Haryana State Board HBSE 9th Class Science Solutions Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall Ill Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
Haryana Board 9th Class Science Solutions Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall Ill
HBSE 9th Class Science Why Do We Fall Ill Intext Questions and Answers
Questions from Sub-section 13.1
Question 1.
State any two conditions essential for good health.
Following are the two conditions essential for good health :
(i) Community cleanliness
(ii) Balanced diet.
Question 2.
State any two conditions essential for being free of diseases.
Following are the two conditions essential for being free of diseases :
(1) Clean environment
(ii) Good habits and regular exercise.
Question 3.
Are the answers to the above questions necessarily the same or different ? Why ?
The answers to the above questions are necessarily same because to keep good health or diseases free are almost same situation.
Questions from Sub-section 13.2
Question 1.
List any three reasons why you would think that you are sick and ought to see a doctor. If only one of these symptoms were present, would you still go to the doctor ? Why or why not ?
There can be many
(i) cough
(ii) fever
(iii) weakness.
If the given symptoms appear for a small period of time, there is no need to go to a doctor, because the immune system of our body stops these quickly and makes the body free of the effects of any disease. But if persistent cough prevails, lungs may be infected. If fever persists, it can be due to a serious ailmant T.B. If there is nutritious deficiency, it can lead to general weakness. In conditions like these, it is proper to go to a physician, so that the real course of the symptoms may be as certained and it can be cured.
Question 2.
In which of the following case do you think the long term effects on your health are likely to be most unpleasant ?
- If you get jaundice.
- If you get lice.
- If you get acne. Why?
If we’re suffering from jaundice, it is most likely to have ill effects on our health. Jaundice is a disease that effect the liver, which is an important organ of the body and which has an important role to play in our body. So the body of the person suffering from jaundice is predominantly affected. The effect of getting lice or acne are not so predominant.
Questions from Sub-section 13.3
Question 1.
Why are we normally advised to take bland and nourishing food when we are sick?
Bland and nourishing food is recommended to sick people so that it is easily digested and there is reimbursement of the nutrients lost due to sickness.
Question 2.
What are the different means by which infectious diseases are spread?
Infectious diseases spread through the following methods:
1. Through ai: Many disease particles spread in the air due to sneezing, coughing, talking, spitting or defecating. When a healthy person breathes in the air containing these disease particles, the person catches the disease.
2. Through water: Pathogens of cholera, tuberculosis etc., get mixed in drinking water and enter the body. The disease spreads by washing utensils or vegetables and fruits in polluted water. It also spreads when the clothes of an infected person are washed near a source of water or he defecates near it.
3. Through food:
Pathogens present in foodstuffs also enter the body and make the person infected. It is harmful to take stale or cold food.
4. Individual contact:
Coming in contact with the patient’s clothes, bedding, utensils, towel or directly with the patient also transmits the pathogens.
5. Through animals: Some animals like houseflies, mosquitoes, mice etc., also play the role of vectors. By polluting food the pathogens are left there which ultimately enter the human body. Malaria is spread by mosquito bite while cholera spreads through houseflies and plague through mice.
Question 3.
What precautions can you take in your school to reduce the incidence of infectious diseases?
Following precautions should be taken:
(i) Chlorination of drinking water should be done.
(ii) All the eatables in the school canteen should be kept covered.
(iii) The sale of stale fruits and other eatables should be prohibited.
(iv) If a student catches an infectious disease he should not be allowed to mix up with his classmates in the classroom as well as in the playground till he fully recovers.
(v) Children should be properly educated about personal as well as community hygiene.
(vi) To prevent communicable diseases all children should be given proper vaccination.
Question 4.
What is immunisation?
The strength produced in the body to resist diseases is called immunity for example; disease producer is got entered into the body. This disease producer combats with the blood cells. In reaction to that some specific chemical substances are produced. These various substances destroy the pathogens in the body and thus, produce the ability of resistivity to combat diseases. It is called as immunity of the body and this process is called as immunisation.
Question 5.
What are the immunisation programmes available at the nearest health centre in your locality? Which of these diseases are the major health problems in your area ?
In our town health centre following vaccination programmes are available:
- National tuberculosis eradication programme.
- National, cholera eradication programme.
- National leprosy eradication programme.
- National polio eradication campaign.
- National child communicable disease eradication (vaccination of children).
Generally, in all cities and towns problems in relation to hygienic environment community hygienic and pure drinking water one quite common. In proper disposal of garbage in cities and towns is responsible for polluting the environment. Pure water is not being available. Air and water pollution have been adding to health problems.
HBSE 9th Class Science Why Do We Fall Ill Textbook Questions and Answers
Question 1.
How many times did you fall ill in the last one year? What were the illnesses?
(i) Think of one change you could make in your habits in order to avoid any of/most of the above illnesses.
(ii) Think of one change you would wish for in your surroundings in order to avoid any of/most of the above illnesses.
Every person can suffer from a minor or major diseases at any time. Hardly a few persons can be there who do not develop any disease, but even then due to some reasons health can be affected. I also fell ill in the last year. I had suffered from malaria.
(i) Different safety measures can be adopted to get rid of malaria. It can be avoided by filling the pits and landfills around our neighbourhood with soil and sand, drain blockage should be removed, water should be drained out from the flower pots, desert cooler-tanks and empty vessels in our houses, at night net and mosquito repellent cream should be applied to the skin. The doors and windows in the houses should be equipped with wire-gauze.
(ii) The growth of mosquitoes can be checked by keeping our surroundings clean and tidy pits and drains must not be let overflow or choked with stagnant water. Unwanted bushes or weeds should be destroyed.
Question 2.
A doctor/nurse/health worker is exposed to more sick people than others in the community. Find out how she/he avoids getting sick herself/himself.
Doctors, nurses and health workers immensely remain in contact with patients than other people. To protect themselves from harmful bacteria or microbes following safety measures are adopted by them :
(1) They are habitual wearing washed and clean clothes every day.
(2) While examining a patient, doctor use to cover their mouth and nose with a mask so that the least microbes carry ing infection should not enter their body through breathing.
(3) Nurses and other medical workers wear rubber gloves while injecting or dressing a patient, so that they may not come in direct contact with the patient.
(4) After examining a patient, a doctor or another person at help wash up their hands with an antiseptic solution.
(5) Whole of the staff in the hospital is much concerned about common hygiene. The floors of the wards and rooms are swabbed with disinfectant phenyl regularly.
(6) The garbage and waste should be destroyed with scientific methods.
Question 3.
Conduct a survey in your neighbourhood to find out what the three most common diseases are. Suggest three steps that could be taken by your local authorities to bring down the incidence of these diseases.
On conducting a survey in the neighbourhood it was found that the three most common diseases in my locality are:
(i) Diarrhoea and expectoration (vomiting)
(ii) Malaria
(iii) Cough and cold.
Following are the three suggestions to immunise ourselves against these diseases :
(1) There is a great need to take care of the eatables and drinking water they must be protected against any kind of pollution.
(2) Ensure that the water is covered so that mosquitoes can’t breed and we can have safe drinking water.
(3) Maintaining cleanliness and proper disposal system is needed.
Question 4.
A baby is not able to tell her/his caretakers that she/he is sick. What would help us to find out
(a) that the baby is sick?
(b) what is the sickness?
(a) If a baby is not able to tell his/her caretaker that he/she is sick then body symptoms should be observed by the caretaker. The caretaker should take the baby to the doctor, if she or he finds a clue that the baby is sick. Some symptoms that can be observed are :
1. If the baby cries continuously.
2. If the baby doesn’t want to eat anything.
3. If the baby feels irritated all the time.
(b) Kind of sickness can be known by certain symptoms e.g. yellowness of skin and eyes, redness in eye may indicate conjunctivitis.
Question 5.
Under which of the following conditions is a person most likely to fall sick?
(a) when she is recovering from malaria.
(b) when she has recovered from malaria and is taking care of someone suffering from chicken pox.
(c) when she is on a four-day fast after recovering from malaria and is taking care of someone suffering from chicken pox. Why?
A person is most likely to fall sick when she is on a four-day fast after recovering from malaria and is taking care of someone suffering from chicken pox. This is because since she has suffered from malaria and is in the recovery phase, it means that she is still not completely disease-free. Her chances of getting chicken pox are also high as her body has lowered.
Question 6.
Under which of the following conditions are you most likely to fall sick?
(a) when you are taking examinations.
(b) when you have travelled by bus and train for two days.
(c) when your friend is suffering from measles. Why?
(a) I am most likely to fall sick when my friend is suffering from measles. Measles is a viral infection. It is a contagious disease. It spreads through contact with infected mucus and saliva. The virus can sustain for several hours. Even coming in contact or sharing items with an infected person results in the spread of disease.