Haryana State Board HBSE 8th Class English Solutions It So Happened Chapter 8 Jalebis Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
Haryana Board HBSE 8th Class English Solutions It So Happened Chapter 8 Jalebis
HBSE 8th Class English Jalebis Textbook Questions and Answers
Comprehension Check – I
Jalebis Class 8 Question Answer HBSE Question 1.
Why didn’t he pay the school fees on the day he brought money to school?
उसने स्कूल की फीस उस दिन क्यों नहीं दी जिस दिन वह स्कूल में पैसे लाया था?
Master Ghulam Mohammed, used to collect the fees. He was on leave that day. Hence the fees will be collected the next day. Therefore, he didn’t (couldn’t) pay the school fees on the day he brought money to school.
Jalebis Question Answer HBSE Class 8 Question 2.
(i) What were the coins ‘saying’ to him?
सिक्के उसे क्या कह रहे थे?
The coins were inspiring him to spend them. One rupiya said, “Jalebis are meant to be eaten. Money is meant to be spent. Only they spend it, who like fresh, hot jalebis.
(ii) Do you think they were misguiding him?
क्या तुम्हारे विचार में वे उसे गुमराह कर रहे थे?
Yes, they (the rupiya coins) were misguiding him.
Jalebis Class 8 Summary HBSE Question 3.
Why didn’t he take the coins’ advice? Give two or three reasons.
उसने सिक्कों की हिदायत क्यों नहीं मानी? दो या तीन कारण बताओ।
He did not take the coins’ advice due to the following reasons:
(a) How would he show his face to masterji.
(b) He got much to eat at home.
(c) It was a sin to spend the fees and funds money.
Question 4.
(i) What did the oldest coin tell him?
सबसे पुराने सिक्के ने उससे क्या कहा?
The oldest coin told the following things to him
(a) We are trying to tell you something for your own good.
(b) Instead of listening to us, you try to strangle us.
(c) Spend us today over jalebis and pay the fees from scholarship money.
(ii) Did he follow his advice? If not, why not?
क्या उसने उसकी हिदायत मानी? यदि नहीं, क्यों नहीं?
He did not follow his advice because what the old coin was saying was not right. It wasn’t right for a boy of status to stand there in the middle of the bazaar eating jalebis.
Question 5.
He reached home with the coins in his pocket. What happened then?
वह अपनी जेब में सिक्के रख कर घर पहुंचा। फिर क्या घटना घटी?
He reached home with the coins in his pocket. He sat on the bed. They began to speak and shriek. He rushed out of the house and ran towards the bazaar to purchase jalebis.
Comprehension Check – II
Question 1.
(i) Why didn’t he eat all the jalebis he had bought?
उसने खरीदी हुई सारी जलेबियाँ क्यों नहीं खायीं?
He had eaten so many jalebis that if anyone pressed his stomach a little, jalebis would have gushed out of his ears and nostrils.
(ii) What did he do with the remaining lot?
उसने शेष जलेबियों का क्या किया?
He handed out the remaining a lot to the children who had assembled in the street.
Question 2.
“The fear was killing me.” What was the fear?
“भर मुझे मार रहा था।” भर क्या था?
He had eaten the jalebis to his fill. He had a burp with every breath. The fear was killing him that with his burp one or two jalebis would pour out.
Question 3.
Children’s stomachs are like digestion machines. What do you understand by that? Do you agree?
बच्चों के पेट हजम करने वाली मशीनों की तरह हैं। इससे क्या समझते हो? क्या तुम सहमत हो?
Children’s stomachs are like digestive machines. It keeps working right through the night. He felt normal in the morning.
I fully agree with it.
Question 4.
How did he plan to pay the fees the next day?
उसने अगले दिन फीस देने की किस प्रकार योजना बनाई?
He hoped to get the scholarship money, the next day. Thus he planned to pay the fees the next day with that money.
Question 5.
When it is time to pay the fees, what does he do? How is he disobeying the elders by doing it?
जब फीस देने का समय है तो वह क्या करता है? वैसा कर के वह किस प्रकार बुजुर्गों की आज्ञा नहीं मान रहा है?
When it is time to pay the fees, he slips away from school. By doing it he disobeyed his elders (the teachers and his family elders).
Comprehension Check – III
Question 1.
What was the consequence of buying jalebis with the fees money?
फीस के पैसों से जलेबियाँ खरीदने का क्या परिणाम हुआ?
He had bought jalebis with the fees money. He was out of pocket then. He would be receiving his scholarship the next month, instead of the next day. All his hopes were belied. Its consequence was that he slipped from school on the fee day. He absented himself from the school even the next day. The matter had reached his home.
Question 2.
This prayer to God is like a lawyer’s defence of a bad case. Does he argue his case well? What are the points he makes?
भगवान के लिए यह प्रार्थना वकील द्वारा बुरे (झूठे) मुकद्दमें के बचाव की तरह है। क्या वह अपने केस की ठीक बहस?
He argues his case well. He tells Allah Miyan that he is a good boy. He was deeply religious and his devoted servant. He had, however, made a mistake by eating jalebis himself and getting it eaten by many other children. He requested God to just put four rupees in his bag. He assured God that he would never spend his fees money on sweets in future. He would also accept just four rupees.
His points were quite right and logical
Question 3.
He offers to play a game with Allah Miyan. what is the game?
वह अल्लाह मियाँ को एक गेम खेलने के लिए पेश करता है। वह गेम क्या है?
He offers to play a game with Allah Miyan. In the game he would go to and fro a signal, touch it and come back. God will secretly place four rupees underneath a big rock. He would pick up the rock and find four rupees there.
Question 4.
Did he get four rupees by playing the game? What did he get to see under the rock?
क्या गेम खेलने से उसे चार रुपये मिल गए? उसने चट्टान के नीचे क्या पाया?
No, he did not get from rupees by playing the game. He got to see Mr. Worm coiled on the rock staring at him.
Question 5.
If God had granted his wish that day, what harm would it have caused him in later life?
यदि भगवान उस दिन उसकी इच्छा पूरी कर देता तो उसके आगामी जीवन में वह क्या नुकसान करता?
If Allah Miyan were to provide all for the asking then man would not learn any skill. It would have caused him a great harm of God might have sent him four rupees.
Work in small groups:
Question 1.
Select and read sentences that show:
- that the boy is tempted to eat jalebis.
- that he is feeling guilty.
- that he is justifying a wrong deed.
छोटे दल में काम करो उन वाक्यों को छाँटों और पढ़ो जो दर्शाते हैं:
- कि लड़का, जलेबी खाने के लिए लालायित होता है।
- कि वह अपराधी महसूस कर रहा है।
- कि वह एक गलत कार्य की पुष्टि कर रहा है।
Question 2.
Discuss the following points:
- Is the boy intelligent? If so, what is the evidence of it?
- Does his outlook on the jalebis episode change after class VIII? Does he see that episode in a new light?
- Why are coins made to talk’ in this story? What purpose does it serve?
अधोलिखित बिंदुओं की चर्चा करो:
- क्या बालक बुद्धिमान है? यदि ऐसा है, तो इसका क्या सबूत है?
- क्या आठवीं कक्षा के बाद जलेबी उपकथा का दृष्टिकोण उसे बदल देता है? क्या वह उस उपकथा को नए प्रकाश में देखता है?
- इस कहानी में सिक्कों से बात क्यों कराई जाती है? इससे क्या उद्देश्य सिद्ध होता है?
For self-attempt.
Think it Over
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use and by some other means to give us knowledge which we can attain by them.
HBSE 8th Class English Solutions Jalebis Important Questions and Answers
Question 1.
What happened one day when the boy was in fifth standard?
जब बालक पाँचवीं श्रेणी में था तो क्या घटना घटी?
When the boy was in fifth standard, one day he went to school with four rupees. He had to pay his school fees and the fund. But the teacher who used to collect the fees was on leave that day.
Question 2.
How did the coins behave on the fee day?
फीस वाले दिन, सिक्कों ने कैसा आचरण किया?
The fee was not collected that day. The teacher was on leave. The four rupiya coins simply sat in the boy’s pocket. They began to speak when the school was over and the boys was outside.
Question 3.
What would happen if the boy spent the fee money?
यदि बालक ने फीस की धनराशि खर्च कर दी तो क्या घटना घटेगी?
The coins pressed upon the boy to spend them on buying Jalebis. The boy was afraid that he would be unable to face his teacher if he spent his fee and fund money. Allah Miyan at Qayamat would also be angry on him.
Question 4.
How did the boy snub the coins?
बालक ने किस प्रकार सिक्कों को लताड़ा?
The boy apprised the coins that he would be punished in school on spending the fee money. Even God would treat him a sinner. Therefore, he snubbed the coins to stop chewing at his ears.
Question 5.
Why did the coins create a clamour?
सिक्कों ने कोलाहल क्यों किया?
The boy snubbed the coins and asked them to let him go home straight. The coins disliked his decision. Therefore, they began to speak together at the same time. They also created a clamour.
Question 6.
How did the passersby behave?
राहगीरों ने कैसा बर्ताव किया?
There was a great clamour, created by the coins. The passersby stared at the boy and the comes with eyes wide open and with surprise. They behaved like ordinary spectators. They did neither intervene nor sided them.
Question 7.
What did the boy do in panic?
भयभीत होकर लड़के ने क्या किया?
The coin of those days made great noise. The boy was in panic. Therefore, he grabbed all the four of the coins. He also held them tight in his fist. Then alone they became silent
Question 8.
What was the position of the boy in his class?
अपनी कक्षा में बालक की क्या स्थिति थी?
The boy was among the most promissing students. He had won a scholarship of four rupees a month in the fourth standard examination. He had never been beaten in school
Question 9.
Why did the boy reach a safe corner?
बालक सुरक्षित कोने में क्यों पहुंचा?
The boy was gathering jalebis. Just then he saw a tonga. His uncle was returning by from the court. So he hid from his sight and
ran into a street. There he reached a safe corner.
Question 10.
How did the boy distribute jalebis?
लड़के ने जलेबियाँ किस तरह बाँटी?
The boy stood on the chabutra like the Governor Sahib as the Goveror used to distribute rice to the poor and needy persons on Independence Day. In the same manner the boy distributed jalebis liberally to a huge mob of children around him.
Question 11.
How did the boy return home after distributing the jalebis?
जलेबियाँ बाँटने के बाद लड़का घर कैसे लौटा?
The boy finished distributing jalebis. He washed his hands and face at the public tap. He put on an innocent face as if he had never seen a hint of jalebis all his life. He returned home.
Question 12.
What had the elders advised him? How did he take it?
बुजुगों ने उसे क्या सलाह दी थी? उसने उसे कैसे लिया?
The elders of the boy had warned him never to cross the railway tracks. They had also warned him never to eat sweets with one’s fees money. The instructions escaped his mind.
Question 13.
Why did the boy feel like crying?
लड़के को रोने की इच्छा क्यों हुई?
The boy did not know that he would get the scholarship the next month. Under false hope of paying fees with scholarship money, he spent his money on jalebis. He had also absented himself from school due to the same reason. Therefore, he felt like crying.
Question 14.
Give the character-sketch of the boy.
बालक का चरित्र-चित्रण करो।
The narrator was an honest boy. He was in the fifth standard. He went to school with the fee-money. The teacher was on leave that day. His school was over, the coins in his pocket started speaking. They wished him to spend them on buying jalebis. Very strongly, he evaded their instruction. He reached home but the coins’s persuasion bade him purchase jalebis. He was not hopeful of getting scholarship money in vain. His failure to get the scholarship money made him a defaulter. He strayed outside the school. He prayed to God for financial help. He I was neither thoughtful nor practical.
Jalebis Summary in English
An honest boy is on his way to school. He was in fifth standard at the Government School, Kambelpur. He had four rupees in his pocket. He had to pay the school fees and fund (hat day. Master Ghulam Mohammad used to collect the fees. He was on leave that day. So, the fees would be collected on the next day. The four rupees kept sitting silently in his pocket during school hours. The coins started speaking when he came outside the school.
One rupiya told him to purchase fresh and hot jalebis. Money is meant to be spent. The boy asked him not to misguide him. Moreover, how he would show his face to the teacher on spending the fees and fund money. All the four rupiahs disliked his reply. They started speaking. The boy held them tight in his fist to make them silent. The oldest rupiya told him that he could pay his fees with the scholarship money. He was not swept away by their convincing words. He came home and sat on the bed. Again the coins began to speak. Eeing fed up he went to the bazaar. He bought jalebis for one rupee.
He gathered up the heap of jalebis. Just then, he saw his uncle coming, lb avoid him he ran into a Street. There he ate jalebis to his fill. Very quickly, boyS from the neighbourhood assembled there. He distributed the remaining jalebis to them. Soon a whole lot of children appeared. He bought one more rupee’s worth of jalebis. Again he distributed them liberally. By then there was a huge mob of children around him. Beggars also assembled there. He had to buy jalebis with his remaining two rupees and distribute them. Then he reached home.
It became difficult for him to digest the jalebis. He started belching. He had to eat his dinner or explain the reason for not eating it. No pretence could prove effective. He would be doomed if his eating of jalebis came to light. He suffered a stomachache the whole night. He felt normal in the morning and headed for school. He knew that he would get the previous month’s scholarship hat day. He would be able to pay his fees. However, he was shocked to learn that he would receive the schoolarship money the next month. The fees would be taken during the recess.
The boy left the school. He reached the Kambelpur railway station. He had flouted the instructions of the elderly people never to eat sweets with the fees money.
He sat under a shade giving tree. He considered himself the most unfortunate child. He could not pay his fees. He had eaten jalebis with the money meant for paying fees. His hopes for getting the scholarship money were belied. He repented over his silly doings. He had absented himself from school for the crime of eating jalebis. He felt like crying. He started shedding tears in the form of jalebi syrup. All the scenes of eating jalebis, spending fees, and the teacher’s caning revived in his mind. In the end, he thought of God.
He closed his eyes and began to pray. He narrated that he was religious minded boy and his devoted servant. He accepted his crime of spending the fee-amount on purchasing jalebis. He had shared them among a whole lot of children. He had been put to trouble because he would get his scholarship amount the next month. He prayed to God to just put only four rupees in his bag. He promised that he would never repeat his mistake in life. There is no shortage in God’s treasury.
After the prayer, the boy offered namaaz and recited everything that he remembered. He blew over his bag saying choo. After saying bismillah, he realised that the lotted cannot be blotted. He failed even to find four paisas in his bag. He felt like crying loudly. He remembered that the school must have ended . He got up and walked to the bazaar. He mixed with other children and reached home as usual.
The next day also he turned off to the railway station. He sat under the same tree and began to say the same prayers. He asked Allah Miyan to give him four rupees but in vain. Then he asked God to play a game with him. He would go from there to a signal, touch it and return. God would place four rupees under a big rock nearly. He lifted the rock and found a big hairy worm there coiling and staring at him.
He thought that he would keep reading the namaaz, the next day, and see how God didn’t give him four rupees. He reached home but they had received the report of his absence. He kept wandering for many years. He came to the conclusion that men would become lazy if God provided all their needs.
Jalebis Summary in Hindi
एक ईमानदार लड़का, स्कूल के रास्ते में है। वह गवर्नमेंट स्कूल, कम्बेलपुर की पाँचवी श्रेणी में था। उसकी जेब में चार रुपये थे। उसे, उस दिन, स्कूल की फीस और फण्ड देने थे। मास्टर गुलाम मुहम्मद फीस इकट्ठी किया करते थे। वे उस दिन, छुट्टी पर थे, इसलिए, फीस अगले दिन ली जानी थी। स्कूली समय में चारों रुपये, उस की जेब में शांति से रखे रहे। जब वह स्कूल से बाहर आया तो सिक्कों ने बोलना प्रारंभ कर दिया।
एक रुपये ने उसे सुझाव दिया कि ताजा और गरम जलेबियाँ खरीद ले। पैसा, खर्च करने के लिए ही होता है। लड़के ने उसे कहा कि उसे गुमराह न करें। इसके अतिरिक्त फीस और फण्ड की धनराशि को खर्च कर के वह अध्यापक को अपना चेहरा कैसे दिखाएगा। चारों रुपयों ने उसके उत्तर से घृणा की। उन्होंने बोलना प्रारंभ कर दिया। उन्हें चुप करने के लिए लड़के ने उन्हें अपनी मुट्ठी में कस कर भींच लिया। सबसे बड़े रुपये ने उसे बताया कि वह छात्रवृत्ति की राशि द्वारा अपनी फीस चुका सकता था। वह उनके प्रभावित करने वाले शब्दों के बहाव में नहीं आया। वह घर आया और पलंग पर बैठ गया। सिक्कों ने फिर बोलना आरंभ किया। परेशान होकर वह बाजार गया। उसने एक रुपये की जलेबियाँ खरीद लीं।
उसने जलेबियों के ढेर को इकट्ठा किया। तभी उसने अपने चाचा को आते हुए देखा। उनसे बचने के लिए वह दौड़ कर एक गली में चला गया। वहाँ उसने भरपेट जलेबियाँ खाई। शीघ्र ही, पड़ोस के लड़के वहाँ इकट्ठे हो गए। उसने बची हुई जलेबियों को उनमें बाँट दिया। थोड़ी देर बाद बच्चों का वहाँ जमघट उपस्थित हो गया। उसने एक और रुपये की जलेबियाँ खरीद लीं। दोबारा, उसने बड़ी उदारता से उन (बालकों) के लिए उन्हें (जलेबियों को) बाँट दिया। तब तक उसके इर्द-गिर्द बच्चों को अथाह भीड़ इकट्ठी हो गई। भिखारी वहाँ इकट्ठे हो गए। उसे अपने शेष दो रुपयों की भी जलेबियाँ खरीदनी पड़ी और उन्हें बाँट दिया। तब वह घर पहुंच गया।
जलेबियों को हजम करना उसके लिए दूभर हो गया। उसने डकारें मारनी प्रारंभ कर दी। उसे अपना रात्रि भोजन खाना था या उसे नहीं खाने के कारण का स्पष्टीकरण देना था कोई भी बहाना प्रभावशाली सिद्ध नहीं होता। वह फंस जाता यदि उसके द्वारा खाई गई जलेबियाँ उजागर हो जाती। रातभर वह पेट के दर्द से परेशान रहा। वह प्रात:काल सामान्य हो गया और अपने स्कूल की तरफ चल दिया। वह जानता था कि उस दिन उसे पिछले महीने की छात्रवृत्ति मिलनी थी। वह अपनी फीस देने में समर्थ होगा। फिर भी उसे यह जान कर धक्का लगा कि छात्रवृत्ति की धनराशि उसे अगले महीने मिलेगी। अविकाश में फीस इकट्ठी की जाएगी।
लड़का, स्कूल से खिसक गया। वह कम्बेलपुर रेलवे स्टेशन पर पहुंचा। उसने बुजुर्गों के आदेश की अवहेलना की थी कि कभी भी फीस की धनराशि से मिठाइयाँ मत खाना।
वह एक छायादार पेड़ के नीचे जा बैठा। उसने स्वयं को सबसे अधिक भाग्यहीन लड़का समझा। वह अपनी फीस नहीं दे पाया, फीस देने की धनराशि से उसने जलेबियाँ खा ली थीं। छात्रवृत्ति प्राप्त करने की उसकी आशाएँ झूठी पड़ गई थीं। अपनी मूर्खतापूर्ण करतूत पर उसे पछतावा हुआ। जलेबियाँ खाने के अपराध के कारण वह दो दिन तक स्कूल से अनुपस्थित रहा। उसे रुलाहट की इच्छा हुई। जलेबी के रस के रूप में उसने आँसू बहाना प्रारंभ किया। जलेबी खाने, फीस को खर्चने और अध्यापक द्वारा बेंत से पिटाई के दृश्य उसकी नजरों के सामने आने लगे। अंत में उसने भगवान के बारे में सोचा।
उसने अपनी आँखें बंद की और प्रार्थना करनी शुरू कर दी। उसने वर्णन किया कि वह धार्मिक मन वाला लड़का है और उन (भगवान) का श्रद्धालु नौकर है। फीस की धनराशि को जलेबियों पर खर्चने के अपने अपराध को उसने स्वीकार किया। उसने उन्हें ढेर-सारे बच्चों के साथ बाँट कर खाया था। वह परेशानी में इसलिए फंस गया है क्योंकि उसे छात्रवृत्ति की धनराशि अगले महीने मिलेगी। उसने भगवान से प्रार्थना की कि केवल चार रुपये उसके थैले में डाल दें। उसने वचन दिया कि वह जीवन-भर दोबारा उस गलती को नहीं दोहराएगा। भगवान के भण्डार में कमी नहीं है।
प्रार्थना के बाद लड़के ने नमाज अदा की और जो कुछ उसने याद कर रखा था उसे गाया। उसने चू कह कर अपने बस्ते के ऊपर फूंक मारी। बिस्मिल्ला कहने के बाद उसे महसूस हुआ कि जो कुछ भाग्य में बदा है उसे कोई नहीं मिटा सकता है। वह अपने बस्ते में चार पैसे भी पाने में सफल नहीं हुआ। उसमें जोर से विलाप करने की इच्छा हुई। उसे याद आया कि स्कूल की छुट्टी हो गई होगी। वह उठा और चलता हुआ बाजार में पहुँच गया। वह अन्य बच्चों के समूह में जा मिला और हमेशा की तरह घर पहुँच गया।
अगले दिन भी वह रेलवे स्टेशन की तरफ मुड़ा। वह उसी वृक्ष के नीचे जा बैठा और वही प्रार्थना करने लगा। उसने अल्ला मियाँ से कहा कि उसे चार रुपये दे दे परंतु व्यर्थ रहा। फिर उसने भगवान से कहा कि उसके साथ एक गेम खेलें। वह वहाँ से एक संकेतक के पास पहुंचेगा, उसे छुएगा और लौट आएगा। भगवान, नजदीक वाली बड़ी चट्टान के नीचे चार रुपये रख देंगे। उसने चट्टान उठाई और उसके नीचे बालों वाला एक बड़ा कीड़ा मिला जो कुंडली लगाए हुए था और उसकी तरफ घूर रहा था।
उसने सोचा कि अगले दिन वह नमाज पढ़ता रहेगा और देखेगा कि भगवान उसे चार रुपये कैसे नहीं देते हैं। वह घर पहुँच गया परंतु घर वालों को उसकी अनुपस्थिति की रिपोर्ट मिल चुकी थी। वह कई वर्षों तक चकित रहा। वह इस निष्कर्ष पर पहुँचा कि यदि भगवान सभी की सभी आवश्यकताएँ पूरी कर दे तो मनुष्य सुस्त हो जायेंगे।