Haryana State Board HBSE 12th Class English Solutions Grammar Modals Exercise Questions and Answers.
Haryana Board 12th Class English Grammar Modals
What are Modals?
Modals are a type of helping verb. They always accompany the principal verb, expressing the mode or manner of the action done by the verb. for e.g. will, shall, should, would, can, could, may, might, must, need, dare etc. They are also known as “Modal Auxiliaries’.
Modals एक प्रकार की सहायक क्रियाएँ हैं। ये main verb के साथ मिलकर कार्य करने के mode या तरीके को बताती हैं। ये योग्यता, अनुमति, संभावना, कर्त्तव्य जैसे विचारों को व्यक्त करती हैं। मुख्यतः will, shall, would, should, can, could, may, might, must, need, dare, ought to और used to आदि modal auxiliaries हैं।
Features of Modals (सहायक क्रियाओं की विशेषताएँ)-
(a) Modals are never used alone. They are always used with Principal Verb that follows them; for e.g. :
Modals कभी अकेली नहीं आतीं। इनका प्रयोग सदा main verb के साथ किया जाता है; जैसे-
You must do this work.
I can solve this sum.
(b) The number, gender or person of subject does not effect modals; for e.g. :
Subject के number, gender या person का modals पर कोई प्रभाव नहीं होता; जैसे
I can go there.
We can go there.
You can go there.
They can go there.
He can go there.
She can go there.
(c) Ist form of verb is always used with Modals but we use “to’ Infinite with ‘ought’ and ‘used’; for e.g. :
Modals के साथ verb की Ist form का प्रयोग होता है। परंतु ought और used के साथ ‘to’ Infinitive का प्रयोग होता है; जैसे-
He will leave for Mumbai today.
You should work hard.
I can help you.
We ought to serve our country.
He used to help me in the past.
(d) If we add ‘be’ with Modals then we use Ist verb + ing; for e.g. :
Modals के साथ ‘be’ लगाने पर उसके बाद verb की Ist form और ing का प्रयोग करते हैं, जैसे-
Sudha will be writing a letter.
I shall be travelling in a train tomorrow.
Poonam will be dancing.
(e) If we add ‘have’ with Modals then we use IIIrd form of verb; for e.g. :
Modals के बाद ‘have’ लगने पर उसके बाद verb की IIIrd form का प्रयोग करते हैं, जैसे-
He must have done this work.
He should have passed the test.
He may have gone to Delhi.
Uses of Modals
(i) ‘Shall’ is used with Ist person (I, we) to express simple future tense. for e.g.
Shall का प्रयोग Ist person (I, we) के साथ साधारण future tense को व्यक्त करने के लिए किया जाता है; जैसे-
I shall know my result tomorrow.
We shall leave for Mumbai in the evening.
(ii) To give command ‘shall’ is used with the pronouns of second and third person. for e.g.
आदेश (command) के लिए second और third persons के pronouns के साथ; जैसे-
You shall do as I say.
You shall not disobey your parents.
(iii) To express promise; for e.g.
वचन (promise) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे- }
You shall get a prize.
You shall have a wrist watch on your birthday.
(iv) To express compulsion or necessity; for e.g.
बाध्यता या अनिवार्यता (compulsion or necessity) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे-
You shall not enter the kitchen with dirty feet.
You shall not make a noise.
(v) To show determination or certainity, for e.g. :
संकल्प (determination) अथवा निश्चय (certainty) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे-
He shall take revenge on his enemy.
He shall get good marks, I am sure.
(vi) In interogative sentences “shall’ is used with I/we to express or present request in front of someone
or one’s service to request to someone; for e.g. :
प्रश्नवाचक वाक्यों (interrogative sentences) में shall का प्रयोग I/we के साथ किसी दूसरे के सामने अपनी सेवा प्रस्तुत करने के लिए या प्रार्थना करने के लिए किया जाता है; जैसे – Shall I carry your heavy bag ? Shall we go to see a film today?
(i) It is used to express the simple future tense. It used with second and third person (you, he, she, they, it, etc.) for e.g.: Will का प्रयोग IInd और IIIrd person (you, he, she, they, it आदि) के साथ simple future tense को व्यक्त करने के लिए किया जाता है; जैसेHe will come here at Diwali. They will never learn good manners.
(ii) To express request or invitation; etc. for e.g. : प्रार्थना या निमंत्रण के लिए; जैसेWill you open the door, please?
Will you have a cup of tea?
(iii) To express habit; for e.g. : आदत के लिए; जैसे –
A dog’s tail will never become straight.
He will never tell the truth.
(iv) To express certainty with Ist person; for e.g. :
Ist person (I/we) के साथ निश्चय (certainty) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे-
itaI will write a letter to her in the evening.
We will visit the theatre next week.
(v) To express determination with Ist person; for e.g. :
I/we के साथ संकल्प (determination) को व्यक्त करने के लिए, जैसे-
I/wet fret Hanna (determination) Date de a fair,
I will get Ist division. We will win the race. I will become a great man one day.
(vi) To express willingness; for e.g. :
‘इच्छा’ (willingness) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे-
the I will come with you if you want.
I will help you in this matter.
(vii) To express order or instruction; for e.g. :
आदेश (order) या निर्देश (instruction) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे-
You will do as I say.
You will not beat your brother.
(viii) To express inference or probability; for e.g. :
अनुमान या संभावना (inference or probability) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे-
The boys in blue dress will be his brother.
By this time Mohan will be there.
(ix) To express conditional statements; for e.g. :
शर्त वाले (conditional) वाक्य के लिए; जैसे-
If you work hard, you will pass.
If you don’t run, you will miss the train.
(x) To express warning; for e.g. :
चेतावनी (warning) देने के लिए or या otherwise वाले वाक्यों में; जैसे –
Work hard otherwise, you will fail.
Run fast or you will miss the train.
(i) In Indirect speech ‘shall’ is replaced by ‘should’; for e.g. :
Indirect speech में shall के past tense के रूप में; जैसे
I told him that I should help him.
He said that they should go there.
(ii) To express the emotion of duty. for e.g. :
कर्त्तव्य (duty) की भावना प्रकट करने के लिए; जैसे-
We should obey our parents.
We should help the needy.
(iii) To express advice or suggestion. for e.g. :
सलाह तथा सुझाव (advice or suggestion) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे –
You should work hard.
You should take exercise.
(iv) To express purpose after using the word ‘lest’; for e.g. :
Lest के पश्चात उद्देश्य (purpose) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे –
Work hard lest you should fail.
Walk slowly lest you should fall.
(v) To express moral obligation. for e.g. :
नैतिक उत्तरदायित्व (moral obligation) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे –
You should not drink wine.
You should help your sister.
(vi) To express the emotion of supposition, possibility and condition. for e.g. :
कल्पना (supposition), संभावना (possibility) तथा शर्त (condition) की भावना को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे –
Should you see my brother? Tell him to send me a good book.
I think you should win the championship.
(vii) To express assumption; for e.g.
अनुमान (assumption) की भावना को दर्शाने के लिए; जैसे –
She should be here by now.
They should have reached Delhi.
(i) In Indirect speech ‘will’ is replaced by ‘would’; for e.g. :
Indirect speech में will के past के रूप में; जैसे –
He told me that he would go to Mumbai.
Mohan said that he would not do that work.
(ii) To express past habits; for e.g. :
Past के किसी कार्य को करने की आदत को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे –
Gandhiji would spin for hours.
He would often study till late in the night.
(iii) To express polite request; for e.g. :
विनम्र प्रार्थना (polite request) के लिए; जैसे –
Would you open the door, please?
Would you lend me your bicycle for an hour?
(iv) To know someone’s wish or prefrence; for e.g. :
किसी की इच्छा को जानने के लिए; जैसे –
Would you have a cup of tea?
Would you like to come with me?
(v) To express our own wish or prefrence; for e.g. :
कोरी कल्पना (wish) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे –
Would that I were young again!
Would that my son were a hard worker!
(vi) To express importable condition; for e.g. :
असंभावित परिस्थिति (improbable condition) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे –
If a thief came here, he would find only books.
If I got a lottery, I would be very happy.
(vii) To express determination; for e.g. :
दृढ़-निश्चय (determination) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे –
He would have his own way.
I would buy that car at any cost.
(viii) To give preference; for e.g. :
अधिमान (preference) को बताने के लिए; जैसे –
I would like to have coffee.
I would rather starve than steal.[H.B.S.E. 2020 (Set-C)]
5. CAN
(i) To express ability; for e.g. :
योग्यता (ability) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे –
I can solve the sum.
He can swim across the river.
Can you stand on your head?
(ii) To grant permission; for e.g. :
अनुमति (permission) देने के लिए; जैसे-
You can see a film if you like.
You can go home if you have done your work.
(iii) To ask for permission; for e.g. :
अनुमति मांगने के लिए; जैसे –
Can I use your dictionary?
Can I go home?
(iv) To express possibility; for e.g. :
संभावना (possibility) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे –
Death can come anytime.
He can reach here anytime.
(v) To express capacity or power; for e.g. :
क्षमता या शक्ति (capacity or power) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे –
I can lift this heavy table.
The headmaster can remit your fine.
(i) In Indirect speech ‘can’ is replaced by could for e.g. :
Indirect speech में can के past के रूप में; जैसे –
Mohan said that he could solve the sum.
He asked me if I could help him.
(ii) To express permission in past; for e.g. :
Past की अनुमति (permission) को दर्शाने के लिए; जैसे-
Father said that he could see the film.
She asked me if she could meet me.
(iii) To express possibility in past; for e.g. :
Past की संभावना (possibility) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे –
If he had money, he could buy a scooter.
I wondered whether the news could be true.
(iv) To express past capacity or ability; for e.g. :
भूतकाल में क्षमता (capacity) या योग्यता (ability) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे –
I could swim when I was young.
She could solve the sum when she was only five years old.
7. MAY
(i) To grant or ask for formal permission; for e.g. :
औपचारिक अनुमति (formal permission) लेने या देने के लिए; जैसे –
May I come in, Sir ? Yes, you may.
May I use your book? Yes, you may use it.
(ii) To express wish / prayer or blessing; for e.g. :
इच्छा (wish), प्रार्थना (prayer) या आशीर्वाद (blessing) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे-
May you live long!
May I be able to cross the river!
May God bless her with a son!
(iii) To express possibility; for e.g. :
संभावना (possibility) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे –
There are clouds in the sky. It may rain.
Mohan may reach here anytime.
(iv) To express purpose use Ist form of verb before ‘so that’; for e.g. :
उद्देश्य (purpose) को बताने के लिए so that से पहले verb की Ist Form लगी होती है; जैसे –
We eat so that we may live.
I go to school so that I may become a great man.
(v) To express possibility in past ‘may have’ is used. for e.g. :
अतीत की संभावना (Past possibility) को व्यक्त करने के लिए may have का प्रयोग होता है; जैसे –
He may have reached Kanpur.
You may have heard about Akbar.
Might is the past form of ‘may’. It is used in following circumstances : यह may का past रूप है। इसका प्रयोग निम्नलिखित अवस्थाओं में किया जाता है :
(i) To ask for permission in past for e.g. :
भूतकाल में अनुमति लेने या देने के लिए; जैसे –
I asked him if I might use his book.
My father told me that I might see a picture.
(ii) To express possibility in past; for e.g. :
भूतकाल (past) में संभावना (possibility) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे –
The doctor said that the patient might recover.
He might have done the mischief.
(iii) To express wish in past; for e.g. :
भूतकाल की इच्छा (wish) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे –
I wished that I might pass the examination.
Mohan wished that his sister might win the race.
(iv) To express remote possibility for future; for e.g. :
भविष्य काल में किसी क्षीण संभावना (remote possibility) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे –
I might go to the market, but I am not sure. He might come, if he gets time.
The prices might fall down a little.
(v) To express purpose use IInd form a verb before so that; for e.g.: ।
उद्देश्य को बताने के लिए; so that से पहले verb की IInd form लगी होती है; जैसे –
He died so that his country might survive.
He worked hard so that he might pass.
If he worked hard, he might get Ist prize.
(i) To express dire necessity; for e.g. :
तीव्र आवश्यकता (dire necessity) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे –
You must take an umbrella as it is raining.
We must run if we want to catch the train.
(ii) To express compulsion or obligation and if there is a possibility of getting punished if work is not
done; for e.g. : अनिवार्यता (compulsion) या बंधन (obligation) को व्यक्त करने के लिए या कार्य न करने पर यदि सजा मिलने का प्रावधान हो; जैसे –
A servant must obey his master. [H.B.S.E. March 2020 (Set-B)]
We must obey the laws of our country.
(iii) To express determination; for e.g.
दृढ़-संकल्प (determination) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे –
I must finish this work by evening.
We must attack the enemy before daybreak.
(iv) To express duty; for e.g.
कर्तव्य (duty) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे –
You must obey your parents.
We must serve our country.
(v) To express prohibition; for e.g.
मनाही (prohibition) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे –
We must not touch electricity. You must not disobey your elders
Children must not play on the road.
(vi) To express possibility; for e.g.
संभावना (possibility) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे –
He must have reached Delhi.
She must have gone to bed by now.
‘Ought’ can be used in place of should but it is necessity to use to’ with ought. Following are its various uses; for e.g. :
Ought का प्रयोग should के स्थान पर किया जा सकता है, मगर इसके साथ ‘to’ का प्रयोग आवश्यक है। इसके प्रयोग निम्नलिखित हैं-
(i) To express moral and social duty; for e.g. :
नैतिक एवं सामाजिक कर्त्तव्य (moral and social duty) के लिए; जैसे –
We ought to obey our teachers.
You ought to help the poor and the needy.
We ought to take pity on the beggars.
(ii) To express advice and suggestion; for e.g. :
सलाह (Advice) या सुझाव (Suggestion) को व्यक्त करने के लिए; जैसे –
You ought to work hard for the examination.
You ought to consult the doctor.
(iii) Ought to +have+ IIIrd form of verb is used to express the condition when work was to be done but did not done. for e.g. :
Ought to + have + verb की IIIrd form के द्वारा यह व्यक्त किया जाता है कि कार्य होना चाहिए था, मगर हुआ नहीं; जैसे –
You ought to have met the principal (but you did not).
You ought to have informed the police.
11. NEED
Need is a regular verb as well as modal. As a modal ‘need’ is only used to express negative and interrogative sentences; for e.g. :
Need एक नियमित क्रिया भी है और एक modal भी Modal के रूप में इसका प्रयोग केवल नकारात्मक (Negative) तथा प्रश्नवाचक (Interrogative) वाक्यों में होता है; जैसे –
(i) Out of necessity; for e.g. :
आवश्यकता का न होना; जैसेYou needn’t take an umbrella as it has stopped raining.
Tomorrow is a holiday. You need not come to school.
(ii) To ask questions related to need; for e.g.
आवश्यकता के बारे में कोई प्रश्न पूछना; जैसेNeed you go home so soon?
Need you speak so fast?
Need she run for catching the bus ?
12. DARE
Like ‘need’, ‘dare’ is also a regular verb and as well as modal. It is only used in negative and interogative sentences in following ways:
Need की तरह dare का प्रयोग भी नियमित क्रिया एवं modal दोनों प्रकार से होता है। Modal के रूप में इसका प्रयोग केवल नकारात्मक (Negative) और प्रश्नवाचक (Interrogative) वाक्यों में निम्नलिखित रूप से होता है :
(i) Dare is used to ‘challenge somebody’; for e.g. :
खतरनाक करने के लिए चुनौती देना; जैसे –
I dare you to climb that mountain.
How dare you to that to me!
(ii) To ask question related to courage; for e.g. :
साहस के बारे में प्रश्न करना या साहस का ना होना; जैसे –
How dare you insult me?
The children dare not go into a dark room at night. [H.B.S.E. March 2020 (Set-B)]
“Used to’ is used in following circumstances :
‘Used to’ का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित अवस्थाओं में किया जाता है :
(i) To express habitual action in past. for e.g. :
भूतकाल की किसी आदत (past habitual action) को दर्शाने के लिए; जैसे –
In the past, people used to believe that the earth was flat.
Before marriage, he used to drink a lot.
(ii) For the existence of something in the past. for e.g. :
भूतकाल में किसी वस्तु के अस्तित्व के लिए; जैसे –
There used to be a big building at the corner.
A fair used to be held in this ground every year.
Exercises For Practice (Solved)
Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with the modals given in brackets :
1. She ……………. not have left alone as it was raining heavily. (can/must) [H.B.S.E. 2019 (Set-A)]
2. ………………………… you wait for sometime ? (should, could, must) [H.B.S.E. March, 2020 (Set-B)]
3. This chair is very light. Even a small boy …………………………. lift it. (can, could, must)
4. It is cloudy. It ………………………….. rain soon. (may, can, might)
5. A son …………………………. obey his father. (can, must, should)
6. ………………………….. you live long! (can, may, should) [H.B.S.E. 2017 (Set-B)]
7. Anyone …………………. make mistakes. (can, may, should)
8. We …………. obey our parents. (can, may, should) [H.B.S.E. 2017 (Set-D)]
9. Asha asked if she ………………. bring her dog in. (can, may, might)
10. She advised that I ……………. curtail expenditure. (should/can) [H.B.S.E. 2019 (Set-A)]
1. must,
2. Could,
3. can,
4. may,
5. must,
6. may,
7. can,
8. should.
9. might,
10. should.
Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals using hints given in brackets :
1. She …………….. dance very well. (ability) [H.B.S.E. March, 2020 (Set-A)]
2. ………..you help me in this matter, please. (polite request)
3. …………….. you please help my son ? (Could/Might) [H.B.S.E. 2019 (Set-D)]
4. You………..not enter my room with muddy feet. (prohibition)
5. You…………get a prize; this is my promise. (promise) [H.B.S.E. 2017 (Set-B)]
6. He………..sit there for hours, watching the trains. (past habit)
7. He…………help the needy. (duty) [H.B.S.E. 2017 (Set-A)]
8. ………..I come in sir. (permission) [H.B.S.E. 2020 (Set-D)]
9. It………. rain today. (possibility)
10. He ………… come today, but I am not certain. (remote possibility)
1. can,
2. Will,
3. Could,
4. shall,
5. shall,
6. would,
7. should,
8. May.
9. may.
10. might
Exercise 3
Fill in the following blanks with would, should, must, ought, dare, need.
1. You ………. give up smoking. [H.B.S.E. 2020 (Set-A)]
2. You ………. work hard this year. [H.B.S.E. 2020 (Set-D)]
3. You…………not worry anymore. [H.B.S.E. March, 2018 (Set-A)]
4. That ………… be a doctor. [H.B.S.E. March, 2018 (Set-A)]
5. I………… not say so if I were you.
6. ……….you like to come with me? [H.B.S.E. 2017 (Set-D)]
7. How…………you misbehave ?
8. You are quite well. You. ………… not go to the doctor. [H.B.S.E. March, 2018 (Set-C)]
9. It is good that they………..live together.
10. I am sure the Principal …………… be in his room. (might/must) [H.B.S.E. March, 2019 (Set-B)]
1. should,
2. must,
3. need,
4. must,
5. would,
6. Would,
7. dare,
8. need,
9. should,
10. must.
Exercise 4
Fill in the following blanks with will or shall.
1. You ………………. do as I say. [H.B.S.E. 2017 (Set-A)]
2. Word hard otherwise you ………………… fail. [H.B.S.E. 2017 (Set-B)]
3. ………………………… I help you in this matter?
4. ………………………. you have a cup of tea ?
5. You ……………………. not enter this room with muddy feet.
6. You ……………………… get all help from me; this is my promise.
7. If you insist, I …………………………. accompany you.
8. …………………….. you open the door, please ? [H.B.S.E. 2017 (Set-1)]
9. You …………………….. ring him up.
10. It is my determination that I ……………………….. get Ist division.
1. shall,
2. will,
3. Shall,
4. Will,
5. shall,
6. shall,
7. will,
8. Will,
9. will,
10. will.
Exercise 5
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with may, might, can or could:
1. If we request her, she ………………. give a lift. (must/might) [H.B.S.E. 2019 (Set-B)]
2. ………… he lives long! [H.B.S.E. March 2018 (Set-D)]
3. He walked fast so that he …………………………….. reach the station in time.
4. He ………………………. swim across the river. [H.B.S.E. 2017 (Set-D)]
5. What you propose to say…………………………… Sound very imposing.
6. She told me that her cousin ………… not come.
7. She …………………… swim very well. [H.B.S.E. 2020 (Set-D)]
8. My friend did not help me though he ……………. have helped. (could/will) [H.B.S.E. 2019 (Set-C)]
9. I did all that I …………………………. do for her.
10. He went there so that he ………….. borrow money. (can/might) [H.B.S.E. 2019 (Set-D)]
1. might,
2. May,
3. might,
4. can,
5. may,
6. might,
7. can,
8. could,
9. could,
10. might.
Exercise 6
Fill in the blanks with would or should
1. We…………………………… respect the elders.
2. ………… you like to have a cup of tea? [H.B.S.E. 2017 (Set-C)]
3. Mohan ……………… keep sitting near the railway line for hours.
4. He told me that Mohan …………………….. meet me after two days.
5. ……………………….. you mind helping me?
6. If I were rich I ……………………….. buy a car. [H.B.S.E. March 2018 (Set-B)]
7. I told him that I………….. do that work.
8. Work hard lest you ………………………. fail.
9. They ……………………………… arrive here any time.
10. Make haste lest you …………. get late. (will/should) [H.B.S.E. March 2019 (Set-C)]
1. should,
2. Would,
3. would,
4. would,
5. Would,
6. would,
7. would,
8. should,
9. should,
10. should.
Exercise 7
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with may, might, must and need:
1. She expects that her son ……………… return. (may/can) [H.B.S.E. March, 2019 (Set-A)]
2. ……………………………… I win a lottery !
3. We …………………………….. drive carefully. [H.B.S.E. March, 2018 (Set-C)]
4. You ………………………. consult some doctor. [H.B.S.E. March, 2020 (Set-C)]
5. ……………………………….. I use your pen ?
6. ………………………. God bless you with a son ! [H.B.S.E. 2017 (Set-C)]
7. I …………………………. visit Delhi. But I am not much sure.
8. You …………………….. not swim in the river, the current is very fast.
9. You ………………………….. pay all your taxes. [H.B.S.E. March, 2018 (Set-B)]
10. ………………………… our king live long! (May/Will) [H.B.S.E. March, 2019 (Set-C)]
1. may,
2. May,
3. must,
4. must,
5. May,
6. May,
7. might,
8. must,
9. must,
10. May.
Exercise 8
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with dare, ought to or used to:
1. I ……………………… enter his room in his absence.
2. He ……………………….. play football when he was young. [H.B.S.E. March, 2018 (Set-B)]
3. You ……………………….. to take regular exercise.
4. He ……………………………….. take up the responsibility. [H.B.S.E. March, 2018 (Set-A)]
5. He ………………………………. not take to you? [H.B.S.E. March, 2018 (Set-C)]
6. We …………………………………… to serve our nation.
7. ……………………………….. you go into that house at night ?
8. I ………………………….. not go outside now. (dare/ought to) [H.B.S.E. March, 2019 (Set-D)]
9. I ………………………………. go to the college on foot. Now I go on a scooter.
10. You ……………………………… to work hard for the examination.
1. daren’t,
2. used to,
3. ought,
4.ought to,
5. dare,
6. ought,
7. Dare,
8. dare,
9. used to,
10. ought.
Exercises For Practice (Unsolved)
Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with appropriate Modals :
1. I …………………………………… go there even if it rains.
2. You ……………………………….. always remember that you ……………………………….. be the first to offer help wherever needed.
3. I ………………………….. help him with money before I leave for London.
4. You ………………………………… to respect your elders.
5. The breeze is cool; it ………………………….. rain soon.
6. The doctor told me that I ……………………………… not smoke anymore.
7. If you have a ticket, you …………………………….. go inside.
8. You …………………………….. not enter my class; I forbid it.
9. ……………………………….. you possibly lend me a thousand rupees?
10. ………………………….. I speak to the Principal for a minute?
11. One …………………………….. always be kind to others.
12. He has been absent for a fortnight; he ………………………. be ill.
13. He ……………………………. like to spend the evening with you.
14. You …………………………….. not think so, but dirty streets cause epidemics.
15. There ……………………………… be some more buses. [H.B.S.E. March 2020 (Set-A)]
Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate models, choose from the list given:
(a) shall, should, will, would, may, must.
1. I think it ……………….. rain today.
2. He has been absent for a fortnight; he ……………………….. be ill.
3. ………………………………. I come in? I’m sorry to be late.
4. A Student ………………………. respect his/her teacher. [H.B.S.E. March 2018 (Set-D)]
5. ………..you lend me a thousand rupees?
(b) must, should, shall, will, can, may.
1. The doctor told me that I …………………………. not smoke anymore.
2. I …………………………….. go there even if it rains.
3. One …………………………… always be kind to others.
4. If you have a ticket, you ………………………… go inside.
5. One …………………………………… always help others.
(c) needn’t, will, could, should, must, can.
1. I …………………………….. not meet you as I was very busy.
2. We …………………………… hire a taxi otherwise we’ll miss the train.
3. We …………………………….. help our neighbors in hour of their need.
4. You ……………………………. meet him. Just write a letter.
5. You have fever. You ………………………. consult a doctor.
Exercise 3
Fill in blanks with the appropriate models, choose from the list given :
(a) may, would, should, ought, must.
1. He …………………………….. be rich but he is very cruel.
2. We ………………………… to do as we are told.
3. ………………………… you like to take coffee?
4. The headmaster ………………………….. check all these accounts.
5. What ………… you like to have in supper. [H.B.S.E. March 2018 (Set-D)]
(b) will, would, may, might, must.
1. A servant ……………………….. obey his master. [H.B.S.E. 2017 (Set-C)]
2. I am afraid, he ……………………………. not succeed even this time.
3. I …………………………….. rather fail in the examination than use unfair means.
4. We eat so that we …………………….. live.
5. I am determined that ………………………….. get good marks.
(c) will, would, should, may, might.
1. If you meet him, you …………………………… tell him about it.
2. He died so that his country………………………. survive.
3. If I were a rich man, I ………………………………. buy a car.
4. We ………………………………… take bath daily.
5. The sky is full of clouds; it ……………………… rain today.
Exercise 4
Fill in the blanks with models appropriate to the meaning in brackets :
1. You …………………………. go home now. (permission)
2. You ……………………….. finish your work before going home. (compulsion)
3. I ………………………… not let myself become a slave to machines. (determination)
4. You ……………………… run; the train is late. (absence of necessity)
5. Mohan went to Agra last week. He …………………………. come today. (probability)
6. I am afraid he ……………………………. fail even this time. (probability)
7. ……………………….. you lift this baggage? (present ability)
8. ………………………….. we do not know whether the primitive men …………………….. plough the fields. (past ability)
9. He …………………………. tell his father the truth. (absence of courage)
10. ……………………………. you mind moving a little? (polite request)
Other Exercises (Solved)
Fill in the blanks using suitable modals :
Milk is a complete food, full of vitamins and proteins. Children (a) ………………………. drink it regularly otherwise they (b) ……………. suffer from under-nourishment. Elders (c) ………………………. also take it but those who (d) ………………………… not afford it (e) ………………………. take pulses, fruits, and vegetables as a alternative. We (f) ………………………………… purchase milk of good quality from milk booths opened by the government. Bad quality of milk (g) ………………….. spoil our health. Thus we (h) …………………………… be conscious about our health.
(a) should,
(b) might,
(c) must,
(d) can,
(e) should,
(f) should,
(g) can,
(h) should.
Patient: Sir, (a) ………………….. I know why I (b) ……………………. get medicines from this particular shop.
Doctor: This is the only shop which (c) ……………………… guarantee good medicines. Other chemists (d) …………………… not supply good medicines. Patient ; (e) ……………………. you provide me the list of medicines I have to buy?
Doctor: There is no problem. I (f) ……………………………… give the list of medicines right now.
Patient: I(g) ………………………….. like to know the price of these medicines first.
Doctor: Yes, you (h) …………………….. if you please.
(a) May,
(b) must,
(c) will,
(d) can,
(e) Can,
(f) will,
(g) would,
(h) may.
The art of cooking was made perfect in ancient India. When the people were eating raw meat all over, the world, Indians (a) ………………………. prepare hundreds of food items from one single commodity. Even today we know that we (b) …………………. prepare may items from milk alone. It (c) …………………. be curd, butter, cheese, sweets etc. Unfortunately, this milk-producing country is running short of milk. We (d) …………………. not improve this condition unless we pay serious attention to our milch cattle. We (e) ………………………. improve their breed by new scientific methods. Attention (f) ……………………. also be paid to their proper nourishment.
(a) used to,
(b) can,
(c) may,
(d) can,
(e) should,
(f) should.
If we sit in an incorrect posture it (a) …………………. strain our back. As far as possible this (b) ………………… be avoided. If the posture becomes a part of habit, a low back pain invariably develops. It (c) ………………. be cured if we become conscious of our posture. We (d) …………………. also take time out to perform a few exercises. If the exercises are done regularly the backache (e) …………………….. certainly be cured. It also improves blood circulation within the spine.
(a) may,
(b) should,
(c) would,
(d) should,
(e) can,
(f) will.
Rahul: You (a) …………………….. always read in proper light. Inadequate light (b) …………………………… weaken your eyesight. Ramesh: My eyesight is six by six. I (c) ………………… also read distant words and sentences. Rahul : (d) ………………………. you read this book from here? Ramesh: Sorry, this distance is quite far off. It appears that I (e) ………………………… commit some mistake. Rahul: Then how
you say that your eyesight is six by six.
(a) must,
(b) may,
(c) can,
(d) Can,
(e) might,
(f) can.
Receptionist: Good morning, (a) …………………… I help you? Visitor: Good morning. We are planning to visit Solan. (b) …………………….. you direct us on how to go there? Receptionist ; (c) ………………………. you like to go by taxi or you (d) ……………………….. like to go by bus? Visitor: We (e) ……………………………… like to go by bus. Receptionist: That is easy. Buses go from here to all the places around. But you can’t enjoy the visit. You better take a taxi.
(a) may,
(b) Can,
(c) Would,
(d) will,
(e) will,
(f) should.
Postmaster : (a) ………………………. you go and deliver this post just now?
Postman: 1(b) ………………………………. only deliver it sir if I get somebody’s bicycle today.
Postmaster: You (c) …………………………. take my bicycle.
Postman: Thank you, sir.
Postmaster: You (d) ……………………… immediately go now with the post and return soon since there is an urgent work to do.
Postman: This post contains more than 20 letters and 5 parcels, Sir. So it (e) ……………………… take more than an hour for distribution.
Postmaster: But try to be quick. The work is urgent. I(f) ……………………………….. not wait.
(a) Can,
(b) can,
(c) may,
(d) must,
(e) will,
(f) can.
Puneet: Let us to the movie, Suresh.
Suresh: I am sorry. I (a) …………………….. not. I (b) ………………………… reach home immediately.
Puneet : But why (c) ……………………… you be in such a hurry?
Suresh: 1 (d) take my mother to the doctor. She (e) ………………………….. not go alone.
Puneet: Then you (f) ……………………………… certainly go.
(a) can,
(b) have to,
(c) should,
(d) have to,
(e) can, must.
Whenever I think of my school Principal, I feel highly impressed by his habit of regular morning walk. He (a) …………………… get up early. Rain or storm, he (b) ………………………. go for a walk. Even when he fell ill, no one in the house (c) …………………….. stop him from going out. He (d) ……………………….. always say that morning walk (e) ………………………… cure him of illness and he was right. He never fell ill. At the age of seventy-five, he run for miles together and (g) leave youngsters far behind. Now he is running ninety. (h) …………………. he live long!
(a) would,
(b) must,
(c) could,
(d) would,
(e) would, could,
(g) would,
(h) May.
SET 10
Housewife: You (a) ………………….. not take more than two days off in a month if you want to work here.
Maidservant: Sorry Madam. (b) ……………… you please give me my salary for 15 days for which I have worked?
Housewife: You(c) ……………….. have it on first of the next month.
Maidservant: So (d) ………………………. I go now?
Housewife: You (e) ………………………… if you wish but I have told you my condition.
Maidservant: Sorry madam, under this condition I(f) ………………………… not work.
(a) can,
(b) Will,
(c) can,
(d) should,
(e) can,
(f) can.
SET 11
Though he tried hard, yet he (a) ……………….. not succeed, He (b) …………………………… study with full concentration, otherwise he (c) ………………. not qualify the I.A.S. examination. (d) …………………………. he succeed in his aim! I knew he (e) ………………… achieve any destination. He (f) ………………….. not lose heart and work more and more hard.
(a) could,
(b) must,
(c) will,
(d) May,
(e) can,
(f) must/should.
SET 12
We (a) ………………………… observe the rules of the road. By ignoring the rules you (b) …………………… not meet with an accident for some time, but you (c) …………………. not escape the trouble for ever. You (d) ……………………. meet with an accident any time. It (e) ……………………. be better for us to observe these rules. The police (f) ………………….. also take stern action against those who defy these rules.
(a) must,
(b) may,
(c) can,
(d) can,
(e) would,
(f) must.
SET 13
If you work casually and irregularly, you (a) ……………….. not achieve your goal. You (b) …………………… work sincerely and consistently if you want to succeed. (c) ……………………. God bless you with success! It is true that nobody (d) ……………………… escape committing mistakes. But sincerity and hard work to pay in the long run. One (e)…………………….. surely succeed if he works hard. Thus we (f) ………………….. do our assignments honestly and sincerely.
(a) can,
(b) must,
(c) May,
(d) can,
(e) will,
(f) should/must.
Other Exercises (Unsolved)
Fill in the blanks, using suitable modals :
If you make a mistake, you (a) ……………………… have the moral courage to immediately acknowledge your errors. You (b) ……………….. not worry about what others (c) ……………………. say: Remember, mistakes (d) …………………… do very little harm if they are corrected without delay. However, they (e) ………………………….. do untold harm if they are left unattended. A positive attitude (f) …………………………… yield rich dividends.
Host: Hello sir, come in, please?
Guest: Thank you!
Host : (a) ……………………… you have a cup of tea or coffee?
Guest: 1(b) ……………………. rather have coffee.
Host: (c) ………………………… I bring a glass of water? Yes, please. I (d) …………………………. like to have some hot water because I am suffering from cold.
Host: You (e) ……………………….. see a doctor.
Guest: No, I (f) ………………….. not go to a doctor because myself is a doctor.
Candidate: What (a)……………………….. be my starting salary? Chairman If you work sincerely, you (b) ………………………… be given Rs.5000 per month. Candidate When (c) …………………………………. I join the duty? Chairman You (d) ………………………. join even today. Candidate, I go to meet my parents today before joining my duty?
Chairman: Yes, you (e) ………………….. go but come within two hours.
Teacher: Work hard lest you (a) …………………….. fail. Student Sir, I am doing my best and I am sure that I (b) ……………………. get very good marks. Teacher You (C) …………………….. get good marks because I know that your brain is fertile. Student: Thank you, sir, I (d) ……………… do my best.
We (a) ………………………….. not tease a snake. not tease a snake. It (b) …………………….. be very dangerous if it is teased. Snakes are a friend of ours. In some parts of India, snakes are worshipped. People worship them lest they (c) ………………………. bite their family members. Snakebite (d) ………………….. be dangerous for anyone.
We (a) ………………………….. follow the rule of the road. If we ignore these rules an accident (b) ……………………………. occur any time. The road rules are even important for the pedestrians. They (c) ………………………. walk only on footpaths and cross the road very carefully. If they are careless, they (d) ……………………….. have to be paid for it.
Student : (a) …………………… I come in, sir?
Teacher: Yes, you may come in but tell me why you come late daily.
Student: My bicycle has got punctured.
Teacher: Sir, I (b) ……………………… get it repaired on Sunday.
Rajni : (a) ……………………. I see the dictionary here?
Librarian: Yes, you (b) …………………
Rajni: (c) ……………………. I get it issued?
Librarian: No, I(d) …………………………. not issue it to anyone.