HBSE 8th Class English Solutions Honeydew Poem 2 Geography Lesson

Haryana State Board HBSE 8th Class English Solutions Honeydew Poem 2 Geography Lesson Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Haryana Board 8th Class English Solutions Honeydew Poem 2 Geography Lesson

HBSE 8th Class English Geography Lesson Textbook Questions and Answers

Working With The Poem

Geography Lesson Poem Summary HBSE 8th Class Question 1.
Find three or four phrases in stanzas one and two which are likely to occur in a geography lesson.
पद्यांश एक और दो में तीन अथवा चार ऐसे वाक्यांश ढूढों जिनका किसी भूगोल पाठ में आना संभव है।
The following phrases from stanzas one and two are likely to occur in a geography lesson:

  • Cities where the rivers ran
  • The valleys were populated
  • Ground had looked haphazard, unplanned and without style.
  • The logic of geopraphy that land and water attracted man.

Geography Lesson Poem HBSE 8th Class Question 2.
Seen from the window of an aeroplane, the city appears:
(i) as haphazard as on ground
(ii) as neat as a map
(iii) as developed as necessary.
Mark the right answer.
वायुयान की खिड़की से देखने पर, शहर दिखता है :
(i) अव्यवस्थित भूतल
(ii) मानचित्र की तरह स्वच्छ
(iii) आवश्यकता अनुरूप विकसित
सही उत्तर चुनो।
Seen from the window of an aeroplane, the city appears :
(iii) as developed as necessary.

HBSE 8th Class English Solutions Honeydew Poem 2 Geography Lesson

Geography Lesson Poem In Hindi HBSE 8th Class Question 3.
Which of the following statements are examples of ‘the logic of geography’?
(i) There are cities where there are rivers.
(ii) Cities appear as they are not from six miles above the ground.
(iii) It is easy to understand why valleys are populated.
(iv) It is difficult to understand why humans hate and kill one another.
(v) The earth is round, and it has more sea than land.
‘भूगोल के तर्क’ का उदाहरण निम्न में से कौन से कथन है?
(i) शहर वहीं हैं जहाँ नदियाँ हैं।
(ii) जमीन से छः मील ऊपर से देखने पर शहर ऐसे प्रतीत होते हैं जैसे वे नहीं है।
(iii) यह समझना सरल है-क्यों घाटियाँ क्यों बसी हुई है।
(iv) यह समझना मुश्किल है-क्यों मानव एक-दूसरे से नफरत करता और मार देता है।
(v) पृथ्वी गोल है और इस पर धरती से अधिक जल है।
(i) There are cities where there are rivers.
(ii) It is easy to understand why valleys are populated.
(iii) The earth is round, and it has more sea than land.

Geography Lesson Poem Class 8 HBSE Question 4.
Mention two things that are
(i) clear from the height
(ii) not clear from the height.
दो चीजों का उल्लेख कीजिए, जो कि
(i) ऊँचाई से स्पष्ट है।
(ii) ऊँचाई से स्पष्ट नहीं है।
(i) Two things that are clear from the height: Land and Water
(ii) Two things that are not clear from the height: Infrastructure and human beings.

Geography Lesson Poem Stanzas for Comprehension

Read the stanzas carefully and answer the questions that follow :


When the jet sprang into the sky,
it was clear why the city
had developed the way it had,
seeing it scaled six inches to the mile.
There seemed an inevitability
about what on ground had looked haphazard,
unplanned and without style
When the jet sprang into the sky.
(i) Name the poem and the poet.
(ii) What was the view of the city, as seen from the window of the aeroplane?
(iii) Make adjective from : Style..
(i) The poem is ‘Geography Lesson’and the name of the poet is ‘Zulfikar Ghose’.
(ii) The city looked haphazard, unplanned and without style from the window of the aeroplane.
(iii) Style – stylish.

Geography Lesson Poem Summary In Hindi HBSE 8th Class

HBSE 8th Class English Solutions Honeydew Poem 2 Geography Lesson


When the jet reached ten thousand feet,
it was clear why the country
had cities where the rivers ran
and why the valleys were populated.
The logic of geography
that land and water attracted man
was clearly delineated
When the jet reached ten thousand feet.
(i) Who has written these lines?
(ii) What is the logic behind the establishment of cities?
(iii) Give the meaning of‘delineated’ and use it in a sentence of your own.
(i) Zulfikar Ghose has written these lines.
(ii) The logic behind the establishment of cities is that land water attracted man.
(iii) Delineated: Shown
Sentence : The chief guest clearly delineated the objective of the conference.

Geography Lesson Poem Questions And Answers HBSE 8th Class


When the jet rose six miles high,
it was clear the earth was round
and that it had more sea than land.
But it was difficult to understand
that the men on the earth found
causes to hate each other, to build
walls across cities and to kill.
From that height, it was not clear why.
(i) From which poem, these lines have been taken?
(ii) What could the poet not understand?
(iii) What facts about the earth have been mentioned in these lines?
(iv) Make adjective from : Height
(i) These lines have been taken from the poem, ‘Geography Lesson’.

(ii) The poet could not understand why the men on the earth had found causes to hate each other and to kill one another.

(iii) The facts about the earth mentioned here are :

  • it is round, and
  • it has more sea than land.

(iv) Height – high.

Geography Lesson Poem Translation in Hindi


When the jet sprang into the sky,
it was clear why the city
had developed the way it had,
seeing it scaled six inches to the mile.
There seemed an inevitability
about what on ground had looked
unplanned and without style
When the jet sprang into the sky.

Word Meaning : Sprang = to shoot forth ( निकला), Scaled = thin layers ( पतली परतें), Inevitability – Sure to happen (अवश्यम्भावी), Style = method (शैली ), Haphazard = without plan or order (अव्यवस्थित)।

जब जेट विमान आकाश में उड़ान भरा, शहर की मीलों की दूरी को छः इंच की पतली परतों में देखकर यह स्पष्ट था कि क्यों ये शहर अपने वर्तमान रूप में विकसित हो गया था। जब जेट विमान आकाश में उड़ान भरा, तो भूमि अव्यवस्थित, अनियोजित और शैली-विहीन दृश्य दिखा, वह अवश्यम्भावी प्रतीत हुआ।

HBSE 8th Class English Solutions Honeydew Poem 2 Geography Lesson


When the jet reached ten thousand feet,
it was clear why the country
had cities where the rivers ran
and why the valleys were populated.
The logic of geography
that land and water attracted man
was clearly delineated
When the jet reached ten thousand feet.

Word Meaning : Delineated = shown (प्रदर्शित किया), Populated = to settle or live (बसे हुए), Logic = science and art of reasoning (तक), Geography = science of earth’s surface etc. and its inhabitants (भूगोल-शास्त्र)।

जब जेट विमान दस हजार फीट की ऊँचाई पर पहुँचा, यह स्पष्ट था कि क्यों देशों में शहर वहीं स्थित थे जहाँ नदियाँ बहती थी। और क्यों घाटियाँ बसी हुई थी। जब जेट विमान दस हजार फीट की ऊँचाई पर पहुँचा, भूगोल का तर्क कि जमीन और जल ने मानव को आकर्षित किया पूर्णतः स्पष्ट था।


When the jet rose six miles high,
it was clear the earth was round
and that it had more sea than land.
But it was difficult to understand
that the men on the earth found
causes to hate each other, to build
walls across cities and to kill.
From that height, it was not clear why.

Word Meaning : Round = Circular in shape (गोल), Causes = Reasons (कारण)।

जब जेट विमान छः मील ऊपर उठा, यह स्पष्ट था कि पृथ्वी गोल है तथा यह भी कि पृथ्वी पर जमीन से अधिक समुद्र है। लेकिन यह समझना मुश्किल था कि धरती पर मनुष्य ने एक-दूसरे से नफरत करने के, शहरों के आर-पार दीवारें खड़ी कर देने के और मारने के कारणों को कैसे खोज लिया। उस ऊँचाई से यह कारण स्पष्ट नहीं हो सका।

Geography Lesson Poem Summary in English

The present poem is an imagination of a geometric design of the dry, as it is seen from ten thousand feet above the ground. The poet is flying over the city in the jet aeroplane. At first, the city looks haphazard, unplanned and without style. At the height of ten thousand feet, the logic of geography is clear to him that land and water attracted man. And the earth is round having more sea than land. But the poet cannot understand why the men on the earth hate each other. The reason for building walls across cities is not clear to him from that height.

Geography Lesson Poem Summary in Hindi

प्रस्तुत कविता शहर के भूगोलीय डिजाइन की कल्पना है, जैसी वह धरती से दस हजार फीट की ऊँचाई से दिखाई देती है। कवि जेट वायुयान में शहार के ऊपर से उड़ रहा है। प्रारंभ में, शहर अव्यवस्थित, अनियोजित और शैली-विहीन दिखाई देता है। इस हजार फीट की ऊँचाई पर, भूगोल का तर्क उसे स्पष्ट हो जाता है कि जल और भूमि ने मानव को आकर्षित किया है और पृथ्वी गोल है तथा इसका जलीय भाग भूमि से अत्यधिक ज्यादा है। लेकिन कवि समझ नही पाता कि क्यों धरती पर मानव एक-दूसरे से नफरत करते हैं। उस् ऊँचाई से उसे शहरों में दीवारें खड़ी कर देने का कारण समझ नहीं आता।


Can you imagine what your city will look if you see it from ten thousand feet above the ground? Neatly planned and perfect in proportion like a geometric design, it will strike you as something very different from what it actually is while you are in the thick of it. Here is a poet’s description of just such a view of the city, and some questions that come to his mind.

HBSE 8th Class English Solutions Honeydew Poem 2 Geography Lesson


क्या आप कल्पना कर सकते है कि आपका शहर कैसा प्रतीत होगा यदि आप उसे धरती से दस हजार फीट की ऊँचाई से देखें तो ? सुनियोजित और पूर्णतः समानुपात में, एक भूगोलीय संरचना की तरह प्रतीत होगा। यह आपको उस से अत्यधिक भिन्न ज्ञात होगा, जैसा कि वह वास्तव में हैं, जबकि आप उसकी घनी आबादी में बसे हुए हैं। यह एक कवि द्वारा एक शहर के ऐसे ही दृश्य का वर्णन है और कुछ ऐसे प्रश्नों का वर्णन जो उसके मस्तिष्क में आते हैं।

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