Haryana State Board HBSE 8th Class English Solutions It So Happened Chapter 4 The Treasure Within Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
Haryana Board HBSE 8th Class English Solutions It So Happened Chapter 4 The Treasure Within
HBSE 8th Class English The Treasure Within Textbook Questions and Answers
Comprehension Check – I
The Treasure Within Question Answer HBSE 8th Class Question 1.
What did HC have nightmares about?
एच. सी. (हफीज कांट्रेक्टर) को किस बारे में दुःस्वप्न आया करते थे?
HC had nightmares about appearing ) for a maths examination where he did not know anything.
The Treasure Within Summary HBSE 8th Class Question 2.
What did the Principal say to HC, which influenced him deeply?
प्रधानाचार्य ने एच.सी. से क्या कहा जिसने उसे अत्यधिक प्रभावित किया?
The Principal said to HC, “Look here, son, I have been seeing you from day one. You are a good student but you never studied. I have taken care of you till today. Now, I can no longer take care so you have to take care of yourself. Your mother, a widow works hard to pay off your fees, etc. You have played only. Now, rise to the occasion and study.”
These words of the Principal influenced HC deeply.
The Treasure Within Question Answers HBSE 8th Class Question 3.
‘…………. that year I did not step out onto the field.’ What was he busy doing that year?
‘…………. उस वर्ष वह मैदान के लिए बाहर भी नहीं निकला।’ उस वर्ष वह क्या करने में व्यस्त रहा?
That year HC did not step out onto the field. He busied himself in prayers, eating and studying.
Treasure Within Summary HBSE 8th Class Question 4.
(i) What ’distraction’ did HC create one day?
एक दिन एच. सी. ने क्या खुराफात की?
(ii) Would you have liked to participate in the ‘distraction’ had you been with him?
यदि आप उसके साथ होते तो क्या आप उसकी खुराफात में भाग लेते?
(i) One day, HC created the distraction to play ‘Chor Police’ for one whole hour.
(ii) Had I been with HC, I would have definitely liked to participate in the distraction (game of Chor-Police).
The Treasure Within Summary In Hindi HBSE 8th Class Question 5.
HC wanted to join the police force. Why didn’t he?
एच. सी. पुलिस बल में शामिल होना चाहता था। वह क्यों नहीं हुआ?
HC wanted to join police force but his mother forbade him to do so. She advised him do his graduation.
Comprehension Check – II
Chapter 4 The Treasure Within Question Answer HBSE 8th Class Question 1.
In the architect’s office, HC was advised to drop everything and join architecture. Why?
वास्तुशिल्पी के दफ्तर में, एच.सी. को नसीहत दी गई कि सभी बातों को छोड़कर वास्तुशिल्प में प्रवेश ले। क्यों?
In the architect’s office he pinpointed that the architect’s drawing of window detail was wrong. The architect admitted it. His cousin’s husband bade him to draw a few specific things. He did that immediately and satisfactorily. Hence he was advised to drop everything and join architecture.
Class 8 English The Treasure Within Summary HBSE Question 2.
(i) What was Mrs. Gupta’s advice to HC?
श्रीमती गुप्ता की एच.सी. के लिए क्या सलाह थी?
(ii) What made her advise him so?
उसने उसे उस प्रकार नसीहत क्यों दी?
(i) Mrs. Gupta taught HC in 2nd or 3rd standard. She saw his sketches.. She told him that he was useless in everything else. He should become an architect on growing up because his sketches were good.
(ii) Mrs. Gupta knew that HC was useless in everything else. But her sketches were good. It made her advise him so (to become an architect on growing up).
Treasure Within Class 8 Questions And Answers HBSE Question 3.
How did HC help fellow students who had lost a button?
एच.सी. ने उन साथी विद्यार्थियों की किस प्रकार सहायता की जिनका बटन खो (टूट) जाता था?
Whenever some students lost a button, they would come running to HC. HC would cut a I button for them from chalk, using a blade. In this way, he helped his fellow students who could not afford to have a button missing.
Question 4.
Which rules did HC break as a school boy?
स्कूली छात्र के रूप में एच.सी. कौन-से नियम तोड़ता था?
He broke the following rules as a school boy:
(а) He would get holdrof examination papers and study it.
(b) He would copy in tests.
(c) He would go out in rain.
(d) He would bring cinema tickets for fellow students and dine at their cost.
(e) He took pleasure in funny pranks and distractions.
(f) He planned strategies as a gang leader.
(g) He became a street Romeo.
Question 5.
(i) What is HC’s definition of mathematics?
एच.सी. की गणित की क्या परिभाषा है?
(ii) How would you want to define mathematics? Do you like the subject?
आप गणित की परिभाषा कैसे देना चाहेंगे? क्या आपको यह विषय पसंद है?
(i) Putting designs, constructions, psychology and sociology together and making a sketch from all that is HC’s definition of mathematics.
(ii) I would like to define mathematics as the science of numbers, quantity and space. Arithmetic, algebra, geometry and trigonometry are some of its branches. I like most the mathemetics.
Answer the following questions:
Question 1.
Is it likely that someone who is original and intelligent does not do very well at school? Should such a learner be called a failure? If not, why riot?
क्या ऐसा है कि कोई मौलिक और बुद्धिमान बालक स्कूल में अच्छा नहीं हो? क्या इस प्रकार के प्रशिक्षु (शिक्षा प्राप्त करने वाले) को निष्फल कहा जाना चाहिए? यदि नहीं, तो क्यों नहीं?
Yes, it is likely that someone who is original and intelligent does not do very well at school. There is no application of mind in the school teaching. The teaching is conventional and is meant for medium students. Such a learner should not be called a failure. He can pick up the things if the urge to learn is created in them. Those who are dullards at school sometimes turn topper when they grow up. Their talent should be utilised in a constructive way.
Question 2.
Who, in your view, is an ‘unusual’ learner?
आपके विचार में किसे ‘असाधारण’ प्रशिक्षु कहना चाहिए?
A different learner is an unusual learner. Such a learner is a potential achiever. He fails in academics but tops in extra activities. He remains a laggard because he neglects his studies. The unusual learner leaves others behind when somebody sets him on the right path.
Question 3.
What can schools do to draw out the best in unusual learners? Suggest whatever seems reasonable to you.
असाधारण सीखने वालों में अच्छे गुणों को विकसित करने के लिए स्कूल क्या कर सकते हैं? जो आप को तर्कसंगत लगता हो उसका सुझाव दें।
Unusual learners require unusual environment. They should be urged to participate in debates, competitions and tournaments. Their likes and tastes should be assessed. The counsellor should handle him in proper way. He should be encouraged to do the activities of his choice. Their talents should not be curbed. He should be allowed to read the books of his taste. The treasure within him should be brought to light and made to shine.
Think it Over
- The only disability in life is a bad attitude.
- Cooperation is doing with a smile what one anyhow has to do.
- जीवन में केवल अक्षमता एक बुरा दृष्टिकोण है।
- जिसे हमें करना ही है, उसे मुस्कुरा कर करना सहकारिता कहलाती है।
Hafeez Contractor – A Profile
Hafeez Contractor was bom in 1950. He did Answer:Yes, it is likely that1 someone who is his Graduate Diploma in architecture from Mumbai in 1975 and completed his graduation from Columbia University, New York (USA) on a Tata Scholarship. Hafeez Contractor commenced his career in 1968 with T. Khareghat as an apprentice architect and in 1977 he became the associate partner in the same firm. Between 1977 and 1980 Hafeez was a visiting faculty at the Academy of Architecture, Mumbai. He is a member of the Bombay Heritage Committee and New Delhi Lutyens Bungalow Zone Review Committee.
His practice had modest beginnings in 1982 with a staff of two. Today the firm has over 350 employees including senior associates, architects, interior designers, draftsmen, civil engineering team and architectural support staff. The firm has conceptualised, designed and executed a wide range of architectural projects like bungalows, residential developments, hospitals, hotels, corporate offices, banking and
financial institutions, commercial complexes, shopping malls, educational institutions, recreational and sports facilities, townships, airports, railway stations, urban planning and -civic redevelopment projects.
Advanced Personalised Learning – A panel of experts from round the world has identified 14 grand! challenges for engineering that, if met, may significantly improve the quality of life on Eaifth. The US National Academy of Engineering (NAE) has revealed that the Panel’s choices fall into four themes-sustainability, health, reducing vulnerability and joy of living.
One of the fourteen challenges is Advanced Personalised Learning, whereby instruction can be individualised based on~learning styles, speeds and interests to make learning more reliable. (from a reqent newspaper report)
HBSE 8th Class English Solutions The Treasure Within Important Questions and Answers
Question 1.
How was Hafeez Contractor an unhappy school boy?
हफीज़ कांट्रेक्टर, स्कूली समय में नाखुश लड़का क्यों था?
Hafeez Contractor lost interest in studies when he was in third standard. He copied in the tests. He did badly at school. His teachers pulled him up and caned him every week. It made him an unhappy school boy.
Question 2.
How did Hafeez annoy his teachers?
हफीज़ अपने अध्यापकों को कैसे नाराज करता था?
Hafeez did not do his homework. He never learnt his lesson. He behaved badly with other boys in the class. In this way, he annoyed his teachers.
Question 3.
How did Hafeez feel when he was pulled up?
जब हफीज़ को दंड मिलता था तो उसे कैसा महसूस होता था?
Hafeez used to do badly at school. His teacher, used to pull him up. He was a true sportsman. He never felt anything oh being pulled up. He just lifted up hishands and received / the cuts of the cane. It would badly hurt him but he soon forgot it.
Question 4.
What did Hafeez do as a gang leader?
दल के नेता के रूप में हफीज़ ने क्या किया?
Hafeez used to be the leader of a gang. They had gang fights. Hafeez used to plan strategies. He felt more interested iA them than in academics.
Question 5.
From whom did Hafeez learn French?
हफीज़ ने फ्रेंच किससे सीखी?
Hafeez learnt French from his cousin. She was an architect’s wife. He used to go to the architect’s office to learn French.
Question 6.
What surprised the husband of Hafeez’s cousin?
हफीज़ की चचेरी बहन के पति को किस बात ने चकित किया?
The husband of Hafeez’s cousin was an architect. Hafeez saw somebody drawing a Window detail wrongly He had a bet with Hafeez but lost it. It surprised the husband of Hafeez’s cousin.
Question 7.
What did the husband of Hafeez’s cousin ask hint to dhnr and to what result?
हफीज़ की चचेरी बहन के पति ने उसे क्या चित्रित करने के लिए कहा और उसका क्या परिणाम हुआ?
The husband of Hafeez’s cousin asked him to draw a few specific things. Hafeez did it immediately. Then he asked him to design a house. Hafeez designed the house also. It impressed him a great deal.
Question 8.
What dijd the Principal of the college of architecture tell Hafeez?
वास्तुशिल्प कॉलेज के प्रधानाचार्य ने हफीज़ को क्या बताया?
The Principal of the college of architecture at first warned Hafeez. He allowed him to appear at the entrance exams. He would be allowed to join only if he did well.
Question 9.
Who was Hafeez’s friend? How did he help him?
हफीज़ का मित्र कौन था? उसने किस प्रकार उसकी सहायता की?
Behram Divecha was Hafeez’s fiiend. They had competition with each other for designing different things \ It created a healthy and sportsman’s spirit in him.
Question 10.
How did Hafeez remember his teacher Mrs. Gupta?
हफीज़ ने श्रीमती गुप्ता को किस प्रकार याद रखा?
Mrs. Gupta had blessed Hafeez to become an architect when he grew up. He considered it as her favour since it proved right. Therefore he went to meet her and give her the good information. In this way he remembered her.
Question 11.
How can you say that Hafeez was not interested in studies? sir?
आप कैसे कह सकते हैं कि हफीज़ पढ़ाई में रुचि नहीं लेता था?
Hafeez was bad in languages and maths. He was studying only for the sake of studying. He did not apply his mind to studies. Whatever was taught to him, he forgot after two days. He only copied down his homework and the tests.
Question 12.
How does Hafeez describe the hostel life?
हफीज़, छात्रावास के जीवन का कैसे वर्णन करता है?
Life in a boarding school was very difficult. They were just living without any charm. Discipline was quite important there. The students had to wear neat uniform till late at night. They were allowed to go to the town on Saturdays. They had become street smarts.
The Treasure Within Summary in English
This lesson is in the form of an interview. Ms Bela Raja asks many questions and Hafeez Contractor answers them.
Hafeez used to have nightmares about appearing for a maths examination. He was quite nil in maths. He was a good student in the first and second year. Then he lost interest in studies and he never studied. He used to be interested in games and other silly things. He would copy in class during exam times. He got hold of examination papers and study them. He was unable to remember things taught in school.
Hafeez approached his 11th standard. His Principal advised him to study hard. He should no longer be a burden on his mother. The Principal’s advice had a magical effect on him. He started studying hard. He got second class in his SSC. Me read the books as a photograph.
Hafeez used to receive weekly caning at school. He never did his homework and misbehaved with others. He forgot the punishment and busied himself in playing, funny pranks and creating distractions. He used to play chor police. He purchased film tickets for his fellow students every Saturday. He dined at their cost on Saturdays.
Hafeez played the role of a gang leader also and planned strategies. He read only one day before exams.
Hafeez was not allowed to join Army or Police force. His mother advised him to do his graduation. He went to Jaihind College in Bombay. He had studied French but had not learnt any word of it. Therefore, he took German. Unluckily, his German teacher died. Again he was compelled to read French. He learnt French from his cousin. She was an architect’s wife. He used to go to an architect’s office to learn French. There he saw somebody drawing a window detail wrongly. His cousin’s husband asked him to draw a few specific things and design a house. He did it easily and immediately. He advised him to join architecture.
The Principal of the college allowed him to appear at the entrance exams. He got an ‘A+’in it. He got the admission. Since then he used to stand first class first throughout. He had competition in designing with his friend Behram Divecha. He remembers his teacher Mrs. Gupta who taught him in 2nd or 3rd standard. On seeing his sketches, she had predicted that he could be an eminent architect. He went to meet her when he became an architect. He had no interest in studies because there was no application of mind there.
Hafeez disliked living in a hostel. He used to copy at tests. In his later life, he learnt more by doing than from academics. He did not follow any rules. He used to help other students in their personal problems.
Hafeez became a successful architect. He could judge from the client’s face what type of structure he wanted. He sketches quite easily. He hated maths in the beginning but loved it most in the end.
The Treasure Within Summary in Hindi
यह पाठ एक साक्षात्कार के रूप में है। कुमारी बेला राजा बहुत से प्रश्न पूछती है और हफीज़ कांट्रेक्टर उनका उत्तर देता है।
गणित की परीक्षा में बैठने में हफीज़ को दुःस्वप्न आया करते थे। वह गणित में बिल्कुल शून्य था। प्रथम 4: द्वितीय श्रेणी में वह अच्छा विद्यार्थी था। फिर पढ़ाई में उसकी रुचि समाप्त हो गई और वह कभी नहीं पड़ा। वह खेलों तथा अन्य मूर्खतापूर्ण कार्यों में रुचि लेता था। परीक्षा के समय वह कक्षा में नकल किया करता था। वह परीक्षा के प्रश्नपत्रों को हथिया लिया करता था और उन्हें पढ़ लेता था। स्कूल में पढ़ाई जाने वाली बातों को याद करने में वह असमर्थ था।
हफीज़ ग्यारहवीं श्रेणी में पहुंच गया। उसके प्रधानाचार्य ने उसे गहन अध्ययन करने का उपदेश दिया। उसे अपनी माँ पर बोझ नहीं बना रहना चाहिए। प्रधानाचार्य के उपदेश का उसके ऊपर जादुई प्रभाव पड़ा। उसने गहन अध्ययन करना प्रारंभ कर दिया। वह एस.एस.सी. में द्वितीय श्रेणी से उत्तीर्ण हुआ। वह पुस्तकों को फोटो की भांति पढ़ता था।
हफीज़ की प्रत्येक सप्ताह, स्कूल में बेंतों से पिटाई हुआ करती थी। वह कभी भी अपना गृहकार्य नहीं करता था और दूसरों के साथ दुर्व्यवहार किया करता था। वह दण्ड को भूल जाता था और खेलों, मजाकिया अठखेलियों और खुराफातों में जुट जाता था। वह चोर-पुलिस खेला करता था। प्रत्येक शनिवार को वह अपने साथी विद्यार्थियों के लिए फिल्म की टिकट खरीदा करता था। वह शनिवार को उन्हीं के खर्च पर भोजन किया करता था।..
हफीज़ दल नायक की भूमिका भी निभाता था और युद्धनीति तैयार करता था। वह केवल परीक्षा के पहले दिन ही पढ़ा करता था।
हफीज़ को सेना में या पुलिस बल में भर्ती होने की अनुमति नहीं मिली। उसकी माँ ने उसे नसीहत दी कि वह स्नातक की डिग्री ले। वह बम्बई में जयहिन्द कॉलेज में चला गया। उसने फ्रेंच पड़ी थी परन्तु उसका एक अक्षर भी नहीं सीखा था। इसलिए, उसने
जर्मन भाषा ले ली। दुर्भाग्यवश, उसके जर्मन के अध्यापक की मृत्यु हो गई। उसे दोबारा फ्रेंच पढ़ने के लिए मजबूर होना पड़ा। उसने फ्रेंच, अपनी चचेरी बहन से सीखी थी। वह एक वास्तुशिल्पी की पत्नी थी। वह फ्रेंच सीखने के लिए वास्तुशिल्पी के दफ्तर में जाया करता था। वहाँ उसने एक व्यक्ति को एक खिड़की का ढाँचा गलत चित्रित करते हुए देखा। उसकी चचेरी बहन के पति ने उसे कुछ विशिष्ट चीजें चित्रित करने और एक घर का रेखाचित्र (डिजाइन) बनाने के लिए कहा। उसने उसे सुगमतापूर्वक और तत्काल बना दिया। उसने उसे सुझाव दिया कि वास्तुशिल्प में प्रवेश ले ले।
कॉलेज के प्रधानाचार्य ने उसे प्रवेश परीक्षा में बैठने की अनुमति दे दी। उसने उसमें ‘A+’ प्राप्त किया। उसे प्रवेश मिल गया। तब से वह सदा प्रथम श्रेणी में सर्वप्रथम आता रहा। वह अपने मित्र बेहरम दिवेचा के साथ डिजाइनिंग में मुकाबला किया करता था। वह अपनी अध्यापिका श्रीमती गुप्ता को याद करता है जो उसे दूसरी या तीसरी श्रेणी में पढ़ाया करती थी। उसके रेखाचित्रों (स्कैचों) को देख कर उसने पूर्वघोषणा की थी कि वह एक विख्यात वास्तुशिल्पी बन जाएगा। वास्तुशिल्पी बनने के पश्चात् वह उनसे मिलने गया। उसकी अध्ययन के प्रति रुचि नहीं थी क्योंकि उसमें दिमाग का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता था।
हफीज़ को छात्रावास में रहना पसंद नहीं था। वह परीक्षाओं में नकल कर लिया करता था। बाद के अपने जीवन में उसने शैक्षिक सामग्री से अधिक अभ्यास से सीखा। वह किसी नियम का पालन नहीं करता था। अन्य छात्रों की व्यक्तिगत समस्याओं में वह उनकी सहायता किया करता था।
हफीज़ एक सफल वास्तुशिल्पी बन गया। वह ग्राहक के चेहरे (की आकृति) से निर्णय कर लेता था कि वह किस प्रकार का भवन-निर्माण चाहता है। वह बड़ी सुगमता से खाका बना लेता है। वह प्रारंभ में गणित से घृणा करता था परन्तु अन्त में उसे सर्वाधिक प्यार करने लगा।