HBSE 6th Class English Solutions Honeysuckle Poem 4 Beauty

Haryana State Board HBSE 6th Class English Solutions Honeysuckle Poem 4 Beauty Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Haryana Board 6th Class English Solutions Honeysuckle Poem 4 Beauty

HBSE 6th Class English Beauty Textbook Questions and Answers

Beauty Poem Class 6 Honeysuckle HBSE Question 1.
The poet says “Beauty is heard in ………… ” Can you hear beauty? Add a sound that you think is beautiful to the sounds the poet thinks are beautiful.
The poet, Keats, said :
Heard melodies are sweet,
But those unheard are sweeter.
What do you think this means? Have you ever ‘heard’ a song in your head, long after the song was sung or played?
Beauty can be heard, where we hear something very enchanted that attracts us towards it. It may be a melodious song or a spiritual extract that is real seamless beauty. The paraphrase by Keats means that the things or the melodies that are heard are very sweet but those unheard and are just imagined are even sweeter only because of their very sweet essence.
Yes, a song resounds in one’s mind when it is really loved or pondered upon.

Beauty 6th Class Poem Honeysuckle HBSE Question 2.
Read the first and second stanzas of the poem again. Note the following phrases:
Corn growing, people working or dancing, wind sighing, rain falling, a singer chanting.
These could be written as :
→ corn that is growing
→ people who are working or dancing
Can you rewrite the other phrases like this? Why do you think the poet uses shorter phrases.
→ wind which is sighing
→ rain which is falling
→ a singer who is chanting.
The poet uses shorter phrases in order to ereate and maintain rhyme scheme. The poet creates a unified aesthetic essence in this way which appeals the readers.

HBSE 6th Class English Solutions Honeysuckle Poem 4 Beauty

Beauty 6th Class Honeysuckle HBSE Question 3.
Find pictures of beautiful things you have seen or heard of.
Collect yourself.

Beauty Poem Question And Answer Honeysuckle HBSE Question 4.
Write a paragraph about beauty. Use your own ideas along with the ideas in the poem. (You may discuss your ideas with your partner).
Someone has rightly quoted, “Beauty is a joy forever.” We can really perceive beauty as the most admirable thing. But it is not just a nine days wonder, it actually is immortal. And if it is really true, it can remain in hearts forever. However, there is a common notion to see looks as the only and only criteria for judging beauty. This is actually the result of our stereotyped emotions towards the other person. Aesop had also said, “Appearances are deceiving.” A beautiful mind is the replace of good deeds and thoughts. When one is caring, gentle, mild and kind, he/ she in himself/herself can be considered beautiful. So beauty is the ultimate mix of heart, mind and soul.

HBSE 6th Class English Beauty Important Questions and Answers

Beauty Poem Class 6 Questions And Answers Honeysuckle Question 1.
Contrast how a villager and a city dweller would find beauty.
A villager who has limited resources and few desires may find beauty in his work and family. He may find beauty in anything that gives him peace, love and care. Sowing, reaping and collecting crops might be beautiful for him.

For a city dweller who is in want of housing luxuries and other unnecessary services, finds beauty in artificial things, lighting, decorations etc.

Honeysuckle Poem HBSE Beauty Question 2.
Can wind sigh? If not, why does the poet say that the wind sigh?
Wind cannot sigh but the poet has personified wind. In the night, the wind’s effect slows down and hence the word has been used.

Beauty Poem Stanzas for Comprehension

Haryana Poem Honeysuckle Beauty Question 1.
Beauty is seen In the sunlight.
The trees, the birds,
Corn growing and people working
Or dancing for their harvest.
Questions :
(i) What can we see in sunlight?
(ii) Who dance for their harvest?
(iii) For whom is the sunlight beautiful?
(i) We can see beauty in sunlight.
(ii) The people who reap the corn dance for their harvest.
(iii) The sunlight is beautiful for those who live in cold regions.

Beauty Question And Answer Honeysuckle HBSE Question 2.
Beauty is heard In the night,
Wind sighing, rain falling,
Or a singer chanting Anything in earnest.
(i) When is the beauty heard?
(ii) Which singer looks beautiful?
(iii) Which objects of nature are beautiful?
(i) Beauty is heard in the night.
(ii) The singer who chants the tunes earnestly is beautiful.
(iii) the sighing wind and the rainfall are beautiful.

HBSE 6th Class English Solutions Honeysuckle Poem 4 Beauty

Beauty Poem Honeysuckle HBSE Question 3.
Beauty is in yourself.
Good deeds, happy thoughts That repeat themselves In your dreams,
In your work,
And even in your rest.
(i) Where does beauty lie?
(ii) Which thoughts repeat themselves in one’s dreams?
(iii) Does beauty lie only in words, deeds and thoughts?
Answers :
(i) Beauty lies in one’s own self.
(ii) Happy thoughts repeat themselves in one’s dreams.
(iii) No, beauty also lies in rest.

Beauty Poem Translation in Hindi

Beauty is …………… their harvest.
सुंदरता को सूर्य की रोशनी ( धूप) में, वृक्षों में, पक्षियों में, लहलहाते फसलों में और अपनी फसलों के लिए काम करने या नाचने वाले लोगों (के दिलों) में देख सकते हैं।

Word-Meanings-Beauty-charm, which appeals, to the eyes, सुंदरता। Sunlight -sun shine, धूप। Corn-grain, अनाज। Harvest-crops, फसलें। Beauty is ………….. earnest.
सुंदरता को हम रात में, हवा की सांय-सांय की आवाज में, गिरती हुई वर्षा में या मस्ती में गाते हुए किसी गायक की धुन में सुन सकते हैं।

Word-Meanings-Sighing-there) soughing, सांय-सांय। Chanting-singing musically, लय से गाना। In Earnest-seriously, eagerly, गंभीरता से, उत्सुकता से। Beauty is in …………… your rest.
सुंदरता तुम्हारे अंदर है। अच्छे कार्यों में, आपके स्वप्नों में बार-बार दोहराए जाने वाले प्रसन्न विचारों में, तुम्हारे काम में तथा तुम्हारे विश्राम में भी (सुंदरता पाई जाती है)।

Word-Meanings-Deeds-actions, कार्य। Thoughts-ideas, विचार। Dreams-visions, fancies during sleep, स्वप्न। Even-also, भी। Restrepose, विश्राम।

HBSE 6th Class English Solutions Honeysuckle Poem 4 Beauty

Beauty Poem Summary in English

Beauty can be seen in sunlight, trees, birds, the crops and the working people. It can be heard in wind, rain or a singer’s song. Beauty also lies in one’s words, thoughts or actions.

Beauty Poem Summary in Hindi

सुंदरता को धूप, वृक्षों, पक्षियों, फसल तथा श्रमिकों में देखा जा सकता है। इसे वायु, वर्षा या किसी गायक के गीत में सुना जा सकता है। सुंदरता हमारे शब्दों, विचारों तथा कार्यों में भी रहती है।

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