Haryana State Board HBSE 6th Class English Solutions Honeysuckle Poem 1 A House, A Home Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
Haryana Board 6th Class English Solutions Honeysuckle Poem 1 A House, A Home
HBSE 6th Class English A House, A Home Textbook Questions and Answers
Poem A House A Home HBSE 6th Class English Honeysuckle Question 1.
What is the difference between a house and a home ? Discuss it with your partner. Then read the poem.
Read the summary of the poem.
A House A Home Class 6 Poem HBSE 6th Class English Honeysuckle Question 2.
Do you agree with what the poet says ? Talk to your partner and complete.
A house is made of ___________.
It has ___________.
A home is made by ___________.
It has ___________.
A house is made of brick and stone.
It has window glasses.
A home is made by loving and caring family.
It has selfless members.
A House, A Home Poem Stanzas for Comprehension
HBSE 6th Class English Honeysuckle Poem A House, A Home Question 1.
What is a house?
It’s brick and stone and wood that’s hard.
Some window glass and perhaps a yard.
(i) From which poem has this stanza been taken?
(ii) What is the house made of?
(ii) Give two rhyming words from the stanza.
(i) This stanza has been taken from the poem. ‘ A House, A Home’.
(ii) The house is made of brick and stone.
(iii) hard-yard.
Question 2.
It’s eaves and chimneys and tile floors
and stucco and roof and lots of doors.
Questions :
(i) Who has written the above stanza?
(ii) What type of floors does a house have?
(iii) Give two rhyming words from the stanza.
(i) Lorraine M Halli has written the above stanza.
(ii) It has tile floors.
(iii) floors-doors.
Question 3.
What is a home?
It’s loving and family
and doing for others.
It’s brothers and sisters
and fathers and mothers.
(i) From which poem has this stanza been taken?
(ii) Who make a home?
(iii) Give two rhyming words from the stanza.
(i) This stanza has been taken from the poem ‘A House, A Home’.
(ii) Brothers, sisters, fathers (uncles) and mothers (aunts) make a home.
(iii) Others-mothers.
Question 4.
It’s unselfish
acts and kindly sharing
and showing your loved ones
you’re always caring.
Questions :
(i) Who has written the above stanza?
(ii) What types of acts are done in a home?
(iii) Give two rhyming words from the pas-sage.
Answers :
(i) Lorraine M. Halli has written the above stanza.
(ii) Selfless acts are done in a home.
(iii) Sharing-Caring.
A House, A Home Poem Translation in Hindi
What is a house ………….. lots of doors.
‘हाऊस’ क्या होता है?
यह ईंटों और पत्थरों का
और कठोर लकड़ी का होता है
(इसमें) खिड़की के कुछ शीशे
और शायद एक आँगन होता है
यह ओरियाँ और चिमनियाँ
और टॉयल के फर्शों वाला होता है।
इस पर प्लस्तर किया होता है और इसके ऊपर छत होती है और ढेर सारे दरवाजे होते हैं।
Word-Meanings-Perhaps-possibly, शायद। Yard- a piece of enclosed ground, आँगन। Eavesthe edge of a sloping roof that overhangs the walls, ओरी। Stucco-plaster used for coating or decorating the outside walls of a building, प्लस्तर।
What is a home …………….. always caring.
‘होम’ क्या होता है?
यह स्नेहपूर्ण और परिवार से भरा होता है।
जो दूसरों के लिए कार्य करते हैं।
इसमें भाई और बहनें होती हैं।
और पिता (चाचा-ताऊ) तथा माताएँ (चाचियाँ-ताइयाँ)
होती हैं।
इसमें नि:स्वार्थ कार्य होते हैं।
और दयापूर्ण (काम/लाभ) का बँटवारा होता है।
और अपने प्रिय संबंधियों को यह दर्शाना है।
कि तुम सदा दूसरों का ध्यान रखने वाले हो।
Word-Meanings-Unselfish-selfless, नि:स्वार्थ। Caring-thoughtful, विचारशील।
A House, A Home Poem Summary in English
A house is a structure of brick and stone. It has wooden work, a yard, eaves, chimneys and tile floors. It has well plastered walls, a roof and lots of doors. A home consists of helpful and loving members. It consists of a huge and joint family. Its members care for one another and share one another’s joy and sorrow.
A House, A Home Poem Summary in Hindi
‘हाऊस’ ईंटों और पत्थरों का ढाँचा होता है। उसमें लकड़ी का काम किया हुआ होता है, उसमें एक आँगन, ओरियाँ, चिमनी तथा टायलों से बने हुए फर्श होते हैं। इसकी दीवारों पर बड़ा प्लस्तर होता है, तथा इसके ऊपर छत होती है तथा इसमें काफी दरवाजे होते हैं।
‘होम’ के अंदर सहायक तथा प्रेममय सदस्य होते हैं। इसमें बड़ा तथा संयुक्त परिवार होता है। इसके सदस्य एक दूसरे की परव’ह करते हैं और एक दूसरे की खुशी तथा गम (दुख) को बाँटते हैं।