HBSE 9th Class Science Notes Chapter 14 Natural Resources

Haryana State Board HBSE 9th Class Science Notes Chapter 14 Natural Resources Notes.

Haryana Board 9th Class Science Notes Chapter 14 Natural Resources

→ Air, water, soil, minerals, living organisms all are natural resources.

→ The air that covers the whole earth like a blanket is called atmosphere.

→ Air is a mixture of many gases, water vapours, soil particles, etc.

→ Temperature on the surface of moon ranges from: 190°C to 110°C.

→ Blowing air is called wind or breeze.

→ During the day, the direction of the wind is from the sea to the land and at night, opposite to it,

→ Rain is the form of water vapours present in the atmosphere.

→ An increase in the content of harmful substances present in air is called air pollution.

HBSE 9th Class Science Notes Chapter 14 Natural Resources

→ Life of organism is dependent on water.

→ Addition of undesirable materials in water is called water pollution.

→ Soil is the huge storehouse of minerals.

→ Ground water is also called mineral water.

→ Various nutrients are used again and again in a cycle fashion, this leads to a certain balance between the various components of the biosphere.

→ Pollution of air, water and soil affect the quality of life and harm the biodiversities.

→ We need to conserve our natural resources and use them in a sustainable manner.

→ Greenhouse effect creates warming in the atmosphere.

→ Ozone layer is called protective envelope of atmosphere.

→ Nitrogen fixation is done by bacteria by converting atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates.

→ Natural resources: Useful substances found in nature are called natural resources.

→ Air: Gaseous envelope of gases around the surface of earth is called air.

→ Biosphere: A circle around the earth within the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and lithosphere make the possible by interact each-other, is known as biosphere.

→ Winds: Blowing air is called wind or breeze.

→ Rain: Falling of water from clouds in the form of water droplets on earth is called rain.

→ Air pollution: An increase in the harmful substances present in air is called air pollution.

→ Water pollution: Addition of harmful substances in water is called water pollution.

→ Soil: The uppermost layer of the earth’s crust is called soil.

HBSE 9th Class Science Notes Chapter 14 Natural Resources

→ Humus: Substance remains after the decomposition of dead decaying organisms is called humus.

→ Topsoil: The uppermost layer of earth which is made by the mixing of soil particles, humus and organisms is called topsoil.

→ Soil erosion: Cutting or flowing away of upper surface of earth is called soil erosion.

→ Water-cycle: Natural balance made by the exchange of various forms of water in nature is called water-cycle.

→ Nitrogen fixation: Conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates by bacteria is called nitrogen fixation.

→ Photosynthesis: The process of making starch by the green plants is called photosynthesis.

→ Greenhouse effect: After absorbing the infrared radiations of sun by carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere and to majce the atmosphere warm is called greenhouse effect.

→ Ozone layer: The layer of ozone in the atmosphere which absorbs the harmful ultraviolet radiations coming from the sun is called ozone layer.

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