Haryana State Board HBSE 6th Class Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 5 Panchayati Raj Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
Haryana Board 6th Class Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 5 Panchayati Raj
HBSE 6th Class Civics Panchayati Raj Textbook Questions and Answers
Class 6th Civics Chapter 5 Social Science HBSE Question 1.
What is Gram Sabha?
The Gram Sabha is a meeting with all adults who live in the area covered by a Panchayat.
HBSE 6th Class Social Science Panchayati Raj Question 2.
In the meeting of the Gram Sabha so far, what are the problems that are being discussed?What sort of solution are being discussed?
Several problems are being discussed in the meeting of the Gram sabha:
(а) Problem of water shortages.
(b) Finalisation of the list of people below the poverty line (BPL) which had to be approved by the Gram Sabha.
Panchayati Raj HBSE 6th Class Social Science Question 3.
Was there a problem with the BPL list that the Gram Sabha was finishing?
What was this problem?
Yes, there was a problem with the BPL list that the Gram Sabha was finalising the name of one landless labourer Om Prakash was not on the list.
Question 4.
Why do you think Soorajmal kept quiet even though Saroj asked him to speak?
Soorajmal kept quiet even though Saroj asked him to speak because Amirchand, a powerful and influential man was sitting in the Gram Sabha.
Question 5.
Have you seen any similar incidents when people are unable to speak for themselves. Why do you think that happened and what prevented the person from speaking?
When people consider someone very powerful in the society; people are unable to speak for themselves. They are so used to that person in the society to speak. For themselves so that even if some have problem.
Question 6.
How can the Gram Sabha prevent the Panchayat gram doing what it like?
The Gram Sabha prevent the Panchayat from doing wrong things like misusing money or favouring certain people.
(a) It keeps an eye on the elected representatives.
(b) It makes them responsible to the persons who elected them.
Question 7.
What decisions were taken by the Gram Panchayat?
The Gram Panchayat took the following decisions:
(a) The Gram Panchayat decided to deepen two handicaps and clean one well so that the villagers would not go without water.
(b) The Gram Panchayat members were also keen for at long term solutions of water shortages.
(c) The Gram Panchayat suggested for the watershed development programme.
Question 8.
Do you think it was necessary for them to take these decisions?Why?
It was necessary for them to take these decisions because the problem of water shortages was becoming a cute.
Question 1.
What problem did the villagers in Hardas village face?What did they do solve this problem:
The villagers in Hardas village were facing the water problem. The problem when brought to and discussed in the Gram Sabha meeting a conclusion was arrived at and thus watershed development programme came into operation. Soon, it was completed and the villagers took a sigh of relief.
Question 2.
What in your opinion is the importance of the Gram Sabha?Do you think all members should attend Gram Sabha meeting?Why?
The Gram Sabha is of great importance to all of as who are living in villages. In Gram Sabha, all important issues regarding the development of a village are discussed and Gram Panchayat works according to the agenda laid down in and passed by the Gram Sabha.
Yes, all the members should attend Gram-Sabha meeting because this practice will automatically educate the participants and they would learn the procedure of calling meeting and all other allied there too.
Question 3.
What is the link between a Gram Sabha and a Gram Panchayat?
The Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayat works at village level. Gram Sabha is a place where all important plants for the works of Gram Panchayat are placed before the people. Gram Sabha also keeps monitoring on functioning of Gram Panchayat.
Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayat are linked with each other because through the meeting of Gram Sabha, Gram Panchayat comes to know about the problems of the people and try to solve them.
Question 4.
Take an example of any one task done by a Panchayat in your area/nearby rural and find out the following:
(a) Why it was taken up
(b) Where the money comes from
(c) Whether or not work has been completed?
Task: Laving out a link road/approach through way through out mohalla (settlement) to the main road.
Colony people were facing problems in transportation of goods (i.e. apples, pear, peach etc.) to Haldwani Mandi. Money for project came from Rural Development fund, cess on peddlers, fairs etc., grant in aid from Kapileshwar. Trust and subscription collected from every resident of the village was also added therewith. The Link- Road was completed a fortnight before the date completion agreed to by the contractor Jagmohan Singh viz with 60 days.
Question 5.
What is the difference between a Gram Sabha and a Gram Panchayat?
Gram Sabha
1. Every adult man and woman in village who has attained the age of 18 years or above; are the members of the Gram Sabha.
2. The number of members can be between 100 to 1000.
3. There is no concept of reservation.
4. It is a bigger body.
Gram Panchayat
1. The members of the Gram Sabha elect some representatives from themselves to form Gram Panchayat.
2. The number of members can be from 7 to 31.
3. Out of total, 1/3rd seats are reserved for women and some for scheduled castes and schedule tribes.
4. It is a smaller body then Gram Sabha
Question 6.
Read the following news item:
Nimone is a village on the Chauphula-Shinur Road. Like many others, this village has also been facing a severe water shortage for the last few months and villagers depend on tankers for all their needs. Bhagwan Mahadeo Lad (35) of this village was beaten with sticks, iron rods and axes by a group of seven men. The incident came to light when some villagers brought a badly injured Lad to hospital for treatment. In the FIR recorded by the police Lad said that he was attacked when he insisted that the water in the tanker must be emptied into the storage tanks he insisted as a part of the water supply scheme by Nimone Gram Panchayat so that there would be equal distribution of water. However, he alleged that the upper caste men were against this and told him that tanker water was not meant for the lower castes. (Adopted from Indian Express May 1, 2004)
(a) Why was Bhagwan beaten?
(b) Do you think the above is a case discrimination?Why?
(a) Bhagwan Mahadeolal was beaten with sticks, iron and axes by seven men. He was beaten because he wanted the water tanker: should be emptied into storage tank built by the Nimone Gram Panchayat, so that there could be equal distribution of water. But the people of upper class did not tolerate it. So he was beaten by them.
(b) Yes, we think that this is a case of discrimination because from the above news, we come to know that the people of upper castes were against the equal distribution of water. They (upper caste men) think that the water in tanker was only for them, not for the lower caste.
Question 7.
Find out more about watershed development and how it benefits an areas.
Watershed Development: The ways of conserving water and refilling it by cyclic and anticyclic process is situated in a village in Maharashtra state. This process is known as water-shed development and the State ! Government provide money for this work.
For water conserving and refilling, people planted trees, constructed check dam and tanks which increase the water table. (For more detail visited with your teacher in an area where water shed development are being ; planned.)
HBSE 6th Class Civics Panchayati Raj Important Questions and Answers
Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Who can be a member of the Gram Sabha?
Anyone who is 18 years old or more and who has the right to vote is a member of the Gram Sabha.
Question 2.
What is the term of the Gram Panchayat?
The Gram Panchayat is elected for five years.
Question 3.
Who are the members of the construction and development committees of Gram Sabha?
The construction and development committees of the Gram Sabha include some members of the Gram Panchayat who work together to carry out specific tasks.
Question 4.
Why is the Nirmal Gram Puruskar awarded and to whom?
The Nirmal Gram Puruskar is awarded to the village Panch/Panchs for the excellent work done by him/them in the Panchayat.
Question 5.
To whom are the Panchs and the Gram Panchayat answerable?
The Panchs and the Gram Panchayat are answerable to Gram Sabha?
Question 6.
Who has to approve the work of the Gram Panchayat?
The work of the Gram Panchayat has to be approved by the Gram Sabha.
Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What is meant by the Panchayati Raj system?
Panchayati Raj system is a process through which people participate in their own government. The Panchayati Reg system is the first tier or level of democratic government.
Question 2.
Name the three levels or tiers of the Panchayati Raj system.
The three tiers of the Panchayati Raj system are:
1. Village Panchayat in the villages.
2. Panchayat Samiti or Janpad Panchayat at the Block level.
3. Zila Parishad in the Districts.
Question 3.
What are the main functions of the Zila Parishad?
(i) The main functions of the Zila Parishad is to co-ordinate all the activities of the Panchayati Raj.
(ii) It gives advice to the State Government on the work of Panchayats and Samitis.
(iii) It prepares a plan for its district development.
(iv) It implements all programmes coming under a five year plan.
(v) It divides the funds received from the State government among the Block Samitis and the Gram Panchayats.
Question 4.
What are the sources of income of Zila Parishad?
Chief sources of the income of a Zila Parishad are as under:
(i) Taxes on fairs and circus etc.
(ii) Taxes on houses, shops, land, water and electricity.
(iii) Loans raised from the public if need arises.
(iv) Grant-in-aid from the state government.
(v) Rent of houses and shops owned by it.
Question 5.
In what ways is the local govern-ment important?
(i) By the local government, the local people tries to solve their problems without depending on state level administration.
(ii) It develops the feeling of self-reliance among local people.
(iii) It develops initiative and the spirit of co¬operation.
(iv) It trains local people in running the central and the state administration.
(v) It finishes the local work with speed and with the least expenditure.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Describe the composition of a Village Panchayat.
A Village Panchayat is divided into wards. Each ward elects a representative who is known as the Ward member, also called Panch. All the members of the Gram Sabha also elect a Sarpanch who is called Panchayat President. The Ward Panchs and the Sarpanch form the Gram Panchayat. The tenure of the Gram Panchayat is five years.
The Gram Panchayat and the Gram Sabha have a common Secretary. He is a person whom the government appoints. Thus, he is not an elected person. The Secretary is responsible for calling the meeting of the Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayat. He also keeps records of the proceedings of the meeting.
Question 2.
How is a Village Panchayat formed?
Discuss the three organs of Village Panchayat.
Village Panchayat has three important organs:
(i) The Gram Sabha: It consists of representatives directly elected by the villagers. It may consists of one village or a group of villages.
(ii) Gram Panchayat: The members of the Gram Sabha elect some representatives from among themselves to form Gram panchayat. It also have reserve seat for scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and women.
(iii) Nyaya Panchayat: Each Village Panchayat elects some members to the Nyaya Panchayat which resolve minor disputes of the villagers.
Panchayati Raj Class 6 HBSE Notes
- Panchayati Raj: Panchayati Raj means grass root governance at village level by the villagers themselves and local self-government.
- Local Government: A government which is run by the elected representatives of the local people.
- Distt. Commissioner: An officer who looks after the district administration.
- Village Panchayat: A committee of five or more village elders which is formed to improve the condition of the village.
- Gram Sabha: All men and women of a village whose age is 18 years or above constitute the GramSabha.
- Block Samiti: The committee that works at the block level is called the Block Samiti.
- Block: Some village panchayats join together to form a block.
- Zila Parishad: The Zila Parishad works at the district level. It prepares the plans for the development of a zila or district.