Haryana State Board HBSE 12th Class English Solutions Grammar Use of Articles Exercise Questions and Answers.
Haryana Board 12th Class English Grammar Use of Articles
Use of Articles
The demonstrative adjectives a, an and the have been given the collective name ‘Articles’. These are divided into two categories :
(a) The Definite Article : The
(b) The Indefinite Article : A or an
The Definite Article
Uses of the Definite Article
(a) ‘The’ is used before a noun which has become definite as it has been mentioned a second time.
When it is introduced the first time, it takes ‘a/an’.
(‘The’ का प्रयोग ऐसी संज्ञा से पहले किया जाता है जो दोबारा जिक्र करने के कारण विशेष हो जाती है। जब इसका जिक्र पहली बार करते हैं तो इसके साथ a/an लगाते हैं।)
A man is going on a road. The man has a bag.
The bag contains clothes. The road goes to Karnal.
(b) It is used before nouns of which there is only one, or which are considered as one. (ऐसी संज्ञाओं के साथ जो केवल एक ही हैं या एक ही माने जाते हैं।)
The earth, the sky, the weather, the North Pole.
(c) It is also used with a noun of which there is only one example in some given situation. (ऐसी संज्ञा के साथ जिसका किसी विशेष हालत में केवल एक ही उदाहरण है।)
The Principal is on leave. Has the postman come yet?
(d) The definite article is placed before the superlative degree of adjectives. : (विशेषण के तीसरे दर्जे से पहले ‘The’ लगाते हैं।) He is the best teacher I have known. She is the most intelligent girl in the class.
(e) When the nouns like English, Russian, French, and Greek mean ‘language’ no article is placed before them. But when they stand for People (Nations), they are preceded by the definite article : (ऐसी संज्ञाएँ जैसे कि English, Russian, French, Greek, आदि के साथ अगर article न लगा तो उनका अर्थ है भाषा। लेकिन इनसे पहले ‘The’ लगाने से उनका अर्थ लोग या राष्ट्र हो जाता है।) The English ruled India for a long time. They introduced English as a medium of education in India.
(f) The nouns like hospital, school, college, church, temple, prison, cinema, bed, table, market, office, etc. denote their primary function if no article is placed before them. The use of ‘the’ before them makes them definite and particular. (इस प्रकार की संज्ञाएँ जैसे कि हस्पताल, स्कूल, कॉलेज, गिरजाघर, जेल, सिनेमा, बिस्तर, मेज, बाजार, दफतर आदि से पहले अगर कोई article न हो तो उनका प्राथमिक कार्य स्पष्ट होता है। उनसे पहले ‘The’ लगाने से वह विशेष हो जाते हैं।)
He met with an accident and was taken to hospital. When I came to know of it, I went to the hospital to meet him.
(g) It is used before singular nouns to represent a class of things. (इसका प्रयोग एकवचन संज्ञाओं के साथ चीजों के वर्ग को बताने के लिए होता है।) The donkey is lazy (All donkeys are lazy).
(h) Before an adjective used to represent a class of things. (इसका प्रयोग तब भी होता है जब किसी विशेषण द्वारा पूरे वर्ग को बताया जाए।) The rich should not exploit the poor. Today a gap exists between the old and the young.
(i) ‘The’ is used when we refer to a particular thing or a person. (‘The’ का प्रयोग तब होता है जब हम विशेष वस्तु या व्यक्ति का जिक्र करें।) In that group, the boy in red shirt is my son.
(j) The definite article is used before ‘first/second’, etc. and ‘only’ (‘प्रथम/द्वितीय’ आदि तथा ‘केवल’ से पहले ‘The’ का प्रयोग करते हैं।) He was the first man to reach the party. Sunita was the second guest. In fact, she was the only lady present there.
(k) Before the plural names of countries. (उन देशों के साथ जिनके नाम बहुवचन में हैं।) The United States of America, The West Indies.
(l). Before Special meals; as (विशेष भोजनों के साथ।) I take dinner at 9.00 p.m. (usual dinner) but Are you attending the dinner being given by Mohan ?
(m) Article the is used before the names of the following nouns :
Mountain ranges : The Himalayas, The Alps, The Pyrenees etc.
Rivers : The Ganga, The Brahamputra, the Thames, etc.
Oceans : The Indian Ocean, The Pacific, The Antractic, etc.
Islands : The Andamans, The West Indies etc.
Holy Books : The Geeta, The Quran, The Bible etc.
Newspapers : The Indian Express, The Times of India, etc.
Magazines : The Reader’s Digest, The Competition Master, etc.
Historical Buildings : The Parliament, The White House, etc.
Historical Events : The First Battle of Panipat, The First/Second World War,
Trains, Ships, Planes: The Shatabadi Express, The Vikrant, The Ashoka, etc.
The Indefinite Article
The form of the Indefinite article is a or an. The form ‘a’ is used before a word beginning with a consonant. It is also used with a word beginning with a vowel which sounds like a consonant: a pen, a table, a boy
also : a university, a European, a useful thing.
The form ‘an’ is used before words beginning with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) or words beginning with a silent ‘h’.
an owl, an elephant, an apple, an hour, an honourable man. Uses of the Indefinite Article
(a) It is used before a singular noun which is countable, when it is mentioned for the first time. (इसका प्रयोग ऐसी एकवचन संज्ञा के साथ होता है जो गिनी जा सके और जब इसका जिक्र पहली बार हो।) I see a bird on that tree. A house has a roof.
(b) Before a singular countable noun which is used as an example of the class of things or species. (ऐसी एकवचन गिनी जा सकने योग्य संज्ञा के साथ, जो चीजों के वर्ग या जाति का उदाहरण हो।)
A horse is an animal. A cow has horns. A pine tree grows very tall.
(c) In the numerical sense of the word ‘one’ (‘एक’ शब्द के गणनात्मक भाव के रूप में।) He gave me a gift. Not a word was spoken.
(d) In expressions of price, speed, etc. ‘a/an’ are used in the sense of ‘per’. (‘a/an’ का प्रयोग कीमत, गति आदि के लिए “प्रति” के अर्थ के रूप में किया जाता है।)
Milk sells eight rupees a kilo. He drives at forty miles an hour.
(e) The names of professions and occupations take the indefinite article. (व्यवसायों या धन्धों के नामों के साथ हम Indefinite article लगाते हैं।) My father is a doctor He grew up to be a politician.
(f) Sometimes ‘a’can be used before Mr./Mrs./Miss + surname. Then it means a man/woman/girl of that name. (कई बार ‘a’ का प्रयोग श्री/श्रीमती/कुमारी के नाम के पहले लगता है। तब इसका अर्थ है कि उस नाम का कोई आदमी, औरत, लड़की आदि।) A Mr. Mehta came to see you when you were away. (This sentence means: “A man called Mr. Mehta came …..”)
(g) Use of ‘a’ before few and little :
- a few and a little mean a small number or a small amount (‘few’ stands for number and little’ for amount). (a) few और a little का अर्थ है कुछ संख्या या कुछ मात्रा। few का अर्थ संख्या और little का अर्थ मात्रा से होता है।)
- ‘few’ and ‘little’ without article have an almost negative meaning. (बिना article के few और little का अर्थ लगभग नकारात्मक होता है।) I am thirsty but I am afraid there is little water in the pitcher. But there is a little water in the fridge. The college reopened today but there were few students in the classes. A few senior students came to the college but remained away from the classes.
(h) To attribute the qualities of a man (usually someone famous) to another person. (किसी प्रसिद्ध व्यक्ति के गुणों का जिक्र किसी अन्य व्यक्ति के नाम के साथ करने के लिए।) He is a Shakespeare (He is a genius like Shakespeare). Omission of Articles Articles are not used in the following cases : (Articles का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित हालातों में नहीं किया जाता।)
(a) No article is placed before abstract nouns when they are used in a general sense. (जिस भाववाचक संज्ञा का प्रयोग सामान्य रूप से किया जाता है तो उसके साथ article नहीं लगता।) Honesty is the best policy. Happiness is what everyone longs for. But abstract nouns take ‘the’ before them when they are used in the particular sense. (मगर जब भाववाचक संज्ञा का प्रयोग विशेष रूप से होता है तो उसके साथ ‘The’ लगता है।) We must work for the happiness of all sections of society.
(b) The article is omitted before ‘man’ and ‘woman’ when they are used in a general sense. (जब man या woman का प्रयोग सामान्य रूप से हो तो उनके साथ article नहीं लगता।) Man is mortal. Woman is considered weaker than man.
(c) The article ‘the’ is omitted before the names of meals when used in a general sense. But we use
‘the’ when a specific meal is mentioned. (सामान्य रूप से प्रयोग किए जाने पर भोजनों के नाम से पहले हम ‘the’ नहीं लगाते। मगर जब भोजन का जिक्र विशेष रूप से हो तो ‘the’ का प्रयोग करते हैं।) He invited me to dinner. We take breakfast at 8 a.m. The lunch given by him was fine.
(d) Collective nouns such as humanity, labour, mankind, posterity, society, don’t usually take an article. (सामूहिक संज्ञाओं के साथ आमतौर पर article नहीं लगाते।) Society must take care of its old persons. Mother Teresa has devoted her life to the welfare of humanity.
(e) Articles are not used before proper nouns : (व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा से पहले articles नहीं लगाते।) Shakespeare was a genius. Mumbai is a metropolitan city. No article is placed before the names of metals, materials and games when used in a general sense. But when they are used specifically, the’ is placed before them. (सामान्य रूप से प्रयोग किए जाने पर धातुओं, पदार्थों तथा खेलों के नाम से पहले article नहीं लगाते। मगर जब वे विशेष रूप से प्रयोग किए जाएँ तो ‘the’ उनसे पहले लगता है।) Gold is a costly metal. Many people in India play cricket. The Gold found in Kolar mines is of superior quality.
(g) Articles are not used in certain phrases consisting of a preposition followed by its object : (उन निश्चित वाक्याँशों में जहाँ preposition का प्रयोग कर्म के साथ किया हो तो articles का प्रयोग नहीं होता।) at home, in hand, in debt, by day/night, on-demand, at sunset/night, on earth, by land/water/air, on foot etc. You must finish the work in hand. He started the journey at daybreak.
Exercises For Practice (Solved)
Exercise 1
Fill in the blank spaces in the following sentences with the word given in brackets at the end, using either the plain noun or the noun preceded by the (whichever you think is correct).
1. The box was made of ………………………………….. (wood) [H.B.S.E. 2017 (Set-A)]
2. When do you have …………………………………….. ? (breakfast)
3. Shakespeare is ……………………………. Kalidasa of England. [H.B.S.E. 2019 (Set-D)]
4. …………….. is found in Australia and South Africa. (gold)
5. …………………………. that we had for dinner was tough. (meat)
6. ……………… sky has no limits. [H.B.S.E. 2019 (Set-C)]
7. ………….. rich should help the poor. [H.B.S.E. 2019 (Set-A)]
8. There is fish for …………….. today. (dinner)
9. Are you attending ……………. tonight? (dinner)
10. …………….. are grown in Spain, South Africa, Brazil, and Israel. (oranges)
Answers :
1. wood,
2. breakfast,
3. the,
4. Gold,
5. The meat,
6. The,
7. The,
8. dinner,
9. The dinner,
10. The oranges.
Exercise 2
1. We wear ……………………………. to keep us warm. (clothes)
2. ……………………… are not allowed to park here. (cars)
3. …………….. in that vase are very beautiful. (flowers)
4. Let us have a game of ……………… (cricket)
5. She plays …………… very well. (Tennis)
6. What are we having for ……………. ? (lunch)
7. ………………………… in that field is very green. (grass)
8. Do you usually drink ……………. or …………….. ? (tea, coffee)
9. ……………. are used in some countries to pull heavy loads. (elephants)
10. She thanked me for ……………. I gave her. (present) [H.B.S.E. 2017 (Set-D)]
Answers :
1. clothes,
2. Cars,
3. The flowers,
4. cricket,
5. tennis,
6. lunch,
7. The grass,
8. tea, coffee/ coffee, tea,
9. Elephants,
10. the present.
Exercise 3
Fill in the blank spaces in the following sentences with the word or words given in brackets at the end. Use either the plain noun or the noun preceded by the (whichever you think is correct).
1. In Austria the people speak ……………… (German)
2. ……………… is spoken in many countries. (English)
3. …………… have been a sea-faring people for many centuries. (English)
4. This ring is made of ……………… gold. [H.B.S.E. March 2019 (Set-C)]
5. ………………………… are a very musical nation. (Italians)
6. Many great ships cross …………….. (Atlantic Ocean)
7. ……………. is a very large country in ………….. (India, Asia)
8. We arranged to meet outside …………….. (Woolworth’s)
9. His uncle is manager of …………….. in this town. (Overseas Bank)
10. He came for an hour but stayed all …………….. (evening)
1. German,
2. English,
3. The,
4. ×
5. The Italians,
6. the Atlantic Ocean,
7. India, Asia,
8. the Woolworth’s,
9. the Overseas Bank,
10. the evening.
Exercise 4
Take each of the following nouns and compose two sentences in which it is included. In the first sentence use the plain noun (i.e., without the), in the second the noun preceded by the. air, iron, rice, flour, meat, water, paper, grapes, horses, boys
Answers :
1. Air –
(a) Air is necessary for life.
(b) The air in this room is not fresh.
2. Iron –
(a) This chair is made of iron.
(b) The iron used in the making of this chair is of cheap quality.
3. Rice
(a) Rice is the staple diet in many countries.
(b) The rice grown in the north India is of a superior quality.
4. Flour
(a) Flour is made by grinding wheat.
(b) The flour used in these breads is of a inferior quality.
5. Meat
(a) A vegetarian does not eat meat.
(b) The meat served in the dinner was stale.
6. Water
(a) Water is very essential for life.
(b) The water we drank was not pure.
7. Paper
(a) I need paper for writing the report.
(b) The paper used for this book is pale in colour.
8. Grapes –
(a) He grows grapes in his orchard.
(b) The grapes grown in France are world-famous.
9. Horses –
(a) He breeds horses in his stud farm.
(b) The horses of Iran are known for their strength.
10. Boys –
(a) Boys love swimming.
(b) The boys of his class were making a noise.
Exercise 5
Fill in the blank spaces in the following sentences with the noun given in brackets at the end. Insert the before the noun wherever you think it necessary.
1. He was found guilty of theft and sent to ………………. for six months. (prison)
2. My son will be old enough to go to …………… next May (school)
3. I must go to ……………. to see the headmaster. (school)
4. My wife has gone to ……………. to visit a sick friend. (hospital)
5. He is very ill and has to go to ……………… (hospital)
6. Mr Smith and his family generally go to …………….. on Sunday morning. (Church)
7. John is ill, so he cannot go to ……………… (school)
8. Mr. Rao is …………. (Director) of the Institute. [H.B.S.E. March 2019 (Set-B)]
9. I feel tired, as I went to ………….. late last night. (bed)
10. In Britain many people do not go to …………….. on Saturday morning. (business)
11. I no longer go to………………on Saturdays. (office)
12. I have not been to ………………… for several months. (Cinema)
13. Some of the visitors came by ………………, others by …………… . (train, bus)
14. Are you going to India by …………….. or by …………….. ? (sea, air)
15. We sail tomorrow on ……………. (Dunbar Castle)
1. prison,
2. school,
3. the school,
4. the hospital,
5. hospital,
6. church,
7. school,
8. the Director,
9. bed,
10. business,
11. office,
12. the cinema,
13. train, bus,
14. sea, air,
15. the Dunbar castle.
Exercise 6
Insert a, an, or the in the blank spaces in the following sentences.
1. …………….elephant is a very strong animal.
2. He had always hoped that his son would go to ……………. university.
3. ……………………………. girl in jeans is my neighbour. [H.B.S.E. March 2019 (Set-D)]
4. ………….. great Shakespeare committed grammatical errors. [H.B.S.E. March 2019 (Set-A)]
5. He was struck by …………….. arrow. [H.B.S.E. March 2020 (Set-D)]
6. She is ……………. untidy girl. [H.B.S.E. March 2020 (Set-B)]
7. I read ……………. Gita every day. [H.B.S.E. March 2020 (Set-D)]
8. A house has …………….. roof. [H.B.S.E. 2017 (Set-D)]
9. He is kind to ……………… poor. [H.B.S.E. March 2018 (Set-D)]
10. He is admitted to ……………….. hospital. [H.B.S.E. March 2019 (Set-C)]
1. An,
2. a,
3. The,
4. The,
5. an,
6. an,
7. the,
8. a,
9. the,
10. a.
Exercise 7
Insert a or an in the blank spaces in the following sentences.
1. Martha goes to …………. church every Sunday. [H.B.S.E. March 2019 (Set-D)]
2. It is ……………. great honour to be invited to such a gathering.
3. The door was opened by ……………. servant.
4. Air is important for ………….. life to exist. [H.B.S.E. March 2019 (Set-B)]
5. He gave me …………….. one rupee note. [H.B.S.E. March 2018 (Set-C)]
6. There is ……………… swimming pool in our area. [H.B.S.E. March 2019 (Set-B)]
7. Ink is …………….. useful article. [H.B.S.E. March 2020 (Set-C)]
8. Crime is on ……………. increase. [H.B.S.E. March 2020 (Set-C)]
9. She heard an old about …………….. unicorn. [H.B.S.E. March 2018 (Set-B)]
10. We buy ……………. oil by the liter. [H.B.S.E. March 2019 (Set-A)]
Answers :
1. ×
2. a,
3. a,
4. x,
5. a,
6. a,
7. a,
8. an,
9. a,
10. ×.
Exercise 8
Complete the following sentences by inserting in the blank spaces the words or phrases given in brackets, either with or without the article a or an whichever you think correct. If you insert a or an, make sure you put it in the right place.
1. New York is ……………… (large city)
2. Bernard Shaw was …………… (famous English dramatist)
3. Ice is …………….. . (frozen water)
4. We have had ………….. . (very tiring journey)
5. I have never known such ………………. (hot weather)
6. Have you ever seen so …………….. as that? (tall man)
7. I have never heard such …………….. (absurd story)
8. We shall get …………… next year. (longer holiday)
9. It gives me …………… to do it. (pleasure)
10. He took ……………… over the work. (great care)
11. My younger brother is ……………. (student)
12. He hopes to become …………….. when he has finished his course. (teacher)
13. China is …………… country. (very large)
14. John’s ambition is to be …………….. (engineer)
15. I had never been in so …………… before. (large house)
1. a large city,
2. a famous English dramatist,
3. frozen water,
4. a very tiring journey,
5. hot weather,
6. tall a man,
7. an absurd story,
8. a longer holiday,
9. pleasure,
10. great care,
11. a student,
12. a teacher,
13. a very large country,
14. an engineer,
15. large house.
Exercise 9
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with suitable articles :
1. I want ………. pen. [H.B.S.E. 2017 (Set-A)]
2. ………. Bible is a holy book. [H.B.S.E. 2017 (Set-B)]
3. He is ……… best boy of our class. [H.B.S.E. 2017 (Set-C)]
4. Keep to ………. left. [H.B.S.E. March 2020 (Set-A)]
5. ……. peacock is in danger of extinction. [H.B.S.E. March 2018 (Set-A)]
6. ……… sun shines brightly. [H.B.S.E. March 2020 (Set-B)]
7. You must finish ………. work in hand. [H.B.S.E. 2017 (Set-A)]
8. Could you get me ………. kilogram of sugar, please? [H.B.S.E. March 2018 (Set-A)]
9. I bought ………. inkpot. [H.B.S.E. 2017 (Set-C)]
10. the …………………. dog is a faithful animal.
1. a,
2. The,
3. the,
4. the,
5. ×
6. The,
7. the,
8. a,
9. an,
10. The.
Exercises For Practice (Unsolved)
Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with suitable articles :
1. ………. water in that river is very cold.
2. She is ………. M.A. [H.B.S.E. March 2020 (Set-C)]
3. I think she is ………. most attractive actress.
4. You can take ………. Rajdhani Express to Delhi. [H.B.S.E. March 2018 (Set-B)]
5. He is ……… One-eyed man. [H.B.S.E. March 2020 (Set-A)]
6. Have you learnt ……… sixth lesson?
7. He plays ………. cricket. [H.B.S.E. March 2018 (Set-C)]
8. Life is not ………. bed of roses. [H.B.S.E. March 2020 (Set-A)]
9. He saw ……… axe in the forest
10. He came here by ………. train. [H.B.S.E. March 2018 (Set-D)]
Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with suitable articles :
1. …………………. gold you buy here is of excellent quality. [H.B.S.E. March 2018 (Set-B)]
2. It is ……………………… umbrella. [H.B.S.E. 2017 (Set-B)]
3. It was ………. unique sight. [H.B.S.E. 2020 (Set-D)]
4. ………. lunch given by you was delicious. [H.B.S.E. March 2018 (Set-D)]
5. ………. Taj Mahal is in Agra.
6. Neha will go to ……… school when she is three. [H.B.S.E. March 2018 (Set-A)]
7. ………………. climate of Shimla does not suit me.
8. Do not make ……………. noise. [H.B.S.E. 2020 (Set-B)]
9. His wife is ……………………… European. [H.B.S.E. 2017 (Set-B)]
10. He is ……………… boy who stood first.