right angles.
Construction : Join DR and DQ.
Proof : Since, PAQD is a cyclic quadrilateral.
∠1 + ∠A = 180° ……(i)
[Sum of opp. angles of cyclic quadrilateral is 180°]
Similarly, ∠2 + ∠B = 180° …..(ii)
and ∠3 + ∠C = 180° …..(iii)
Adding (i), (ii) and (iii), we get
∠1 + ∠A + ∠2 + ∠B + ∠3 + ∠C = 180° + 180° + 180°
⇒ ∠A + ∠B + ∠C + ∠1 + ∠2 + ∠3 = 540°
⇒ ∠A + ∠B + ∠C + ∠D = 540°
[∵ ∠1 + ∠2 + ∠3 = ∠D]
⇒ ∠A + ∠B + ∠C + ∠D = 6 × 90°
Hence, ∠A + ∠B + ∠C + ∠D = 6 right angles.

Question 18.
If two sides of a cyclic quadrilateral are parallel, prove that:
(i) remaining two sides are equal.
(ii) both diagonals are equal.
Given : A cyclic quadrilateral ABCD in which AB || CD.
To prove: (i) AD = BC, (ii) AC = BD.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 29
Proof: Since, ABCD is cyclic quadrilateral.
∴ ∠BAD + ∠BCD = 180° …(i)
[Sum of opp. angles of cyclic quadrilateral is 180°]
AB || CD and a transversal BC cuts them.
∴ ∠ABC + ∠BCD = 180° …(ii)
[∵ Consecutive interior angles are supplementary]
From (i) and (ii), we get
∠BAD + ∠BCD = ∠ABC + ∠BCD
∠BAD = ∠ABC …..(iii)
Now in ΔADB and ΔBCA, we have
[As proved above in (iii)]
∠ADB = ∠BCA [Angles in a same segments are equal]
AB = AB (Common)
(By AAS congruence rule)
⇒ AD = BC (CPCT)
and BD = AC (CPCT)
Hence, (i) AD = BC, (ii) AC = BD. Proved.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
In the given figure, two circles of radii 10 cm and 12 cm intersect each other at A and B. If the length of common chord is 16 cm, find the distance between their centres.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 30
Join OB and OB’.
In ΔAOO’ and ΔBOO’, we have
AO = BO [Each is 10 cm]
AO’ = BO’ [Each is 12 cm]
OO’ = OO (Common)
[By SSS congruence rule]
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 31
⇒ ∠AOO’ = ∠BOO’ [СРСТ]
⇒ ∠AOM = ∠BOM…..(i)
In ΔAOM and ΔBOM, we have
AO = BO [Each is 10 cm]
∠AOM = ∠BOM [As proved above in (i)]
OM = OM [Common]
ΔAOM ≅ ΔBOM [By SAS congruence rule]
⇒ ∠AMO = ∠BMO [CPCT]
But ∠AMO + ∠BMO = 180° [By linear pair axiom]
⇒ ∠AMO + ∠AMO = 180°
⇒ 2∠AMO = 180°
⇒ ∠AMO = \(\frac{180}{2}\) = 90°
∴ OM ⊥ AB
⇒ AM = BM = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AB
⇒ AM = BM = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 16 = 8 cm
In right ΔAMO, we have ,
AO2 = OM2+ AM2 [By Pythagoras theorem]
⇒ 102 = OM2 + 82
⇒ 102 – 82 = OM2
⇒ (10 + 8)(10 – 8) = OM2
⇒ 18 × 2 = OM2
⇒ 36 = OM2
OM = \(\sqrt{36}=\sqrt{6 \times 6}\)
= 6 cm ……(ii)
In right ΔAO’M, we have
AO’ = O’M2 + AM2
⇒ 122 = O’M2 + 82
⇒ 122 – 82 = O’M2
⇒ (12 + 8)(12 – 8) = O’M2
⇒ 20 × 4 = O’M2
⇒ 80 = O’M2
⇒ O’M = \(\sqrt{80}\)
⇒ O’M = \(\sqrt{4 \times 4 \times 5}=4 \sqrt{5}\) cm …..(iii)
⇒ OO’ = OM + O’M
⇒ OO’ = 6 + 4\(\sqrt{5}\) [using (ii) and (iii)]
Hence, distance between their centres is (6 + 4\(\sqrt{5}\)) cm.

Question 2.
AB and AC are two chords of a circle of radius r such that AB = 2AC. If p and q are the distances of AB and AC from the centre, prove that 4q2 = p2 + 3r2. [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
We have
AB = 2AC ⇒ AC = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AB
Since, CM ⊥ AB and BN ⊥ AC
∴ OM ⊥ AB and ON ⊥ AC
⇒ BM = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AB and CN = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AC
In right ΔOMB, we have
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 32
OB2 = BM2 + OM2
(By Pythagoras theorem)
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 33
In right ΔONC, we have
OC2 = CN2 + ON2
⇒ r2 = \(\frac{r^2-p^2}{4}\) + q2 [Using (i)]
⇒ 4r2 = r2 – p2 + 4q2
⇒ 4r2 – r2 + p2 = 4q2
⇒ p2 + 3r2 = 4q2
⇒ 4q2 = p2 + 3r2. Hence proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles

Question 3.
In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle, ∠BCO = 30°. Find the value of x and y. [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 34
∠AOD = ∠OEC = 90°
But these are corresponding angles
∴ OD || BC
⇒ ∠COD = ∠OCE (alternate interior angles)
⇒ ∠COD = 30° …….(i)
Arc CD subtends ∠COD at the centre and ∠CBD at the remaining part of the circle
∴ ∠COD = 2∠CBD
⇒ 30° = 2y [Using (i)]
⇒ y = \(\frac{30^{\circ}}{2}\) = 15°
Again arc AD substends ∠AOD at the centre and ∠ABD at the remaining part of the circle
∠AOD = 2∠ABD
⇒ 90° = 2∠ABD
⇒ ∠ABD = \(\frac{90}{2}\) = 46°
In triangle ABE, we have
∠AEC = ∠A + ∠B
⇒ 90° = x + ∠ABD + ∠DBC
⇒ 90° = x + 45° + y
⇒ 90° = x + 45° + 15°
⇒ 90° = x + 60°
⇒ x = 30° = 30°
Hence, x = 30° and y = 15°.

Question 4.
In the given figure, ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral inscribed in a circle with centre O. CD is produced to E such that
∠ADE = 75°. If ∠ABO = 40°, find :
(i) ∠CAB (ii) ∠OAC.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 35
∠ADE + ∠CDA = 180° (By linear pair axiom)
⇒ 75° + ∠CDA = 180°
⇒ ∠CDA = 180° – 75°
⇒ ∠CDA = 105°
Since, ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.
∴ ∠ABC + ∠CDA = 180°
[∵ Sum of opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral is 180°]
⇒ ∠ABC + 105° = 180°
⇒ ∠ABC = 180° – 105°
⇒ ∠ABC = 75°
AO = BO [Equal radii of same circle]
⇒ ∠OAB = ∠OBA
[Angles opposite to equal sides are equal]
⇒ ∠OAB = 40° ……(i)
Arc subtends ZAOC at the centre and ∠ABC at the remaining part of the circle.
∴ ∠AOC = 2∠ABC
⇒ ∠AOC = 2 × 75° [∵ ∠ABC = 75°]
⇒ ∠AOC = 150°
⇒ ∠OAC = ∠OCA
Let ∠OAC = ∠OCA = x°
In ΔAOC, we have
∠OAC + ∠OCA + ∠AOC = 180°
[∵ Sum of angles of a triangle is 180°]
⇒ x° + x° + 150° = 180
⇒ 2x° = 180° – 150°
⇒ 2x° = 30°
⇒ x° = \(\frac{30^{\circ}}{2}\) = 15°
⇒ ∠OAC = 15°
∠CAB = ∠OAC + ∠OAB
⇒ ∠CAB = 15° + 40°
⇒ ∠CAB = 55°
Hence, (i) ∠CAB = 55°, (ii) ∠OAC = 15°.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles

Question 5.
In the given figure, I is the incentre of ΔABC. AI when produced meets the circumcircle of ΔABC. If ∠ABC = 35° and ∠ACB = 70°, calculate :
(i) ∠IAB (ii) ∠DBC (iii) ∠BID.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 36
Join BI and BD.
We know that, sum of angles of a triangle is 180°.
∴ In ΔABC, we have
∠ABC + ∠ACB + ∠BAC = 180°
⇒ 35° + 70° + ∠BAC = 180°
⇒ 105° + ∠BAC = 180°
⇒ ∠BAC = 180° – 105°
⇒ ∠BAC = 75°
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 37
(i) ∵ AI is the bisector of ∠BAC.
∴ ∠BAD = ∠CAD = \(\frac{1}{2}\)∠BAC …(i)
⇒ ∠BAD = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 75°
⇒ ∠IAB = 37.5° [∵ ∠BAD =∠IAB]
(ii) ∠CAD = \(\frac{1}{2}\)∠BAC [From (i)]
∠CAD = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 75° = 37.5°
⇒ ∠DBC = ∠CAD [Angles in the same segment of a circle are equal]
⇒ ∠DBC = 37.5° …..(ii)
(iii) ∵ BI is the bisector of ∠ABC.
∴ ∠ABI = ∠CBI = \(\frac{1}{2}\)∠ABC
⇒ ∠CBI = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 35°
⇒ ∠CBI = 17.5° ……(iii)
Adding (ii) and (iii), we get
∠DBC + ∠CBI = 37.5° + 17.5°
⇒ ∠DBI = 55°
∠ACB = ∠ADB [Angles in a same segment of a circle are equal]
⇒ 70° = ∠ADB
⇒ ∠ADB = 70°
⇒ ∠IDB = 70° ……(iv)
In ΔIBD, we have
∠DBI + ∠IDB + ∠BID = 180°
[Sum of angles of a triangles is 180°]
⇒ 55° + 70° + ∠BID = 180°
⇒ 125° + ∠BID = 180°
⇒ ∠BID = 180° – 125°
⇒ ∠BID = 55°
Hence, (i) ∠IAB = 37.5°
(ii) ∠DBC = 37.5°
(iii) ∠BID = 55°.

Question 6.
In the given the values, if \(\frac{x}{2}=\frac{y}{3}=\frac{z}{5}\), then find the values of x, y and z.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 38
Let \(\frac{x}{2}=\frac{y}{3}=\frac{z}{5}\) = k
⇒ x = 2k, y = 3k, z = 5k …(i)
Since, ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.
∠A + ∠BCD= 180° …..(ii)
[Sum of opposite angles of cyclic quadrilateral is 180°]
∠BCD + ∠z = 180° …..(iii)
From (ii) and (iii), we get
∠A + ∠BCD = ∠BCD + ∠z
⇒ ∠A = ∠z …..(iv)
∠BCE = ∠z
(Vertically opposite angles) …(v)
In ΔBEC, we have
∠ABC = ∠BEC + ∠BCE [∵ Exterior angle is equal to sum of its two interior opp. angles]
⇒ ∠ABC = x° + z° …..(vi)
In ΔCDF, we have
∠ADC = ∠CFD + ∠DCF
[∵ Exterior angle is equal to sum of its two opposite interior angles]
⇒ ∠ADC = yo + zo …..(7)
But,∠ABC + ∠ADC = 180°
[∵ Sum of opposite angles of cyclic quadrilateral is 180°]
⇒ x° + z° + y° + z° = 180°[Using (vi) and (7)]
⇒ x° + y° + 2z° = 180°
⇒ 2k + 3k + 2 × 5k = 180°
⇒ 15k = 180°
⇒ k = \(\frac{180^{\circ}}{15}\) = 12°
∴ x = 2 × 12° = 24°,
y = 3 × 12° = 36°
and z = 5 × 12° = 60°
Hence, x = 24°, y = 36° and z = 60°.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles

Question 7.
Prove that the angle bisectors of the angles formed by producing opposite sides of cyclic quadrilateral (provided they are not parallel), intersect at right angles.
Given : ABCD is cyclic quadrilateral in which opposite sides AD and BC when produced meet at P and opposite sides AB and DC when produced meet at Q. Bisectors of ∠APB and ∠AQD meet at point R.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 39
To prove: ∠PRQ = ∠SRQ = 90°.
Construction : Since PR and QR are the bisectors of ∠APB and ∠AQD respectively.
∴ ∠1 = ∠2 and ∠3 = ∠4 …(i)
[Exterior angle of a cyclic quadrilateral is equal to its opposite interior angle]
⇒ ∠PDM = ∠SBP …..(ii)
We know that sum of angles of a triangle is 180°.
In ΔPDM and ΔPBS, we have
∠PDM + ∠1 + ∠PMD = 180° …(iii)
∠SBP + ∠2 + ∠PSB = 180° …..(iv)
From (iii) and (iv), we get
∠PDM + ∠1 + ∠PMD = ∠SBP + ∠2 + ∠PSB
⇒ ∠PDM + ∠1 + ∠PMD = ∠PDM + ∠1 + ∠PSB
[Using (ii) and (i)]
⇒ ∠PMD = ∠PSB
⇒ ∠CMR = ∠RSQ
[∵ ∠CMR = ∠PMD (vertically oppoiste angles) and ∠PSB = ∠RSQ]
⇒ ∠QMR = ZRSQ ……(v)
In ΔQMR and ΔQSR, we have
∠3 = ∠4 [From (i)]
∠QMR = ∠RSQ [From (v)]
We know that if two angles of Ist triangle are equal to two angles of IInd triangle, then third angle of first triangle is also equal to the third angle of IInd triangle.
∴ ∠QRM = ∠QRS
But,∠QRM + ∠QRS = 180° (Linear pair axiom)
⇒ ∠QRM + ∠QRM = 180°
⇒ 2∠QRM = 180°
⇒ ∠QRM = \(\frac{180^{\circ}}{2}\) = 90°
⇒ ∠QRM = ∠QRS = 90°
Hence, ∠PRQ = ∠SRQ = 90°. Proved

Question 8.
D and E are respectively the points on equal sides AB and AC of an isosceles triangle ABC such that B, C, E and D are concyclic. If O is the point of intersection of CD and BE, prove that AO is the perpendicular bisector of line segment DE.
In ΔABC, we have
AB = AC (given)
⇒ ∠B = ∠C ……(i)
[Angles opposite to equal sides are equal]
∠3 = ∠4 ……(ii)
[Angles in same segment of a circle are equal]
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 40
BCED is a cyclic quadrilateral.
∴ ∠B + ∠E = ∠C + ∠D= 180° [Sum of opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral is 180°]
⇒ ∠B + ∠E = ∠B + ∠D [Using (i)]
⇒ ∠D = ∠E ……(iii)
Subtracting (ii) from (iii), we get
∠D – ∠3 = ∠E – ∠4
⇒ ∠5 = ∠6
⇒ DO = EO …….(iv)
[Sides opposite to equal angles are equal]
From (iii), we have
∠D = ∠E
180° – ∠D = 180° – ∠E
⇒ ∠ADE = ∠AED
⇒ AD = AE ……(v)
In ΔADO and ΔAEO, we have
AD = AE [From (v)]
DO = EO [From (iv)]
AO = AO [Common]
∴ ΔADO ≅ ΔAEO (By SSS congruence rule)
⇒ ∠1 = ∠2 (CPCT)
In ΔAMD and ΔAME, we have
AD = AE [From (v)]
AM = AM [Common]
∠1 = ∠2 [As proved above]
[By SAS congruence rule]
⇒ DM = ME (CPCT)
and ∠AMD = ∠AME (CPCT)
But, ∠AMD + ∠AME = 180° (By linear pair axiom)
⇒ ∠AMD + ∠AMD = 180°
⇒ 2∠AMD = 180°
⇒ ∠AMD = \(\frac{180^{\circ}}{2}\) = 90°
Hence, AO is the perpendicular bisector of line segment DE. Proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles

Multiple Choice Questions

Choose the correct option in each of the following:

Question 1.
A circle divides a plane on which it lies into :
(a) 4 parts
(b) 2 parts
(c) 3 parts
(d) None of these
(c) 3 parts

Question 2.
If the diagonals of a cyclic quadrilateral are the diameters of the circle through the vertices of a quadrilateral, then quadrilateral is a:
(a) square
(b) rectangle
(c) parallelogram
(d) rhombus
(b) rectangle

Question 3.
Every cyclic parallelogram is a :
(a) rectangle
(b) square
(c) rhombus
(d) kite
(a) rectangle

Question 4.
Angles in the same segment of a circle are :
(a) complementary
(b) supplementary
(c) equal
(d) unequal
(c) equal

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles

Question 5.
The length of a chord which is at a distance of 8 cm from the centre of a circle of radius 17 cm, is :
(a) 25 cm
(b) 30 cm
(c) 15 cm
(d) 20 cm
(b) 30 cm

Question 6.
The region between a chord and either of it arcs is called :
(a) sector of a circle
(b) segment of a circle
(c) quadrant of a circle
(d) secant of a circle
(b) segment of a circle

Question 7.
If AB = 12 cm, BC = 16 cm and AB is perpendicular to BC, then the radius of the circle passing through the points A, B and C is : [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) 6 cm
(b) 8 cm
(c) 10 cm
(d) 12 cm
(c) 10 cm

Question 8.
An equilateral triangle of side 9 cm is inscribed in a circle. The radius of the circle is :
(a) 2\(\sqrt{3}\) cm
(b) 3 cm
(c) 3\(\sqrt{3}\) cm
(d) \(\sqrt{3}\) cm
(c) 3\(\sqrt{3}\) cm

Question 9.
In the given figure, AB and CD are two parallel chords such that BC is the diameter of the circle and AB = 6 cm, then length of CD is :
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 41
(a) 5 cm
(b) 9 cm
(c) 7 cm
(d) 6 cm
(d) 6 cm

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles

Question 10.
In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle, then length of AD is :
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 42
(a) 5 cm
(b) 4 cm
(c) 9 cm
(d) 3 cm
(d) 3 cm

Question 11.
In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle. If OD ⊥ AC, OB = 5 cm, OD = 3 cm, then length of BD is :
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 43
(a) 2\(\sqrt{13}\) cm
(b) 3\(\sqrt{13}\) cm
(c) 4\(\sqrt{13}\) cm
(d) \(\sqrt{51}\) cm
(a) 2\(\sqrt{13}\) cm

Question 12.
In the given figure, O is the centre of a circle and A is point on the circle. If ∠OAB = 40°, then ∠ACB is equal to : [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles 44
(a) 60°
(b) 40°
(c) 70°
(d) 50°
(d) 50°

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 10 Circles Read More »

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry

Haryana State Board HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry Important Questions and Answers.

Haryana Board 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
From the adjoining figure, name the following:
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry - 1
(i) Four lins segments.
(ii) Three parallel lines.
(iii) Three pairs of collinear points.
(iv) Two pairs of intersecting lines.
(v) Four rays.
Solution :
(i) \(\overline{E C}, \overline{A C}, \overline{E D}\) and \(\overline{D B}\).
(ii) Three parallel lines are \(\stackrel{\leftrightarrow}{A B}\), \(\stackrel{\leftrightarrow}{C D}\) and
(iii) Three pairs of collinear points are (A, C, E), (B, D, E) and (P, E, Q).
(iv) Two pair of intersecting lines are (\(\overleftrightarrow{A E}\), \(\overleftrightarrow{B E}\)) and (\(\overleftrightarrow{C D}\), \(\overleftrightarrow{E B}\)).
(v) Four rays are \(\overrightarrow{E R}\), \(\overrightarrow{E S}\), \(\overrightarrow{A T}\) and \(\overrightarrow{B U}\)

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry

Question 2.
From the adjoining figure, name the following:
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry - 2
(i) Four lines.
(ii) Three concurrent lines and their point of intersection.
(iii) Three pairs of intersecting lines and their corresponding points of intersection.
(iv) Six points.
Solution :
(i) Four lines are \(\stackrel{\leftrightarrow}{P Q}, \stackrel{\leftrightarrow}{C D}, \stackrel{\leftrightarrow}{E F}\) and \(\overleftrightarrow{A B}\).
(ii) Three concurrent lines and their point of intersection are \(\stackrel{\leftrightarrow}{A B}, \stackrel{\leftrightarrow}{P Q}, \stackrel{\leftrightarrow}{C D}\), G.
(iii) Three pairs of intersecting lines and their corresponding points of intersection are (\(\stackrel{\leftrightarrow}{P Q}, \stackrel{\leftrightarrow}{E F}\), H), (\(\stackrel{\leftrightarrow}{A B}, \stackrel{\leftrightarrow}{E F}\), R) and (\(\stackrel{\leftrightarrow}{C D}, \stackrel{\leftrightarrow}{A B}\), G).
(iv) Six points are A, B, C, D, E, F.

Question 3.
In the given figure, if C is the midpoint of AB and PC = CQ, then prove that AQ = BP.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry - 3
Solution :
We have C is the mid point of
⇒ AC = BC
⇒ AC + CQ = BC + CQ,
[Adding CQ on both sides]
⇒ AC + CQ = BC + PC,
[It is given PC = CQ]
According to Axiom 2, if equals are added to equals, then whole are equal.
⇒ AQ = BP
Hence, AQ = BP. Hence proved.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry

Question 4.
In the figure, we have x and y are the midpoints of AC and BC and Ax = Cy. Show that AC = BC.
[NCERT Exemplar Problems]
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry - 4
Solution :
Since x is the mid point of AC
∴ AC = 2Ax
Again y is the mid point of BC
∴ BC = 2Cy
Also, Ax = Cy (given)
Therefore, AC = BC, because by axiom 6, things which are double of the same things are equal to one another.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
In the fig, we have ∠ABC = ∠ACB, ∠3 = ∠4. Show that ∠1 = ∠2. [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry - 5
Solution :
We have
∠ABC = ∠ACB ……….(i)
and ∠3 = ∠4 ……….(ii)
Substracted (ii) from (i), we get
∠ABC – ∠3 = ∠ACB – ∠4
⇒ ∠1 = ∠2
[∵ By axiom 3, if equals are subtracted from equals remainders are equal]
Hence ∠1 = ∠2. Proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry

Question 2.
Two lines which are both parallel to the same line, are parallel to each other.
Solution :
Given: Three lines l, m, n in a plane such that l || m and n || m.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry - 6
To prove : l || n.
Proof : If possible, let line l is not parallel to linen, then lines l and n intersect in a unique point, say P. Now P is not on m. Since P is on l and l || m.
∴ Through a point P out side m, there are two lines l, n both parallel to m. This is not possible (parallel axiom).
∴ Our suposition is wrong.
Hence, l || n. Hence proved

Question 3.
(a) If C lies between A and B and AB = 9 cm and BC = 4 cm, what is AC and AC2?
(b) If C lies between A and B and AB = 8 cm and BC = 4 cm, what is AC3?
Solution :
∵ C lies between A and B.
∴ AC + BC = AB
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry - 7
(a) AB = 9 cm and BC = 4 cm
∴ AC + 4 = 9 ⇒ AC = 9 – 4 = 5cm
AC2 = 52 = 25 cm2.

(b) AB = 8 cm and BC = 4 cm
AC + 4 = 8 ⇒ AC = 8 – 4 = 4 cm
AC3 = 43 = 64 cm3.

Multiple Choice Questions

Choose the correct option in each of the following :

Question 1.
If equals be added to equals, then whole are :
(a) unequal
(b) twice of each other
(c) half of the other
(d) equal
Solution :
(d) equal

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry

Question 2.
If equals be subtracted from equals, then remainders are equal, is stated in the form of :
(a) an axiom
(b) a definition
(c) a postulate
(d) a proof
Solution :
(a) an axiom

Question 3.
A circle can be drawn with any centre and any radius, is stated in the form of :
(a) an axiom
(b) a postulate
(c) a definition
(d) a theorem
Solution :
(b) a postulate

Question 4.
Things which coincide with another are equal to one another, is stated in the form of:
(a) a postulate
(b) an axiom
(c) a definition
(d) a theorem
Solution :
(b) an axiom

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry

Question 5.
Lines are parallel, if they do not intersect is stated in the form of:
(NCERT Exemplar Problems)
(a) a postulate
(b) an axiom
(c) a definition
(d) a proof
Solution :
(c) a definition

Question 6.
Euclid first axiom is :
(a) If equals are added to equals, the wholes are equal
(b) The whole is greater than part
(c) Things which are equal to the same things are equal to one another
(d) Things which coincide with another are equal to one another
Solution :
(c) Things which are equal to the same things are equal to one another

Question 7.
Euclid’s third postulate is :
(a) A circle can be drawn with any centre and any radius
(b) A straight line may be drawn from any one point to any other point
(c) All right angles are equal to one another
(d) A terminated line can be produced infinitely
Solution :
(a) A circle can be drawn with any centre and any radius

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry

Question 8.
Euclid divided his famous book, ‘Elements’ into: [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) 10 chapters
(b) 13 chapters
(c) 11 chapters
(d) 12 chapters
Solution :
(b) 13 chapters

Question 9.
Euclid belongs to the country:
[NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) Egypt
(b) Babylonia
(c) India
(d) Greece
Solution :
(d) Greece

Question 10.
Thales belongs to the country:
[NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) Egypt
(b) China
(c) Greece
(d) Babylonia
Solution :
(c) Greece

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry

Question 11.
Bhrahmgupta discovered the formula for finding the area of :
(a) Isosceles triangle
(b) Square
(c) Equilateral triangle
(d) Cyclic quadrilateral
Solution :
(d) Cyclic quadrilateral

Question 12.
The Indian Mathematician Bhaskara II born in :
(a) 598 AD
(b) 1114 AD
(c) 476 AD
(d) 1185 AD
Solution :
(b) 1114 AD

Question 13.
Pythagoras was a famous pupil of:
[NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) Euclid
(b) Aryabhatt
(c) Thales
(d) Newton
Solution :
(c) Thales

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry

Question 14.
The total number of propositions in the elements are: [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) 465
(b) 450
(c) 13
(d) 55
Solution :
(a) 465

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry Read More »

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula

Haryana State Board HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula Important Questions and Answers.

Haryana Board 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Each side of an equilateral triangle measures 8 cm. Find :
(i) area of the triangle
(ii) height of the triangle.
Each side of an equilateral triangle (a) = 8 cm, we know that
(i) Area of the equilateral triangle = \(\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4} a^2\)
\(\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4} \times(8)^2\)
= 16\(\sqrt{3}\) cm2

(ii) Again, area of the triangle = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × base × height
⇒ 16\(\sqrt{3}\) = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 8 × height
⇒ 16\(\sqrt{3}\) = 4 × height
⇒ height = \(\frac{16 \sqrt{3}}{4}\)
⇒ height = 4\(\sqrt{3}\) cm
Hence, (i) area of the triangle = 16\(\sqrt{3}\) cm2, (ii) height = 4\(\sqrt{3}\) cm.

Question 2.
If perimeter of an equilateral triangle is equal to its area. Find the area of the equilateral triangle.
Let a be the side of an equilateral triangle, then
perimeter of triangle = 3a …..(i)
and area of the triangle = \(\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4} a^2\) …..(2)
According to question,
Perimeter of triangle = Area of triangle
⇒ 3a = \(\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4} a^2\) [using (i) and (ii)]
\(\frac{3 \times 4}{\sqrt{3}}=\frac{a^2}{a}\)
4\(\sqrt{3}\) = a [∵ 3 = \(\sqrt{3}\) × \(\sqrt{3}\)]
a= 4\(\sqrt{3}\) units
Putting the value of a in (ii), we get
Area of the equilateral triangle
= \(\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4} \times(4 \sqrt{3})^2\)
= \(\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4} \times 48\)
= 12\(\sqrt{3}\) square units
Area of equilateral triangle = 12\(\sqrt{3}\) square units.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula

Question 3.
Find the percentage increase in the area of an equilateral triangle if its each side is doubled.
Let the side of an equilateral triangle be a units, then
area of the triangle = \(\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4} a^2\)
Side of new triangle when side is doubled = 2a units
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 1
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 2
Hence, percentage increase in area of the triangle = 300%.

Question 4.
In a quadrilateral ABCD, diagonal AC = 36 cm and the lengths of the perpendicular from B and D to AC are 18 cm and 15 cm respectively. Find the area of the quadrilateral.
Diagonal AC = 36 cm, BE = 18 cm and DF = 15 cm.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 3
Area of the quadrilateral ABCD = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × diagonal × (sum of perpendiculars)
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × AC × (BE + DF)
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 36 × (18 + 15)
= 18 × 33
= 594 cm2
Hence, area of quadrilateral ABCD = 594 cm2.

Question 5.
The lengths of two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are respectively 48 cm and 36 cm. One of its diagonal is 44 cm. Find the area of the parallelogram.
We know that diagonal of a parallelogram divides the parallelogram into two triangles of equal areas
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 4
∴ Area of parallelogram ABCD = 2 × Area of ΔABC
Sides of ΔABC are
a = 44 cm, b = 36 cm and c = 48 cm
s = \(\frac{44+36+48}{2}\)
⇒ s = \(\frac{128}{2}\)
⇒ s = 64 cm
By Heron’s formula, we have
Area of ΔABC = \(\sqrt{s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)}\)
= \(\sqrt{64(64-44)(64-36)(64-48)}\)
= \(\sqrt{64 \times 20 \times 28 \times 16}\)
= \(\sqrt{2 \times 2 \times 16 \times 2 \times 2 \times 5 \times 2 \times 2 \times 7 \times 16}\)
= 2 × 2 × 2 × 16\(\sqrt{35}\)
= 128\(\sqrt{35}\)
area of parallelogram ABCD = 2 × Area of ΔABC
= 2 × 128\(\sqrt{35}\)
= 256\(\sqrt{35}\) cm2
Hence,area of parallelogram
ABCD = 256\(\sqrt{35}\) cm2.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula

Question 6.
Find the area of a parallelogram whose one diagonal is 7.2 cm and the perpendicular distance of this diagonal from an opposite vertex is 3.4 cm.
Since we know that diagonal of a parallelogram divides it into two triangles of equal area.
∴ Area of parallelogram ABCD = 2 × Area of ΔACD
Area of ΔACD = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × base × height
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 5
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × AC × DM
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 7.2 × 3.4
= 12.24 cm2
Area of parallelogram ABCD = 2 × Area of ΔACD
= 2 × 12.24
= 24.48 cm.
Hence,area of parallelogram ABCD = 24.48 cm2.

Question 7.
The area of a trapezium field is 780 m2. The perpendicular distance between the two parallel sides is 24 m. If one parallel side exceeds the other by 15 m, find the lengths of the parallel sides.
Let one parallel side be x m, then
other parallel side = (x – 15) m
Area of trapezium field = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × (sum of parallel sides) × distance between them
⇒ 780 = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(x + x – 15) × 24
⇒ 780 = (2x – 15) × 12
⇒ \(\frac{780}{12}\) = 2x – 15
⇒ 65 = 2x – 15
⇒ 65 + 15 = 2x
⇒ 80 = 2x
⇒ x = \(\frac{80}{2}\) = 40 m
Hence, lengths of parallel sides are 40 m and 40 – 15 = 25 m.

Question 8.
The cross-section of a canal is trapezium in shape. If the canal 18 m wide at the top, 12m wide at the bottom and the area of the cross-section is 135 m2, find its depth.
Cross-section of a canal is the shape of a trapezium. Its parallel sides are 18 m and 12 m.
Area of cross-section = 135 m2
Let depth of cross-section be x m.
∴ Area of cross-section = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(sum of parallel sides) × distance between them
⇒ 135 = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(18 + 12) × x
⇒ 135 × 2 = 30 × x
⇒ \(\frac{135 \times 2}{30}\) = x
⇒ 9 = x
⇒ x = 9 m
Hence, depth of cross section is 9 m.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
The lengths of the sides of a triangle are 8 cm, 12 cm and 16 cm. Find the height corresponding to the longest side.
Length of the sides of a triangle are a = 8 cm, b = 12 cm and c = 16 cm
s = \(\frac{a+b+c}{2}\)
s = \(\frac{8+12+16}{2}\)
s = \(\frac{36}{2}\) = 18 cm
By Heron’s formula, we have
Area of the triangle = \(\sqrt{s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)}\)
= \(\sqrt{18(18-8)(18-12)(18-16)}\)
= \(\sqrt{18 \times 10 \times 6 \times 2}\)
= \(\sqrt{3 \times 3 \times 2 \times 2 \times 5 \times 3 \times 2 \times 2}\)
= 2 × 2 × 3\(\sqrt{15}\)
= 12\(\sqrt{15}\) cm2
area of the triangle = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × base × height
12\(\sqrt{15}\) = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 16 × height
[∵ Base = longest side of the triangle]
12\(\sqrt{15}\) = 8 × height
⇒ height = \(\frac{12 \sqrt{15}}{8}\)
⇒ height = \(\frac{3 \sqrt{15}}{2}\) cm
Hence, area of the triangle = 12\(\sqrt{15}\) cm2
and height = \(\frac{3 \sqrt{15}}{2}\) cm.

Question 2.
The height of an equilateral triangle measures 12 cm. Find the area of the triangle correct to 2 places of decimal. [Use \(\sqrt{3}\) = 1.732]
Let each side of an equilateral triangle be a cm.
Height of the triangle = 12 cm (given)
We know that,
Area of the equilateral triangle = \(\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4} a^2\) …….(i)
Again, area of the triangle = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × base × height
⇒ area of the triangle = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × a × 12
⇒ area of the triangle = 6a
⇒ \(\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4} a^2=6 a\) [using (i)]
⇒ \(\frac{a^2}{a}=\frac{6 \times 4}{\sqrt{3}}\)
⇒ a = 8\(\sqrt{3}\) cm
Putting the value of a in (i), we get
area of the equilateral triangle = \(\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4} \times(8 \sqrt{3})^2\)
= \(\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4} \times 192\)
= 48\(\sqrt{3}\)
= 48 × 1.732
= 83.14 cm2.
Hence, area of the equilateral triangle = 83.14 cm2.

Question 3.
Base of an isosceles triangle is \(\frac{3}{2}\) times each of the equal sides. If its perimeter is 28 cm, find the area and height of the triangle.
Let each equal sides of an isosceles triangle be x cm, then according to question,
Base of isosceles triangle = \(\frac{3}{2}\)x
Perimeter of triangle = 28 cm (given)
⇒ x + x + \(\frac{3}{2}\)x = 28
⇒ \(\frac{2 x+2 x+3 x}{2}\) = 28
⇒ 7x = 28 × 2
⇒ x = \(\frac{28 \times 2}{7}\)
⇒ x = 8 cm
∴ Equal sides are 8 cm and 8 cm and
base = \(\frac{3}{2}\) × 8 = 12 cm
Here a = 8 cm, b = 8 cm and c = 12 cm
s = \(\frac{\text { Perimeter }}{2}=\frac{28}{2}\)
= 14 cm
By Heron’s formula, we have
Area of the triangle = \(\sqrt{s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)}\)
= \(\sqrt{14 \times 6 \times 6 \times 2}\)
= \(\sqrt{2 \times 7 \times 6 \times 6 \times 2}\)
= 2 × 6\(\sqrt{7}\)
= 12\(\sqrt{7}\) cm2
Again, Area of triangle = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × base × height
12\(\sqrt{7}\) = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 12 × height
12\(\sqrt{7}\) = 6 × height height
height = \(\frac{12 \sqrt{7}}{6}\)
height = 2\(\sqrt{7}\) cm
Hence,area of the triangle = 12\(\sqrt{7}\) cm2
and height = 2\(\sqrt{7}\) cm.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula

Question 4.
In the right triangle, the sides containing the right angle, one side exceeds the other by 4 cm. If area of the triangle is 96 cm2, find the perimeter of the triangle.
Let the sides containing right angle be x cm and (x + 4) cm.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 6
Area of triangle = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × base × height
⇒ 96 = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × (x + 4) × x
⇒ 96 × 2 = x2 + 4x
⇒ 192 = x2 + 4x
⇒ x2 + 4x – 192 = 0
⇒ x2 + (16 – 12) – 192 = 0
⇒ x2 + 16x – 12x – 192 = 0
⇒ x(x + 16) – 12(x + 16) = 0
⇒ (x + 16) (x – 12) = 0
⇒ x + 16 = 0 or x – 12 = 0
⇒ x = – 16 or x = 12
Since side of a right triangle cannot be negative.
So, we neglect x = – 16 cm
∴ x = 12 cm
⇒ AB = 12 cm
and BC = 12 + 4 = 16 cm
In right triangle ABC, we have
AC2 = BC2 + AB2
(By Pythagoras theorem)
⇒ AC2 = 162 + 122
⇒ AC2 = 256 + 144
⇒ AC2 = 400
⇒ AC = \(\sqrt{400}\)
⇒ AC = + 20 cm
[Neglect x = -20]
⇒ AC = 20 cm
∴ Perimeter of the triangle
ABC = AB + BC + AC
= 12 + 16 + 20
= 48 cm
Hence,perimeter of the triangle = 48 cm.

Question 5.
The area of a right triangle is 150 cm2. If its altitude exceeds the base by 5 cm, calculate the perimeter of the triangle.
Let base (BC) be x cm.
Altitude (AB) = (x + 5) cm
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 7
Area of the triangle = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × base × height
⇒ 150 = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × x × (x + 5)
⇒ 150 × 2 = x2 + 5x
⇒ 300 = x2 + 5x
⇒ x2 + 5x – 300 = 0
⇒ x2 + (20 – 15)x – 300 = 0
⇒ x2 + 20x – 15x – 300 = 0
⇒ x(x + 20) – 15(x + 20) = 0
⇒ (x + 20) (x – 15) = 0
⇒ x + 20 = 0 or x – 15 = 0
⇒ x = – 20 or x = 15
Since, side of the right triangle cannot be negative.
So, we neglect x = – 20
⇒ x = 15 cm
⇒ BC = 15 cm
and AB = 15 + 5 = 20 cm
In right triangle ABC, we have
⇒ AC2 = BC2 + AB2
⇒ AC2 = 152 + 202
⇒ AC2 = 225 + 400
⇒ AC2 = 625
⇒ AC = \(\sqrt{625}\)
⇒ AC = ± 25
Perimeter of the triangle = AB + BC + AC
= 20 + 15 + 25
= 60 cm
Hence,perimeter of the triangle = 60 cm.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula

Question 6.
A triangle and a rhombus have the same base and the same area. If the sides of the triangle are 30 cm, 32 cm and 34 cm and rhombus stands on the base 32 cm, find the height of the rhombus.
Sides of the triangle are a = 30 cm, b = 32 cm and c = 34 cm
s = \(\frac{a+b+c}{2}\)
⇒ s = \(\frac{30+32+34}{2}\)
⇒ s = \(\frac{96}{2}\)
⇒ s = 48 cm
By Heron’s formula, we have
Area of the triangler = \(\sqrt{s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)}\)
= \(\sqrt{48(48-30)(48-32)(48-34)}\)
= \(\sqrt{48 \times 18 \times 16 \times 14}\)
= \(\sqrt{4 \times 4 \times 3 \times 3 \times 3 \times 2 \times 4 \times 4 \times 2 \times 7}\)
= 2 × 3 × 4 × 4\(\sqrt{21}\)
= 96\(\sqrt{21}\) cm2
Since, rhombus has base 32 cm and rhombus and triangle have same base and same area.
∴ Area of rhombus = area of triangle
⇒ base × height = 96\(\sqrt{21}\)
⇒ 32 × height = 96\(\sqrt{21}\)
⇒ height = 96\(\frac{96 \sqrt{21}}{32}\)
⇒ height = 3\(\sqrt{21}\) cm
height of the rhombus = 3\(\sqrt{21}\) cm.

Question 7.
In the given figure, sides of a ΔABC are 13 cm, 15 cm and 14 cm. PBC is a right angled triangle right angled at Pin which BP =9 cm. Find the area of shaded region.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 8
Sides of the ΔABC are
a = 13 cm, b = 15 cm and c = 14 cm
∴ s = \(\frac{1}{2}\)
⇒ s = \(\frac{42}{2}\) = 21 cm
By Heron’s formula, we have
Area of the ΔABC = \(\sqrt{s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)}\)
= \(\sqrt{21(21-13)(21-15)(21-14)}\)
= \(\sqrt{21 \times 8 \times 6 \times 7}\)
= \(\sqrt{3 \times 7 \times 2 \times 2 \times 2 \times 2 \times 3 \times 7}\)
= 2 × 2 × 3 × 7
= 84 cm2
In right ΔPBC, we have
BC2 = BP2 + CP2
⇒ 152 = 92 + CP2
⇒ 152 – 92 = CP2
⇒ (15 + 9) (15 – 9) = CP2
⇒ 24 × 6 = CP2
⇒ CP = \(\sqrt{24 \times 6}\)
⇒ CP = \(\sqrt{2 \times 2 \times 2 \times 3 \times 3 \times 2}\)
⇒ CP = 2 × 2 × 3 = 12 cm
Area of right ΔPBC = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × BP × PC
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 9 × 12 = 54 cm2
Area of the shaded region = Area of ΔABC – Area of ΔPBC
= 84 – 54 = 30 cm2
∴ Area of the shaded region = 30 cm2.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula

Question 8.
Calculate the area of quadrilateral ABCD, in which ∠ABD = 90°,BCD is an equilateral triangle of side 20 cm and AD = 25 cm.
BCD is an equilateral triangle of side 20 cm.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 9
Area of equilateral ABCD = \(\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4} \times(20)^2\)
= 100\(\sqrt{3}\) = 100 × 1.732
= 173.2 cm2
In right ΔABD, we have
AD2 = AB2 + BD2
(By Pythagoras theorem)
⇒ 252 = AB2 + 202
⇒ 252 – 202 = AB2
⇒ 625 – 400 = AB2
⇒ 225 = AB2
⇒ AB = 225
⇒ AB = 15 cm
Area of right ΔABD = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × base × height
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × AB × BD
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 15 × 20
= 150 cm2
Area of quadrilateral ABCD = 173.2 + 150
= 323.2 cm2
Hence, area of quadrilateral
ABCD = 323.2.cm2.

Question 9.
Calculate the area of quadrilateral ABCD in which ∠A = 90°, AB = 36 cm, BC = 42 cm, CD = 39 cm and AD = 27 cm.
In right ΔABD, we have
BD2 = AB2 + AD2
⇒ BD2 = 362 + 272
⇒ BD2 = 1296 + 729
⇒ BD2 = 2025
⇒ BD = \(\sqrt{2025}\)
⇒ BD = 45 cm
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 10
Area of right ΔABD = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × base × height
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × AB × AD
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 36 × 27
= 486 cm2
Sides of the ΔBCD are
a = 39 cm, b = 42 cm and c = 45 cm
s = \(\frac{a+b+c}{2}\)
= \(\frac{39+42+45}{2}\)
= \(\frac{126}{2}\) = 63 cm
By Heron’s formula, we have.
Area of ΔBCD = \(\sqrt{s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)}\)
= \(\sqrt{63(63-39)(63-42)(63-45)}\)
= \(\sqrt{63 \times 24 \times 21 \times 18}\)
= \(\sqrt{3 \times 3 \times 7 \times 2 \times 2 \times 2 \times 3 \times 3 \times 7 \times 2 \times 3 \times 3}\)
= 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 7
= 756 cm2
Area of quadrilateral ABCD = 486 + 756 = 1242 cm2
Hence, area of the quadrilateral
ABCD = 1242 cm2.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula

Question 10.
Two diagonals of a parallelogram are 12 cm and 16 cm. If its one side is 10 cm, find the area of a parallelogram.
Let AC and BD are two diagonals of a parallelogram ABCD. We know that diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 11
∴ AO = OC = \(\frac{16}{2}\) = 8 cm
BO = OD = \(\frac{12}{2}\) = 6 cm
Thus the sides of ΔAOB are
a = 8 cm, b = 6 cm, c = 10 cm
∴ s = \(\frac{a+b+c}{2}\)
= \(\frac{8+6+10}{2}\)
= \(\frac{24}{2}\) = 12 cm
By Heron’s formula, we have
Area of ΔAOB = \(\sqrt{s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)}\)
= \(\sqrt{12(12-8)(12-6)(12-10)}\)
= \(\sqrt{12 \times 4 \times 6 \times 2}\)
= \(\sqrt{2 \times 2 \times 3 \times 2 \times 2 \times 2 \times 3 \times 2}\)
= 2 × 2 × 2 × 3
= 24 cm2
Since we know that diagonals of a parallelogram divide it into four triangles of equal areas.
∴ area of parallelogram ABCD = 4 × area of ΔAOB
= 4 × 24
= 96 cm2
Hence,area of parallelogram
ABCD = 96 cm2.

Question 11.
In the figure, AOBC is rhombus, three of whose vertices lie on the circle with centre O. If the area of the rhombus is 50\(\sqrt{3}\) cm2, find the radius of the circle.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 12
Let the radius of the circle be x cm.
AO = OC = OB = x cm.
Since, we know that, in rhombus diagonals bisect each other at right angle.
∴ OD = CD = \(\frac{x}{2}\) and AD = BD = \(\frac{A B}{2}\)
∠ADO = 90°
In right ΔADO, we have
AO2 = OD2 + AD2
(By Pythagoras theorem)
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 13
Thus lengths of diagonals of a rhombus are
AB = \(\sqrt{3}\)x and OC = x
Area of rhombus = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × Product of diagonals
⇒ 50\(\sqrt{3}\) = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × \(\sqrt{3}\)x × x
⇒ \(\frac{50 \sqrt{3} \times 2}{\sqrt{3}}\) = x2
⇒ 100 = x2
⇒ x = \(\sqrt{100}\) = 10 cm
Hence, radius of the circle is 10 cm.

Question 12.
AOBC is a rhombus, three of whose vertices lie on the circle with centre O. If the radius of the cricle is 12 cm, find the area of the rhombus.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 14
Join AB and OC.
We know that in a rhombus diagonals bisect each other at right angle.
∴ OD = CD = \(\frac{12}{2}\) = 6 cm
AD = BD = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AB
and ∠ADO = 90°
In right ΔADO, we have
AO2 = OD2 + AD2
(By Pythagoras theorem)
⇒ 122 = 62 + AD2
⇒ 122 – 62 = AD2
⇒ (12 + 6) (12 – 6) = AD2
⇒ 18 × 6 = AD2
⇒ AD = \(\sqrt{2 \times 3 \times 3 \times 2 \times 3}\)
⇒ AD = 2 × 3\(\sqrt{3}\)
⇒ AD = 6\(\sqrt{3}\) cm
⇒ AB = 2 × AD
AB = 2 × 6\(\sqrt{3}\)
AB = 12\(\sqrt{3}\) cm
Thus, diagonals of a rhombus are
OC = 12 cm
and AB = 12\(\sqrt{3}\) cm
Area of the rhombus = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × Product of diagonals
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 12 × 12\(\sqrt{3}\)
= 72\(\sqrt{3}\) cm2
Hence,area of the rhombus = 72\(\sqrt{3}\) cm2.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
If area of an isosceles triangle is 60 c2 and its each equal side is 13 cm, find :
(i) Base of the triangle
(ii) Height of the triangle.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 15
Let base of an isosceles triangle be 2x cm.
Draw, AD ⊥ BC
a= 13 cm, b = 13 cm and c = 20 cm
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 16
⇒ 602 = (13 + x)(13 – x)x2
[Squaring on both sides]
⇒ 3600 = (132 – x2)x2
[∵ (a + b)(a – b) = a2 – b2]
⇒ 3600 = (169 – x2)x2
⇒ 3600 = 169x2 – x4
⇒ x4 – 169x2 + 3600 = 0
Let x2 = y, we get
y2 – 169y + 3600 = 0
⇒ y2 – (144 + 25)y + 3600 = 0
⇒ y2 – 144y – 25y + 3600 = 0
⇒ y(y – 144) – 25(y – 144) = 0
⇒ (y – 144) (y – 25) = 0
⇒ y – 144 = 0 or y – 25 = 0
⇒ y = 144 or y = 25
⇒ x2 = 144 or x2 = 25 [∵ y = x2]
⇒ x = \(\sqrt{144}\) or x = \(\sqrt{25}\)
[Taking square root on both sides]
⇒ x = ± 12 or x = ± 5.
Since base of an isosceles triangle cannot be negative.
∴ We neglect negative values of x.
∴ x = 12 or x = 5
⇒ BC = 2 × 12 or BC = 2 × 5
⇒ BC = 24 cm or BC = 10 cm
Since AD ⊥ BC and ABC is an isosceles triangle.
∴ BD = CD = x
There are two cases arise :
Case I: When x = 12,
In right triangle ABD, we have
AB2 = BD2 + AD2
[By Pythagoras theorem]
⇒ 132 = 122 + AD2
⇒ 132 – 122 = AD2
⇒ 169 – 144 = AD2
⇒ 25 = AD2
⇒ AD = \(\sqrt{25}\) = 5 cm

Case II: When x = 5,
In right triangle ABD, we have
AB2 = BD2 + AD2
⇒ 132 = 52 + AD2
⇒ 132 – 52 = AD2
⇒ (13 + 5) (13 – 5) = AD2
⇒ 18 × 8 = AD2
\(\sqrt{18 \times 8} \) = AD
\(\sqrt{3 \times 3 \times 2 \times 2 \times 2 \times 2}\) = AD
3 × 2 × 2 = AD
⇒ AD = 12 cm
Hence, (i) Base of the isosceles triangle = 24 cm or 10 cm.
(ii) Height of the isosceles triangle = 5 cm or 12 cm.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula

Question 2.
The perimeter of a right triangle is 40 cm and its hypotenuse is 17 cm. Calculate its area and verify the result by using Heron’s formula.
Let base of a right traingle be x cm.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 17
Perimeter of triangle = 40 cm (given)
⇒ AB + BC + AC = 40
⇒ AB + x + 17 = 40
⇒ AB = 40 – 17 – x
⇒ AB = (23 – x) cm
In right triangle ABC, we have
AC2 = BC2 + AB2
(By Pythagoras theorem)
⇒ 172 = x2 + (23 – x)2
⇒ 289 = 22 + 529 + x2 – 46x
⇒ 289 = 2x2 – 46x + 529
⇒ 2x2 – 46x + 529 – 289 = 0
⇒ 2x2 – 46x + 240 = 0
⇒ x2 – 23x + 120 = 0
⇒ x2 – (15 + 8)x + 120 = 0
⇒ x2 – 15x – 8x + 120 = 0
⇒ x(x – 15) – 8(x – 15) = 0
⇒ (x – 15) (x – 8) = 0
⇒ x – 15 = 0 or x – 8 = 0
x = 15 or x = 8
∴ BC = 15 cm or BC = 8 cm
AB = 23 – 15 cm or AB = 23 – 8
⇒ AB = 8 cm or AB = 15 cm
Area of triangle = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × base × height
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × BC × AB
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 15 × 8
= 60 cm2
Here a = 17, b = 15 and c = 8
and Perimeter of the triangle (2s) = 40 cm
⇒ s = \(\frac{40}{2}\) = 20
By Heron’s formula
Again, Area of the triangle = \(\sqrt{s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)}\)
= \(\sqrt{20(20-17)(20-15)(20-8)}\)
= \(\sqrt{20 \times 3 \times 5 \times 12}\)
= \(\sqrt{4 \times 5 \times 3 \times 5 \times 3 \times 4}\)
= 4 × 3 × 5 = 60 cm2
Hence, in both cases area of the triangle is same.

Question 3.
In an equilateral ΔABC, O is the point of concurrence of altitudes AD, BE and CF such that OD = 8 cm, OE = 10 cm and OF = 12 cm. Find the area of the triangle ABC.
Let side of an equilateral ΔABC be x cm, then
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 18
Area of ΔABC = \(\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4} x^2\) …(i)
Again, Area of ΔABC = Area of ΔBOC + Area of ΔAOC + Area of ΔAOB
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 19
Putting the value of x in (i), we get
Area of ΔABC = \(\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4} \times(20 \sqrt{3})^2\)
= \(\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4}\) × 1200
= 300\(\sqrt{3}\)
= 300 × 1.732
= 519.6 cm2
Area of ΔABC = 519.6 cm2.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula

Question 4.
A field is in the shape of a trapezium whose parallel sides are 32 m and 20 m and non-parallel sides are 10 m and 14 m. Find the area of the field.
Through vertex C, draw CE || AD intersecting AB at E and draw CF ⊥ EB.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 20
∵ AE || CD and AD || CE.
∴ AECD is a paralleogram.
CE = AD = 10 m,
AE = CD = 20 m
Then BE = AB – AE
⇒ BE = 32 – 20 = 12 m
Sides of ΔCEB are a = 10 m, b = 14 m and c = 12 m
∴ s = \(\frac{a+b+c}{2}\)
⇒ s = \(\frac{10+14+12}{2}\)
⇒ s = 18 m
By Heron’s formula, we have
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 21
Again, area of ΔCEB = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × base × height
⇒ 24\(\sqrt{6}\) = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 12 × CF
⇒ \(\frac{24 \sqrt{6} \times 2}{12}\) = CF
⇒ 4\(\sqrt{6}\) = CF
⇒ CF = 456 m
∴ Area of trapezium ABCD = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(sum of parallel sides) × distance between them
= \(\frac{1}{2}\)(32 + 20) × 4\(\sqrt{6}\) m
= 104\(\sqrt{6}\) m2.
Hence, area of trapezium = 104\(\sqrt{6}\) m2

Question 5.
The area of a rhombus is 216 cm2. If its one diagonal is 24 cm, find :
(i) length of its other diagonal
(ii) perimeter of the rhombus.
(i) Area of a rhombus = 216 cm2
Length of its one diagonal = 24 cm
Let the length of other diagonal be x cm.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 22
Area of rhombus = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × Product of diagonals
216 = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 24 × x
216 = 12 × x
x = \(\frac{216}{12}\) = 18 cm.

(ii) We know that in a rhombus diagonals bisect each other at right angle.
∴ ∠AOB = 90°
and AO = OC = \(\frac{18}{12}\) = 9 cm
OB = OD = \(\frac{24}{2}\) = 12 cm

In right ΔAOB, we have
AB2 = AO2 + OB2
(By Pythagoras theorem)
⇒ AB2 = 92 + 122
⇒ AB2 = 81 + 144
⇒ AB2 = 225
⇒ AB = \(\sqrt{225}\)
⇒ AB = 15 cm
∴ Perimeter of the rhombus = 4 × side
= 4 × 15
= 60 cm
Hence (i) Length of other diagonal = 18 cm.
(ii) Perimeter of the rhombus = 60 cm.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula

Question 6.
The perimeter of a rhombus is 100 cm and one of its shorter diagonal is 30 cm long. Find the length of other diagonal and area of rhombus.
Perimeter of a rhombus = 100 cm
Side of the rhombus = \(\frac{100}{4}\) = 25 cm
Length of its one diagonal = 30 cm
Let length of its other diagonal = 2x cm
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 23
We know that in a rhombus diagonals bisect each other at right angle.
∴ ∠AOB = 90°
and AO = OC = \(\frac{2 x}{2}\) = x cm
BO = OD = \(\frac{30}{2}\) = 15 cm
In right ΔAOB, we have
AB2 = AO2 + OB2
(By Pythagoras theorem)
⇒ 252 = x2 + 152
⇒ x2 = 252 – 152
⇒ x2 = (25 + 15) (25 – 15)
⇒ x2 = 40 × 10
⇒ x2 = 400
⇒ x = \(\sqrt{400}\) = 20 cm
So,the length of other diagonal = 2 × 20 × 40 cm
Area of the rhombus = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × Product of diagonals
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 30 × 40 = 600 cm2
Hence, length of other diagonal = 40 cm
and area of the rhombus = 600 cm2.

Question 7.
ABCD is a square with each side 16 cm. P is a point on DC such that, area of ΔAPD : area of trapezium ABCP = 7 : 25. Find the length of CP.
Each side of the square = 16 cm
Let, CP = x cm, then
PD = (16 – x) cm
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 24
Area of right ΔAPD = \(\frac{1}{2}\)PD × AD
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × (16 – x) × 16
= 8(16 – x)
Area of the trapezium ABCP = 2 (sum of parallel sides) × distance between them
= \(\frac{1}{2}\)(16 + x) × 16 = 8(16 +x)
According to question,
Area of ΔAPD : Area of trapezium ABCP = 7 : 25
⇒ 8(16 – x) : 8(16 + x) = 7 : 25
⇒ \(\frac{8(16-x)}{8(16+x)}=\frac{7}{25}\)
⇒ \(\frac{16-x}{16+x}=\frac{7}{25}\)
⇒ 25(16 – x) = 7(16 + x)
⇒ 400 – 25x = 112 + 7x
⇒ 400 – 112 = 25x + 7x
⇒ 288 = 32x
⇒ x = \(\frac{288}{32}\)
⇒ x = 9 cm
Hence, length of CP = 9 cm.

Question 8.
An equilateral triangle is circumscribed and a square is inscribed in a circle of radius 7 cm. Prove that ratio of areas of square : equilateral triangle is 2 : 3\(\sqrt{3}\).
Let ΔABC be circumscribed and square PQRS be inscribed in a circle of radius 7 cm.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 25
QS = 2 × radius
⇒ QS = 2 × 7
= 14 cm
Area of a square = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × (diagonal)2
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 142
= 98 cm2
We know that in equilateral triangle orthocentre is same as centroid.
∴ AO : OD = 2 : 1
⇒ \(\frac{A O}{O D}=\frac{2}{1}\)
⇒ AO = 2 × OD
⇒ AO = 2 × 7 = 14 cm
⇒ AD = AO + OD
⇒ AD = 14 + 7 = 21 cm
Let side of an equilateral triangle be x cm. We know that, in equilateral triangle perpendicular bisects the corresponding sides.
∴ BD = CD = \(\frac{x}{2}\) cm
In right triangle ADB, we have
AB2 = BD2 + AD2
(By Pythagoras theorem)
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 26
Hence, area of the square : area of equilateral triangle = 2 : 3\(\sqrt{3}\). Proved

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula

Question 9.
In the given figure, ABCD is square with AC = 12 cm. A point Pon AB such that PQ ⊥ AC, PR ⊥ BD and Q, R are respectively mid points of AO and OB. Find the length of QR.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 27
We know that, in a square, diagonals are equal and bisect each other at 90°.
AO = OB = \(\frac{1}{2}\) = 6 cm and
∠AOB = 90°
∠PQO = 90°, ∠PRO = 90°
[∵ PQ ⊥ AC, PR ⊥ BD]
In a quadrilateral PQOR, we have
∠PQO + ∠QOR + ∠PRO + ∠QPR = 360°
⇒ 90° + 90° + 90° + ZQPR = 360°
⇒ 270° + ∠QPR = 360°
⇒ ∠QPR = 360° – 270°
⇒ ∠QPR = 90°
Since, Q and R are mid points of AO and OB respectively.
∴ QO = OR = \(\frac{6}{2}\) = 3 cm
Thus, in a quadrilateral PQOR, each angle is 90° and adjacent sides are equal.
∴ PQOR is a square of side 3 cm.
Area of the square PQOR = 3 × 3 = 9 cm2
Again, area of the square PQOR
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) (diagonal)2
⇒ 9 = \(\frac{1}{2}\)QR2
⇒ 9 × 2 = QR2
QR = \(\sqrt{18}\)
QR = \(\sqrt{3 \times 3 \times 2}\)
QR = 3\(\sqrt{2}\) cm
Hence, length of QR = 3\(\sqrt{2}\) cm.

Question 10.
In the given figure, square PQRS is inside the square ABCD such that each side of PQRS can be extended to pass through the vertex of ABCD. Length of side of square ABCD is \(\sqrt{73}\) cm. P and Q are points on AQ and BR so that AP = BQ = 3 cm. Find the length of PR.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 28
∠AQB + ∠AQR = 180°
(By linear pair axiom)
⇒ ∠AQB + 90° = 180°
⇒ ∠AQB = 180° – 90°
⇒ ∠AQB = 90°
In right ΔAQB, we have
AB2 = AQ2 + BQ2
⇒ (\(\sqrt{73}\))2 = AQ2 + 32
⇒ 73 = AQ2 + 9
⇒ 73 – 9 = AQ2
⇒ 64 = AQ2
⇒ AQ = \(\sqrt{64}\) = 8 cm
⇒ PQ = AQ – AP
⇒ PQ = 8 – 3 = 5 cm
Area of square PQRS = (5)2
= 25 cm2
area of square PQRS = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × (diagonal)2
⇒ 25 = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × PR2
⇒ 25 × 2 = PR2
⇒ PR2 = 50
⇒ PR = \(\sqrt{50}\)
⇒ PR = \(\sqrt{2 \times 5 \times 5}\)
⇒ PR = 5\(\sqrt{2}\) cm
Hence,lenght of PR = 5\(\sqrt{2}\) cm.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula

Question 11.
Triangle PQR inside the triangle ABC such that P, Q and R are the mid points of AH, BH and CH respectively and PQ = 13 cm, QR = 14 cm and PR = 15 cm. Prove that ratio of areas ΔPQR : ΔABC = 1 : 4.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 29
Sides of the ΔPQR are a = 13 cm, b = 14 cm, c = 15 cm
∴ s = \(\frac{a+b+c}{2}\)
⇒ s = \(\frac{13+14+15}{2}\)
⇒ s = \(\frac{42}{2}\) = 21 cm
By Heron’s formula, we have
Area of ΔPQR = \(\sqrt{s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)}\)
= \(\sqrt{21(21-13)(21-14)(21-15)}\)
= \(\sqrt{21 \times 8 \times 7 \times 6}\)
= \(\sqrt{3 \times 7 \times 2 \times 2 \times 2 \times 7 \times 2 \times 3}\)
= 2 × 2 × 3 × 7
= 84 cm2
In ΔABH, P and Q are the mid points of AH and BH respectively.
∴ PQ = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AB
(By mid point theorem)
⇒ 13 = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AB
⇒ AB = 26 cm
Similarly, in ΔBHC, Q and R are the mid points of BH and CH respectively.
∴ QR = \(\frac{1}{2}\)BC
⇒ 14 = \(\frac{1}{2}\)BC
⇒ BC = 28 cm
and in ΔAHC, P and R are the mid points of AH and CH respectively.
∴ PR = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AC
⇒ 15 = \(\frac{1}{2}\)AC
⇒ AC = 30 cm
Thus, the sides of ΔABC are a = 26 cm, b = 28 cm and c = 30 cm
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 30
Hence, area of ΔPQR : area of ΔABC = 1 : 4. Proved

Question 12.
An isosceles triangle ABC is circumscribed in a circle with centre ‘O’ such that AB = 9 cm, BC = 6 cm and AC = 9 cm. Find the area of shaded region.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 31
Draw OD ⊥ BC,OE ⊥ AC and OF ⊥ AB
Let radius of the circle be r сm.
Sides of the triangle ABC are a = 9 cm, b = 9 cm and c = 6 cm
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 32
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 33
area of ΔABC = area of ΔBOC + area of ΔAOC + area of ΔAOB
18\(\sqrt{2}\) = \(\frac{1}{2}\) BC × OD + \(\frac{1}{2}\) AC × OE + \(\frac{1}{2}\) AB × OF
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 34
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula 35

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula

Multiple Choice Questions

Choose the correct option in each of the following:

Question 1.
The sides of a triangle are 5 cm, 6 cm and 7 cm, then its semiperimeter is :
(a) 6 cm
(b) 7 cm
(c) 8 cm2
(d) 9 cm
(d) 9 cm

Question 2.
The base and hypotenuse of a right triangle are 8 cm and 10 cm long. Its area is :
(a) 40 cm2
(b) 24 cm2
(c) 30 cm2
(d) 35 cm2
(b) 24 cm2

Question 3.
The length of each side of an equilateral triangle having an area of 9\(\sqrt{3}\) cm2 is:
(a) 36 cm
(b) 8 cm
(c) 6 cm
(d) 4 cm
(c) 6 cm

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula

Question 4.
Length of median of an equilateral triangle is 3 cm. Each side of the triangle is :
(a) 2\(\sqrt{3}\) cm
(b) 3\(\sqrt{3}\) cm
(c) 4\(\sqrt{3}\) cm
(d) 2\(\sqrt{6}\) cm
(a) 2\(\sqrt{3}\) cm

Question 5.
The perimeter of an equilateral triangle is 60 m. The area is :
(a) 10\(\sqrt{3}\) m2
(b) 15\(\sqrt{3}\) m2
(c) 20\(\sqrt{3}\) m2
(d) 100\(\sqrt{3}\) m2
(d) 100\(\sqrt{3}\) m2

Question 6.
Area of an equilateral triangle is 16\(\sqrt{3}\) cm2. Its perimeter is:
(a) 36 cm
(b) 30 cm
(c) 24 cm
(d) 12 cm
(c) 24 cm

Question 7.
The sides of a triangle are 13 cm, 14 cm and 15 cm. Its area is :
(a) 80 cm2
(b) 84 cm2
(c) 91 cm2
(d) 105 cm2
(b) 84 cm2

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula

Question 8.
The sides of a triangle are 35 cm, 54 cm and 61 cm respectively. The length of its longest altitude is :
(a) 16\(\sqrt{5}\) cm
(b) 10\(\sqrt{5}\) cm
(c) 24\(\sqrt{5}\) cm
(d) 28 cm
(c) 24\(\sqrt{5}\) cm

Question 9.
Area of an isosceles right triangle is 8 cm2. The length of its hypotenuse is :
(a) \(\sqrt{32}\) cm
(b) \(\sqrt{16}\) cm
(c) \(\sqrt{48}\) cm
(d) \(\sqrt{24}\) cm
(a) \(\sqrt{32}\) cm

Question 10.
Each side of an equilateral triangle measures 4 cm. Height of the triangle is :
(a) \(\sqrt{3}\) cm
(b) 2\(\sqrt{3}\) cm
(c) 3\(\sqrt{2}\) cm
(d) \(\sqrt{2}\) cm
(b) 2\(\sqrt{3}\) cm

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HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 11 Constructions

Haryana State Board HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 11 Constructions Important Questions and Answers.

Haryana Board 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 11 Constructions

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
With the help of protractor, draw an angle of 110°. Bisect it to get an angle of measure 55°. [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
Steps of construction:
Step – I: Draw a ray BC.
Step – II: Construct ∠ABC = 110°, with the help of protractor.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 11 Constructions 1
Step – III: Taking B as centre and a suitable radius, draw an arc intersecting ray AB and BC at Q and P respectively.
Step – IV: Taking P and Q as the centres and radius more than \(\frac{1}{2}\)PQ, draw two arcs intersecting each other at D.
Step – V: Draw ray BD. Ray BD is required bisector of ∠ABC. On measuring with the help of the protractor, we get ∠CBD = ∠ABD = 55°.

Question 2.
Draw adjacent supplementary angles. Bisect each of the two angles. Verify that the two bisecting rays are perpendicular to each other.
Steps of construction :
Step – I: Draw ∠AOB = 180°.
HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 11 Constructions 2
Step – II: Draw ray OC such that it divides ∠AOB into two adjacent supplementary angles.
i.e., ∠AOC + ∠BOC = 180°.
Step – III: Draw the bisector OD of ∠AOC as followed by the steps in 1.
Step – IV: Draw the bisector OE of ∠BOC as followed by the steps in 1.
Verification: Since ray OD is the bisector of ∠AOC.
∴ ∠AOD = ∠COD = \(\frac{1}{2}\)∠AOC…(i)
Similarly, QE is the bisector of ∠BOC.
∴ ∠BOE = ∠COE = \(\frac{1}{2}\)∠BOC …..(ii)
Adding (i) and (ii), we get
∠COD + ∠COE = \(\frac{1}{2}\)∠AOC + \(\frac{1}{2}\)∠BOC
⇒ ∠COD + ∠COE = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(∠AOC + ∠BOC)
⇒ ∠DOE = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 180°
[∵ ∠AOC and ∠BOC are supplementary angles]
⇒ ∠DOE = 90°
Yes, bisecting rays are perpendicular to each other.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 11 Constructions

Question 3.
Draw a circle whose centre is O. Draw its chord AB, draw the perpendicular bisector of line segment AB. Does it pass through the centre of the circle.
Steps of construction:
Step – I: With the help of compass and scale draw a circle of radius 4.5 cm (say) whose centre is O.
Step – II: Draw chord AB of suitable length.
Step – III: Taking A as the centre and radius more than \(\frac{1}{2}\)AB draw two arcs one on each side of AB.
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Step – IV: Taking B as the centre and same radius as before, draw two arcs intersecting previous arc at C and D respectively.
Step – V: Join CD, intersecting AB at M. So, CD is the perpendicular bisector of AB. Yes, perpendicular bisector CD passes through the centre of the circle.

Question 4.
Draw a circle whose centre is O. Draw its two chords PQ and QR such that PQ ≠ RS. Do they intersect at point O?
Steps of construction:
Step – I: Draw a circle of suitable radius whose centre is O.
Step – II: Draw two chords PQ and QR of suitable lengths.
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Step – III: Draw the perpendicular bisector AB of chord PQ as followed by the steps in 3.
Step – IV: Similarly draw the perpendicular bisector CD of chord QR.
Step – V: AB and CD intersect each other at point O.
Yes, perpendicular bisectors of chord PQ and chord QR intersect each other at point O.

Question 5.
Draw a line segment of length 10 cm with the help of ruler and compass to obtain a length of 7.5 cm.
Steps of construction :
Step – I: Draw a line segment of length 10 cm.
Step – II: Draw the perpendicular bisector PQ of line AB as followed by the steps in 3 intersecting AB at M.
∴ AM = MB = \(\frac{10}{2}\) = 5 cm.
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Step – III: Similarly, draw the perpendicular bisector of AM intersecting AM at N.
∴ AN = NM = \(\frac{5}{2}\) = 2.5 cm
Now, BN = BM + NM
⇒ BN = 5 cm + 2.5 cm
⇒ BN = 7.5 cm
Hence, we obtain BN of length 7.5 cm.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 11 Constructions

Question 6.
Using ruler and compass only, construct the following angles :
(a) 120° (b) 150° (c) 37\(\frac{1^{\circ}}{2}\)
(a) Steps of construction:
Step – I: Draw a ray AB with initial point A.
Step – II: Taking A as centre and a suitable radius, draw an arc intersecting AB at P.
Step – III: Taking P as centre and same radius as before, draw an arc intersecting the previous arc at Q.
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Step – IV: Taking Q as centre and same radius as before, draw an arc intersecting the previous arc at R.
Step – V: Join AR and produced it to C. Then ∠CAB = 120° is required angle.

(b) Steps of construction:
Step – I: Draw a ray AB with initial point A.
Step – II: Taking A as centre and a suitable radius, draw an arc intersecting AB at P.
Step – III: Taking P as centre and same radius as before, draw an arc intersecting previous arc at Q.
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Step – IV: Taking Q as centre and same radius as before, draw an arc intersecting previous arc at R. Join AR and produced it to C. Then ZCAB = 120°.
Step – V: Taking R as centre and same radius as before, draw an arc intersecting previous arc at S. Join AS. Then ∠CAS = 180° – 120° = 60°.
Step – VI: Draw bisector AD of ∠CAS.
∴ ∠CAD = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × ∠CAS
⇒ ∠CAD = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 60° = 30°
∠DAB = 120° + 30° = 150°.
Hence, ∠DAB = 150° is the required angle.

(c) Steps of construction:
Step – I: Draw a ray AB with initial point A.
Step – II: Draw ∠CAB = 60° as followed by the steps in Construction 11.3.
Step – III: Draw ∠DAB = 90° as followed by the steps in 1. of Ex. 11:1. Then
∠DAC = 90° – 60° = 30°.
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Step – IV: Draw bisector AE of ∠DAC.
∴ ∠DAE = ∠CAE = \(\frac{30^{\circ}}{2}\) = 15°
∠EAB = 90° – ∠DAE
⇒ ∠EAB = 90° – 15° = 75°.
Step – V: Draw the bisector AF of ∠EAB.
∴ ∠FAB = \(\frac{1}{2}\)∠EAB
⇒ ∠FAB = \(\frac{75^{\circ}}{2}\) = 37\(\frac{1^{\circ}}{2}\)
Hence, ∠FAB = 37\(\frac{1^{\circ}}{2}\) is the required angle.

Question 7.
Construct an equilateral triangle, if one of its altitude is 3.2 cm. [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
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Steps of construction:
Step – I: Draw a line l.
Step – II: Mark any point D on the line l.
Step – III: At point D, draw DX ⊥ l and cut off AD = 3.2 cm.
Step – IV: Construct ∠DAB = 30° and ∠DAC = 30° intersecting l at B and C respectively.
Then ABC is the required triangle.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 11 Constructions

Question 8.
Construct a triangle ABC such that AB = 6 cm, BC = 6 cm and median CM = 4.3 cm.
Steps of construction:
Step – I: Draw a line segment AB = 6 cm.
Step – II: Draw the bisector of AB intersecting AB at M.
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Step – III: Taking M as the centre and radius 4.3 cm draw an arc.
Step – IV: Taking B as the centre and radius 6 cm, draw another arc which intersects the previous arc at point C.
Step – V: Join AC and BC, then ABC is the required triangle.

Question 9.
Construct an isosceles triangle whose base 6 cm and vertical angle is 60°.
Steps of construction:
Step – I: Draw a line segment BC = 6 cm.
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Step – II: Construct ∠CBP = 60°, below the line segment BC.
Step – III: Construct ∠PBQ = 90°.
Step – IV: Draw the perpendicular bisector XY of BC, intersecting BQ at O.
Step – V: Taking O as the centre and radius OB, draw a circle intersecting XY at A.
Step – VI: Join AB and AC, then ABC is the required triangle.

Question 10.
Construct right angled triangle whose hypotenuse measures 7 cm and the length of one of whose sides containing the right angle is 5 m.
Steps of construction:
Step – I: Draw a line segment BC = 7 cm.
Step – II: Draw the perpendicular bisector of BC intersecting BC at O.
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Step – III: Taking O as centre and radius OB, draw a semi-circle on BC.
Step – IV: Taking B as the centre and radius equal to 5 cm, draw an arc, interscting the semicircle at A.
Step – V: Join AB and AC. Then ABC is the required triangle.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 11 Constructions

Question 11.
Construct a right angled triangle in which ∠B = 90°, hypotenuse AC = 13 cm and the sum of the remaining sides AB and BC is 17 cm.
Sum of the remaining two sides = 17 cm (given)
Let one of its side be x, then other its side is (17 – x) cm
hypotenuse = 13 cm
In right triangle, we have
(hypotenuse)2 = (one side)2 + (other side)2
⇒ 132 = x2 + (17 – x)2
⇒ 169 = x2 + 289 + 32 – 34x
⇒ 0 = 2x2 – 34x + 289 – 169
⇒ 2x2 – 34x + 120 = 0
⇒ x2 – 17x + 60 = 0
⇒ x2 – 12x – 5x + 60 = 0
⇒ x(x – 12) -5 (x – 12) = 0
⇒ (x – 12) (x – 5) = 0
⇒ x – 12 = 0 or x – 5 = 0
x = 12 or x = 5
So, sides are 12 cm and 17 – 12 = 5 cm.
So, we construct a right triangle in which ∠B = 90°, hypotenuse (AC) = 13 cm and other sides AB = 12 cm and BC = 5 cm.
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Steps of construction:
Step – I: Draw a line segment AC = 13 cm.
Step – II: Draw the perpendicular bisector of AC intersecting AC at O.
Step – III: Taking O as the centre and radius AO, draw a semicircle on AC.
Step – IV: Taking A as the centre and radius equal to 12 cm, draw an arc interscting the semicircle at B.
Step – V: Join AB and BC. The ABC is the required triangle.

Question 12.
Construct a triangle ABC whose perimeter is 12 cm and sides are in the ratio 3 : 4 : 5.
Steps of construction:
Step – I: Draw a line segment PQ = 12 cm (= perimeter).
Step – II : At the point Q, draw an acute ∠PQX with PQ.
Step – III: Divide QX into 3 + 4 + 5 = 12 equal parts.
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Step – IV: Join Q12 to P.
Step – V: From Q3, draw BQ3 || PQ12 intersecting PQ at B.
Step – VI: From Q7, draw CQ7 || PQ12 intersecting PQ at C.
Step – VII: Taking B as centre and radius as QB, draw an arc.
Step – VIII: Taking C as the centre and radius as CP, draw another arc, which intersects the previous arc at A.
Step – IX: Join AB and AC, then ABC is the required triangle.

Question 13.
Construct a triangle having its perimeter 11.5 cm and ratio of the angles as 3 : 4 : 5.
Ratio of angles = 3 : 4 : 5
Sum of ratios = 3 + 4 + 5 = 12
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Ist angle = \(\frac{13}{2}\) × 180°
[∵ Sum of angles of a triangle is 180°]
⇒ Ist angle = 45°
⇒ IInd angle = \(\frac{4}{12}\) × 180°
⇒ IInd angle = 60°
IIIrd angle = \(\frac{5}{12}\) × 180°
⇒ IIIrd angle = 75°.
Let base angles be 45° and 60° and perimeter of triangle is 11.5 cm (given).
Now we construct a ΔABC as follows:
Steps of construction:
Step – I: Draw a line segment PQ = 11.5 cm.
Step – II: At the point Q construct ∠PQX = 45° and at the point P construct ∠QPY = 60°.
Step – III: Draw the bisectors of ∠PQX and ∠QPY intersecting at A.
Stop – IV: Draw the perpendicular bisectors of AQ and AP intersecting PQ at B and C respectively.
Step – V: Join AB and AC, then ABC is the required triangle.

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 11 Constructions

Question 14.
Construct a triangle ABC, the lengths of whose medians are 5 cm, 5 cm and 6 cm. Measure the length of sides of ΔABC.
In a ΔABC, let medians AD = 5 cm, BE = 6 cm and CF = 5 cm. We need to construct a ΔABC.
Steps of construction:
Step – I: Construct a triangle AXD with sides AX = 5 cm, AD = 5 cm and XD = 6 cm.
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Step – II: Draw the medians AP and XR intersecting each other at point G.
Step – III: Extend GP to B such that GP = PB.
Step – IV: Join BD and produced to it C such that BD = CD.
Step – V: Join A to C, then ABC is the required triangle and AD its median.
On measuring the sides of ΔABC, we get AB = 5.95 cm, AC = 6.5 cm, BC = 6.5 cm.

Question 15.
Construct a rhombus whose diagonals are 4 cm and 6 cm in lengths. [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
We know that, diagonals of a rhombusbisect each other at right angles.
Let AC and BD are diagonals of a rhombus and bisect each other at O.
Steps of construction:
Step – I: Draw diagonal AC of length 6 cm.
Step – II: Draw perpendicular bisector XY of AC intersecting AC at O.
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Step – III: From O, cuts OB = OD = 2 cm.
Step – IV: Join AB, BC, CD and DA. Then ABCD is the required rhombus.

Multiple Choice Questions

Choose the correct option in each of the following:

Question 1.
Which of the following angle cannot be constructed using ruler and compass only: [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) 22°\(\frac{1^{\circ}}{2}\)
(b) 67\(\frac{1^{\circ}}{2}\)
(c) 40°
(d) 37\(\frac{1^{\circ}}{2}\)
(c) 40°

Question 2.
Which of the following angle cannot be constructed using ruler and compass only:
(a) 60°
(b) 150°
(c) 65°
(d) 22\(\frac{1^{\circ}}{2}\)
(c) 65°

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 11 Constructions

Question 3.
Which of the following angle can be constructed using ruler and compass only:
(a) 85°
(b) 115°
(c) 47\(\frac{1^{\circ}}{2}\)
(d) 75°
(d) 75°

Question 4.
Which of the following angle can be constructed using ruler and compass only:
(a) 82\(\frac{1^{\circ}}{2}\)
(b) 92°
(c) 100°
(d) 122\(\frac{1^{\circ}}{2}\)
(a) 82\(\frac{1^{\circ}}{2}\)

Question 5.
It is not possible to construct a triangle when its sides are :
(a) 4 cm, 2 cm and 6 cm
(b) 7 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm
(c) 4 cm, 5 cm and 8 cm
(d) 5 cm, 12 cm and 13 cm
(a) 4 cm, 2 cm and 6 cm

Question 6.
It is possible to construct a triangle when its sides are :
(a) 5 cm, 6 cm and 13 cm
(b) 5 cm, 7 cm and 12 cm
(c) 6 cm, 4 cm and 9 cm
(d) 3 cm, 5 cm and 10 cm
(c) 6 cm, 4 cm and 9 cm

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 11 Constructions

Question 7.
It is possible to construct a triangle when its angles are :
(a) 40°, 55°, 60°
(b) 55°, 60°, 65°
(c) 50°, 70°, 80°
(d) 67°, 63°, 51°
(b) 55°, 60°, 65°

Question 8.
The construction of ΔABC in which BC = 8 cm, ∠C = 50° is possible when (AC + BC) is :
(a) 10 cm
(b) 8 cm
(c) 7 cm
(d) 6 cm
(a) 10 cm

Question 9.
The construction of ΔABC in which AB = 5 cm, ∠B = 70° is not possible when (BC + AC) is :
(a) 7 cm
(b) 8.5 cm
(c) 4.5 cm
(d) 9 cm
(c) 4.5 cm

Question 10.
The construction of a triangle ABC in which AB = 4 cm, ∠A = 60° is not possible when difference of BC and AC is equal to: [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) 3.5 cm
(b) 4.5 cm
(c) 3 cm
(d) 2.5 cm
(b) 4.5 cm

HBSE 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 11 Constructions

Question 11.
The construction of a triangle ABC, given that BC = 6 cm, ∠B = 45° is not possible when difference of AB and AC is equal to : [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) 6.9 cm
(b) 5.2 cm
(c) 5.0 cm
(d) 4.0 cm
(a) 6.9 cm

Question 12.
The construction of triangle ABC, given that BC = 3 cm, ∠C = 60° is possible when difference of AB and AC is equal to : [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) 3.2 cm
(b) 31 cm
(c) 3 cm
(d) 2.8 cm
(b) 31 cm

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