Haryana State Board HBSE 6th Class Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 6 Major Landforms of the Earth Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
Haryana Board 6th Class Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 6 Major Landforms of the Earth
HBSE 6th Class Geography Major Landforms of the Earth Textbook Questions and Answers
Class 6 Geography Chapter 6 Major Landforms Of The Earth HBSE Question 1.
Answer the following questions briefly:
(а) What are the major land reforms?
The major land reforms are the mountains, plateaus and the plains.
(b) What is the difference between a mountain and a plateau?
Mountain | Plateau |
1. Mountain is a steep hill with an elevation of more than six hundred metres is called mountains | 1. A Plateau is an elevated flat land standing about the surrounding area. |
2. A mountain may have a small summit and a broad base. | 2. A plateau is a flat- topped table standing above the surrounding area. |
3. Mountains, are of three types – Folder, Block mountains. | 3. Plateaus are of two types – old plateau and new plateau. |
4. Example : The Himalayan mountains. | 4. Example: The Deccan Plateau. |
(c) What are the different types of mountains?
The different types of mountains are :
- Fold mountains
- Block mountains
- Volcanic mountains.
(d) How are mountains useful to man?
Mountains are very useful to man as under:
- The mountains are storehouse of water.
- Many rivers have source in the glaciers.
- Reservoirs are made and the water is harnessed for the use of people.
- Water from mountains is also used for irrigation and generation of hydro electricity.
- Mountains have a rich variety of flora and fauna.
- Forests are found on mountains also.
- Mountains provide an idyllic site for tourists.
- Several sports are popular in mountains.
(e) How are plains formed?
Plains are formed by the rivers and their tributaries. The rivers eroded the slopes of mountains and carry forward the eroded material. Then they deposit their load consisting of stones and sand along their coarses and in valleys. In this way the plains are formed.
(f) Why are river plains thickly populated?
The thickly populated due to the following factors:
- The plains are very fertile.
- Construction of transport network is easy.
- They are suitable for human habitation.
- More flat land is available for the building, houses, and cultivation.
(g) Why are the mountain thinly populated?
The mountains are thinly populated because life is very difficult in mountain areas because of harsh climate. It is quite difficult to grow crops, build houses or roads in a mountain. Hence, people do not prefer to live here.
Major Landforms Of The Earth Class 6 Questions And Answers HBSE Question 2.
Tick the correct answers:
(a) The mountain differ from the hills in terms of:
(i) elevation
(ii) slope
(iii) aspect
(i) elevation
(b) Glaciers are found in:
(i) the mountains
(ii) the plains
(iii) the plateaus
(i) the mountains
(c) The Deccan Plateau is located in:
(i) Kenya
(ii) Australia
(iii) India
(iii) India
(d) The river Yangtze flows in:
(i) South America
(ii) Australia
(iii) China
(iii) China
(e) An important mountain range of Europe is :
(i) the Andes
(ii) the Alps
(iii) the Rockies
(iii) the Rockies
Major Landforms Of The Earth Class 6 Solutions HBSE Question 3.
Fill in the blanks:
- A ________ is an unbroken flat or a low level land.
- The Himalayas and the Alps are examples of ________ types of mountains.
- ________ areas are rich in mineral deposits.
- The ________ is a line of mountains.
- The ________ areas are most productive for farming.
- plain
- young fold
- Plateau
- range
- plain.
Chapter 6 Major Landforms Of The Earth HBSE Question 1.
What kind of landforms are found in your state? Based on the reading of this chapter, say how they are of use to the people.
In my state, plains are found. They are of use to people as:
- They are generally fertile. People can easily engage themselves in farming activities and get high produce.
- Construction of transport network is easy.
- Construction of houses is also carried on large scale.
On the outline map of the world, mark the following :
(a) Mountain ranges : Himalayan, Rockies and Alps. (b) Plateau : Tibet
Map of the world.
HBSE 6th Class Geography Major Landforms of the Earth Important Questions and Answers
Very Short Answer Type Questions
Landforms Of Haryana HBSE Class 6 Question 1.
What does the internal process in the earth lead to?
The internal process in the earth leads to upliftment and sinking of the earth’s surface at several places.
Major Landforms Of The Earth Class 6 Notes HBSE Question 2.
What do you understand by the external process in the earth?
The external process in the earth refers to the continuous wearing down and rebuilding of the land surface.
Class 6 Major Landforms Of The Earth HBSE Question 3.
How does the erosion and deposition affect the surface of the earth?
The surface of the earth is being lowered by the process of erosion and rebuilt by the process of deposition.
Major Landforms Of The Earth Question Answer HBSE Question 4.
Why can’t we see all the mountains?
We can’t see all the mountains because some of the mountains are under the sea.
Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Write any four features of mountains.
- The mountains may have a small summit and a broad base.
- Some mountains are even higher than clouds.
- Many mountain systems consist of a series of parallel ranges extending over hundreds of kilometres.
- Mountains vary in their heights and shape.
Question 2.
How are block mountains created?
Block mountains are created when large areas are broken and displaced, vertically. The uplifted blocks are termed as horsts and the lowered blocks are called graben example – The Rhine Valley and the Vosges mountain.
Question 3.
How are plateaus useful to man?
Plateaus are very useful for man because they have rich mineral deposits. Many of the mining areas in the world are located in the plateau regions. For example, the African, plateau is famous for gold and diamond mining. The Chhotanagpur plateau in India has huge reserves of iron, coal and manganese. In the plateau regions, one can find several waterfalls. Many plateaus have scenic spots which attract tourist on large scale.
Question 4.
What are mountain ranges? Give the name of mountain ranges in Asia, Europe, South America, North America.
Mountains arranged in a line are called mountain range. The names of mountain ranges are:
- Asia – The Himalayas.
- Europe – The Alps.
- South America – The Andes.
- North America – The Rockies.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What is the relationship between landforms and the lives of the people?
Landforms determine the lives of people in India.
For example:
(i) Plains are fertile. So people in the plains are engaged in agriculture.
→ It is difficult to live in mountains.
→ In mountains, disasters can occur more frequently and can cause huge damage to life and property.
People, sometimes, use landforms for their own benefit. They misuse them and throw garbage on land and in water making them polluted. It is our special duty to save landforms for future generations.
Major Landforms of the Earth Class 6 HBSE Notes
- Hill s It is a land surface higher than the local area.
- Mountain : A steep hill with an elevation of more than 600 metres is called mountain.
- Glacier : Permanently frozen river of ice is called glacier.
- Horst: The uplifted blocks of land surface are called horst.
- Graben : The lowered blocks are called graben.
- Plateau: An elevated flat land is called plateau.
- Plains: These are large stretches of flat land.
- Erosion : The wearing away of the earth’s surface is known as erosion.
- Flora and Fauna : The plants and animals of a particular area.