HBSE 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 8 Body Movements

Haryana State Board HBSE 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 8 Body Movements Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Haryana Board 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 8 Body Movements

HBSE 6th Class Science Body Movements Textbook Questions and Answers


Question 1.
Fill in the blanks:
(a) Joints of the bones help in the ________ of the body.
(b) A combination of bones and cartilage form the ________ of the body.
(c) The bones at the elbow are joined by a ________ joint.
(d) The contraction of the ________ pulls the bones during movement.
(a) movement
(b) skeletal
(c) balls socket
(d) muscles

Question 2.
Indicate true (T) and false (F) among the following sentences :
(a) The movement and locomotion of all animals is exactly the same.
(b) The cartilage is harder than bones.
(c) The finger bones move in one plane.
(d) The forearm has two bones.
(e) The cockroach have an exoskeleton.
(a) False
(b) False
(c) True
(d) True
(e) True.

HBSE 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 8 Body Movements

Question 3.
Match the items in column I with appropriate items of column II.

Column IColumn II
(i) Upper jaw(a) have fins on the body.
(ii) Fish(b) has an outer skeleton.
(iii) Ribs(c) can fly in the air.
(iv) Snail(d) as an immovable joint.
(v) Cockroach(e) protect the heart.
(f) shows very slow movement
(g) have a streamlined body.

(i) (d)
(ii) (g)
(iii) (e)
(iv) (f)
(v) (c)

Question 4.
Answer the following:
(a) What is a ball and socket joint?
(b) Which of the skull bones are movable?
(c) Why can our elbow not move backward?
(a) The round end of one bone fits into the hollow space of the other bone. Such a kind of joint allows movements in all directions. Such joints are called ball and socket joints.
Example : Joints between the upper arms and the shoulders; the thigh and hip joints.

(b) The facial bones of our skull comprises upper and lower jaw; in which lower jaws is movable.

(c) Our elbows have hinge joint. These joints allow movement only in one plane only like a door hinge and not more than 180 degrees.

HBSE 6th Class Science Body Movements Important Questions and Answers

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Define tissues.
A group of similar cells to perform special functions are called tissues.

Question 2.
What is an organ?
Different kinds of tissues group together to perform special function is called an organ.

Question 3.
Define organ system.
A large number of related organs group together to form an organ system.
Cells → Tissues → Organs → Organ system → Human body.

Question 4.
Give two examples of organs.
Heart, oesophagus.

Question 5.
Name two tissues.
Muscles tissue, Nervous tissue.

HBSE 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 8 Body Movements

Question 6.
Name any three sense organs of our body.
Eyes, ears and nose.

Question 7.
What are the organs of respiration in man?
Nostrils, trachea, bronchi, lungs and muscles.

Question 8.
Why do animals move?
Animals move from one place to another in search of food, mate and to defend themselves from enemies.

Question 9.
Where do the following animals live?
Whale, elephant and frog
Water, forest, water.

Question 10.
Give the names of two vertebrate animals.

  • Man
  • Horse.

Question 11.
Name two major groups of animals.

  • Vertebrate
  • Non-vertebrate.

Question 12.
What is the function of hair in our nose?
They prevent dust and smoke particles from entering enter our body.

Question 13.
Name the organs connected by food pipe.

Question 14.
Name the pumping organ in our body.

Question 15.
Give the full form of RBC.
Red blood corpuscles.

HBSE 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 8 Body Movements

Question 16.
Name two single-celled animals.
Amoeba, Paramecium.

Question 17.
Define the term “cell”.
Structural and functional unit of life is called cell.

Question 18.
What is the normal rate of heart beat?
70-72 beats per minute.

Question 19.
What are external organs?
The organs which can be seen from outside are called external organs.

Question 20.
Name three external organs.
Hand, leg and mouth.

Question 21.
How many organ systems do we have?
We have ten organ systems.

Question 22.
What is our skeleton made up of?
Our skeleton is made of bones and cartilage.

Question 23.
What is the main function of our skeleton system?
It gives support to the body and protects the inner organs.

Question 24.
What are bones and cartilages?
The hard structures are bones and cartilages are comparatively soft and elastic.

Question 25.
How many vertebrae are found in our back bone?
The back bone is composed of 33 small ring-like vertebrae joined end to end.

Question 26.
What are the regions of a backbone?
Back-bone has five regions. From the top they are neck, chest, belly, hip and tail.

Question 27.
Which bone forms the shoulder bone?
Shoulder bone is formed by the collar bone and the shoulder blade.

Question 28.
Our forearm has bones.

HBSE 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 8 Body Movements

Question 29.
How are bones joined together?
Bones are held together at joints by strong cords called ligaments.

Question 30.
What are hinge joints?
These joints allow movement only in one plane not more than 180 degrees.,

Question 31.
How do muscles move the bones?
The muscles move the bones by contraction.

Question 32.
Define movement.
When organisms move their body parts without changing their position.

Question 33.
What is locomotion?
When animals move from one place to another place. This kind of movement is called locomotion.

Question 34.
How do fishes move?
They move with the help of tail fins and anal fins.

Question 35.
How does a cockroach move?
Cockroach has distinct muscles attached with skeletal process. These muscles move the body.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Define tissue, organ and organ system.
→ Tissue : A group of similar cells to perform special functions. These group of cells are called tissues.

→ Organ: Groups of different kinds of tissues which perform special functions are called organs. Each organ of the body has a different structure.

→ Organ system: A large number of related organs together form an organ system. Cells → organ → organ system human body.

Question 2.
Give two examples of each : tissues and organs.

  • Tissues : Muscles tissues, Nerve tissues.
  • Organ : Heart, stomach.

Question 3.
Why do animals move?
Animals move from one place to another place due to the following reasons:

  • In search of food
  • In search of mate and to protect from enemies.

Question 4.
What is the function of our brain?
Brain controls our body activity. It is also the centre of memory and learning.

Question 5.
How does a cockroach move?
Cockroach also walks and climbs on the wall and flies in the air. It has three pairs of joined legs attached to the breast region. These help in walking. It has distinct muscles in the breast region which move the wings during flight.

Question 6.
Are nails and hairs organs?
No, our hairs and nails have important uses. They are produced by the skin, but they are not organs. Because as they grow, they become dead. They can be cut without pain or bleeding.

HBSE 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 8 Body Movements

Question 7.
Define movement in snakes.
Locomotion in snakes is like swimming on land. They make many loops at the sides. It is mainly the forward thrust to move forward. They also hitch the skin and body alternately dragging the ventral scales on the ground. Some snakes can swim well in water.

Question 8.
Define skeletal system.
Our skeletal system is made up of many bones and cartilages. The bones are hard and cartilages are soft and elastic. It gives support to the body It protects internal organs. Together with muscles it gives shapes to our body. Narrow bone produces red blood cells and some white blood cells.

Question 9.
What are chest bones?
Chest is a cone-shaped cage. It encloses the hearts and the lungs. At the back are the vertebrae 12 pairs of ribs curve round .the sides. Ribs are attached to the sides of each vertebrae. Ten of them are also attached by cartilage to the breast bone at the front. Two ribs are free. The ribs are joined in such a way that they allow the needed movement of the chest during breathing.

Question 10.
Define the bones present in our hand.
The hand comprises the upper arm, fore-arm, wrist, palm and lingers. The upper arm has one long bone, and fore-arm has two long bones. Wrist is made up of several small bones. The palm is composed of fine slightly longer bones. There are three small bones in each finger.

Question 11.
What is the correct sitting postures?
In correct position, one should sit straight and relaxed. One should not bend in front or lean backwards. The fore-arm should be at the same level. The feet should be in rest on the floor. Lower leg should be erect making a right angle at the knee.

Question 12.
Define the following:
(a) Fixed joints, (b) Ball and socket joints,
(a) Fixed joints: Some attachments do not allow movements. They are fixed joints. Joint of cranium is a fixed joint.

(b) Ball and socket joints : The rounded end of one bone fits into the hollow space of the other bone. Such a kind of joint allows movements in all directions. Examples : The joints between the upper arm and shoulder, the thigh and the hip joint.

Question 13.
What are bone joints and from what are they joint?
The place where two bones or more than two bones meet together is called a joint. There are various kinds of joints. They are held together at joints by strong cords called ligaments.

Question 14.
What is locomotion? Where is it found?
Animals move from one place to another for various purposes. This kind of movement is called locomotion. Locomotion is found only in animals. Locomotion helps them in search of food and shelter. It also helps them escape from their enemies.

HBSE 6th Class Science Solutions Chapter 8 Body Movements

Question 15.
Answer the following questions:
(a) What is an organ system?
(b) Which of the skull bones are movable?
(c) Which of the external organs are supported by cartilages?
(d) Draw and label the bones of the leg.
(a) When several organs group together as a team to carry out a major activity, such a set of organs is called an organ system.

(b) The facial bones comprise the upper and lower jaws and a few other bones. The bones of lower jaw are movable.

(c) The back bone and its 24 vertebrae are joined by cartilages. Thus it forms a hollow bony tube. Nose, ear and various joints are joined by cartilage.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Define the locomotion in snail.
The body of a snail is covered with a hard and flexible shell. It has an opening with a lid. Through the opening of the shell, a strong muscular foot and head comes out. The foot is a part of its belly. When it starts moving, the wavy motion of the foot can be seen. The movement is very slow.

Question 2.
How does an earthworm move?
The body of a mature earthworm seems to be made of many rings joined end to end. From the paler under surface of the body a large number of minute bristles project out. The bristles are connected with muscles at their bases.

The bristles help to get a good grip on the ground. There are muscles in the body wall which help to extend and shorten the body. During movement, the earthworm first extends the front part of the body, keeping the rear fixed to the ground. Then it fixes the front end and releases the rear end. Thereafter it shortens the body and pulls the rear end forward. The earthworm follows this process repeatedly to move ahead. On a slippery surface, its movement is affected due to the loss of the grip on the surface.

Body Movements Class 6 HBSE Notes

  • The various kinds of animals differ in shape, size and habitat. Therefore their body parts and their working also vary widely.
  • The human body have many parts which have definite functions. They are called organs.
  • Both external and internal (parts) organs are made of many cells and tissues, but every organ works as a single unit.
  • The organs group together as a team to perform a major activity. A set of such organs forms an organ system.
  • There are ten organ systems which in coordination with one another perform all the life activities.
  • Hard structures such as bones and cartilages form the skeletal system of man. It gives the frame and shape to the body and help in movement. It protects internal organs and bones also form red blood cells and some white blood cells.
  • The skeletal comprises of the skull, the back bone, ribs and the breast bone.
  • The skeletal also includes the shoulder and hip bones and bones of hands and legs.
  • Two bones are joined by tough cords called ligaments. The bones are joined to muscles by cord-like tendons.
  • The bones are moved by alternate contractions and relaxations of two sets of muscles.
  • The bone joints are of various kinds on the nature of joints and directions of movement they allow.
  • Strong muscles and light bones work together to help the birds fly by flapping their wings. The fishes swim by forming loops alternately on two sides of the body. The tail pushes them forward and the vertebrates and muscles attached to them work for it. Similarly the snakes crawl on the ground by alternately looping sideways. A large no. of vertebrae and associated muscles push the body forward. The ventral scales also help in the process.
  • The body and legs of insects have hard jointed coverings forming an exoskeleton. The muscles of the breast connected with three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings help the cockroach to walk and fly.
  • The snails are moved by the muscular foot. The hard unjointed shell have no relation with the foot.
  • The earthworm moves by alternate extension and contraction of the body effected by the muscles. The minute movable bristles help in gripping the ground.

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