Haryana State Board HBSE 9th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 14 Natural Resources Important Questions and Answers.
Haryana Board 9th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 14 Natural Resources
Very Short-Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What are natural resources?
Useful substances available in nature are called natural resources.
Question 2.
Give examples of natural resources.
Air, water, soil, minerals, forests, etc.
Question 3.
What are essential factors for life ?
Ambient temperature, water and food.
Question 4.
What is called lithosphere ?
The outermost layer of earth is called lithosphere.
Question 5.
How much area of earth is covered with water ?
Question 6.
What is called hydrosphere?
The part of earth where water is available is called hydrosphere.
Question 7.
Write the definition of atmosphere.
Earth is covered with an envelope of air, this envelope of air is called atmosphere.
Question 8.
What is called biosphere ?
Integeration of atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere which makes the life possible, is called biosphere.
Question 9.
Name the inorganic components of biosphere.
Air, water, soil.
Question 10.
What is called air ?
The mixture of various gases, water vapours, dust particles is called air.
Question 11.
How much percentage of C02 is found on Venus and Mars ?
Question 12.
is oxygen is available at Venus and Mars ?
Question 13.
How much percentage of C02 is in earth atmosphere ?
Question 14.
Is atmosphere there on the surface of moon ?
Question 15.
What are called winds ?
Blowing air is called wind or wave.
Question 16.
What is called air pollution ?
Addition of undesirable substances in air is called air pollution.
Question 17.
Write the names of waste air pollutants.
Waste gases (CO2, nitrogen and oxides of sulphur, hydrocarbon, etc.) water vapours, dust particles, etc.
Question 18.
What is called fog ?
In winter season, when water is also condensed with air, then it is called fog.
Question 19.
Write the names of the diseases caused by air pollution.
Respiratory diseases, cancer, heart diseases, allergy.
Question 20.
Mainly how many kinds of water are ?
Two, saline and fresh water (non-saline).
Question 21.
What is called the outermost layer of earth ?
Question 22.
How is soil formed ?
By the breaking of rocks.
Question 23.
What is called humus ?
Substance prepared after the decomposition of dead decayed animals is called humus.
Question 24.
What is called soil pollution ?
Addition of undesirable substances in soil is called soil pollution.
Question 25.
Who is most helpful in preventing soil erosion ?
Trees and plants.
Question 26.
How is underground water obtained ?
By digging wells.
Question 27.
How much percentage of nitrogen gas is in the earth atmosphere ?
Question 28.
Mainly which gas is responsible for the greenhouse effect ?
Question 29.
What is the main reason of depletion of Ozone Layer?
Chloro Fluoro Carbon (CFC)
Short-Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What are called natural resources ?
Many useful substances are found in nature which are called natural resources, e.g., air, water, soil, forests, minerals and living organisms.
Question 2.
What is called atmosphere ? What is the importance of atmosphere for organisms ?
An unseen envelope is there around the earth which is called atmosphere. Atmosphere is extended upto 40 km height. 99% of the total air is found in this region. A little volume of air is found at the height of 1000 km from the earth. Water vapours and dust particles are found only near the surface of earth. Above the height of 10-12 km water vapours are not found. Oxygen, the breath of life is present in atmosphere. Ozone layer protects from ultraviolet radiations of the sun.
Question 3.
Write two uses of oxygen present in atmosphere.
Following are the uses of oxygen:
(i) Oxygen is used to get energy by breaking the glucose molecules.
(ii) Oxygen is used in combustion and carbon dioxide is released.
Question 4.
Write the names of methods for the fixation of carbon dioxide.
Following are the two methods for the fixation of carbon dioxide:
(i) Formation of glucose by green plants in photosynthesis.
(ii) To form the shells from dissolved carbonates in the water by aquatic animals.
Question 5.
On which factor blowing of winds is dependent in coastal areas ?
We know that land gets heated much factor and cool down than water. During daytime the air above the land is heated in sunlight and rises up and there creates a low pressure. The air over sea being at a higher pressure moves to area of low pressure. Thus, during daytime winds blow from the sea to land while during night position becomes reverse.
Question 6.
Besides unequal heating of the winds which are other factors which influence these winds ?
Unequally heated winds blow on the earth to unequal heating of the atmosphere, but following are the two more factors :
(i) The rotation of earth around the sun and around its own axis.
(ii) Location of mountains in the path of these winds.
Question 7.
How does rain occur ? What is called hailing ?
During daytime, water of different water-bodies and flora and fauna evaporates and goes into air. Heated air carry water vapours with it where due to cooling of air, water vapours condense and become droplets. These droplets become bigger and heavier. These droplets come on to the earth in the form of rain. Sometimes, droplets by cooling down become solid ice which are called hail and the rain of hail is called hailing.
Question 8.
What is called air pollution ? Describe its factors.
Air Pollution:
Addition of undesirable particles in air makes it harmful to organisms is called air pollution. Following are the natural factors of air pollution:
(i) Gases and toxic particles released oy tne volcano activities.
(ii) Storms.
(iii) Rising of smoke and gases from the forest fires.
(iv) Releasing of methane gas from marshy lands.
(v) Decomposition of plants and animals and pollen grains etc.
Following are the artificial factors of air pollution:
(i) Smoke of vehicles.
(ii) Burning of fuels.
(iii) Industrial smokes and vaporised substances.
(iv) Metallurgical activities
(v) Extraction of minerals
(vi) Pesticides
(vii) Released radio active radiations at the time of originating atomic energy.
Question 9.
What is smog ? Explain its ill effects.
Dust and smoke particles on combining with water vapours from smog. Toxic gases from houses, industries and toxic gases with the burning of fuels of vehicles are also added in it. Smoke and dust + Fog and toxic gases → Smog Poisonous gases such as sulphur dioxide (S02) or peroxiacetil nitrate (PAN) are added in smog. The smog does not rise high in the atmosphere but on the ocean it makes a form of cloud. It forms commonly in winter season.
Ill Effects:
Following are the ill effects of smog:
(i) It hampers in transportation because long distance things are not visible.
(ii) Creates burning sensation in eye, nose and throat.
(iii) It is harmful to all these organisms, in whom it can easily enter by respiration. Increases the incidence of asthma and heart disorders.
(iv) It affects the growth and development of plants.
Question 10.
What is called acid rain ?
Acidic gases in the atmosphere, such as, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, hydrogen chloride, etc. adding with droplets made acids, rain of these acids is called acid rain. Acid rain is harmful to monuments, rocks, as well as to fauna and flora.
Question 11.
What is water pollution ? Give reasons of water pollution.
Water pollution:
Addition of undesirable substances in water is called water pollution. Following are the reasons of water pollution :
(i) Release of industrial waste and chemical substances etc.
(ii) Agriculture waste such as fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, weedicides, etc.
(iii) Domestic waste and sewage excreta, such as, garbage, rubbish, polythene, etc.
(iv) Thermal waste such as release of hot water from thermal plants.
(v) Radioscopy wastes such as waste of radioactive substances.
(vi) Social-religious wastes such as festival wastes, by throwing dead bodies of men and animals in rivers.
(vii) The ejected waste, excreta, dead animals from natural resources such as mining, storms, wind stroms due to such type of disasters.
Question 12.
Soil is a natural resources how ?
Soil is the uppermost layer of the earth’s crust which is formed by the breaking up of the rocks. Soil is an important natural resources which is essential for the development of life. Our prime requirements of life such as food, clothing and shelter all are obtained from plants that grow in soil or from animals which are dependent upon these plants. Therefore, soil is a precious natural resources for us.
Question 13.
Write the usefulness of humus.
Following is the usefulness of humus:
(i) Mixing with humus soil becomes porous which helps air and water to enter in the soil.
(ii) Required nutrients for plants are found in humus.
(iii) Several organisms get nutrients from humus such as earthworm.
(iv) By mixing humus in sandy soil, water bearing capacity of soil increases.
(v) By mixing humus in sandy soil, soil erosion decreases.
Question 14.
Write four common sources of soil pollution.
Following are the four common sources of soil pollution:
(i) Excess use of fertilizers in soil.
(ii) Excess spray of insecticides and pesticides on the soil to protect crops.
(iii) To mix the kitchen waste and other garbage of house.
(iv) Mixing of industrial undesired wastes in soil.
Question 15.
What do you know about water cycle ?
Ponds, lakes, rivers and oceans are the different water bodies of water on land. Due to water cycle, water of these water bodies evaporates and make water vapours. These water vapours make clouds. On cooling, condensed clouds make droplets. In the form of rain water falls down again on earth surface. This cycling of water is called ‘water cycle’.
Question 16.
In which substances nitrogen is found ?
Nitrogen is mainly found in protein, nucleic acid, DNA, RNA, Vitamins, etc. Vitamins are also found in alkaloids and urea.
Question 17.
How does nitrogen deficiency create in soil ? What measure should be adopted for this kind of soil?
Content of nitrogen decreases when the soil is utilized again and again to obtain crop yield. Nitrogen enriched fertilizers are mixed in soil to eradicate this deficiency. Most prevailing fertilizer is ammonium nitrate which is prepared from ammonia gas and nitric acid.
Question 18.
How do green plants prepare starch ?
Plants get carbon from the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide. By getting energy from the sunlight, plants combine this carbon
These are the carbohydrates and fats which provide energy to the living organisms by which all activities of living beings are completed.
Question 19.
Write two benefits of greenhouse effect.
The two benefits of greenhouse effect are following:
(i) The temperature of atmosphere increases by absorption of infrared radiations by greenhouse effect and the life remain smooth in cold climate also.
(ii) The snow covered mountains melt due to greenhouse effect and there is water in rivers throughout the year by this reason.
Question 20.
In which form, the oxygen is found on earth ?
21 % oxygen is found in our environment. The oxygen is present in the compound form in carbon dioxide. The oxygen is also found in oxides of metals and silicons, carbonates, sulphates, nitrate and in other minerals. The oxygen is also present in biomolecules like carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acid and fats.
Question 21.
What will be happen if the ozone layer disappear from atmosphere ?
At a height of 15 km above the earth’s surface ozone (O3) layer exists. It grows thicker with the increase in height. It is thickest at the height of 23 km. This layer absorbs the ultraviolet radiation that is present in the sunlight. This ultraviolet light develops skin cancer in the living beings. Therefore, if ozone layer gets disappeared from the atmosphere, the protection envelop will come to an end. The harmful ultraviolet radiation after, reaching to us will produce skin cancer to us and other organisms. Thus, the stratosphere will run with a huge loss. Along with, ultraviolet radiation will become the cause of diseases like glucoma and heat immolation. Also, the division of cells in plants will stop.
Essay Type Questions
Question 1.
How does water-cycle In nature accomplish?
Water is continuously flow in environment. This is called hydrological cycle. In water, hydrogen is the basic element that circulates in the form of water compound water constantly. Evaporation from water bodies (ocean, sea, lakes and rivers) and from the skin of the living organisms and it goes on mingling into the air. Alongwith the water absorbed by the plants from the underground too transpires through stomata of leaves and gathers into the atmosphere. Thus, by different in sources the water mingled in atmosphere in form of water vapours. Water vapours present in atmosphere changes in rain drops by condensation at low temperature. These causes raining or hailing and in this way water again comes on earth (in soil and ponds). Thus water cycle in continues in biosphere.
Question 2.
Describe briefly the nitrogen cycle.
Proteins are the compounds of nitrogen. They are the important physical part of plants and animals. Due to the deficiency of protein growth of plants and animals stops because protein is responsible for physical growth ¡n living beings.
Animals consume their food from plants. Also, it contains protein. When the plants and animals becomes dead and decay then some saprophytic bacteria and fungi turns them into the ammonia salt. These ammonia-salts are turned into nitrates by nitrifying bacteria. Some of its part is absorbed by the root rains of roots tips of plants which is further converted into protein. Remaining part of the nitrate gets transformed into nitrogen by the micro-organisms (nitrifying bacteria). Thus, nitrogen once again appears in the atmosphere.
The bacteria that stabilise cosmic nitrogen are found in the soil and other root-glands of the legume plants. These bacteria convert the nitrogen in free state into its compounds, which are absorbed by the plants. Some part of atmospheric nitrogen remains fixed into the earth by thunder lightning. Fertilizers, manufactured in the factories are also a fixed form of nitrogen. This nitrogen gets absorbed by the plants and passes through the nitrogen food network. Thus, this nitrogen cycle continues in nature.
Question 3.
How does Carbon cycle gets completed in the biosphere ? Give explanation.
Carbon is an important physical element for all living beings. In living beings it is found in the form of carbohydrates, fats, protein and nucleic acids. Its transfer takes place through food chain. In atmosphere, it is found in the form of CO2. In oceans it is found in the form of biocarbon and carbonates. The green plants through photosynthesis process consume CO2and prepare carbohydrates. These carbohydrates then get transferred to animals. Decomposes again set them free into the environment. All living beings produce CO2 during respiration. Burning of fuels consisting ef carbon to increase the quantity of CO2 in the atmosphere. Eruption of volcanoes too is the main source of receiving CO2.
Question 4.
Draw a labelled diagram of Oxygen-cycle in nature.
Oxygen in nature, is nearly the 21 % part of the gaseous constituents in atmosphere. It gets dissolved into the water stores, which is utilised by the aquatic animals in breathing process. In bio-bodies it enters and exits in the form of compounds of CO2 and H2O. In biosphere the main source of providing oxygen are the green plants. Two stages of oxygen cycle are as under:
1. Intrusion of oxygen in the atmosphere: Carbon dioxide reached from different sources is utilised by the green plants to undergo photosynthesis process. In photosynthesis, oxygen is produced as a coproduct.
2. Expulsion of oxygen from the atmosphere: Atmospheric oxygen is utilised by all animals in respiration and they release in form of CO2 in the atmosphere. In same way the oxygen dissolved in the water bodies is utilised by the aquatic creatures and they release CO2 as by product underwater. Atmospheric oxygen is utilised in burning of coal, wood and carbon other fuels and is released in the form of CO2 in the atmosphere. In this way, a balance is created in the atmosphere for intrusion and expulsion of oxygen.
Practical Work
Experiment 1.
To study the conduction current waves.
Fix a candle in a beaker and light it up, not take a glowing incense stick near to the mouth of the beaker and observe it:
(1) On bringing the glowing incense stick near to the mouth of beaker the smoke is pushed back, since hot air escapes out.
(2) On keeping the glowing incense stick above the candle flame the smoke directly rises up because the flame of the candle heats up the upper air quickly and thus, let is escape right above.
(3) While keeping the glowing incense stick around the burning candle at differeht positions the smoke is repelled because the entire air from inside the beaker escapes out on heating up.
Experiment 2.
To study the process of formation of fog.
(1) Take 5-10 ml of water in a plastic bottle and tight-up the cap.
(2) Now, shake it well and let escape little quantity of smoke form a glowing incense stick into the bottle by unscrewing the cap. Now place the cap once again to the mouth of the bottle.
(3) Take the bottle in between both palms and squeeze the bottle hard. After a short while, again squeeze the bottle and make your observation. On the water vapours saturated and with an increase in the pressure, fog gets formed inside the bottle. The fog is disappeared during keeping the bottle for a short time still. The pressure increases by squeezing and keep it in motion. During the collection of water vapour around the smoke particles, the fog is formed.
Experiment 3.
Making of a hygrometer and note down the time of maximum rainfall in your city and state.
Take a glass funnel with its mouth equal to that of the size of the mouth of the beaker and fit it to the mouth of the beaker, mark the wall of the beaker and draw a scale.
As soon as the rain starts keep the hygrometer at such a place, where water may fall down into the funnel without any obstacle. Note down the reading as soon as the rain stops. With the help of this device, note down the quantity of rainfall for a fixed period (months) of everyday. Thus, we can find out the day which received the maximum rainfall. To note down the maximum rainfall of a particular state the quantity of rainfall is noted down of metropolitan cities or big cities and thus average rainfall is known.
Quick Review of the Chapter
1. The gas found in our atmosphere different to the atmosphere of Venus and Mars is :
(A) CO2
(B) O2
(C) Ar
(D) N2
(B) O2
2. The cause of air blow s:
(A) pressure difference
(B) temperature difference
(C) density difference
(D) surface difference
(A) pressure difference
3. Which of the following pollute the air ?
(A) burning of fossil fuels
(B) movement of vehicles
(C) smoke of factories
(D) all of the above
(D) all of the above
4. The main cause (s) of soil erosion is (are)
(A) floods
(B) heavy winds
(C) deforestation
(D) all of the above
(D) all of the above
5. Earthworms are helpful ¡n:
(A) making nitrogen
(B) making humas
(C) decreasing the fertily
(D) all of the above
(B) making humas
6. Pattern of rainfall decided on which factor?
(A) wind pattern
(B) forest pattern
(C) evaparation pattern
(D) people’s life style pattern
(A) wind pattern
7. Soil erosion can be controlled by:
(A) growing grass
(B) anti air
(C) levelling fields
(D) all of the above
(D) all of th above
8. The protective cover ¡n our environment (atmosphere) is of:
(A) O2
(B) CO2
(C) O3
(D) N2
(C) O3
9. The water vapours when passes through cold regions, condense in the form of water drops which is called:
(A) snow
(B) water
(C) sky
(D) cloud
(D) cloud
10. The human activity/activities which increase the quantity of CO2 in atmosphere is/are:
(A) burning of fuels
(B) use of petrol in vehicles
(C) respiration process
(D) all of the above
(D) all of the above
11. The increase in atmospheric temperature by the absorption of infrared radiations by CO2 reflected from the surface of earth is called:
(A) ozone hole
(B) greenhouse effect
(C) ultraviolet effect
(D) absorption effect
(B) greenhouse effect
12. The outermost layer of earth is called:
(A) hydrosphere
(B) lithosphere
(C) atmosphere
(D) ozonosphere
(B) lithosphere
13. The cover of air spread around the earth is called:
(A) hydrosphere
(B) lithosphere
(C) atmosphere
(D) ozonosphere
(C) atmosphere
14. The part of earth which contains water is called:
(A) hydrosphere
(B) lithosphere
(C) atmosphere
(D) biosphere
(A) hydrosphere
15. The non-living factors of biosphere are:
(A) air
(B) water
(C) soil
(D) all of the above
(D) all of the above
16. The air pollutant (s) ¡s (are):
(A) CO
(B) NO2
(C) SO2
(D) all of the above
(D) all of the above
17. Gas produced in combustion is:
(A) oxygen
(B) nitrogen
(C) carbon dioxide
(D) helium
(C) carbon dioxide
18. What is the formula of ozone?
(A) O2
(B) O3
(C) O4
(D) O5
(B) O3
19. Necessary for photo-synthesis:
(A) sunlight
(B) chlorophil
(C) water and carbon dioxide
(D) all of the above
(D) all of the above
20. The substance made of decomposition of dead animals ¡s called:
(A) humus
(B) fertiliser
(C) soil
(D) coal
(A) humus
21. The mixing of undesirable materials in soil is called:
(A) water pollution
(B) air pollution
(C) soil pollution
(D) noise pollution
(C) soil pollution
22. The percentage of nitrogen in our atmosphere is:
(A) 21 %
(B) 78 %
(C) 0.033 %
(D) 0.1 %
(B) 78%
23. The change of nitrogen of atmosphere into nitrates and nitrites by bacteria is called:
(A) oxygen fixation
(B) denitrification
(C) nitrogen fixation
(D) ammonification
(C) nitrogen fixation
24. Soil ¡s a natural resource which:
(A) provides necessary nutrients to plants
(B) is compulsory for life and development
(C) provides eating materials
(D) all of the above
(D) all of the above
25. CO2 absorbs:
(A) visible light
(B) infrared radiations
(C) ultraviolet radiations
(D) none of above
(B) infrared radiations
26. Oxides of nitrogen and sulphur are present in:
(A) acid rain
(B) basis rain
(C) normal rain
(D) all of the above
(A) acid rain
27. Acid rain results due to:
(A) Nitrogen and sulphur oxides in air
(B) Increase in suspended practices in air
(C) Increase in hydrocarbons
(D) Excess C0 in air
(A) Nitrogen and sulphur oxides in air
28. Which of the following ¡s wrong regarding causes of water pollution?
(A) Presence of unwanted substances in water bodies
(B) Decrease in amount of dissolved oxygen in water:
(C) Change in temperature of water
(D) Increased no. of aerobic bacteria
(D) Increased no. of aerobic bacteria
29. Green House Effect is caused by:
(A) Green plants
(B) mfra-red rays
(C) UV rays
(D) X-rays
(C) UV rays
30. Cause of Ozone depletion is:
(A) CO2
(B) O2
(D) N2