Haryana State Board HBSE 7th Class English Solutions Honeycomb Poem 4 Chivvy Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
Haryana Board 7th Class English Solutions Honeycomb Poem 4 Chivvy
HBSE 7th Class English Chivvy Textbook Questions and Answers
Chivvy Question Answer HBSE 7th Class Question 1.
Discuss these questions in small groups before you answer them.
(i) When is a grown-up likely to say this?
Don’t talk with your mouth full.
Grown-up is likely to say when child is around three to four years.
(ii) When are you likely to be hold this?
Say thank you.
You are likely to be told to say think you when you are around five to six years.
(iii) When do you think an adult would say this?
No one thinks you are funny.
This is told when one learns to understand things.
Summary Of The Poem Chivvy HBSE 7th Class Question 2.
The last two lines of the poem are not probhibitions or instructions. What is the adult now asking the child to do? Do you think the poet is suggesting that this is unreasonable? Why?
Now the adult is in a confused state if the child is now grown-up and is about to enter his teens. In this stage he is on the verge of mak-ing out choices and taking his own decision.
Chivvy Summary HBSE 7th Class Question 3.
Why do you think grown-ups say the kind of things mentioned in the poem? Is it important that they teach children good manners, and how to behave in public?
Grown-ups have the habit of giving such instructions infact they feel they are very sensible and want the best out of children. It is must to teach children good manners so that they can set an example before others.
Chivvy Poem Solutions HBSE 7th Class Question 4.
If you had to make some miles for grown-ups to follow, what would you say? Make at least live such rules. Arrange the lines as in a poem.
Leave us free, let us breathe Air, we are the future of tomorrow, can’t we take our deci-sion, we shall not let you down.
HBSE 7th Class English Chivvy Important Questions and Answers
Make Sentences:
stare, noise, straight, interrupt
- Stare : Why does he always stare at you?
- Noise : Don’t make so much noise.
- Straight : Stand and sit straight if you want to correct your posture.
- Interrupt : We should not interrupt when two people are talking.
Chivvy Poem Stanzas for Comprehension
Grown-ups says things like :
Speak up
Don’t talk with your mouth full
Don’t point
Don’t pick you nose
(i) Who are Grown-ups?
(ii) To whom are the words being spoken?
(iii) Which word is repeated again and why? Are these instructions very sensible?
(i) Grown-ups are elders and parents.
(ii) The words are being spoken to the children.
(iii) The word‘Don’t’ is being repeated again and again to give effect of negativism.
(iv) No, they are not very sensible.
Sit up
Say please
Less noise
Shut the door behind you
Don’t drag your feet
Haven’t you got a hankie?
Take your hands out of
your pockets
(i) Do you think that these instructions are necessary?
(ii) What does these instructions show about the speaker?
(iii) Write any two more imsperative verbs as used by the speakers?
(iv) What must be the age of the listener?
(i) No, these instructions are just ridiculous.
(ii) These instructions show that speaker must be a kind of dominant person.
(iii) Keep Get
(iv) The listeners must be around four to five years.
Pull your socks up
Stand up straight
Say thank you
Don’t interrupt
No one thinks you’re funny
Take your elbows off the table
Can’t you make your own
mind up about anything
(i) Now the instructions have been turned harsh. What does this indicate
(ii) In these lines, in which stage is the listener?
(iii) Write the opposite of straight?
(iv) Which is the word rhyning with ‘Up’?
(i) This indicates that the listener has turned around eight to nine years old.
(ii) The listener in these lines is in school goingt stage.
(iii) Opposite of straight is curved.
(iv) The word rhyming with up is interrupt.
Chivvy Poem Translation in Hindi
1. Grown-ups …………………….. you nose.
हिन्दी अनुवाद- बड़े लोग ऐसी बातें कहते हैं बोलो अपना मुँह रख कर मत बोलो, धूरो मत, इशारा मत करो, नाक में अंगुली न डालो
Word Meaning : Stare-to look continously = घूरना, Pick your nose-move your finger in the nose = नाक में अंगुली डालना।
2. Sit up………………………… your pockets.
हिन्दी अनुवाद- बैठ जाओ नम्रता, से बोलो कम शोर करो, अपने पीछे दरवाजा बंद करो, अपने पैर मत घसीटो, क्या तुम्हारे पास रुमाल नहीं है? अपनी जेब से हाथ बाहर निकालो।
3. Pull your …………….. about anything?
हिन्दी अनुवाद- अपनी जुर्राब ऊपर करो, सीधे खड़े हो धन्यवाद करो, बीच ने हस्तक्षेप मत करो, कोई नहीं सोचता कि तुम मजाकिया, अपनी कोहनी मेज से हटाओ। क्या तुम खुद नहीं कर सकते? हर बात पर खुद ध्यान दो।
Chivvy Poem Summary in English
In this poem the poet wishes to highlight the tact that how children get fed up about the instructions given regularly. Grown-ups keep on starting each sentence with the word ‘Don’t’. Infact all the talks are negative or imperative. These instructions make the child feel very fed up.
Chivvy Poem Summary in Hindi
इस कविता में कवि इस बात पर जोर देना चाहता है कि किस तरह से बच्चे दिए गए निर्देशों से परेशान हो जाते हैं। बड़े लोग हर वाक्य का ‘ऐसा न करो से आरंभ करते हैं। बल्कि सारे वाक्य नकारात्मक व आदेशात्मक रूप में होते हैं। इन निर्देशों से बच्चे बहुत तंग हो जाते हैं।