Haryana State Board HBSE 10th Class Social Science Notes Economics Chapter 5 Consumer Rights Notes
Haryana Board 10th Class Social Science Notes Economics Chapter 5 Consumer Rights
- This chapter proposes to discuss the issue of consumer rights within the context of the ways markets operate in our country.
- There are many aspects of unequal situations in a market and poor enforcement of rules and regulations. Hence, there is a need to sensitise learners and encourage them to participate in the consumer movement.
- This chapter provides case histories – how some consumers were exploited in a real life situation and how legal institutions helped consumers in getting compensated and in upholding their rights.
Class 10 Economics Chapter 5 Consumer Rights Notes HBSE
→ The Consumer in the Market Place
- Consumer is a person who buys and uses a goods or service from the market after making a payment.
- Consumers participate in the market place by purchasing final goods and services that they need. However, consumers are exploited in the market place because they do not insist on their rights.
- There is a need for rules and regulations to ensure protection for consumers as exploitation in the market place happens in different ways.
- For example, sometimes traders indulge in unfair trade practices such as when shop keep ers weigh less than what they should or when traders add charges that were not mentioned before, or when adulterated defective goods are sold.
- Markets do not work in a fair manner when producers are few and powerful whereas consumers purchase in small amounts and are scattered. This happens especially when large companies are producing these goods.
Class 10 Consumer Rights Notes HBSE
→ Consumer Movement
- The consumer movement was started out because of the frustration of the consumers against the unfair trade practices adopted by the sellers.
- In India, the consumer movement, as a ‘social force’, originated with the necessity of protecting and promoting the interests of consumers, against unethical and unfair trade practices.
- In the decade of 1960, the consumer movement originated in an organised form.
- Till the 1970s, consumer organisations were largely restricted to writing articles and hold¬ing exhibitions only.
- In the year 1985, United Nations adopted the UN guidelines for consumers protection.
- A major step taken in 1986, by the Indian government, was the enactment of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986, popularly known as COPRA.
→ Consumer Rights
- The Consumer Protection Act 1986 ensures the following, as the rights, which every consumer in India should posses-
(i) Right to safety
(ii) Right to be informed
(iii) Right to choose
(iv) Right to seek redressal
(v) Right to represent.
Class 10 Economics Chapter 5 Notes HBSE
→ Right to Safety
- Consumers have the right to be protected against the marketing of goods and delivery of services that are hazardous to life and property.
- Producers and service providers need to strictly follow the required safety rules and regulations.
→ Right to be Informed
- Government has made it mandatory to mention all ingredients and safety features, date of manufacture, price, quantity, expiry date, direction for use, etc on the pack of a product.
- If the product proves to be defective in any way, the consumer can complain and ask for compensation or replacement.
- The manufacturers have to display these information because consumers have the Right to be Informed about the particulars of goods and services they purchased.
- In October 2005, the government of India enacted a law, popularty known as RTI (Right to Information) Act, which ensures its citizens all the information about the functioning of government departments.
- Consumers have the right to choose the product of their choice out of the alternatives available in the market.
→ Right to Seek Redressal
- Consumers have the right to seek Redressal against unfair trade practices and exploitation.
- It means if any damage is done to a consumer, he has the right to get compensation depending on the degree of damage.
Class 10 Economics Chapter 5 Consumer Rights HBSE
→ Right to Represent
- Consumers get the right to seek redressal and demand compensation. While seeking any redressal, the consumers have the Right to be Represented in consumer courts.
- For this-purpose, a three-tier quasi judicial machinery has been set up. In case of help required, consumers can seek help from consumer forums or councils.
→ Learning to become Well-Informed Consumers
- For becoming well-informed consumers about their rights Consumer Protection Act has set up a separate department of consumer affairs in central and state government.
- Consumer while making purchases should keep the following things in mind-
(i) Buy products with sign of ISI, Agmark, Hallmark, etc.
(ii) Take cash memo for all the purchase for evidence
(iii) In case of grievances, go to consumer forums.
→ Taking the Consumer Movement Forward
- In India, the national consumers day is celebrated on 24th December. On this day, the Indian Parliament enacted the Consumer Protection Act in 1986.
- Due to consumer movement, today, there are more than 700 consumer groups in India, out of which about 20-25 are well organised and recognised for their work.
Class 10 Economics Chapter 5 HBSE
→ Important Terms
1. Consumer: The person who uses goods and services is called consumer.
2. Consumer Exploitation: Sometimes, traders indulge in unfair trade practices, such as, when, shopkeepers weigh less than what they should, or when, traders add charges that were not mentioned before, or when, adulterated or defective goods are sold. All these activities are called consumer exploitation.
3. Consumer International: A non-government institution, which represents agencies of consumer groups in the world.
4. Consumer Protection Act, 1986: A law enacted in 1986, by the Indian Government, for the protection of consumers’ rights. It is popularly known as COPRA.
5. Indian Standard Bureau: An organisation, which provides the ISI logos to standard goods.
Chapter 5 Consumer Awareness HBSE Economics 10th Class
6. ISI Mark: This is a certification mark for industrial products in India certifying that a product conforms to the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), the national standards body of India.
7. Agmark: This is a certification mark employed to conform to a set of standards approved by the Directorate of marketing and inspection, an agency of the Government of India.
8. Hallmark: This logo helps consumers to get assured about quality while purchasing gold jewelry. Indian Standard Bureau provides Hallmark verification.
9. Right To Information (RTI): In October 2005, the Government of India enacted a law, which ensures its citizens, all the information about the Government departments, policies, practices and procedures.
10. Consumer Forums: The Consumer movement in India has led to the formation of various voluntary consumer organizations, which are locally known as consumer forums or consumer protection councils. They guide consumers on how to file cases in the consumer court and represent themselves in the consumer courts.
11. Consumer Courts: The Consumer Protection Act, of 1986 has the provision for setting up a three-tier quasi-judicial system, which is popularly known as consumer court at the district, state, and national levels. These courts deal with consumer cases only.
12. Consumer Awareness: Consumers’ consciousness towards their rights, and the social and legal obligations of the business and the government towards consumers, is called consumer awareness.