Haryana State Board HBSE 6th Class English Solutions Honeysuckle Poem 2 The Kite Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
Haryana Board 6th Class English Solutions Honeysuckle Poem 2 The Kite
HBSE 6th Class English The Kite Textbook Questions and Answers
Poem The Kite HBSE 6th Class English Honeysuckle Question 1.
What is the difference between a house and a home? Discuss it with your partner. Then read the poem.
Read the summary of the poem.
The Kite Class 6 Poem HBSE 6th Class English Honeysuckle Question 2.
List out the action words in the poem.
dive, dip, snaps ………….
…………. …………. …………. ………….
Find out the meanings of these words.
dive, dip, snaps, soars, rides/climbs, pulls, rests, falls, wind, blows, flaps.
Dive – to plunge
Dip – to bend.
Snap – to crack
Soars – flies
Rides – climbs
Pulls – gives a jerk
Rests – stops flying
Falls – comes down
Wind – to roll
Blows – sends out current of air.
Flaps – flutters.
HBSE 6th Class English Honeysuckle Poem The Kite Question 3.
Read these lines from the poems
Then soars like a
ship With only a sail
The movement of the tailless kite is compared to a ship with a sail. This is called a simile. Can you suggest what or who the following actions may be compared to?
He runs like __________
He eats like __________
She sings like __________
It shines like __________
It flies like __________
He runs like a hare
He eats like a goat (glutton)
She sings like a nightingale It shines like sun (mirror)
It flies like an aeroplane.
Question 4.
Try to make a kite with your friends. Collect the things required such as colour paper/newspaper, thread, glue, a thin stick that can be bent. After making the kite see if you can fly it.
(For self-attempt class-room activity)
HBSE 6th Class English The Kite Important Questions and Answers
Question 1.
Which things will you collect while making a kite?
We shall collect the following things while making a kite:
- colour paper/newspaper.
- thread
- gum or glue
- a thin stick that can be bent.
Question 2.
Where do the people generally fly kites?
The people generally fly kites in parks, fields, on the roofs or in the grounds of public buildings.
Question 3.
When does the kite become ragged?
The kite becomes ragged when it is caught in the trees. Then it flutters its wings helplessly. Sometimes it is torn while it pulls at the string.
Question 4.
How can you say that the kite depends on wind’s mercy?
The kite plays many tricks when the wind blows. It rises higher and higher. It pulls the strings to get free. It becomes motionless when the wind falls. In this way, the kite depends on wind’s mercy.
Question 5.
When does the kite become a raggeder thing?
The kite becomes a raggeder thing when it is stuck in the top of a tree. Then it is of no use as its gets torn and does not keep flying as always.
Question 6.
How does the kite appears in the sky?
The kite appears bright and beautiful in the sky.
Question 7.
How can you say that wind plays an important role in the way in which kites fly?
When there is a great desirable flow of wind, then the kite flows higher and higher. It soars in the sky. If there is such a flow of wind, then it climbs to the crest. But it does not soar and comes to rest when there is no wind.
Question 8.
What has the kite been compared to? Why?
The kite has been compared to a ship. Just like a ship streams away, due to the current of water similarly a kite soars high in the sky due to current of air.
Question 9.
Who is the poet of ‘The Kite’?
Harry Behn.
Question 10.
Make Sentences
Use these words in the sentences of yours own :
(i) bright
(ii) breeze
(iii) dive
(iv) ship
(v) flaps
(i) bright : The whole house looked bright on the day of Diwali.
(ii) breeze: The weather report predicted breeze from the eastern front.
(iii) dive : Dive into the deep water and start swimming.
(iv) ship : The people cheered the crew of the ship when they left.
(v) flaps : Be careful of mud flaps beside the river.
The Kite Poem Stanzas for Comprehension
Question 1.
How bright on the blue
Is a kite when it’s new !
With a dive and dip
It snaps its tail
Then soars like a ship
With only a sail Questions :
(i) How does the new kite look?
(ii) How does it snap its tail?
(iii) How does the kite soar?
Answers :
(i) The new kite looks bright.
(ii) It snaps its tail with a dive and a dip.
(iii) The kite soars like a ship with a single sail.
Question 2.
As over tides
Of wind it rides,
Climbs to the crest
Of a gust and pulls,
Then seems to rest
As wind falls.
(i) What does the kite ride?
(ii) When does the kite pull?
(iii) When does the kite seem to rest?
(i) The kite rides over the tides of wind.
(ii) The kite pulls when it climbs to the top of the stormy wind.
(iii) The kite seems to rest as the wind falls or fails.
Question 3.
When string goes slack
You wind it back
And run until
A new breeze blows
And its wings
fill And up it goes !
(i) When do you wind the kite hack?
(ii) How long do you run?
(iii) When does the kite go up?
(i) We wind the kite back when the thread becomes loose.
(ii) We run until the mild wind starts blowing again.
(iii) The kite goes up when its wings catch (are filled by) the soft wind.
Question 4.
How bright on the blue
Is a kite when it’s new !
But a raggeder thing
You never will see
When it flaps on a string
In the top of a tree.
(i) Does the kite always look bright?
(ii) What does the kite do when it is caught in the tree?
(iii) Give the rhyming words in the above stanza.
(i) No Sometimes the kite looks rough (ragged).
(ii) The kite pulls on a string when it is caught in the tree.
(iii) The rhyming words in the above stanza are :
- blew-new
- thing-string
- see-tree.
The Kite Poem Translation in Hindi
How bright ………….. wind falls.
जब पतंग नया होता है तो आकाश में कितना चमकीला लगता है। यह गोता लगाते और झुकते समय अपनी दुम को फड़फड़ाता है। फिर वह एक पतवार वाली जलपोत की तरह सरकता है। ज्यों ही हवा के ज्वार पर वह सवार होता है तो हवा के शिखर पर चढ़कर झटके मारता है। हवा के बंद होते ही वह विश्राम करता हुआ दिखाई पड़ता है।
Word-Meaning-Bright-shining, चमकीला। Blue-sky, आकाश। Dive-to plunge, गोता लगाना। Dips-(here) bends, झुकना। Snaps-cracks, चटकाना। Soars-sails, उड़ना, ऊपर की तरफ उठना। Sail-canvas to catch wind, पाल। Tides- periodical rise and fall of sea, ज्वार भाटा। Cresttop, चोटी। Gust-stormy wind, हवा का झोंका।
When string goes ………….. top of a tree.
जब डोरी ढ़ीली हो जाती है तो तुम उसे वापिस लपेट लेते हो। उस समय तक दौड़ते रहते हो जब तक दोबारा हवा नहीं चलती और इस की पंख (हवा से) भर जाती हैं और यह ऊपर उड़ (उठ) जाता है। जब पतंग नया होता है तो आकाश में कितना चमकीला लगता है। परंतु उससे भद्दी और कोई चीज तुम कभी नहीं देखोगे जब यह पेड़ की चोटी में अटक जाता है और अपनी डोरी के ऊपर फड़फड़ाता है।
Word-Meanings-String-thread, धागा। Slack-loose, ढीला। Wind-roll, लपेटना। Breeze-gentle wind, मंदी हवा। Raggeder-more rough, अधिक भद्दी। Flaps-flutters, फड़फड़ाना।
The Kite Poem Summary in English
A new kite looks bright in the sky. It dives, dips and flutters its tail. It soars high in the sky when the wind blows. It rests when the wind stops blowing. It is to be pulled if the string becomes loose. It looks rough when it is caught on the top of a tree.
The Kite Poem Summary in Hindi
नया पतंग, आकाश में चमकीला दिखाई पड़ता है। यह गोता लगाता है और अपनी दुम फड़फड़ाता है। जब हवा चलती है तो यह आकाश में काफी ऊँचा उड़ जाता है। यह उस समय विश्राम करता है जब हवा चलना बंद कर देती है। यदि डोरी ढ़ीली हो जाए तो इसे खींचना पड़ता है। यह उस समय भद्दा लगता है जब यह पेड़ की चोटी के ऊपर अटक जाता है।