Haryana State Board HBSE 10th Class Social Science Important Questions Economic Chapter 1 Development Important Questions and Answers.
Haryana Board 10th Class Social Science Important Questions Economic Chapter 1 Challenges to Development
Multiple Choice Questions
Development Important Questions HBSE 10th Class Question 1.
Which of the following is a developmental goal for the landless rural labourers?
(a) To educate their children
(b) To get house and land
(c) More days of work and better wages
(d) To shift to the towns.
(c) More days of work and better wages
HBSE 10th Class Important Questions Economics Chapter 1 Development Question 2.
Which of the following is a developmental goal common to all?
(a) Freedom
(b) Regular work
(c) Security and respect
(d) High level of income and better quality of life.
(d) High level of income and better quality of life.
Chapter 1 Development Important Questions Economics HBSE Question 3.
Which of the following things money cannot buy?
(a) Tree
(b) Flowers
(c) Pollution free enviroment
(d) Books.
(c) Pollution free enviroment
Question 4.
What is the most common method of measuring the economic development of a country?
(a) Security
(b) Income
(c) Freedom
(d) Equal Treatment.
(b) Income
Question 5.
Which of the following is people’s goals in addition to higher income?
(a) Peace and security
(b) Freedom
(c) Equal treatment
(d) All of these.
(d) All of these.
Question 6.
Among the following criteria, which one is the basis to measure the development of a country, according to the World Bank?
(a) Per capita income
(b) Net attendance ratio
(c) Literacy rate
(d) Life expectancy.
(a) Per capita income
Question 7.
Per Capita Income is also known as :
(a) Average Income
(b) Gross Income
(c) National Income
(d) Total Income.
(a) Average Incom
Question 8.
If there are five persons in a family and their total income is Rs 30,000, What would be the average income of each person?
(a) Rs 6,000
(b) Rs 3,000
(c) Rs 8,000
(d) Rs 10,000
(a) Rs 6,000
Question 9.
Which of the following countries has the largest size of illiterate population in the world?
(a) India
(b) England
(c) Sri Lanka
(d) USA.
(a) India
Question 10.
Which of the following is not a component of HDI?
(a) Literacy rate
(b) Per capita income
(c) Poverty rate
(d) Life expectancy.
(c) Poverty rate
Question 11.
Who published the Human Development Report?
(a) BMI
(b) HDI
(c) UNDP
(d) World Bank.
(c) UNDP
Question 12.
Which South Asian country has the first rank in the HDI?
(a) Sri Lanka
(b) India
(c) Pakistan
(d) Nepal.
(a) Sri Lanka
Question 13.
Which kind of resources are replenished by nature?
(a) Renewable resources
(b) Non-renewable resources
(c) Mineral resources
(d) Stock resources.
(a) Renewable resources
Question 14.
Which area of the world has the largest crude oil reserves?
(a) The Middle East
(b) Russia
(c) China
(d) India.
(a) The Middle East
Fill In the blanks
1. Different persons have different …………..
2. ………….. is considered as the most important component of development as it can buy material goods and services.
3. …………… is the income of all the residents of the country over a period of time.
4. …………… gives a better comparison.
5 are provided by the government for the betterment of the community.
6. Human Development Report is Published by …………..
7. India occupies …………. rank in HDI in 2020 .
8. A good way to measure the quality of life in countries across the world is by comparing their ………….
9. Economic development by maintaining the natural resources for present atid future use is known as …………
10. BMI stands for ………………
1. developmental goals
2. income
3. national income
4. per capita income
5. public facilities
7. 131th
8. human development index
9. sustainable development,
10. Body Mass Index.
Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What is development?
Development is a process in which per capita income increases and inequality, poverty and illiteracy reduces, i.e. the economic life and living standard of people improves.
Question 2.
Write any two developmental goals or aspirations of landless rural labourers.
(i) More days of work
(ii) Better wages.
Question 3.
What do people want generally?
Generally, people want things that are most important for them, i.e. those which can fulfil their aspirations or desires.
Question 4.
What are the economic goals desired by rural people?
- Regular work
- Better wages
- Decent price for their crops or other things that they produce.
Question 5.
What are the social goals desired by people?
- Equal treatment
- Freedom
- Security
- Respect of others.
Question 6.
Name the things on which the quality of our life depends.
(i) Material things
(ii) Non-material things.
Question 7.
What is meant by national development?
The economic, social, and political development of any country is called national 9development.
Question 8.
What is National Income?
The monetary value of all final goods and services, produced in a defmite period, in an economy, is known as National Income.
Question 9.
Define the term per capita income.
The total income of the country divided by its total population is called per capita income.
Question 10.
Mention the formula for the calculation of per capita income.
Question 11.
Which indicator is considered to be the most important measure of development?
Per capita income, productivity, living standard, and HDI are the major indicators to measure development.
Question 12.
Why do you consider average income as an important criterion of development?
Average income tells about the earnings of every person.
Question 13.
Give the meaning of the average income of the country.
The average income of a country means per capita income. It is calculated by dividing the total income of a country by its population.
Question 14.
What do you mean by Infant Mortality Rate?
Infant mortality rate (IMR) indicates the number of children that die before the age of one year as a proportion of 1000 live children born in that particular year.
Question 15.
Why is the Infant Mortality Rate low in Kerala?
The people of Kerala have better health and educational facilities, that’s why the Infant Mortality Rate is low in Kerala.
Question 16.
Write any one indication of Human Development Index.
Level of education.
Question 17.
Which criterion is used in World Development Report for c1assifring countries?
World Bank uses the income criterion per capita income to compare countries.
Question 18.
What term is used for the report published by UNDP which compares countries based on the educational levels of the people, their health status and per capita income?
Human Development Report (HDR).
Question 19.
How many countries are included in HDI ranking?
There were 189 countries for which HDI was calculated in Human Development Report, 2018.
Question 20.
What does life expectancy at birth denote?
Life expectancy at birth denotes low death rate at birth.
Question 21.
What does gross enrolment ratio for three levels mean?
Gross enrolment ratio for three levels means enrolment ratio for primary school, secondary school and higher education beyond secondary school.
Question 22.
Define the term Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Net attendance ratio is the total number of children of age group 14 and 15 years attending school as a percentage of total number of children in the same age group.
Question 23.
Define the term Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Gross Domestic Product is the 1mai value of goods and services produced within geographical boundaries of a country dirin a specified period of time, quarterly or yearly.
Question 24.
What is the main criterion for comparing the development of different countries?
- Per capita income.
- Average literacy level.
- Health status of its people.
Question 25.
Write the full form of B.M.I.
The full form of BM.! is Body Mass Index.
Question 26.
How can you calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI) ?
Body Mass Index can be calculated by dividing the total weight of a person by the square of his height.
Question 27.
Write the full form of U.N.D.P.
U.N.D.P. stands for United Nations Development Programme.
Question 28.
What is H.D.I?
Human Development Index.
Question 29.
Which organization publishes the “Human Development Report”?
UNDP publishes the “Human Development Report”.
Short Answer Type Questions-I
Question 1.
Why is it that the income by itself is not a completely adequate indication of goods and services that citizens are able to use? Give an example.
Income by itself is not a completely adequate indication of material goods and services that citizens are able to use. For example, normally money cannot buy a pollution-free environment or ensure that, we get unadulterated medìcine.
Question 2.
Why is greater income considered as one of the important economic goals?
Greater income is considered to be one of the important economic goals because more income means more of all things that human beings need. Whatever people like, and should have, they will be able to get with greater income. Income is considered as one of the most important attributes for comparing the development of countries.
Question 3.
Mention any two indications which are used to measure the development of a country.
(i) National income – It refers to the monetary value of goods and services produced in a definite period in an economy.
(ii) Per capita income – Total income of the country divided by its total population. It is also known as Average income.
Question 4.
How can a developmental goal for one he destructive for the other? Mention one suitable example.
Developmental goals can be acquired at the cost of degradation, and depletion of natural resources. For example, groundwater is a renewable resource but in case of overuse, the level can deplete. Non-renewable resources (coal, petroleum, etc.) are those which will exhaust after a few years of use.
Question 5.
What is per capita income? Mention any two limitations of per capita as an indicator of development.
Per capita income is calculated as the total income of a country divided by its total population. Understanding Economic DeveIopment3 Money cannot buy all the goods aoci services that are needed to live well. So, income by itself is not. a completely adequate indicator of the overall well-being of people.
Question 6.
Mention any six things people look for as important aspects of their lives apart from income.
Apart from income people look for pollution-. free atmosphere to ensure good health, protection from infectious disease, lowr mortality rate, promotion of literacy job security, good working conditions etc that are essential for a good standard of life.
Question 7.
Give the meaning of Human Development.
Human Development-It is a process, which fulfills the wants and desires of people. so that they can live a motivates and active lifi. It touches upon social, economic, political and cultural aspects of human life, with special emphasis on reduction of poverty and narrowing down inequality and unemployment.
Question 8.
What do you know about UNDP?
UNDP means United Nations Development Programme. UNDP publishes the Human Development Report, This report compares countries on the basis of their education level, health status and per capita income.
Question 9.
Write any two points of importance of the Human Development Index.
(i) It indicates th ‘evel of development of a country.
(ii) It tells about impo aflt factors of economic development, like-life expectancy, level of educational achievement and actual per capita income.
Question 10.
Mention few examples of environmental degradation that you may have observed around you.
- Industrial waste and other pollutants washed into river basins like Ganga and Yamuna.
- Deforestation in Terai, Sunderbans and other forest regions.
- Emission of smoke and carbon fuel gas from factories and motor vehicles in urban areas (towns and cities).
Question 11.
In what respect is the criteria used by the UNDP for measuring development different from that used by the World Bank?
Human Development Report published by UNI)P compares countries on the basis of the educational level of people, their health status and per capita income, while the World Bank uses per capita income only.
Question 12.
Suggest any three ways to maintain Body Mass Index (BMI).
Body Mass Index (BMI) is an indicator of an individual’s relative body fat. It is calculated by measuring a person’s height and weight and using the formula, body weight in kgs/hieght in metre squared (m)2.
It can be maintained by the following ways:
- Through aerobic exercise
- Through physical activities
- Through team games and individual sports.
Question 13.
Define the following terms:
(i) Per Capita Income
(ii) Net Attendance Ratio
Define the term Per Capita Income.
(i) The per capita income is the total income of the country divided by its total population. It is also called average income.
(ii) Net Attendance Ratio is the percentage of children of age group 14-15 attending school of the total number of children in the same age-group.
Short Answer Type Questions-II
Question 1.
Write some characteristics of development.
Following are the characteristics of development:
- Different persons may have different developmental goals.
- What may be the meaning of development for one, may not be the meaning of development for the other. Instead, it may be destructive for the other.
- For development, people look at a mix of goals.
- The most important part of development is income.
- Besides more income, people also want equal treatment, freedom, security and respect of others.
Question 2.
“What may be the development for one may not be developed for the other.”Explain this statement with a suitable example.
Different people have different notions of development because life situations of every person are different.
Example-Construction of dams leads to the generation of electricity. This development causes displacement of many people from their villages to other places, due to the submergence of the land, hence it may not mean development for them.
Question 3.
Explain any three criteria used by Human Development Report to classify various countries.
Following are the three criteria used by huma’ development report to classify various countries:
(i) Per capita income: People with more per capita income can buy nutritious food, get better healthcare facilities and give proper education to their children. Therefore, per capita income is the major attribute of considering development.
(ii) Educational levels of the people: Educated people will be able to get better jobs and higher earnings due to their higher education status.
(iii). Health status: Health will be good and longevity will increase when people will be able to afford better healthcare facilities. In fant mortality will also reduce due to better healthcare, resulting in a further increase in life expectancy at birth.
Question 4.
How is the issue of sustainability important for development? Explain with examples.
The issue of sustainability is important for development due to following reasons:
- There is a limited stock of natural resources, and if they are not used judiciously then there will be nothing left for future generations.
- Without sustainable development, an ecological disbalance may be created leading to the destruction of the environment.
- Without sustainable development, ecological disbalance may also lead to environmental pollution which is very difficult to handle. For example, air and water pollution are rising due to industrial waste.
Question 5.
What does sustainability of development mean? How can sustainable development be achieved?
Sustainability of development means that development should take place without damaging the environment and development in the present should not compromise with the needs of the future generations. Here, the natural resources should be used in such a way that environmental balance is also maintained.
Sustainable development can be achieved in the following ways:
- By scientific and proper use of the resources.
- By finding out ways to stop environmental pollution.
- By developing renewable sources of energy like water, wind and solar energy.
Question 6.
Although averages are useful for comparing countries, they also hide disparities?
Explain the meaning of this statement. Support the statement with suitable arguments.
Why is Per Capita Income not an adequate indicator of economic development of a country?
Average or Per Capita Income is useful for comparing countries, but they also hide disparities. They do not give the true picture of a country due to the following reasons:
- They do not tell us how equally or evenly income is distributed.
- They do not give information regarding other vital data, such as literacy rate, infant morality rate, etc.
- They do not give us any information regarding the non-materialistic goods and services such as equality, freedom, respect, dignity.
Question 7.
Money cannot buy all the goods and services that one needs to live well. Explain.
Money cannot buy all the goods and sevices that one needs to live well because
- Apart from money, the infrastructural facilities like health and education are also required to live well.
- Money cannot fulfil non-material needs like friendship, love, care, freedom, job security, good working atmosphere etc.
- Public facilities like clean environment, protection from infectious diseases can not be bought by money ajonc.
Question 8.
Developmental goals are differing goals also. Explain with an example.
Development goals are differing goals. This is because different people have different situations in life due to which their goals are different. For example, the development goals of a girl from a rich urban family will be surely different from a farmer in Rajasthan. It is because their situations, lifestyle and status are very different from each other. The goal of a person is something, which is entirely dependent on his or her person life situation over a period of time, if the situation changes, automatically goals of a personal will also change. Hence, developmental goals are differing goals also.
Question 9.
Why do people look at a mix of goals for development? Explain.
Though income is one of the most important components of development but there are other important goals which people look at for development.
- People also seek things like equal treatment, freedom, security and respect.
- Women need a safe and secure environment to take up a variety of jobs or to run businesses and entrepreises.
- People seek a pollution-free environment.
- Students seek better education and equal opportunities to learn.
Question 10.
What are common developmental goals? Give any two suitable examples of common developmental goals.
There are certain goals which arc same and common for all. These are common development goals that people have not only about better income but also about other important things, life. More income or more material goods do not always provide us good quality of life. There are other aspects such as equal treatment, freedom, security, opportunity to learn, goods working condition, pollution-free atmosphere, job security and good social life which are very important for a good qualit of life. Money or material things that one can buy with it, is one factor on which our life depends. But quality of our life also depends or non-material things, for example – the role of our friends in our life which cannot be measured but means a lot to us.
Question 11.
Why is the issue of sustainability important for development?
Sustainable economic development means that. development should take place without damaging the environment and over-exploitation of resources Development in the present should not compromise the needs of future generations.
- It is important for the future generation requirement: We must use non-renewable sources judiciously. They also need extra care as they cannot be renewed. Depending on non-renewable sources should be reduced.
- Proper utilization and reducing wastage of resources: It takes care of future needs and may sustain the environment.
- There is an acute shortage or deficiency of some resources: Investing in alternative sources of energy may prove helpful.
Question 12.
What is the difference between developed countries and developing countries?
- Developed Countries-Those countries, which have higher per capita income and better standard of living, are called developed countries. Example-United State of America, United Kingdom etc.
- Developing Countries-Those countries, which have less per capita income and lower standard of living, are called developing or low-income countries. Example-India, Bangladesh, Pakistan etc.
Question 13.
Distinguish between National Income and Per Capita Income.
Following arc the points of distinction between Per Capita Income and National Income:
Per Capita Income:
1. The total income of the country divided by its total population is called per capita in co me .
2. Per capita income is based upon national income.
3. Per capita income shows the income of each citizen of the country.
National Income:
1. The sum total of the market value of final goods and services produced in a country in one year is called national income.
2. National income is based upon the output or income generated during an accounting year.
3. National income shows the total income of the country.
Question 14.
What is sustainable economic development? Write any three measures to control environmental degradation.
Sustainability for development or sustainable development refers to the developmentwhich takes place without damaging the environment. Such development should also not compromise on the needs of future generations, otherwise, it is meaningless.
Following are three measures to contro’ environmental degradation:
- Over-exploitation of resources should be avoided. Rule of three ‘Rs i.e. Recycle. Reduce and Reuse, should be adopted.
- In place of conventional and non-renewable energy resources, renewable energy resources must be adopted.
- New technologies should be developed for judicious use of resources and pollution free environment.
Question 15.
What is meant by public facilities ? Why are they important?
Give some advantages of Public facilities.
Answer: Public facilities-It indicates some of the essential facilities available in the country, like- public libraries, hospitals, schools, children playgrounds and public toilets etc. These facilities are provided by the government for the citizens. Importance of public facilities-Public facilities are important because many people don’t have enough income to be able to avail facilities provided by the private sector, resulting in difficulties, like-inadequate healthcare and poor nutrition etc.
Advantages of Public facilities are as follows:
- It provides the resources which can be used by the public at large. This helps in ensuring that people are getting better quality of life, by using these facilities.
- It creates better infrastructure, like- roads, bridges, power, health, education for the country.
- It gives the impression of the level of development of the country, in terms of quality of life and the investment made in the facilities to be provided to the public.
Question 16.
By whom is Human Development Index prepared ? How is it calculated?
Human Development Index is prepared by an organization, named, UniWd Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Human Development Index is calculated on certain parameters known to indicate the development of the people of a country.
These parameters are as follows:
- Life expectancy at birth.
- Gross Enrolment Rate for primary school, secondary school and higher education.
- Per capita income.
Question 17.
Give the meaning of Public Distribution System. Explain its advantages.
Meaning of Public Distribution System Ref Point 17 ‘Important Terms’.
- It distributes subsidised food and non-fòod items to India’s poor.
- The people get essential goods and do not face scarcity of these things, even at unprosperous times.
- Government can easily control the trend of rising prices of essential goods, and even can give goods of better qualities at reasonable prices to the poor.
Question 18.
What is meant by BMI? How is it calculated?
BMI means Body Mass Index. It is a level of estimating undernourished adults in an economy. Nutritional scientists call it Body Mass Index.
it is calculated as –
- Firstly, weight of the person in kilograms and height in metres has to be noted.
- Secondly, divide the weight by the square of the height.
BMI Weight = - If the calculated BMI is less than 185, then person is said to be undernourished, while if it comes more than 25, then the person is said to be overweight.
Note-This criterion is not applicable to growing children.
Question 19.
Is human development essential for economic development? Give reasons.
Yes, human development is essential for economic development, due to the following reasons:
(1) Per capita income with equitable distribution shows that there is less gap between rich and poor.
(2) Educational status of the people shows the quality of population of a country to undertake high-paying jobs, like-medical, engineering, finance sector, etc.
(3) Health status indicates the life expectancy of people, so that they can work longer in their life period and generate income for the strong economy.
Question 20.
Do you think that there are certain other aspects that should be considered in measuring human development?
HDI does not take every aspect of human development into account. It focuses only on three aspects longevity, education and standard of living. There are some other aspects of human life, which should be kept in mind while comparing two nations or more. These aspects are freedom, security, public participation etc. But, the notion for concentrating on three basic dimensions of human lives is that, if these three basic capabilities are achieved, than they would open up opportunities in other dimensions of human lives, valued by people. The HDJ is not a perfect index. It does not fully measure the development of humans It does not provide a comprehensive picture of human development. It is just like a summary measure. It does not go into depth and neither tells about the various aspects of human development.
Question 21.
Why has there been a conflict for developmental goals in India?
There has been a conflict for developmental goals in India due to the gap between rich and poor. Rich people demand different types of luxury items that can hardly be produced in India. Even if these items are produced in India, it would consume a lot of resources, which could have been used for the benefit of millions of poor sections of society. Also, the availability of resources is very less and these have to be utilized in such a way, that the need of all the people of the country is met. In these terms, there has been a conflict, as to where the resources should be consumed, so that the benefit can be provided to the maximum number of people.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What is development? Describe various developmental goals.
Meaning of development:
Development is a process, in which, per capita income increases and poverty, inequality, illiteracy and suffering reduce, i.e. the economic level of people improves and the living standard raises.
Various goals of development are as follows:
1. To increase income: This is the main goal of development. With increased income, people begin to live more happily. It includes the goal of increment in per capita income, as well as national income. An increase in income improves the standard of living.
2. More days of work and better wages:
Another goal of development is that it allows more days of work for the people, that is, people get regular employment. They should get regular employment as well as better wages so that they can live a good life. Farmers should be given increased minimum support prices for their crops.
3. Educational development:
Education plays an important role in development. Educated persons become more skilled and good producers. Due to education, not only an individual but also the nation develops. Therefore, the development of educational facilities is also necessary
4. Equal treatment:
All people should be treated equally in the developmental process. Social, as well as political equalities, should be included with economic equality.
5. Security:
Any nation should progress in such a way that people of all communities feel secure in their country.
6. Healthcare and sanîtation:
To live a healthy life, is one of the basic needs of human beings. This is possible, only, when the country has ample resources to ensure that people get facilities in terms of healthcare and sanitation. Government should be able to take care of the need of an adequate number of hospitals in the country, to ensure that this facility is available to all at a reasonable cost. Increment in health facilities will have positive effects on production and income.
7. Increment in public facilities:
An important goal of the progress of a country is that public facilities should be increased, so that collective necessity can be fulfilled.
Question 2.
Explain any five different basis of comparison of the development of different nations.
The five different bases of comparison of development are as follows :
(i) National income:
The monetary value of all final goods and services produced in a definite period in an economy is known as National income. A country, with a higher level of national income, is considered more developed than a country, which has a low national income is enlarged, there is more availability of goods and services in the country, which means higher level of consumption and higher standard of living of the people. .
(ii) Per capita income:
This is the total national income divided by the total population. It is considered as a better indicator of development, an increase in per capita income leads to an improvement in the standard of living.
(iii) Literacy Rate:
Measures the proportion of the literate population in the age group of 7 and above. In other words, this is the total percentage of the population of an area, at a particular time, aged seven years or above, who can read and write with understanding.
(iv) Life expectancy at Birth-It indicates the number of years a newborn child is expected to live.
(v) Gross enrolment Ratio:
Total enrolment in a specific level of education, regardless of age, is expressed as a percentage of the official school-age population, corresponding to the same level of education, in a given school/year.
Question 3.
What do you mean by public facilities? Describe any four public facilities needed for development.
Public facilities:
It indicates some of the essential facilities available in the country, like-public libraries, hospitals, schools, children’s playgrounds and public toilets etc. These facilities are provided by the government for the citizens.
The importance of public facilities-Public facilities are important because many people don’t have enough income to be able to avail facilities provided by the private sector, resulting in difficulties, like- inadequate healthcare and poor nutrition etc.
The advantages of Public facilities are as follows:
- It provides the resources which can be used by the public at large. This helps in ensuring that people are getting better quality of life, by using these facilities.
- It creates better infrastructure, like- roads, bridges, power, health, education for the country.
- It gives the impression of the level of development of the country, in terms of quality of life and the investment made in the facilities to be provided to the public.
Some public facilities needed for development are as follows:
- Pollution-free environment-Government should take care to provide pollution-free environment to the people, by setting industries outside residential areas, by keeping check on vehicles, by planting more trees, etc.
- Collective security-It should be government’s responsibility to provide security to the people, for the localities as a whole.
- More schools and colleges-It should be government’s responsibility to open more schools and colleges for the children, so that most of the children get educated, and should also arrange it at most nominal cost.
- Health care-One of the basic needs of human beings is to lead a healthy life. It should be government’s responsibility to provide health care to the people. Government should be able to take care of the need of an adequate number of hospitals in the country. to ensure that medical facility is available to all, ut a reasonable price.
Question 4.
“National Development of a country depends on the availability of public facilities.” how?
It is right that national development of a country depends on the availability of public facilities. Public facilities are those provided by the government for its citizens. They may be either highly subsidized or totally free of cost far the people. They are important because poor people do not have enough income to be able to avail facilities provided by the private sector, resulting in difhiculties faced like inadequate
health care, poor nutrition, lack of education etc.
The utility of two public facilities available in India are following:
(i) The Public Distribution System (PDS) provides fair average quality of foodgrains and other essential items to the weaker sections of the population at subsidized prices.
(ii) Healthcare includes government hospitals and dispensaries, which are provided to all at subsidized rates. This includes outpatient as well as hospitalization facilities.
Question 5.
“Consequence of environmental degradation do not respect national or state boundaries.” Justify the statement.
It is true that the consequences of environmental degradation is now a global issue and discussed all over the world. They are not restricted to nation or state boundaries. The consequences are felt in the surrounding states, nations and also globally. For example,
- Air Pollution through massive thermal power plants, vehicles and other sources, in India causes pollution in Pakistan, Nepal, etc.
- Our neighbours also experience increase in asthma and other lung diseases. Acid rain, climate change, etc are sorne issues which are transcontinental in consequences.
- Deforestation in Brazil has caused disturbance in rainfall pattern throughout south America.
- Land degradation and dam burst like conditions in China affect India and Bangladesh as it brings massive siltation and flood consequences.
- Therefore, environmental degradation is a major issue and its consequences are felt worldwide.
Question 6.
What. do you mean by Public fiwilities? Why are they important? Name two public facilities available in India.
Public fiwilities are the flicilities provided by the government either free of cost or at. very low price for the welfare of the people like schools, health centres, public transport, etc. The importance of these facilities is to make it available to everyone for use so that the standard of living improves.
Four major facilities are as follows:
(i) Basic education- government provides school and other educational facilities like chair, books etc to be used by the public. But its use and performance depend on collective response and community cooperation.
(ii) Basic health facilities-Government provides hospitals, and vaccine programs to maintain a basic quality of life.
(iii) Law and order facility/security-It is the duty of the government to ensure law and order and provide security in order to maintain peace in the country.
(iv) Provision of public distribution system-Government opens PliS shops or ratioti shops through which it supplies basic food items likt’ rice, wheat, pulses, etc. at very low pricelsuhsidiscd rate to the lower income group or poor people. Other facilities include infrastructure facilities like roads, irrigation projects, drinking water supply in urban areas, etc.