Haryana State Board HBSE 6th Class English Solutions Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework? Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
Haryana Board 6th Class English Solutions Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework
HBSE 6th Class English Who Did Patrick’s Homework Textbook Questions and Answers
HBSE 6th Class English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Question 1.
What did Patrick think his cat was playing with? What was it really?
Patrick thought his cat was playing with a little doll. Really, it was a man of the tiniest size.
HBSE 6th Class English Chapter 1 Question 2.
Why did the little man grant Patrick a wish?
Patrick saved the little man from the cat. He did not give the little man back to the cat. Therefore, the little man granted Patrick a wish.
Who Did Patrick’s Homework? HBSE 6th Class English Question 3.
What was Patrick’s wish?
Patrick’s wish was that the elf should do all his homework. It was to be done for 35 days, till the end of the semester.
Question 4.
In what subjects did the little man need help, to do Patrick’s home work?
The little man needed help in English and Maths to do Patrick’s homework.
Question 5.
How did Patrick help him?
Patrick sat down beside the elf and guided him. In this way, he helped the elf.
Question 6.
Who do you think did Patrick’s homework the little man, or Patrick himself? Give reasons for your answer.
The little elf began to do Patrick’s homework but he could do nothing all alone. He did not always know what to do and he needed help. Patrick had to help him. Patrick thought that he had made the tiny man do all his homework. In the end, the narrator clears everything. He says, ‘Patrick had done his homework himself!’
HBSE 6th Class English Who Did Patrick’s Homework Important Questions and Answers
Question 1.
Why did Patrick not do homework What did he do instead?
Patrick did not do homework. He thought it was quite boring. He played hockey, basketball and Nintendo, a video game instead.
Question 2.
What did Patrick’s teachers advise him? What was its effect?
His teachers advised him to do his homework. Otherwise he would learn nothing. Sometimes he felt his ignorance. But he hated homework. Therefore, the teachers’ advice had no effect on him.
Question 3
What did the tiny man wear? How did he look?
The tiny man wore a little woollen shirt.
His breeches were old-fashioned. He also wore a high tall hat. He looked like a witch.
Question 4.
How did Patrick get an answer to all his problems?
Patrick’s cat was playing with a tiny man. The tiny man requested Patrick to save – him from the cat. He promised to grant Patrick a wish. Patrick saved the tiny man. The tiny man was true to his word. He agreed to do Patrick’s homework. So Patrick got an answer to all his problems.
Question 5.
How did the elf make Patrick do his homework?
The elf asked Patrick to look up a word in the dictionary. He asked him to sound out each of its letter. Then the elf asked Patrick to guide him in Maths. Last of all the elf asked Patrick to bring books on human history. He also asked him to read them out. The elf also kept asking Patrick questions. In this way, he made Patrick do all his homework.
Question 6.
How did hard work affect Patrick?
Patrick worked hard. He remained awake at night. He felt tired. His eyes got swollen and dim.
Question 7.
Why and when did the elf go away?
The elf went away because there was no more work. He went away on the last day of the school. He had agreed to do his homework for 35 days only.
Question 8.
How had Patrick become a model kid?
Patrick cleaned his room. He did his chores. He remained cheerful. He was never rude. In this way, he had become a model kid.
Question 9.
What happened when Patrick got his A’s?
Patrick got his A’s. His classmates got amazed. His teachers smiled. They were also full of praise for him. His parents were full of wonder how he had become a model kid.
Question 10.
What games Patrick like to play?
Patrick liked to play hockey, basketball and Nintendo.
Question 12.
What had the tiny man put on?
The tiny man had put on little wool shirt with old fashioned britches, and high tall hat much like the witch’s.
Question 13.
Who said this to whom?
(a) “Save me! Don’t give me back to the cat.”
(b) “Do your homework” or you won’t learn a thing.”
(a) The little elf said this to Patrick
(b) Patrick’s teacher said this to Patrick.
Question 14.
Why did the little man’s face wrinkle and frown?
The little man’s face wrinkled and frowned because he was blank at Maths and English and he had to do Patrick’s homework.
Question 15.
How was Patrick’s health affected when the little elf was doing his homework?
Patrick had to work harder than ever before. He had to stay up nights, felt very weary and it caused swelling in his eyes.
Question 16.
How did the little elf do Patrick’s homework?
The little elf did Patrick’s homework with all his guidance. Patrick bought books from the library. He found out the words in the dictionary. He also helped the elf in Maths and history. In fact, Patrick did his work himself.
Question 17.
Write the chief characteristes of the little elf.
The little elf wore a little wool shirt with old fashioned trousers, and a high tall hat. He asked Patrick to save him from the cat. The elf kept his promise of helping Patrick though he was blank in subjects like Maths, History and English. He, in fact, helped Patrick in becoming a hard working boy.
Question 18.
What happened when Patrick got A + in his report card?
When Patrick got A + in his report card, his classmates got amazed. His teachers smiled. They were also full of praise for him. His parents wondered how he had become a model kid.
Who Did Patrick’s Homework Passages for Comprehension
Read the passages carefully and answer the questions that follow :
Passage – 1
Then one day ………….. that cat.
I’ll grant you a wish, I promise you that.”
Questions :
(i) Who is ‘he’ in the above lines?
(ii) What was his cat playing with?
(iii) What type of britches (breeches) was he wearing?
(iv) What did he say to Patrick?
(v) Give the degrees of the adjective ‘little’, ‘tiny’ and ‘much’.
Answers :
(i) ‘He’ in the above lines is ‘Patrick’.
(ii) His cat was playing with a man of the tiniest size.
(iii) He (The tiny man) was wearing old fashioned britches (breeches).
(iv) He said to Patrick, “Save me and don’t give me back to that cat.
Passage – 2
And true …………. whatever way.
“I don’t know each letter.”
Questions :
(i) What did the little elf begin to do?
(ii) Why did the elf need help?
(iii) What did the elf ask Patrick?
(iv) Why did the elf ask for a dictionary?
(v) What is the meaning of ‘letter’ here?
Answers :
(i) The little elf began to do Patrick’s homework.
(ii) The elf needed help because he didn’t always know what to do.
(iii) The elf asked Patrick for help.
(iv) The elf asked for a dictionary because he did not know a word.
(v) ‘Letter’ here means ‘a syllable’.
Passage – 3
When it came ………… guide me.”
Elves know …………. read them too.”
Questions :
(i) When was Patrick out of luck?
(ii) What did the elves never need?
(iii) What did the elf ask Patrick to do?
(iv) What was a mystery for the elves?
(v) What are the basics of Maths?
Answers :
(i) Patrick was out of luck when it came to Maths.
(ii) The elves never needed time-tables (multiplication tables).
(iii) The elf asked Patrick to sit beside him and simply guide him.
(iv) Human history was a mystery for the elves.
(v) Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and fractions are the basics of Maths.
Passage – 4
Patrick got …………. new attitude.
You see, …………… it himself !
(i) Which grade did Patrick get?
(ii) What did his teachers do?
(iii) What did Patrick think in the end?
(iv) Who will share a secret and between whom?
(v) Define the ‘parents’.
Answers :
(i) Patrick got ‘A’ giade.
(ii) His teachers smiled and were full of praise.
(iii) In the end, Patrick thought that he had made that tiny man do all his home- work.
(iv) The narrator will share a secret between the readers and himself.
(v) Mother and father are ‘parents’.
Who Did Patrick’s Homework Translation in Hindi
1. Patrick ………………. hated homework.
पैट्रिक कभी भी गृहकार्य नहीं करता था। यह ‘बहुत बोरियत (ऊबाने) वाला है’, वह कहा करता था। इसकी बजाए वह हॉकी, बास्किट बॉल और निटेण्डो (विडियो खेल) खेला करता था।
उसके अध्यापक कहा करते थे, ‘पैट्रिक! अपना गृहकार्य स्वयं किया करो, नहीं तो तुम कुछ भी नहीं सीख पाओगे। और यह बात सच भी है। कई बार वह स्वयं को अज्ञानी (मूर्ख/ अशिक्षित) महसूस करता था परंतु वह क्या कर सकता था। उसे गृहकार्य से घृणा थी।
Never-at no time, कभी नहीं। Boring-which makes one feel dull, उबाने वाली। Nintendo-a video game, एक प्रकार का वीडियो का खेल। Instead-in place of, उसवेन श्थान पर। Sometimes- on certain accasions, कभी-कभी। Ignoramus-an ignorant person who lacks education, अज्ञानी, मूर्ख। Hated-disliked, घृणा करना।
2. Then one …………… you that.
फिर एक दिन उसने अपनी बिल्ली को एक छोटी-सी गुड़िया के साथ खेलते देखा और उसने उसे (गुड़िया को) छीन लिया। आश्चर्य की बात थी कि वह बिल्कुल गुड़िया नहीं थी परंतु अत्यधि क छोटे आकार का आदमी था। उसने एक चुडैल से अत्यधिक मिलते-जुलते. एक छोटा ऊनी कमीज, पुराने फैशन के पजामे और एक ऊँचा तथा लंबा हैट पहना हुआ था। वह चीखकर बोला, “मुझे बचाओ! मुझे दोबारा उस बिल्ली को मत सौंपना। मैं तुम्हारी एक इच्छा (चाह) पूरी कर दूंगा। उसके लिए मैं तुमसे वायदा करता हूँ।’
Grabbed-snatched, took roughly, छीना, झपट लिया। Surprise-wonder, आश्चर्य। Tiniest-smallest, अत्यधिक छोटा। Britches breeches, पजामे, पतलून। Witch’s-of a woman who uses magic for an evil purpose, डाइन की, चुडैल की। Yelled–uttered a sharp cry of pain or excitement, चौखा, चिल्लाया। Wish-desire, इच्छा, चाह। Promise to give word, वचन देना।
3. Patrick ……………… could even get A’s.”
पैट्रिक को विश्वास नहीं हुआ कि वह कितना भाग्यशाली था। यह उसकी सभी समस्याओं का उत्तर (समाधान) था। इसलिए वह बोला, ‘केवल यही कि यदि तुम मेरे शिक्षा सत्र के अंत तक, जो 35 दिन का है, मेरा गृहकार्य करते रहो। यदि आप गृहकार्य को भलीभाँति कर दोगे तो मैं ‘ए’ दर्जा प्राप्त कर सकता हूँ।’
Believe-trust, fayah करना। Lucky-fortunate, भाग्यशाली। Answer(here) solution, उत्तर (हल) Semester-one term, सत्र। Good enough-quite well, काफी अच्छा।
4. The little ………………. But I’ll do it.”
छोटे आदमी के चेहरे पर उस प्रकार झुर्रियाँ (सिलवटें) पड़ गईं जिस प्रकार टोकरी में लूंसे (फेंके/रखे) हुए कपड़े में पड़ जाती हैं। उसने अपनी लातें झटकारी और अपनी मुट्ठियाँ भींची और मुँह बनाया, चेहरे पर भृकुटी डाली और अपने होंठों को सिकोड़ा, ‘अरे, क्या यह मुझे शाप मिल गया है। परंतु मैं यह सभी कुछ करूंगा।’
wrinkled-got creased, झुरिया पड़ गईं। Hamper-a basket with a lid, ढक्कन वाली टोकरी। Fists-tightly closed hands, मुट्ठियाँ। Grimaced-had a wry expression on face, मुँह बनाना। Scowled-contracted brows in anger, क्रोध से भौंहे सिकोड़ना। Pursed contracted into folds, सिकोड़े, भींचे।
5. And true………………. by each letter.”
और अपने वायदे के अनुसार उस छोटे देव (यक्ष) ने पैट्रिक का गृहकार्य करना प्रारंभ कर दिया। केवल (उसमें) एक त्रुटि रह गई। देव को हर समय यह ज्ञान नहीं होता था कि वह क्या करे और उसे मदद की जरूरत पड़ती थी। मेरी सहायता करो! मेरी । सहायता करो! वह कह देता था और पैट्रिक को सहायता करनी पड़ती थी-किसी न किसी तरीके से।
‘इस शब्द को मैं नहीं जानता हूँ’. पैट्रिक के गृहकार्य को पढ़ते हुए छोटा यक्ष किकियाता था। ‘मेरे वास्ते एक शब्दकोश ला दो। नहीं, और अधिक अच्छा होगा कि आप शब्द को शब्दकोश में देखें और उसके प्रत्येक अक्षर को बोलकर सुनाएँ।’
Elf-a supernatural being, a mischievous little creature, यक्ष, पिशाच। Except leaving aside, सिवाए। Glitch-a shortfall, a fault, त्रुटि। Needed-required, आवश्यकता पड़ना। In whatever way-somehow, किसी तरह से। Squeaked-uttered short and shrill cry, किकियाता था। While-at the moment, जब, उस क्षण। Look up-to locate, ढूँढ़ना। Letter-syllable, वर्ण।
6. When it came ………………. them too.”
जब गणित की बारी आती थी, तो पैट्रिक का दुर्भाग्य होता था। । ‘पहाड़े क्या होते हैं?’ यक्ष चिल्लाता था। हम यक्षों को कभी उनकी | जरूरत नहीं पड़ती है। और जोड़ और घटा और भाग और भिन्ने? यहाँ, मेरे पास बैठ जाओ, आप केवल मेरा मार्गदर्शन करते रहें।’
यक्षों को मानव इतिहास की तनिक भी जानकारी नहीं होती है, उनके लिए यह एक रहस्य होता है। इसलिए, छोटा यक्ष जो पहले से शोर मचा रहा था, थोड़ा अधिक ऊँचा बोला ‘पुस्तकालय में चले जाओ। मुझे पुस्तकों की जरूरत है। अधिक से अधिक पुस्तक और उन्हें पढ़ने में भी आप मेरी सहायता कर सकते हैं।’
Shrieked-gave a short high-pitched cry, छोटी सी परन्तु जोर की चीख निकाली। Fractions-small parts of whole numbers, भिन्नें। Beside-near, by the side of, पास में। Simply| only, just, वेवल। Human-of man, मानवीय। Mystery-secret, रहस्य। Already-beforehand, पहले से।
7. As a matter ………………. and bleary.
यथार्थ में, प्रतिदिन, वह छोटा यक्ष, हर तरह से परेशानी का कारण बन गया। पैट्रिक, पहले से अधिक कठोर परिश्रम कर रहा था और क्या यह बात नीरस थी। वह रात-भर काम करता रहता
था, उसने स्वयं को कभी उतना थका हुआ महसूस नहीं किया था | और सूजी हुई तथा धुंधली आँखों से स्कूल जाता था।
As a matter of fact-in reality, यथार्थ में। Nag-source of trouble, परेशानी का कारण। Drag-something dull and uninteresting, नीरस तथा उबाने वाला। Weary-tired, थका मांदा। Puffed-swollen, सूजा हुआ। Bleary-dim, धुंधली।
8. Finally ………………. the back door.
अंत में स्कूल का आखिरी दिन आ गया और यक्ष को जाने की आजादी मिल गई। जहाँ तक गृहकार्य का संबंध था, वह और नहीं बचा था। इसलिए वह चुपचाप और चतुराई से पिछले दरवाजे से निकल गया।
Finally-in the end, अन्त में। Arrived-approached, came, आ पहूँचा, Quietly, silently, चुपचाप। Slyly-artfully चतुराई से।
9. Patrick ……………….. it himself!
पैट्रिक को ‘ए’ दर्जा मिला; उसके सहपाठी हैरान हो गए। उसके अध्यापक मुस्कुराए और उसकी प्रशंसा करने लगे। और उसके माता-पिता? उन्हें आश्चर्य हुआ कि पैट्रिक को क्या हो (पा) गया था। वह अब आदर्श बालक है। अपने कमरे की सफाई करता था, अपने सभी काम करता था, प्रसन्नचित्त रहता था, कभी अविनीत नहीं होता था, ऐसा प्रतीत होता था कि उसने समचा नया दृष्टिकोण विकसित कर लिया था।
जैसा आपने देखा है. फिर भी अंत में पैट्रिक सोचता था कि उसने यह छोटे यक्ष से अपना सारा गृहकार्य करा लिया था परंतु मैं इस रहस्य को केवल तुम्हारे और अपने बीच रखूगा। यह यक्ष ने नहीं किया था। इसे स्वयं पैट्रिक ने किया था!
Amazed-surprised, आश्चर्यचकित हुए। Praise-appreciation, प्रशंसा। Wondered-astonished, विस्मित हुए। Praise-appreciation, प्रशंसा। Happened-taken place, घटित होना। kid-a child, बच्चा। Chores-boring daily work, दैनिक उबाने वाला कार्य। Cheerful-gay, प्रसन्नचित। Rude-violent, रूक्ष, अविनीत। Attitude-outlook, दृष्टिकोण। Still even then, तब भी।
Who Did Patrick’s Homework Summary in English
Patrick hated doing homework. He played games instead. He did not act upon his teachers’ advice to do homework. He felt himself ignorant. One day he found his cat playing with a tiny man. He saved him from the cat. The tiny man promised to grant him a wish.
Patrick asked the tiny man (elf) to do all his homework. The elf began to do his homework. He needed Patrick’s help wherever there was some fault. Patrick gave him all prossible help. The elf made Patrick look up words in the dictionary. He also made him sound the letters out.
The elf asked Patrick to guide him in the basics of Maths. He also asked Patrick to bring books on human history and help him read them. The elf asked him many questions every day. It made Patrick work harder. He read even dull things with interest. He burnt mid-night oil. Even his eyes got swollen. As a result, Patrick got ‘A’ grade. His classmates, teachers and parents got amazed. He had become a model boy. Patrick thought that he had made the elf do all his homework. In reality, Patrick had done his homework himself.
Who Did Patrick’s Homework Summary in Hindi
पैट्रिक गृहकार्य करने से घृणा करता था। इसकी बजाए वह खेलता रहता था। गृहकार्य करने के लिये अपने अध्यापकों के उपदेश पर वह अमल नहीं करता था। वह स्वयं को अज्ञानी महसूस करता था। एक दिन उसने अपनी बिल्ली को एक बौने आदमी के साथ खेलते देखा। उसने बिल्ली से उसकी रक्षा की। बौने ने उसकी एक इच्छा की पूर्ति करने का वचन दिया। पैट्रिक ने यक्ष (बौने) से अपना समूचा गृहकार्य करने के लिए कहा। यक्ष ने उसका गृहकार्य करना प्रारम्भ कर दिया। उससे जहाँ कहीं भी त्रुटि होती थी वहाँ उसे पैट्रिक की सहायता की आवश्यकता पड़ती। पैट्रिक ने उसे हर सम्भव सहायता दी।
यक्ष ने पैट्रिक से शब्दकोश के अन्दर से शब्द ढूंढ़वाये। उसने उससे अक्षरों का उच्चारण करने के लिए भी कहा। यक्ष ने पैट्रिक से कहा कि गणित की मौलिक चीजों में उसे मार्ग दर्शन दे। उसने पैट्रिक से मानव इतिहास से सम्बधित पुस्तकें लाने और उन्हें पढ़ने में उसकी सहायता करने के लिए कहा। यक्ष ने प्रतिदिन उससे ढेर सारे प्रश्न पूछे। इसके लिए पैट्रिक को अधिक कठोर परिश्रम करना पड़ा। उसने नीरस चीजों को भी दिलचस्पी से पढ़ा उसने (पढ़ाई में) दिन-रात एक कर दिया। उसकी आँखे भी सूज गईं। इसके परिणाम स्वरूप पैट्रिक को ‘ए’ वर्ग प्राप्त हुआ। उसके सहपाठी, अध्यापक और माता-पिता चंकित रह गए। वह आदर्श बालक बन गया था। पैट्रिक सोचता रहा कि उसने यक्ष से अपना गृहकार्य करवाया था। वास्तव में पैट्रिक ने अपना गृहकार्य स्वयं किया था।