HBSE 10th Class Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 7 Outcomes of Democracy

Haryana State Board HBSE 10th Class Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 7 Outcomes of Democracy Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Haryana Board 10th Class Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 7 Outcomes of Democracy

HBSE 10th Class Civics Outcomes of Democracy Intext Questions and Answers

Cartoon-based Question (Page 91)

Outcomes Of Democracy Solutions HBSE 10th Class Question 1.
Can you think of what and how the government knows about you and your family (for example ration cards and voter identity cards)? What are the sources of information for you about the government?
(i) The government knows about me and my family in the following ways :
(a) Every ten years, the government conducts a census. In this census, there are records of each adult member of the family, along with his/her sex, age, and education.
(b) There is a provision for registering birth, marriage, and death of the family members with the government institutions.
(ii) The source of information for us about the government are newspapers, electronic media and political leaders. They all provide us with information about the policies and decisions adopted by the government.

HBSE 10th Class Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 7 Outcomes of Democracy

Cartoon-based Question (Page 93)

Chapter 7 Outcomes of Democracy Civics HBSE 10th Class Question 2.
Cartoon on this page and the next three pages tell us about the disparities between the rich and poor. Should the gains of economic growth be evenly distributed? How can the poor get a voice for a better share in a nation? What can the poor countries do to receive a greater share in the world’s wealth?

  1. Yes, of course, the gains of economic growth should be evenly distributed among
  2. the citizens of a country, so as to reduce the economic inequality.
  3. It is possible only when this deprived group is given the right to participate in the decision-making process.
  4. They should get united to fight for this cause, only then they will be able to get their share.

Plus Box-based Question (Page 94)

HBSE 10th Class Civics Chapter 7 Outcomes of Democracy Question 3.
What would be your verdict on democracy if you had to base it purely on economic performance of democratic regimes in terms of growth and equal distribution?
If we base our verdict on economic performance of democratic regimes, we see that average dictatorial regimes have had a slightly better record of economic growth. But, when we compare their records only in poor countries, there is virtually no difference. However, democracy has many other positive results therefore, I will go with democracy.

HBSE 10th Class Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 7 Outcomes of Democracy

Munni and Unni’s Question (Page 95)

Question 4.
Democracy is a rule of the majority. The poor are in majority. So democracy must be a rule of the poor. How can this not be the case?
Democracy is a rule of majority which means that rule by majority views, not the population. In case of every decision or in case of every election, different persons and groups may and can form majority so it is not true to say that democracy must be rule of the poor. Any person either rich or poor, can participate in the making of government. If poor people make their separate party, they can also rule the country.

Munni and Unni’s Question (Page 96)

Question 5.
All you are saying is that democracy ensures that people do not break each other’s head. This is not harmony. Should we be happy about it?
When a democracy tries to accommodate social diversity, it does not mean that it ensures that people do not break each other’s head. Democracy usually develops a procedure to conduct their competition. This reduces the possibility of these tensions becoming explosive or violent. No society can fully and permanently resolve conflict among different groups. In fact, democracy gives us mechanisms to negotiate them.

Let Us Revise based Question (Page 97)

Question 6.
The two images depict two different kinds of effects democratic politics can have on social divisions. Take one example for each image and write a paragraph each on the outcome of democratic politics in both situations.
(i) When Democratic politics makes race, religion, caste or any other existing social division as its base, it further divides the society and gives an impetus to conflict. This is not healthy for democracy itself.

(ii) On the contrary, when the existing divisions are minimised through democratic means on the basis of moral and prudential reasons, it leads to the solidarity of the country. It also contributes in the development of each and every class of the society. It makes an environment where all sections of society can grow and prosper together.

HBSE 10th Class Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 7 Outcomes of Democracy

HBSE 10th Class Civics Outcomes of Democracy Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
How does democracy produce an accountable, responsive and legitimate government?
Is democracy accountable, responsive and legitimate government ? Give reasons in
Democracy produces an accountable, responsive and legitimate government in the following ways :
1. Democracy is an accountable government because it is answerable to the people or to the parliament. In a democratic government, people elect their representatives who form government and if they don’t work according to the wishes of the people, the people have the right to change them. For example: Government of India is answerable to the Parliament.

2. Democratic government is responsive to the needs and expectations of the citizens. The government takes decisions and forms policies which are acceptable to the people. Under this, whenever possible and necessary, citizens can participate in decision-making.

3. A legitimate government is formed by the norms provided by the Constitution of the country. A democratic government is a legitimate government. It may be slow, less efficient, not always clean, but, it is the people’s own government.

Question 2.
What are the conditions under which democracies accommodate social diversities?
No society can fully and permanently resolve conflicts among different groups. But, we can certainly learn to respect these differences and we can also evolve mechanisms to negotiate the differences. Democracy is best suited to produce this outcome because it is able to handle social differences, divisions and conflicts. But, a democracy must fulfill two conditions in order to achieve this outcome

(i) It is necessary to understand that democracy is not simply ruled by majority opinion. The majority always needs to work with the minority, so that governments function to represent the general view. The majority and minority opinions are not permanent.

HBSE 10th Class Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 7 Outcomes of Democracy

(ii) It is also necessary that rule by the majority does not become rule by the majority community in terms of religion or race or linguistic group, etc. Democracy remains democracy only as long as every citizen has a chance of being in majority at some point in time.

Question 3.
Give arguments to support or oppose the following assertions :
(i) Industrialised countries can afford democracy, but the poor need dictatorship to become rich.
(ii) Democracy can’t reduce inequality of incomes between different citizens.
(iii) Governments in poor countries should spend less on poverty reduction, health, education, and spend more on industries and infrastructure.
(iv) In democracy, all citizens have one vote, which means, that there is absence of any domination and conflict.
(i) I oppose this assertion because the economic development of a country does not depend only on democracy. Democracy is just a form of government. The economic development depends on several factors, like the population of the country, its natural resources, literacy rate, co-operation from citizens and help from other countries.

(ii) I oppose the assertion, because the Minimum Wages Act enacted by the Indian government and other policies which regulate the basic price at which agricultural producers and small industries sell their goods, have helped increase the per capita income of the country, thereby making its citizens more prosperous.

HBSE 10th Class Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 7 Outcomes of Democracy

(iii) I oppose this assertion, because developing human resource is as important as developing industry and infrastructure. The government in poor countries should maintain a balance between investment on poverty reduction, food, clothing, health education, and on industries and infrastructure.

(iv) I oppose the assertain. This is not true as conflict can be eliminated in an ideal situation. In real democracies, though every person has one vote, there are divisions among the people. These divisions lead to conflict.

Question 4.
Identify the challenges to democracy in the following descriptions. Also suggest policy/ institutional mechanisms to deepen democracy in the given situations:
(i) Following a High Court directive, a temple in Odisha that had separate entry doors for dalits and non-dalits, allowed entry for all from the same door.
(ii) A large number of farmers are committing suicide in different states of India.
(hi) Following allegation of killing of three civilians in Gandwara in a fake encounter by Jammu & Kashmir police, an enquiry has been ordered.
(i) The biggest challenge, in this case, is to eliminate the inequalities that are based on caste. Legal; action must be taken against such people who indulge in such practices of discrimination. They should be severely punished as our constitution declares any discrimination based on caste as a crime punishable by law.

(ii) A large number of farmers are committing suicides in different states of India because of the economic inequalities that still exist in our country. Farmers, sometimes, are unable to repay their loans due to losses in their crops that may have happened because of the weather conditions. In such situation, farmers who get overburdened by the large debts sometimes take extreme steps like committing suicide. The government should provide these farmers with subsidies which will help them to earn profits and have a satisfactory level of earning.

(iii) Here, the challenge to democracy is to control the power of the police and other authorities. To check such challenges in a democratic government, the law should be amended, so that, the police do not take law and order in their hands and should have a reasonable behaviour towards the civilians.

(a) Police force should be well-informed regarding the identity of civilians and terrorists.
(b) The working of police force should be made transparent.

HBSE 10th Class Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 7 Outcomes of Democracy

Question 5.
In the context of democracies, which of the following ideas is correct democracies have successfully eliminated :
(A) conflicts among people.
(B) economic inequalities among people.
(C) differences of opinion about how marginalised sections are to be treated.
(D) the idea of political inequality.
(D) the idea of political inequality.

Question 6.
In the context of assessing democracy which among the following is odd one out. Democracies need to ensure :
(A) free and fair elections.
(B) dignity of the individual.
(C) majority rule.
(D) equal treatment before law.
(C) majority rule.

Question 7.
Studies on political and social inequalities in democracy show that :
(A) democracy and development go together.
(B) inequalities exist in democracies.
(C) inequalities do not exist under dictatorship.
(D) dictatorship is better than democracy.
(B) inequalities exist in democracies.

HBSE 10th Class Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 7 Outcomes of Democracy

Question 8.
Read the passage below:
Nannu is a daily wage earner. He lives in Welcome Mazdoor Colony, a slum habitation in East Delhi. He lost his ration card and applied for a duplicate one in January 2004. He made several rounds to the local Food & Civil Supplies office for the next three months. But the clerks and officials would not even look at him, leave alone do his job or bother to tell him the status of his application. Ultimately, he filed an application under the Right to Information Act asking for the daily progress made on his application, names of the officials who were supposed to act on his application and what action would be taken against these officials for their inaction. Within a week of filing application under the Right to Information Act, he was visited by an inspector from the Food Department, who informed him that the card had been made and he could collect it from the office. When Nannu went to collect his card next day, he was given a very warm treatment by the Food & Supply Officer (FSO), who is the head of a Circle. The FSO offered him tea and requested him to withdraw his application under the Right to Information, since his work had already been done. What does Nannu’s example show? What impact did Nannu’s action have on officials? Ask your parents their experiences when they approach government officials to attend to their problems.

  • Nannu’s example shows that Right to Information Act is a very important and useful law which forces the government officials and heads of the departments to take action in time.
  • The official in food and civil supplies department addressed the issues promptly and also accorded a warm welcome to Nannu at the office.
  • My parents had mixed experiences about the government officials when they approached them for their problems. Some officers took prompt actions and were very helpful. But in some cases, they faced difficult situations where the officials were very reluctant to do the needful.

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