HBSE 9th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall Ill

Haryana State Board HBSE 9th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall Ill Important Questions and Answers.

Haryana Board 9th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall Ill

Very Short-Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is the meaning of health?
The proper shape of the entire organs and systems of the body, their location and functioning is called as health. Health is the normal position of the ability of physical, mental and social life.

Question 2.
What is called an ailment or disease?
Any kind of disruption developing in good health is called as a disease. Or in other words, occurring of any disorder in the physical system is called a disease.

Question 3.
Give the name of a factor that influences health.
Personal hygiene.

Question 4.
Give a reason that affects the community’s cleanliness.
Failure of disposing of garbage scientifically.

Question 5.
How does food affect our health ?
Excess of deficiency of nutritious elements in diet both leave ill effects on our health.

HBSE 9th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall Ill

Question 6.
How does our environment harm us ?
Unwanted materials found in the environment proved to be the cause of diseases for us.

Question 7.
Is it called health that the body is disease-free ?
‘No, even if we are disease-free, we cannot consider ourselves healthy.

Question 8.
How is a disease diagnosed ?
From the symptoms of the disease.

Question 9.
What are the symptoms of diseases ?
The signs that indicate any disorder in our body, are called as the symptoms of disease.

Question 10.
What do the physicians do to confirm a certain disease ?
They refer the laboratory’ test,

Question 11.
How many types of diseases are there (on the basis of time duration) ?
Two types: Acute diseases, Chronic diseases.

Question 12.
What are called as acute diseases ?
Ailments that are short lived are called as acute diseases.

HBSE 9th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall Ill

Question 13.
Write down names of two acute diseases.
Cough-cold, headache.

Question 14.
What are called as chronic diseases?
Chronic diseases-the sustain for long time or throughout life.

Question 15.
Write down the name of chronic disease.
Filariasis (elephantiasis).

Question 16.
Can a person fall ill in the inadequacy of diet?
Yes, in the inadequacy diet a person can fall ill.

Question 17.
The antibiotic penicillin blocks the processes that build in bacteria.
cell wall.

Question 18.
What are called as communicable diseases ?
Diseases that spread through contact are called as communicable diseases.

Question 19.
Write down the names of two communicable diseases.
Cholera, jaundice.

Question 20.
What are called as non-communicable diseases ?
Diseases that do not spread through infection or pathogens are called as non-communicable diseases.

Question 21.
Write down names of two non-communicable diseases.
Goitre and Diabetes.

Question 22.
Write names of two diseases caused due to virus.
Cough-cold, Influenza, Polio.

HBSE 9th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall Ill

Question 23.
What type of disease is cancer ?
Non-communicable disease.

Question 24.
Which diseases are caused due to bacteria ?
Cholera and Tuberculosis.

Question 25.
Give two examples of the diseases caused due to fungi.
Skin diseases (dermatosis)-Ringworm, eczema etc.

Question 26.
Write names of two diseases caused by protozo
Malaria and kala-azar.

Question 27.
What are the names of diseases caused by a worm?
Elephantiasis (Filariasis), ascariasis.

Question 28.
Write down the name of the factor of acne or pimple.
Staphylococci bacteria.

Question 29.
What is the cause of sleeping sickness?
Trypanosoma protozoa.

Question 30.
Which disease is caused due to lachmania protozoan?

Short-Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is health ? Write the advantages of good health.
Health is a state of being well enough for a person to function well physically, mentally and socially. The structure and functions of all the body parts of a healthy person are normal. He is free from all types of psychological, mental and social tensions. A person free from only physical diseases is not frilly healthy.
Advantages: Following are the advantages of good health:
(1) The personal life of a healthy person is full of happiness.
(2) A healthy person utilises his potential fully as an individual, in the family, in society and in the country and does not become a burden on anyone.

HBSE 9th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall Ill

Question 2.
What are the conditions necessary to maintain good health?
The following conditions are necessary to maintain good health:
(1) Personal and family hygiene.
(2) Proper exercise and relaxation.
(3) Balanced diet.
(4) Community hygiene.
(5) Good habits and abstinence from intoxicants/drugs.

Question 3.
How does the environment affect health?
The health of all persons is based on the surrounding environment. Physical factors constitute the environment. A person can fulfil his basic requirements only from the environment. This is possible only in a hygienic environment. A polluted environment has a bad effect on our health.

Question 4.
What things should be kept in mind while cleaning OUT homes 2
Apart from dusting, cleaning cobwebs and disposing the wastes, we should also regularly keep a check on insects like cockroaches, mosquitoes, houseflies, spiders etc. Apart from this, it is necessary to white wash the house to keep it clean and beautiful. We should also keep our immediate surroundings neat and clean so that we don’t catch a disease.

Question 5.
What is a disease? How does disease occur?
Any variation in the normal structure or function of a tissue or organ of a body. Or a change in psychological condition is called a disease. A diseased person does not feel comfortable.

Causes of disease:
The disease can occur because of any of the following three causes:
(1) Diseases caused due to deficiency or accumulation of some nutritive components e.g. Beri-beri, Obesity etc.
(2) Through infection (communicable) e.g., cholera, tuberculosis etc.
(3) Non-communicable diseases, like heart diseases, stones in the kidney or gall bladder etc.

Question 6.
What are non-communicable diseases ? Name any two.
The diseases which are not caused by infection (and remain confined to the bearer only) are called non-communicable diseases, e.g. heart diseases, non-functioning of kidney, gall bladder or kidney stones etc.

Question 7.
What are hereditary (congenita!) diseases ? Give examples.
The diseases which are carried by the parents to the offspring are called hereditary diseases. One such disease is haemophilia, in which the patient’s blood does not clot easily. Generally, the time taken for the clotting of blood increases from 2-8 minutes to 30 minutes-24 hours. A haemophilic person can die because of a continuous flow of blood even from a minor injury. Another such type of disease in sickle cell anaemia. The patient’s RBCs (Red Blood Cells) have defective haemoglobin, which reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of the RBCs and the person goes on to become weak.

HBSE 9th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall Ill

Question 8.
What are antibiotics? Why is their excessive use harmful?
Antibiotics are the drugs which are derived from bacteria and are fatal for other bacteria. They do not harm the protoplasm of humans For example; penicillin, Terramycin, streptomycin etc. These save us by stopping the growth of pathogens or by. destroying them. If we use them excessively, then the useful micro-organisms in our alimentary canal will start getting destroyed which will affect our digestive system. .

Question 9.
What are the simple and easy precautions to remain free from the diseases caused by microorganisms ?
The simple and easy precautions are:
(1) To keep the infected person away from a healthy one.
(2) By vaccination.
(3) To boil water before drinking.
(4) By keeping our surroundings neat and clean.
(5) By keeping check (on the growth) of mosquitoes and houseflies.
(6) By wearing properly washed clothes.
(7) By dumping the waste products in covered places. .
(8) By spraying insecticides so as to keep the surroundings free from harmful insects and pathogens.

Question 10.
What is the difference between bacteria and virus ?
Given is the difference between bacteria and virus:
1. They are living organisms.
2. They have a cellular structure.
3. They can be seen under a microscope.
4. Bacteria are bom from the same type of bacteria and multiply on their own.
5. Bacteria can be harmful as well as useful.

1. They possess the features of both living as well as non-living.
2. Their structure is not cellular.
3. They can be seen only with the help of an electron microscope.
4. Viruses can be multiplied only inside a jost cell.
5. Viruses are only harmful.

Question 11.
How do antibiotics act against bacterial infection? Why are they not effective against virus? Explain with reason.
Bacteria create a cell wall for their protection. But the antibiotic substances hinder the process of creation of the cell soil due to which bacteria cannot protect themselves and the antibiotics destroy them. Pathogens are destroyed by the same process. Because virus do not create any cell wall so, that antibiotics are not able to effect virus.

Question 12.
How does infection through air take place ?
When an infected person exhales, sneezes or coughs, the pathogens spread in the air. When another person inhales the same air, these pathogens enter his body. Common cold, pneumonia and tuberculosis spread through this mode only. The occurence of common cold in crowded places is again due to this.

HBSE 9th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall Ill

Question 13.
How does infection take place through water ?
When the pathogens from the infected person enter the drinking water, then a healthy person also gets infected when he drinks this water. There is more incidence of water-borne diseases in rainy season. Cholera Spreads through this method.

Question 14.
Why are V.D. and gonorrhoea considered a social evil ?
They are both sexual diseases. Their pathogens enter a healthy person’s body through cuts, wounds or genitals. In such a condition, these diseases are spread from a woman to a man or from a man to a woman during sexual contact. As these diseases also spread through sexual activity, so these diseases are considered a social evil because the incidence of these diseases is more in people who establish illegitimate sexual relations. Prostitution is the main cause of this. Social awareness can reduce the incidence of these diseases.

Question 15.
What is the sign inflammation ?
During infection, immune system recruits many cells to the affected tissue to kill the disease causing microbes, this process is called imflammation. As a part of this process, there are local effects such as swelling, pain and general effects such as fever.

Question 16.
Why is vaccination of children and expectant mothers done ?
Polio, whooping cough, measles diphtheria, typhoid and tetanus are some infective diseases common in the children. To prevent these diseases newly bom babies and children must be got vaccinated or immunised. To immunise all the children and expectant mothers under a plan, sufficient quantity of vaccines have been manufactured and distributed in India. If the expectant mothers are treated with the tetanus vaccine before she delivers the baby, the newly bom baby will have the ability of immunity. Therefore, lacs of lives of children can be saved by vaccination at proper time.

Essay Type Questions

Question 1.
How do pathogens spread diseases ?
Those pathogens, that spread diseases are called as pathogens. With the entrance of pathogens into the human body and their reaction a man falls ill.

Pathogens can spread diseases in the following ways:
1. Through Contact: Some pathogens spread diseases through direct contact with the patient or the thing used by the patient; for example, if a healthy person puts on the clothes of a patient or uses his bed, the pathogens get entered into his body and make him ill, like pathogens causing skin diseases.

2. Through eatables: Pathogens of typhoid, cholera etc. the remaining food of the patient enter into our body and spread diseases.

3. Through air: Pathogens of common cold, influenza etc. enter the body of a healthy person through breathing.

4. Through vectors: Houseflies, mosquitoes, mice, bugs etc. are some insects that spread diseases; like malaria spreads through female anopheles mosquito bite. Plague is spread by mice.

5. Through water: Pathogen on mixing into drinking water reach to the healthy person and diseases
like cholera, diarrhoea, typhoid etc. surround the human beings. Therefore, specially during rainy season it is suggested to boil drinking water and then cool it down to drink there after, so that the pathogens might destroy.

HBSE 9th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall Ill

Question 2.
Give a brief introduction of the infectious diseases.
Infectious diseases are caused due to micro-organisms like:
1. Cholera: The cause of qholera is vibriocoli. It occurs due to drinking dirty water or infected eatables. Pathogens of cholera are spread through housefly. The patient suffers from painless water loss of due to acute vomitting and diarrhoea.

2. Tuberculosis: It’s cause is micro bacterium tuberculosis. This disease affects the lungs. The patient suffers from constant fever, blood in sputum, bodyache, diarrhoea and the neck ribs get swollow.

3. Typhoid: It spreads through salmonela bacterium typall. Its main symptoms are fever, headache, bleeding nose, black circles on the skin, reddish blisters on the chest.

4. Cough and Cold: It is caused by rhino works. Constant flowing of liquid through nostrils, redness in the eyes, irritation and headache are its main symptoms.

5. Chickenpox: It is caused by the pathogen berisola joster. Here, big circles on the patients body
get formed, severe backache, high fever and headache are its other symptoms. Its a effect lasts long for 14 days. .

6. Polio: It is an infectious disease among the children. It spreads through the pathogen of polio mylitis.
Its symptoms are fever, vomiting, bodyache, stiffness and difficulty in controlling muscles. The children develop paralysis. .

7. Rabies: It is caused by the Rabies pathogen. It is caused due to the bite of dog, cat, bat, jackal, fox etc. Patient suffering from Rabies scares water (hydrophobia). It affects the nervous system. Due to this the patient meets a painful death.

8. AIDS: It comes under the category of sexually transmitted diseases which is caused due to virus. A person suffering from HIV-AIDS, Immunisation system becomes weaker, with the result the body fails to face even the minor infection. The patient of HIV runs with pneumonia even with minor cough and cold. Presently, AIDS is an incurabled disease.

Question 3.
Which programmes have been adopted the Govt, of control communicable diseases ?
Following programme have been adopted by the Govt, of India to control communicable diseases :

1. National Malaria Eradiction Programme:
This started as a control measure in 1953. In 1975, it was converted from control of the disease to total eradication programme. The changed programmed was started in 1977 which was effectively enforced. The programme include inspection of areas affected by malaria educated the people using suitable medicines, spraying of insecticides to kill mosquitoes, identifying the malaria patients, distribution of antimalarial drugs to keep their accounts etc.

HBSE 9th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall Ill

Proper Vaccination List:

For Pregnant WomenType of Injection:
As early as possible in pregnancyTetanus-1 injection
One month after of Tetanus-1Tetanus-2 or Booster injection
For Children
1\(\frac {1}{2}\) monthsB.C.G. and D.P.T-1 vaccines and oral dose of Polio-1
2\(\frac {1}{2}\) monthsD.P.T-2 vaccine and oral dose of Polio-2
3\(\frac {1}{2}\) monthsD.P.T.-3 vaccine and oral dose of Polio-3
9 monthsMeasles vaccine
Between 16 and 24 monthsBooster vaccine of D.P.T. and booster oral dose of polio
Between 5 and 6 yearsTyphoid and D.P.T Vaccine
10 yearsTyphoid and T.T. Vaccine
16 yearsTyphoid and T.T. Vaccine

2. National Tuberculosis Eradication Programme:

Following stages are there in this programme:
(1) To identify the person suffering from tuberculosis in the very first stage and giving him treatment.
(2) To prevent the diseases by inoculating the children at an early age by BCG vaccine.
(3) Many TB clinics, district centres and education centres started in country.

3. National Cholera Eradication Programme: It includes cleaning the cholera effected area, making fresh drinking water availability and proper disposal of urban faecol waste. To educate people and for immediate treatment, mobile treatment units have been established for it. To inoculate people with cholera injections has been arranged in these.

4. National Leprosy Eradication Programme : A survey was conducted for thistdiseases in India and many treatment centres have been setup. Houses have been constructed for rehabilitation of the infected persons. Tamilnadu Govt, has opened a Leprosy Education and Research Centres, where there is an advisory committee for this diseases. Sulpha drugs are used for the treatment of the disease.

Practical Work

Experiment 1.
To study the effect of possible calamities on the health of people.

There are two effects of natural calamities on the health. Prepare its table with the help of science-teacher.

Immediate effect:Effect after calamity:
1. When people wounds, there is a diverse effect on health.1. The infectious diseases can spread in its lack of pure drinking water.
2. The health disturbed, if proper treatment is not given.2. The people can fall ill due to lhalnutrition in the lack of sufficient nutrition.
3. The tension is created due to the fear and epidemic.3. Due to lack of proper cleanliness, diseases are spreads from the dirtiness all around.

Experiment 2.
To study the provisions made by local municipal corporation for the supply of clear drinking water.

Prepare a list of provisions made by the local municipal corporation for the supply of clear drinking water.
(1) The cholorination of drinking water is done.
(2) Water storage tank is cleaned regulary.
(3) Tubewells are used to get underground drinking water.
(4) Water treatment plant is setup for canal water.
(5) Water supplies by pipes to avoid pollution.

HBSE 9th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall Ill

Experiment 3.
To study the provisions made by local authority to manage garbage.

Prepare a list of provisions related to it from officer related to local conservator.
(1) The garbage is cleaned by landfill.
(2) Organic garbage is treated by roasting.
(3) Covered vehicles are used to throw garbage.
(4) Composte prepared from organic garbage is selling to farmers.
(5) Local water is planned to set up solid waste treatment plant.

Quick Review of the Chapter

1. Cholera is a ………… disease.
(A) bacterial
(B) viral
(C) protozoan
(D) fungal
(A) bacterial

2. Malaria spreads by:
(A) mouse
(B) fly
(C) mosquito
(D) bug
(C) mosquito

3. Cholera spreads by :
(A) fly
(B) mouse
(C) mosquito
(D) none of these
(A) fly

HBSE 9th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall Ill

4. Respiratory diseases spread by :
(A) food
(B) water
(C) air
(D) animal
(C) air

5. Communicable disease is :
(A) goitre
(B) beri-beri
(C) obesity
(D) tuberculosis
(D) tuberculosis

6. Example of chronic disease is :
(A) cough
(B) cold
(C) elephantiasis
(D) headache
(C) elephantiasis

7. Acute disease is:
(A) lungs tuberculosis
(B) Dengue fever
(C) blindness
(D) disentary
(D) disentary

8. Which of the following disease is caused by virus ?
(A) Anthrax
(B) Dengue fever
(C) Malaria
(D) Cholera
(B) Dengue fever

9. The reason of AIDS is :
(A) bacteria
(B) protozoa
(C) virus
(D) fungi
(C) virus.


10. The prostitution in society is the reason which of the following disease
(A) pneumonia
(B) gonorrhoea
(C) giardiasis
(D) influenza
(B) gonorrhoea

11. AIDS can spread by:
(A) kiss
(B) embracing
(C) combined used blade of shave
(D) hug
(C) combined used blade of shave

12. AIDS cannot spread by:
(A) sexual relations
(B) blood transfusion
(C) from placenta of mother
(D) by shaking hands
(D) by shaking hands

13. Which disease can be caused by attack on lever?
(A) diabetes
(B) malaria
(C) jaundice
(D) goitre
(C) jaundice

HBSE 9th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall Ill

14. Which disease can be caused by fungi?
(A) kala-azar
(B) cholera
(C) malaria
(D) skin disease
(D) skin disease

15. Vomiting is related to :
(A) mind
(B) liver
(C) lungs
(D) kidney
(A) mind

16. Which fight against microbes :
(C) platelets
(D) lymphocytes

17. Which disease happens first and last times ?
(A) rabies
(B) polio
(C) chicken pox
(D) small pox
(D) small pox

18. The main symptom of AIDS is:
(A) the loss in resistance power
(B) fever
(C) arthritus
(D) high cough ‘
(A) the loss in resistance power

19. Rabies is a …………… disease.
(A) bacterial
(B) viral
(C) protozoan
(D) fungal
(B) viral

20. Before going to fair, there is vaccination of:
(A) tuberculosis
(B) hepatitis
(C) typhoid
(D) cholera
(D) cholera

HBSE 9th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall Ill

21. Deficiency disease is not:
(A) diarrohea
(B) scurvy
(C) pellagra
(D) xeropthalmia
(A) diarrohea

22. Communicable disease is :
(A) intluenza
(B) hemophilia
(C) goitre
(D) anaemia
(A) influenza

23. The disease in mother’s placenta is:
(A) polio
(C) goitre
(D) scurvy

24. Vaccination of which of the following is not available?
(A) whooping cough
(B) polio
(C) diphtheria

25. Which disease can be caused by throwing solid waste in open?
(A) elephantiasis
(B) goitre
(C) cholera
(C) cholera

26. Match the following:

(a) AIDS(i) Staphylococcus aureus
(b) Acne(ii) Leishmanja donovan
(c) Kalazar(iii) Trypanosoma garnbiense
(d) Sleeping sickness(iv) Human Immune Virus

(A) a-iv, b-i,c-ii,d-iii
(B) a-i,b-ii,c-iii,d-iv
(C) a-ii,, b-ic—iii,d-ii,
(D) a-iii. b-Ii, c-i, d’-iv
(A) a-iv b-i, c-ii d-III

HBSE 9th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall Ill

27. Which disease is caused by viruses?
(A) Common cold
(B) Dengue fever
(C) Influenza
(D) All of these
(D) All of these

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