HBSE 8th Class English Solutions Honeydew Poem 7 When I Set Out for Lyonnesse

Haryana State Board HBSE 8th Class English Solutions Honeydew Poem 7 When I Set Out for Lyonnesse Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Haryana Board 8th Class English Solutions Honeydew Poem 7 When I Set Out for Lyonnesse

HBSE 8th Class English When I Set Out for Lyonnesse Textbook Questions and Answers

Working With The Poem

Lyonnesse Meaning HBSE 8th Class Question 1.
In the first stanza, find words that show :
पहले पद्यांश में, ऐसे शब्दों को ढूढों जो प्रदर्शित करते हैं :
(i) that it was very cold.
कि बहुत ठण्ड थी।
The rime ….

(ii) that it was late evening.
कि देर शाम का समय था।
starlight lit….

(iii) that the traveller was alone.
कि यात्री अकेला था।
lonesomeness ….

Lyonnesse Meaning In Hindi HBSE 8th Class Question 2.
(i) Something happened at Lyonnesse. It was
ल्योनेस में कुछ हुआ था। वह था।
(a) improbable
(b) impossible
(c) unforeseeable

(ii) Pick out two lines from stanza-2 to justify your answer.
“No prophet durst declare;
Nor did the wisest wizard guess”.

HBSE 8th Class English Solutions Honeydew Poem 7 When I Set Out for Lyonnesse

Lyonnesse Meaning In English HBSE 8th Class Question 3.
(i) Read the line (stanza-3) that implies the following.
‘Everyone noticed something, and they made guesses, but didn’t speak a word’.
पद्यांश 3 में उस पंक्ति को पढ़ो जिसका अभिप्राय निम्नलिखित है :
‘हर किसी ने कुछ ध्यान दिया और उन्होंने अनुमान लगाया परंतु एक शब्द भी नहीं बोला।
‘All marked with mute surmise.’

(ii) Now read the line that refers to what they noticed.
अब उस पंक्त को पढ़ों जो प्रदर्शित करती है कि उन्होने क्या ध्यान दिया।
‘My radiance rare and fathomless.’

When I Set Out for Lyonnesse Poem Stanzas for Comprehension

Read the stanzas carefully and answer the questions that follow :


When I set out for Lyonnesse
A hundred miles away,
The rime was on the spray;
And starlight lit my lonesomeness
When I set out for Lyonnesse
Ahundred miles away.
(i) Name the poem and the poet.
(ii) What time of the day has been mentioned here?
(iii) How is the weather?
(iv) Where did the poet go?
(v) Which word in the stanza means ‘Foliage’?
(i) The poem is ‘When I set out for Lyonnesse,’ and the poet is ‘Thomas Hardy.
(ii) The late evening time has been mentioned here.
(iii) The weather is extreme cold as there was frost on the spray.
(iv) The poet went to Lyonnesse.
(v) Foliage – The spray.

Lyonnesse Meaning Class 8 HBSE


What would bechance at Lyonnesse
While I should sojourn there
No prophet durst declare;
Nor did the wisest wizard
What would behance at Lyonnesse
While I should sojourn there.
Questions :
(i) Name the poem.
(ii) What does the expression, ‘No prophet durst declare’ mean?
(iii) What could the wisest wizard not guess’?
(iv) Which word in the stanza means ‘to stay’?
(i) The poem is ‘When I set out for Lyonnesse’.
(ii) The expression means that Even an inspired founder of religion could not dare to declare the consequences of the poet’s stay there at Lyonnesse.
(iii) The wisest wizard could not guess what would happen if the poet stayed there at Lyonnesse.
(iv) To stay – sojourn.

Meaning Of Lyonnesse HBSE 8th Class

HBSE 8th Class English Solutions Honeydew Poem 7 When I Set Out for Lyonnesse


When I returned from Lyonnesse
With magic in my eyes,
All marked with mute surmise
My radiance rare and fathomless,
When I returned from Lyonnesse
With magic in my eyes.
(i) Name the poet.
(ii) What happened to the poet and where?
(iii) Explain – ‘All marked with Mute surmise!
(iv) Make adjective from : radiance, magic.
(i) The name of the poet is ‘Thomas Hardy’.
(ii) The poet had changed in his visit to Lyonnesse. He had magic in his eyes. He had rare and fathomless radiance in his face.
(iii) It means that everyone noticed something and they made guesses, but didn’t speak a word.
(iv) Radiance-radiant
Magic – magical

When I Set Out for Lyonnesse Poem Translation in Hindi


When I set out for Lyonnesse
A hundred miles away,
The rime was on the spray;
And starlight lit my lonesomeness
When I set out for Lyonnesse
A hundred miles away.

Word Meaning : Rime = Frost (3774), Spray = leaves and branches of the tree (पत्तियाँ। और टहनियाँ), Lonesomeness = to be lonely . (अकेलापन), Set out = to start for a journey (यात्रा शुरू करना)।

जब मैंने ल्योनेस की यात्रा शुरू की जो एक सौ मील की है, पत्तियों और टहनियों पर ओस थी और तारों की रोशनी मेरे अकेलेपन पर चमक रही थी। जब मैं सौ मील की दूरी वाला ल्योनेस की यात्रा पर निकला।


what would bechance at Lyonnesse
While I should sojourn there,
No prophet durst declare;
Nor did the wisest wizard guess
What would bechance at Lyonnesse
While I should sojourn there.

Word Meaning : Prophet = inspired founder of religion (पैगम्बर), Durst = Dare (साहस करना), Sojouon = to stay (ठहरना), Wizard = Magician (जादूगर)।

ल्योनेस में क्या मौका होगा यदि मैं वहाँ ठहरता हूँ। किसी पैगम्बर की घोषणा करने की हिम्मत नहीं हुई, न ही कोई जादूगर अनुमान लगा पाया कि ल्योनेस में कैसा मौका होगा यदि मैं वहाँ ठहरता हूँ।


When I returned from Lyonnesse With magic in my eyes, All marked with mute surmise My radiance rare and fathomless, When I returned from Lyonnesse With magic in my eyes.

Word Meaning : Radiance = glow (सुंदरता), Rare = vivid (अद्भुत), Fathomless = so deep that the depth can’t be measured (अंतहीन/अति गहरा)।

जब मैं ल्योनेस से आँखों में जादू के साथ वापिस आया, सभी मेरे अद्भुत और अति गहरे तेज के मूक, आश्चर्यचकित दर्शक दिखाए दिए। जब मैं ल्योनेस से अपनी आँखों में जादू लेकर लौटा।

When I Set Out for Lyonnesse Poem Summary in English

The poet happens to visit a place. He is greatly inspired by the beauty of the place and calls it ‘Lyonnesse’. He goes to visit the parish to supervise the restoration of a church actually. But the beauty of the place gives glow to his eyes. He finds the frost over the foliage. He returns with a magic in his eyes from Lyonnesse.

When I Set Out for Lyonnesse Poem Summary in Hindi

कवि एक स्थान की यात्रा पर जाता है। वह स्थान की सुंदरता से अति प्रभावित होता है तथा उसे ‘ल्योनेस’ पुकारता है। वास्तव में, वह एक चर्च के पुनः निर्माण कार्य की परिवीक्षा करने के लिए एक उपक्षेत्र में जाता है। लेकिन उस स्थान की सुंदरता उसकी आँखों में चमक देती है। उसे टहनियों और पत्तियों पर ओस दिखाई देती है। वह ल्योनेस से अपनी आँखों में जादू लेकर लौटता है।


As a young apprentice architect, British poet and novelist Thomas hardy once visited a parish to supervise the restoration of a church. On his return from the parish, people noticed two things about him a new glow in his eyes and a crumpled piece of paper sticking out of his coat pocket. That paper, it is recorded in one of his biographies, contained the draft of a peom. You are going to read that very poem inspired by a visit to a place which the poet calls Lyonnesse.

HBSE 8th Class English Solutions Honeydew Poem 7 When I Set Out for Lyonnesse


एक युवा प्रशिक्षु शिल्पी के रूप में, ब्रिटेनी कवि और उपन्यासकार थॉमस हार्डी एक बार किसी चर्च के पुनः निर्माण की परिवीक्षा के लिए एक उपक्षेत्र के दौरे पर गए। उपक्षेत्र से उनकी वापसी पर, लोगों ने उनके विषय में दो बातों पर विशेष ध्यान दिया-उनकी आँखों में एक नई चमक और उनकी कोट की जेब के बाहर चिपका एक सिकुड़ा हुआ कागज का टुकड़ा। वह कागज, जो कि उनकी एक जीवनी में लिखित है, एक कविता का लेखन समेटे हुए था। आप उसी कविता को पढ़ने जा रहे हैं जो कि ऐसी जगह की यात्रा से प्रेरित होकर लिखी गई है जिसे कवि ल्योनेस कहता है।

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