Haryana State Board HBSE 6th Class English Solutions A Pact with the Sun Chapter 7 The Wonder Called Sleep Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
Haryana Board 6th Class English Solutions A Pact with the Sun Chapter 7 The Wonder Called Sleep
HBSE 6th Class English The Wonder Called Sleep Textbook Questions and Answers
The Wonder Called Sleep Question Answer HBSE 6th Class Question 1.
What is the most obvious advantage of sleep?
The most obvious advantage of sleep is that our body recovers from fatique caused by the day’s activities.
The Wonder Called Sleep HBSE 6th Class Questions Answers Question 2.
What happens to our body when we sleep ?
When we sleep, our muscles and heart beak becomes slower. Our temperature and blood pressure slow down.
HBSE 6th Class Questions Answers The Wonder Called Sleep Question 3.
Define a dream in your own words.
Dream is a mental state which takes place when we are asleep, it may indicate about the problem one is facing but nothing can’t be said for sure don’t the dreams related with future activities.
Question 4.
Why are dreams important ? Mention two reasons.
They are important because they can help us to sleep through noise or other disturbances. Second, they may reveal a great deal about one’s problems and also help in their solution.
Question 5.
Why has sleep been called a wonder ?
Sleep has been called a wonder because it has many surprising things in its 7 store.
Question 6.
Describe briefly to the class an improbable dream you have had.
Do it yourself.
Question 7.
Grandmothers and mothers sing nice little songs while rocking little ones to sleep. Such a song is called a lullaby. Do you remember a lullaby in your own language ? Tell the class in English what the lullaby says.
Do it yourself.
HBSE 6th Class English The Wonder Called Sleep Important Questions and Answers
Question 1.
Define ‘sleep’ in your own words.
Sleep is a state when body and mind ‘ come to rest, some dreams may happen but the ‘ rest of the time our mind is out of worldly affair.
Question 2.
Are all our dreams probable?
Only some dreams are probable, that means that many of the things that happen in dreams could happen when we are awake.
Question 3.
What have certain doctors found about dreams?
Certain doctors have found that one’s dreams after all reveal a great deal about one’s problems and that, if understood correctly, they can provide a key to the solution of many problems.
Question 4.
What can dreams never tell ?
Dreams can never tell about future.
Question 5.
What is the theme of the poem ‘Lights Out’?
The theme of the poem ‘Lights Out’ is that the sleep is indispensable. No other attraction can cause us not to sleep. But nobody knows what causes sleep.
The Wonder Called Sleep Word Meanings
exactly (एक्जैक्टली)= एकदम ठीक, unconscious (अन्कॉसेन्स)= बेहोशी, recovers (रिकवअर्स)= उभर जाना, पुनः प्राप्त होना, fatigue (फैटिग)= थकावट, activities (एक्टिविटिज) = गतिविधियाँ, wake up (वेकअप)= उठना, जगना, happened (हेपन्ड)= घटित हुआ, remember (रिमेम्बर)- याद करना, dream (ड्रीम)= सपना, darkness (डार्कनेस)= अंधेरापन, sink (सिंक)= डूबना, muscles (मस्अलस)= माँसपेशियाँ, relax (रिलेक्स) आराम करना, temperature (टेम्प्रेचर) = तापमान, blood pressure (ब्लडप्रेशर)= रक्तचाप, ever active (एवर एक्टिव)= हमेशा सक्रिय, consciously (कान्शअली)= होश में, heartbeat (हार्टबीट)= दिल की धड़कन, breathing (ब्रेनिंग)= सांस लेते हुए, forgotten (फारगोटन)= भूल जाना, probable (प्रोबेबल)= संभव, awake (अवेक)= जगना, several (सेवरेल)= कई। reasons (रीजन्स)= कारण, disturbances (डिस्ट्रबेन्सेज)- परेशानियाँ, alarm clock (अलार्म-क्लाक)= खतरे की घंटी वाली घड़ी, doorbell (डोरबेल) = दरवाजे की घंटी, ringing (रिंगिंग)= बजाते हुए, reveal (रीविल)= उजागर करना, understood (अन्डरस्टूड)= समझा, solution (सोल्यूशन)- हल, experience (एक्सपिरिअन्स)= अनुभव, falling asleep (फालिंगएसलिप)= नींद में जाते हुए, borders (बोडस)सीमायें, unfathomable (अनफेदमेबल) = गहराई का पता नहीं लगा पाये। straight (स्ट्रेयट)- सीधा.
The Wonder Called Sleep Summary in English
A good sleep enables our body and brain to recover from fatigue. When we sleep, we dream. We may not always recall the dream we had. During sleep, our heart beat becomes slower and our temperature and blood pressure go down. Dream play a vital role in our sleep. They help us sleep through noise and other disturbances. They may have some bearing on our problems but they are unable to tell the future.
The Wonder Called Sleep Summary in Hindi
एक अच्छी नींद हमारे शरीर और दिमाग को थकावट से उबरने में मदद करती है। हम हमेशा जिन सपनों को देखते हैं याद नहीं रख सकते हैं। नींद के दौरान हमारे दिल की ध ड़कन धीमी हो जाती है और हमारा तापमान तथा रक्तचाप नीचे चला जाता है। सपने हमारी नींद में महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं। वे हमें शोर गुल तथा अन्य व्यवधानों से सोने में मदद करते हैं। वे हमारी समस्याओं पर प्रभाव डाल सकते हैं परन्तु वे भविष्य के बारे में नहीं बता सकते हैं।