Haryana State Board HBSE 8th Class Science Solutions Chapter 16 Light Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
Haryana Board 8th Class Science Solutions Chapter 16 Light
HBSE 8th Class Science Light Textbook Questions and Answers
Question 1.
Suppose you are in a dark room. Can you see object in the room? Can you see objects outside the room. Explain.
We cannot see objects in the room because it is a dark room. No light is reflected from the surfaces of the object, so we are not able to see them. But outside the room, the objects can reflect light thus enabling us to see the objects.
Question 2.
Differentiate between regular and diffused reflection. Does diffused reflection mean the failure of the laws of reflection?
Following are the differences between a regular reflection and diffused reflection :
Regular Reflection:
(i) It takes place on a smooth surface.
(ii) It has all the reflected rays in parallel.
(iii) Reflected rays are in one direction.
Diffused Reflection:
(i) It takes place on a rough surface.
(ii) Reflected rays are not parallel.
(iii) Reflected rays are scattered in different directions.
Diffused reflection is not due to failure of laws of reflection.
Question 3.
Mention against each of the following whether regular or diffused reflection will take place when a beam of light strikes. Justify your answer in each case.
(a) Polished wooden table
(b) Chalk powder
(c) Cardboard surface
(d) Marble stone with water spread over it
(e) Mirror
(f) Piece of paper
(a) A polished wooden table will have regular reflection because its surface is smooth.
(b) A chalk powder will ‘get the diffused reflection because chalk particles are not smooth.
(c) Cardbord surface has minute irregularities on it, so it will have a diffused reflection.
(d) Marble stone with water spread over it will have regular reflection if water is stable but if waves are formed then diffused reflection will take place.
(e) A mirror will reflect light regularly due to its smooth surface.
(f) A piece of paper will have irregular reflection due to minute irregularities on it.
Question 4.
State the laws of reflection.
Following are the laws of reflection:
(i) Incident ray, reflected ray and normal drawn at the point of incidence to the reflecting surface always lie in the same plane.
(ii) Angle of incidence is always equal to angle of reflection.
Question 5.
Describe an activity to show that the incident rays, the reflected ray and the normal at the point of incidence lie in the same plane.
Take a plane mirror and make it stand with help of block on a plane sheet as shown in figure. Now draw an incident line on it AB. Now see in the mirror and mark the points on the paper, where you feel the line is travelling after
getting reflected from the mirror (P1 and P2). Now remove the mirror and mark it as OS and Join the points to make the reflected ray. You will see that, it joins the point of incidence, proving that incident ray is the reflected ray (BC).
Question 6.
Fill in the blanks in the following:
(a) A person 1 m in front of a plane mirror seems to _________ be m away from his image.
(b) If you touch your _________ ear with right hand in front of a plane mirror it will be seen in the mirror that your right ear is touched with .
(c) The size of the pupil becomes _________ when you see in dim light.
(d) Night birds have _________ cones than rods in their eyes.
(a) 2 m
(b) left, left
(c) increase
(d) lesser.
Choose the correct option in the Question 7-8.
Question 7.
Angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection:
(i) Always
(ii) Sometimes
(iii) Under special conditions
(iv) Never
(i) Always.
Question 8.
Image formed by a plane mirror is:
(a) virtual, behind the mirror and enlarged
(b) virtual, behind the mirror and of the same size as the object
(c) teal at the surface of the mirror and enlarged
(d) real, behind the mirror and of the same size as the object.
(b) virtual, behind the mirror and of the same size as the object.
Question 9.
Describe the construction of kaleidoscope.
Kaleidoscope is made of three strips of plane mirrors. Three strips of plane mirrors of about 15 cm. length and 4 cm. width are taken and arranged as in a prism i.e. in a triangular form.
They are fixed to each other with thick sheet of paper and enclosed in a tube or in a circular carboard. One end of the tube is covered with a round cardboard disc having a hole in the centre. From the opposite open end some pieces of broken bangles or broken coloured glass are put inside the tube. This open end is also closed. When we see inside this tube through the hole in the circular cardboard; we see different patterns of coloured bangle inside it.
Question 10.
Draw a labeled sketch of human eye.
Question 11.
Gurmit wanted to perform Activity 16.8 using a laser torch. Her teacher advised her not to do so. Can you explain the basis of the teacher’s advise ?
Teacher has advised her to because laser light is harmful for eyes and can cause some permanent damage to eyes when throw directly in eyes.
Question 12.
Explain how you can take care of your eyes?
Following precautionary measures can be taken to take care of our eyes:
- We should always wash our eyes with plane cold water atleast three times a day.
- We should not touch our eyes with dirty hands.
- We should never rub our eyes.
- We should not look at Sun directly.
- We should read book, watch T.V., read from black board from a suitable distance.
- Consult an eye specialist if have any irritation, redness in our eyes.
Question 13.
What is the angle of incidence of a ray if the incident and reflected rays is at an angle of 90° to the incident ray?
The angle of incidence of the ray will be 45°.
Question 14.
How many images of a candle will be formed if it is placed between two parallel plane mirrors separated by 40 cm?
Infinite images will be formed.
Question 15.
Two mirrors meet at right angles. A ray of light is incident on one at an angle of 30° as shown in the figure. Draw the reflected ray from the second mirror.
Question 16.
Bhoojo stands at A just on the side of a plane mirror as shown in figure. Can he see himself in the mirror ? Also can he see image of objects situated at P, Q and R?
Bhoojo can’t see himself. He can see the images of objects at P and Q.
Question 17.
(a) Find out the position of the image of an object situated at A in the plane mirror, (figure)
(b) Can Paheii at B see this image?
(c) Can Bhoojho at C see this image?
(d) When Paheii moves from B to C, where does the image of A move?
(a) Image will be formed at ‘A’.
(b) Yes, Paheii at B can see the image.
(c) No, Boojho can’t see the image at C.
(d) The image will disappear at Paheii moves from B to C.
Extended Learning – Activities and Projects
Question 1.
Make your own mirror. Take a glass strip or glass slab. Clean it and put it on a white sheet of paper. See yourself in the glass. Next put the glass slab on a black sheet of paper. Again look into the glass. In which case do you see yourself better and why?
For self attempt.
Question 2.
Make friends with some visually challenged students. Enquire from them how they read and write. Also find out how they are able to recognise objects, hurdles and currency notes.
For self attempt.
Question 3.
Meet an eye specialist. Get your eye sight checked and discuss how to take care of your eyes.
For self attempt.
Question 4.
Survery your neighbourhood. Find out how many children below the age of 12 years use spectacles. Find out from their parents what, in their view, could be the reason for the weak eyesight of’ their children.
You can read more on this topic on the following websites :
→ www.glenbrook.k 1 2.il.us/gbssci/phys/ mmedia/optics/ifpm.html
→ www.glenbrook.k 1 2 il.us/gbssci/phys/elass/ refln/u131b.html
For self attempt.
HBSE 7th Class Science Light Important Questions and Answers
Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What is sense of sight?
The sense which enables us to see object around us is called sense of sight.
Question 2.
What are the sight organs in animals?
Question 3.
What is a mirror?
Smooth and shiny surface is called a mirror.
Question 4.
What is reflection?
Throwing back the incident light by a plane surface is called reflection.
Question 5.
What kind of surfaces reflect light?
All surfaces reflect light.
Question 6.
What is incident ray?
Beam of light falling on reflecting surface is called incident ray.
Question 7.
What is reflecting ray?
Beam of light reflected back by the reflecting surface is called reflected ray.
Question 8.
What is angle of incidence?
Angle formed between the incident ray and normal is called angle of incident.
Question 9.
What is angle of reflection?
Angle formed between the reflecting ray and normal is called angle of reflection.
Question 19.
State second law of reflection.
Angle of incidence and angle of reflection are always same.
Question 11.
What kind of image is formed by a plane mirror?
Virtual and erect image.
Question 12.
Where is the image formed by the mirror?
Behind the mirror.
Question 13.
What is the size of the image formed?
Same as that on the object infront of the mirror.
Question 14.
At what distance is the image formed behind the plane mirror?
At the same distance, as is the object infront of the mirror.
Question 15.
What is the phenomenon called where left side appears to be right and vice- versa in a plane mirror?
Lateral inversion.
Question 16.
Which surface shows regular reflection?
Smooth surface.
Question 17.
Which surface shews diffused reflection?
Rough surface.
Question 18.
What kind of reflection will take place from a polished leather shoes top?
Regular reflection.
Question 19.
What kind of reflection will take place from the cover of your note-hook?
Diffused reflection.
Question 20.
In what kind of reflection does reflected rays go parallelled to each other?
Regular reflection.
Question 21.
In what kind of reflection, reflected rays move scattered?
In diffused reflection.
Question 22.
floes Moon has its own light?
Question 23.
How does moon shine?
It reflected light emitted by the Sun.
Question 24.
Name some objects which have light of their own.
Sun, fire, flame of candle etc.
Question 25.
What are objects called, which have light of their own?
Luminous objects.
Question 26.
How many mirror strips are used to make a Kaleidoscope?
Question 27.
Is white light a pure white light?
Question 28.
How many colours constitute a white beam?
Question 29.
What is the splitting of white light into its constituent colours called?
Question 30.
What is the shape of human eye?
It is roughly spherical in shape.
Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What is reflection of light?
When a beam of light falls on a surface, it is thrown back by the surface in a different direction in the same medium. This is called reflection of light. Every surface can reflect. The falling beam of light is called incident ray and beam bouncing back is called the reflected ray.
Question 2.
How do we see various objects?
We see various objects due to reflection. As we know all surfaces reflect light, when light falls on any object, it reflects the light. The reflected light reaches our eyes and we are enabled to see the objects.
Question 3.
Write the laws of reflection?
There are two laws of reflection :
(i) The ray of incidence, ray of reflection and normal drawn at the point of incidence to the reflecting surface lie in the same plane.
(ii) The angle of reflection and angle of incidence are always equal.
Question 4.
What do you mean by following.
(i) Incident ray
(ii) Reflected ray
Incident ray : The light ray that strikes any surface is called incident ray.
Reflected ray : The light ray which is thrown away from the surface after reflection in a different direction, is called reflected ray.
Question 5.
What do you mean by angle of incidence and angle of reflection?
The angle formed between the incident ray and the normal is called the angle of incidence. The angle of reflection is the angle formed between the reflected ray and the normal. Both these angles are always equal in size.
Question 6.
What is a mirror? What kind of image is formed in a mirror?
Any smooth and shining surface can act as mirror. Mirror is a smooth surface which is polished from its back and can form the image of the object which is placed in front of it. The image formed by a mirror is a virtual and erect image and is of same size as that of the object infront of it.
Question 7.
What is dispersion of light?
A beam of white light consists of seven colours. When a beam of white light passes through a prism, it splits into its seven constituent colours. The splitting of white light into its seven constituent colours is called dispersion of light.
Question 8.
How many kind of nerve endings are there in our eyes?
There are two types of nerve endings in our eyes. The first type of nerve endings are called cones. Cones are sensitive to bright light and other type of nerve endings are called rods. Rods are sensitive to dim light cones are also sensitive to colours.
Question 9.
How do eye muscle adjust themselves to see the near and distant objects?
What is called the accomodation of eyes?
The muscles of the eye contract in order to see near objects. When they contract the lens becomes thicker. When the eye has to see a distant object the muscles expand or relax. This makes the lens thinner. This is called accommodation.
Question 10.
What is the cause of dispersion?
Different colours of light bend by different angles of refraction. When light enters the glass prism or a drop of water, different colours bend at different angles and become separated to show phenomenon of dispersion.
Question 11.
How do ciliary muscles affect the functioning of eye?
Ciliary muscles can contract and relax. Because of this they can change the thickness of eye lens which also changes its focal length. With change in focal length eye lens can make image of near by objects and also far away objects. So power of accommodation of eye is due to the function of the ciliary muscle.
Question 12.
What is a yellow spot in eyes?
Yellow spot or macula is a small area, facing the eye lens. It has high concentration of light sensitive nerve endings or cones. The rest of the retina has lesser cones and more number of cells called rods. It is the spot where brightest vision is formed and colour version is formed.
Question 13.
What is the blind spot?
It is a region below the yellow spot, where no light sensitive nerve endings are present. It is an area of no vision.
Question 14.
What is Myopia or short sightedness?
This is a type of eye defect, in which person can see nearer objects clearly but cannot see the far off objects. This defect is due to thickness of eye lens. Ciliary muscles do not relax enough to make lens thin enough to see distant objects.
Question 15.
What is Hypermetropia or long sightedness?
This is a type of an eye defect, in which the person can see far off objects clearly, but cannot see the nearer objects. This defect is due to thinness of the eye lens. The ciliary muscle do not contract enough to make the lens see nearer objects.
Question 16.
What is cataract? How can it be corrected?
During old age, the eye sight becomes blurred. It happens because the lens of the eye becomes opaque and milky. When the vision becomes cloudy the person is said to have cataract. It is possible to treat this temporary loss of vision by removing the opaque lens and, a new artificial lens is inserted by minor and simpe operation.
Question 17.
Write any three safety measures to protect our eyes.
- We should not rub our eyes.
- We should wash our eyes many times a day.
- We should not look at sun or other powerful lights directly.
Question 18.
What is Braille system?
Braille is based on code of one to six dots which are raised. Each dot has a position. These dots make up letters of alphabet, number and all other things done in print. Any language can be read through the codes of the braille by touching the dots.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What is reflection of light? State laws of reflection.
Reflection of light is throwing back of light by any object. When a beam of light falls on some surface, the surface throws that beam away in different direction. This is called reflection of light. Following are the laws of reflection:
(a) When a ray of light falls on a reflecting surface, it is reflected in such a way that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection i.e. ∠i = ∠r.
(b) The incident ray, the normal and the reflected ray, all lie in the same plane.
Question 2.
What are the characteristics of image formed with a plane mirror?
Plane mirror is a shiny, polished surface. When any object is placed in front of the mirror, an image is formed. Following are the characteristics of the image formed by a plane mirror:
- Image formed on a plane mirror cannot be taken on a screen, such image is called a virtual image.
- Image formed on a plane mirror is erect.
- It is laterally inverted i.e. left hand of the object appears as the right hand.
- Image formed is as far behind as the object is in front of it.
Question 3.
What are the uses of a plane mirror?
- We use a plane mirror to see our reflections in it, at our homes.
- Plane mirrors are used to reflect light on a particular object.
- Plane mirrors are used for signalling by scouts and army.
- They are used to form multiple images in show windows.
- Plane mirror is used to reflect sun rays in appliances like solar cooker etc.
- Toys like Kaleidoscope are made on the concept of multiple reflection. Navy use periscopes based on concept of multiple reflection for spying in sea.
Question 4.
Describe how does human eye work?
The light reflected by objects enter our eyes through cornea. That is why cornea is called window to the world. Lens focuses the image of the object on the retina. Retina converts these optical images into optical pulses. These optical pulses are then sent to brain through optical nerves. The amount of light entering the eye through cornea is controlled by Iris. It expands when light is bright and thus enables the pupil to enter controlled amount of light to enter the eye. In dark it contracts and increases the size of pupil to allow more light to enter the eye.
The retina forms a small and inverted image of the object. The brain interprets it and forms the erect and correct sized image.
Question 5.
Write various measures to save our eyes.
Eyes are a precious gift of God. We should take proper care of our eyes and protect them from injury. Following measures should be taken for healthy eyes :
- We should wash our eyes with cold water everyday and wipe them with clean and soft cloth.
- We should never rub our eyes. If some particle enters our eyes, we should wash our eyes with cold water.
- We should always read in proper light.
- In case of any injury or other problems related to eyes, we should avoid self medication and immediately consult an eye specialist.
Question 6.
What is blindness? How many types of blindness do we know about?
A person is said to be blind or visually impaired when he or she is imable to see. Blindness is of two types:
Curable Blindness : When cornea becomes opaque or the lens becomes opaque the sight of the person becomes decreased. This is called a temporary or curable blindness. In this case the person is operated upon and sight is resorted. An artificial lens is inserted in place of opaque lens and the opaque cornea is replaced with a healthy donated cornea.
Permanent Blindness : In this type of blindness image formed by cornea is not transferred to brain and this type of blindness cannot be cured.
Pollution of Air and Water Class 8 HBSE Notes
- We see all the things around us only due to sense of sight.
- Eyes are our organs of sight, which enables us to see objects around us.
- It is the light which enables our eyes to see the objects. Without light our eyes cannot sense anything.
- Any polished or shiny surface acts as a mirror. It can change the direction of light.
- Light is reflected from all the surfaces.
- When a beam of light falls on a surface, it throws back the light to same medium. This phenomenon is called reflection of light.
- The beam of light falling on the plane surface is called the incident ray.
- The beam of light thrown back by the reflecting surface is called the reflected ray.
- The line drawn between the point where the incident ray and reflected ray meet is called the normal.
- The angle between the normal and the incident ray is called angle of incidence.
- The angle between the normal and the reflected ray is called the angle of reflection.
- The angle of incidence and the angle of reflection are equal.
- Incident ray, reflected ray and the normal drawn at the point of incidence to reflecting surface lie in the same plane.
- Above two points are called laws of reflection.
- Light falling on a smooth surface is reflected regularly.
- Irregular or diffused reflection takes place on rough surface.
- In mirror the right appears as left and left as right. This is called lateral inversion.
- Two mirrors inclined to each other at different angles, give multiple images.
- White light consists of seven colours called spectrum.
- Splitting of white light into its constituting seven colours is callled dispersion.
- Our eyes have different parts which perform different functions to enable us to see the objects.
- Visually challanged persons can read and write using Braille system.