Haryana State Board HBSE 8th Class English Solutions It So Happened Chapter 2 Children at Work Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
Haryana Board HBSE 8th Class English Solutions It So Happened Chapter 2 Children at Work
HBSE 8th Class English Children at Work Textbook Questions and Answers
Comprehension Check – I
Children At Work Summary HBSE 8th Class Question 1.
Velu stood on the platform but he felt ‘as if he was still on a moving train.’ Why?
वेलू, प्लेटफॉर्म पर खड़ा हो गया परन्तु वह महसूस कर रहा था ‘कि वह अभी भी रेलगाड़ी में चल रहा है।’ क्यों?
Velu stood on the platform. His legs were feeling wobbly. Therefore, he felt as if he was still on a moving train.
Children At Work HBSE 8th Class Question 2.
What made him feel miserable?
वह दुःखी क्यों महसूस कर रहा था?
Velu had run away from his village two days ago. He was deadly tired because he had walked for most of the first day. He had travelled without any ticket. He had no one of his own at Chennai, He had no money to start any job. He had eaten only some peanuts and a piece of jaggery. These made him feel miserable.
Children At Work Question Answer HBSE 8th Class Question 3.
(i) Velu travelled without a ticket. Why?
(i) ” वेलू ने बिना टिकट की यात्रा की। क्यों?”
(ii) How did he escape the ticket collector’s notice?
(ii) वह टिकट चेकर की निगाह से किस प्रकार बचा?
(i) Velu had no money. Therefore, he travelled without a ticket.
(ii) The ticket collector had not come to the unreserved compartment where Velu was lying on the floor near the door. Therefore, he escaped the ticket collector’s notice.
Question 4.
Why had Velu run away from home?
वेलू, घर से क्यों भागा था?
Velu’s father had snatched his earnings and spent it on drink. Besides he beat Velu at will. Velu had run away from home because he couldn’t stand his father’s beating.
Question 5.
Why did he decide to follow the ‘strange’ girl?
उसने अजनबी लड़की का पीछा करने का निर्णय क्यों लिया?
Velu had no ides where to go and how to start earning his bread. Therefore, he decided to follow the strange’ girl.
Comprehension Check – II
Question 1.
Can Velu read Tamil and English? How do you know?
क्या वेलू तमिल तथा अंग्रेजी पढ़ सकता है? आप कैसे जानते हैं?
Velu can only read Tamil but not English. The following sentences make it clear:
(a) The writing on the pictures was all in English, so he didn’t know what they were saying.
(b) Velu read the Tamil sign, Central Jail.
Question 2.
‘If you are not careful, you will soon be counting bars there,’ the girl said.
“यदि तुम सावधान नहीं रहोगे तो तुम थोड़े समय में ही वहाँ सलाखें गिनोगे,” लड़की ने कहा।
(i) What is she referring to?
वह किस बात की ओर संकेत कर रही है?
(ii) What does she mean when she says ‘If you are not careful…’? (She says something a little later which means the same. Find that sentence.)
उसके कहने का क्या अभिप्राय है जब वह कहती है ‘यदि तुम सावधान नहीं रहोगे….’ (थोड़ी देर बाद वह कुछ कहती है |जिसका वही अर्थ है। वह वाक्य ढूंढिए।)
(i) She is referring to the Central Jail where stray and homeless boys and girls are put behind the bars.
(ii) The sentence is: You don’t have to do anything, just don’t get caught.
Question 3.
(i) Where did the girl lead Velu to?
लड़की, वेलू को कहाँ ले गई?
(ii) What did they get to eat?
उन्हें खाने के लिए क्या मिला?
(i) The girl led Velu behind a big hall to a big garbage bin, overflowing with rubbish.
(ii) They got a squashy banana, a vada and one more banana to eat. (Velu got a squashy banana and a vada to eat. The girl got one more banana. She ate it herself.)
Question 4.
What work did she do? Think of a one word answer.
वह क्या काम करती थी? एक शब्द में उत्तर देने की सोचो।
Answer:She collected thrown out papers, plastic items and glass bottles. Ragpicker.
Comprehension Check – III
Question 1.
(1) What materials are the ‘strange huts made out of?
‘अनोखी’ ‘झोंपड़ियाँ किस पदार्थ की बनी हुई हैं?
(ii) Why does Velu find them strange?
वेलू उन्हें अनोखी क्यों पाता है?
(i) The strange huts are made of the materials metal sheets, tyres, bricks, wood and plastic.
(ii) Velu finds them strange because they were built out of all sorts of things. They stood crookedly and looked as if they would fall any moment.
Question 2.
What sort of things did Jaya and children like her collect and what did they do with those things?
जया और उस जैसे बच्चों ने क्या बटोरा और उन चीजों का उन्होंने क्या किया?
Jaya and children like her collected paper, plastic and glass items. They sold those things to Jam Bazaar Jaggu.
Question 3.
Is Velu happy or unhappy to find work? Give a reason for your answer.
क्या वेलू काम पाकर खुश है या नाखुश? अपने उत्तर के लिए एक कारण दो।
Velu is not very happy to find work. He had not run away from his village and come to this new place to dig through garbage bins. But he accepted the job temporarily till he found a better job.
Discuss the following questions in small groups. Write their answers afterwards:
Question 1.
Is Velu a smart boy? Which instances in the text show that he is for isn’t?
क्या वेलू एक समझदार लड़का है?/पाठ में कौन-से प्रसंग हैं जो यह दर्शाते हैं कि वह है/नहीं है?
Yes, Velu is a smart boy. He makes determination to leave his village and find some work in Chennai. He walked for most of the first day and reached Karur. He got exhausted. but did not return home. He boarded the train without a ticket. He availed himself of the opportunity to help Jaya in her worthless job. He did it for her benefactor. Still he thought of finding a better job.
Question 2.
Do you think Jaya is a brave and sensitive child with a sense of humour? Find instances of her courage, kind nature and humour in the text.
क्या तुम्हारे विचार में जवा एक वीर तथा संवेदनशील लड़की है जिसमें हास्य-वृत्ति है? पाठ में से उसके साहस, दयालु स्वभाव और हास्य के प्रसंग दें।
I think that Jaya is a brave and sensitive child with a sense of humour.
She had the coinage to associate herself with Velu and win him over. She cohvinced him to work for her. She collected thrown-away things in scorching heat of thq seen.
She was of kind nature. She realised that Velu was hungry. She found food for him in the garbage. She also gave him old shoes to wear.
She warned hjm against being daught and sent to jail.
She was a humorous girlJThe following sentences show it.
(i) No need to stare stupidly.
(ii) What do you think you’re doing? Grazing cows.
(iii) You don’t have to do anything, just don’t get daught.
(iv) Don’t think I have money to buy food for you.
(v) So you have been following me around without even knowing my name.
(vi) I don’t have time to waste, like you.
(vii) Don’t just stand there, posing a big, hero.
(viii) you stand around in the middle of the road like that you’ll be chutney.
Question 3.
What one throws away as waste may be valuable to others. Do you find this senterfce meaningful in the context of this story? How?
बेकार समझकर जिस चीज को कोई फेंक देता है, वह दूसरों के लिए मूल्यवान हो सकती है। क्या कहानी के संदर्भ में आप इस वाक्य को सार्थक समझते हैं? कैसे?
That which is waste for one may be a business or source of income or profit for others. This sentence has a meaning in the coritent of this story. The empty bottles, pieces of paper and items of plastic are thrown out by the people. The ragpickers earn their living by collecting them. Those who store rubbish become very rich people. The waste proves valuable and a blessing for them and their families.
Think it Over
- The best investment that a country can make is to put milk into its children.
- People don’t notice goodness because it is transparent like water and air; only if it rims out does it become noticeable.
- It is never too late to have a happy childhood.
- For self-attempt.
It is Someone You Know?
A busy official known for his love of animals was once passing through a village in a cart. Suddenly he asked the cartman to stop and tried to hear what sounded like a wail from far away. The cartman asked, ‘Is it a man you know?’ The official replied, ‘No, it’s a dog I don’t know.’
- For self-attempt (He might be a veterinary surgeon.)
HBSE 8th Class English Solutions Children at Work Important Questions and Answers
Question 1.
Who was Velu? What work did he do?
” वेलू कौन था? वह क्या काम करता था? ”
Velu was an eleven-year old boy. He lived in a village. He worked on a landowner’s farm. He knew the work of weeding and taking cows out to graze.
Question 2.
What did Velu carry with him?
वेलू, अपने साथ क्या लेकर गया?
Velu carried the following items with him:
(a) a shirt
(b) a towel and
(c) a comb.
Question 3.
What did Velu see on Chennai Central?
वेलू ने चेन्नई सेन्ट्रल में क्या देखा?
Velu saw a large crowd on Chennai Central. It was like a village fair. Announcements were made on the loudspeaker. Some people looked at a TV hanging from the roof. He saw the porters going by with loaded trolleys. The people were bumping into him with their suitcases.
Question 4.
How did Velu travel the whole night?
वेलू ने रात-भर किस प्रकार सफर किया?
Velu boarded the unreserved compartment. He had tried to sleep on the floor near the door. Some people made much noise while playing at cards.
Question 5.
How far was Chennai from Velu’s village?
वेलू के गाँव से चेन्नई कितनी दूर था?
Velu had walked for most of his first day to Karur. Then he got on the train. He travelled all night by train. It shows that Chennai was at a great distance from Velu’s village.
Question 6.
Why was Velu feeling miserable and exhausted? How do you know?
वेलू दु:खी और थका-माँदा क्यों था? तुम्हें कैसे पता?
Velu had walked for most of the day. He had a disturbed sleep on the floor near the door. It made him exhausted. He had no place to go in Chennai. Therefore, he was feeling miserable. We know this because he was putting his head down on his knees.
Question 7.
Who stood behind Velu? In what condition was she?
वेतू के पीछे कौन खड़ी थी? वह किस हालत में थी?
A girl was standing behind Velu. She I was around his own age. She was wearing a long banian that came down to her knees. Her hair was stiff and brownish. She had a huge sack on one shoulder.
Question 8.
How was the girl’s voice? What did she say?
लड़की की आवाज़ कैसी थी? उसने क्या कहा?
The girl’s voice was rough. She said, “Aiy! what, New to town eh? Again she said, “here, Aiy! No need to stare stupidly. What is your name
Question 9.
What did the girl say when she learnt that Velu was hungry?
उस लड़की ने क्या कहा जब उसे पता चला कि वेलू भूखा
Velu pressed his stomach with a grimace. The girl learnt that he was hungry. She told him that he won’t get food by sitting there glumly. She assured him that she would find some food for him if he wanted.
Question 10.
What did Velu find on reaching the road?
सड़क पर पहुंच कर वेलू ने क्या पाया?
Velu and the girl got to the road. He found many vehicles plying non-stop. Dust and smoke flew at him from all sides. It made him feel dizzy. It took them a long time to find a gap to run through
Question 11.
Why did Velu try hard to walk in the shade?
वेलू, छाया में चलने का कठोर प्रयास क्यों कर रहा था?
The sun blasted down on the tar. It burnt Velu’s bare feet. He was also soaked with sweat. Therefore, he tried hard to walk in the shade. Moreover, he had to keep up with the girl’s fast pace.
Question 12.
What did Velu see in front of a big building?
एक बड़े भवन के सामने वेलू ने क्या देखा?
Velu and the girl stood in front of a big building. It was named Sri Rajarajeshwari Prasanna Kalyana Mandapam. It was a building where a wedding was taking place.
Question 13.
Write the character-sketch of Velu.
वेलू का चरित्र-चित्रण कीजिए।
Velu was an eleven-year old boy. He was sick of his father’s beating and drinking habits. He made up his mind to leave his village. He took the risk of going to Chennai without any money with him. He was an opportunist. He stuck to the girl who helped him in finding food. He had no mind to return home. He was deadset on finding some better job. He ate rubbish but neither stole nor begged. He was grateful to the girl and stuck to her.
Question 14.
Write the character sketch of the girl (ragpicker).
(कूड़ा-कबाड़ बटोरने वाली) लड़की का चरित्र-चित्रण कीजिए।
The girl was of Velu’s age. She had a calculating mind. She guessed that Velu was hungry and a run-away. She was of helpful nature. She offered Velu a squashed banana and a vada. Afterwards she ate a banana. She warned him not to be caught or he would be sent behind the bars. She gave him a pair of shoes because his feet burnt in burning sun on tar road. She earnt her living by doing menial work. She was an earning hand and not a burden on her household.
Children at Work Summary in English
Velu was an eleven year old boy. ¡lis father used to beat him. Therefore, he ran away from home two days ago. He had walked for most of the first day to Karur. Then h got on the train to Chennai. Ile got into the unreserved compartment without a ticket. He had eaten quite a little for
two days. He got down the train at Chennai Central.
Velu sat on a bench on the platform. There was a terrible noise around him. He heard a rough voice of a girl of his own age. She was wearing a long banian. She asked him his name. He told it was Velu. She told him that the place was full of run away children like him. Then she sat down next to him. She was a ragpicker.
Velu pressed his stomach. She realised that ho was hungry. She told him that she could find food for him if he wanted. Velu gave no reply. The girl picked up her sack and started to walk away. Velu had nowhere else to go. Therefore, he ran after her.
Velu followed the girl through the crowded streets. Velu saw a buge rush of vehicles on the road. The girl dragged Velu to the other side. He could not read the signboards on the road because they were in English. The girl turned on to a wide bridge and walked up. Velu peeped over the railing. He could see huge buildings, towers and more roads in the distance. The girl told him that he would be sent to Central Jail if he was not careful and was caught. He asked her what she was carrying in her bag (sack). She told hùñ that she was carrying things like bottles, papers, etc. It was a bright sunny morning. Velu’s barefeet were burning. Still he kept up with the girl’s fast pace.
They reached a big building, after half an hour of walking. A marriage was taking place there. Velu thought, they would enjoy the wedding feast in vain. The girl led him behind the hail. There was a big garbage bin. The girl picked up a squashy banana and held it out to Velu. Then she threw him a vada. Velu hesitated. But hunger pressed him to gulp them down. Still he was not well fed. The girl found one more banana but she ate it herself She had no time to wait for the leftover, of the lunch. Therefore, she walked off. Velu couLd not remain behind. He was helpless there. He ran after her again. He knew that her name was Jaya. She allowed him to follow her. She was going home to get another sack.
Jaya and Velu walked along the road for half an hour. Velu saw a row of strangest huts built of all sorts of things. They were about to fall. Jaya dumped her sack outside her hut. Then she picked up an empty sack. She gave Velu a pair of old shoes. She also pushed a sack and a stick into Velu’s hands. She asked him to accompany her and help her. Velu had done work only on the farm till then. Jaya told him to collect the things (paper, plastic, glass, etc.) like her. He called them rubbish-Jaya called him a damn fool. She sold the co!!ecLon to Jam Bazaar Jaggu who sold thc same to a factory. Velu stood unwilling. Jaya poked at him .ith het st.ck and sn”bbed him. Velu was ielpleas. He got ready to help Jaya.
Children at Work Summary in Hindi
वेलू, ग्यारह वर्षीय लड़का था। उसका पिता उसे पीटा करता था। इसलिए, दो दिन पहले वह घर से भाग गया था। पहले दिन, अधिकांश समय वह कारूर पहुँचने के लिए पैदल चलता रहा। फिर चेन्नई के लिए, वह रेलगाड़ी में सवार हो गया। बिना टिकट के वह अनारक्षित डिब्बे में चढ़ गया। दो दिन, उसने बहुत थोड़ा भोजन खाया था। वह चेन्नई सेन्ट्रल पर रेलगाड़ी से उतरा।
वेलू, प्लेटफार्म पर एक बेंच पर बैठ गया। उसके इर्द-गिर्द भयानक शोर था। उसने लगभग अपनी आयु की एक लड़की की खुरदरी आवाज़ सुनी। वह एक लम्बी बनियान पहने हुए थी। उस (लड़की) ने उससे (वेलू से) उसका नाम पूछा। उसने कहा कि वह ‘वेलू’ है। उसने (लड़की ने) बताया कि वह स्थान, उस जैसे भागे हुए बच्चों से भरा हुआ है। फिर वह उसके साथ बैठ गई। वह कूड़ा बीनने वाली थी।
वेलू ने अपने पेट को दबाया। उस (लड़की) ने महसूस किया कि वह (लड़का) भूखा है। उसने बताया कि वह उसके लिए भोजन तलाश कर सकती है, यदि वह चाहेगा। वेलू ने कोई उत्तर नहीं दिया। लड़की ने अपना बोरा उठाया और चलती बनी। वेलू के सामने जाने का और कोई अन्य स्थान नहीं था। इसलिए, वह उसके पीछे दौड़ा।
वेलू, भीड़ वाली गलियों में से उस लड़की के पीछे चलता रहा। वेलू ने सड़क पर वाहनों की अपार भीड़ देखी। लड़की, उसे खींच कर दूसरी तरफ ले गई। वह सड़क पर लगे संकेतकों को नहीं पढ़ सका क्योंकि वे अंग्रेजी में (लिखे हुए) थे। लड़की मुड़ी और एक चौड़े पुल के ऊपर चढ़ी तथा ऊपर की तरफ चलने लगी। वेलू ने आड़ के पार झाँका। वह कुछ दूरी पर विशाल भवनों, मीनारों और अधिक सड़कों को देख सकता था।
लड़की ने उसे बताया कि यदि वह असावधान रहा और पकड़ा गया तो उसे सेन्ट्रल जेल भेज दिया जाएगा। उस (वेलू) ने उससे पूछा कि वह अपने बोरे में क्या लिए हुए है। उस (लड़की) ने उसे बताया कि वह बोतलें, कागज आदि लिए हुए है। वह एक चमकीली धूप वाली प्रातः थी। वेलू के नंगे पैर जल रहे थे। फिर भी वह लड़की की तेज गति के साथ चलता रहा।
आधा घंटा चलने के बाद वे एक विशाल भवन के पास पहुंचे। वहाँ पर कोई विवाह हो रहा था। वेलू ने सोचा कि वे विवाह की दावत का स्वाद लेंगे परन्तु व्यर्थ। लड़की उसे हॉल के पीछे ले गई। वहाँ पर एक बहुत बड़ा कूड़ेदान था। लड़की ने मसला हुआ एक केला उठाया और वह वेलू को पेश किया। फिर उसने उसके पास एक बड़ा फेंका, वेलू हिचका। परन्तु भूख ने उन्हें डकारने के लिए, उसे विवश किया। फिर भी पूरी तरह से उसका पेट नहीं भरा। लड़की ने एक केला और ढूँढा परन्तु उसे स्वयं खा लिया। लंच की जूठन के लिए प्रतीक्षा करने का उसके पास समय नहीं था। इसलिए वह चल पड़ी। वेलू, पीछे नहीं रुक सका। वह वहाँ लाचार था। वह दोबारा उसके पीछे दौड़ा। उसे जानकारी हुई कि उस (लड़की) का नाम जया है। उसने उसे अपने पीछे आने की अनुमति दे दी। वह दूसरा बोरा लेने के लिए अपने घर जा रही थी।
जया और वेलू, आधा घंटे तक सड़क पर चलते रहे। वेलू ने सभी प्रकार की चीजों से बनी हुई विचित्रतम झोंपड़ियों की कतार देखी। वे गिरने ही वाली थीं। जया ने अपना बोरा, अपनी झोपड़ी के सामने पटक दिया। फिर उसने एक खाली बोरा उठाया। उसने वेलू को जूतों का एक पुराना जोड़ा दिया। उसने वेलू के हाथ में एक बोरा और एक छड़ी भी थमाई। उसने उससे अपने साथ चलने और अपनी सहायता करने के लिए कहा। तब तक वेलू ने केवल एक फॉर्म पर काम किया था। जया ने उसे आदेश दिया कि उसकी भांति (कागज, प्लास्टिक, शीशा आदि) चीजों को इकट्ठा करे। उसने उन्हें कबाड़ कहा। जया ने उसे महामूर्ख कहा। वह इकट्ठी की गई चीजों को जाम बाजार जग्गू के पास बेचती थी जो उन सभी को एक फैक्टरी में बेचता था। वेलू अनिच्छा से खड़ा रहा। जया ने अपनी छड़ी से उसे धक्का दिया और उसे लताड़ा। वेलू मजबूर था। वह जया की सहायता के लिए तैयार हो गया।