HBSE 7th Class English Solutions Honeycomb Poem 2 The Rebel

Haryana State Board HBSE 7th Class English Solutions Honeycomb Poem 2 The Rebel Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Haryana Board 7th Class English Solutions Honeycomb Poem 2 The Rebel

HBSE 7th Class English The Rebel Textbook Questions and Answers

The Rebel Poem Class 7 HBSE Question 1.
Answer the following questions.
(i) If someone doesn’t wear a uniform to school, what do you think the teacher will say?
When some one doesn’t wear a uniform, teacher will say that next time we should not do so and regularity is a must.

(ii) When everyone wants a clear sky, what does the rebel want most?
Rebels want rain when there is clear sky.

HBSE 7th Class English Solutions Honeycomb Poem 2 The Rebel

(iii) If the rebel has a dog for a pet, what is everyone else likely to have?
If the rebel has a dog for a pet, what is every one else likely to have? Everyone is likely to have a cat when rebels have a dog.

(iv) Why is it good to have rebels?
Rebels act as critics who always keep things under control.

(v) Why is it not good to have rebels?
If one is a rebel then one will always be tensed.

(vi) Would you like to be a rebel? If yes, why? If not, why not?
No, I world not like to be a rebel. As rebals do not get respect but a point of criticism.

The Rebel Poem Class 7th HBSE Question 2.
Find in the poem an antonym (a word opposite in meaning) for each of the following words.
(i) long
(ii) grow
(iii) quietness
(iv) sober
(v) lost
(i) Short
(ii) Die
(iii) Noisy
(iv) fantastic
(v) found

HBSE 7th Class English Solutions Honeycomb Poem 2 The Rebel

The Rebel Poem Class 7 Question Answer HBSE Question 3.
Find the given lines that match the following. Read both one after the other.
(i) The rebel refuses to cut his hair.
(ii) He says cats are better.
(iii) He recommends dogs.
(iv) He is unhappy because there is no sun.
(v) He is noisy on purpose.
(i) The rebel refuses to cut his hair when every one has short hair.
(ii) He says cats are better when everyone loves dog.
(iii) He recommends dogs when every one loves cats.
(iv) He is unhappy because there is no sun when he wishes for sun.
(v) He is noisy on purpose when everyone wishes to be quiet.

HBSE 7th Class English The Rebel Important Questions and Answers

The Rebel Poem Question Answer HBSE Question 1.
What is the rebel likely to do if others wear a uniform?
The rebel will wear fantastic clothes.

The Rebel Question Answer HBSE Class 7 Question 2.
Pick out words from the poem which is synonymous to the given words or phrases.
(a) to choose something over other
(b) to make comment
(c) appreciating and applauding
(a) preference
(b) remarks
(c) praising

HBSE 7th Class English Solutions Honeycomb Poem 2 The Rebel

The Rebel Poem Stanzas for Comprehension


When everybody has a short hair,
The rebel lets his hair grow long.
When everybody has long hair,
The rebel cuts his hair short.
When everybody talks during the lesson,
The rebel doesn’t say a words.
(i) Who are rebels?
(ii) What do rebels do when every body has short hair?
(iii) What do rebels do when every boy talks during the lesson?
(iv) Choose the word which is opposite of Retain.
(i) Rebels are those who try to do everything is opposite direction.
(ii) When everybody has short hair, rebels wish to have long hair.
(iii) When everybody talks during the lesson rebels don’t say a word.
(iv) Cuts


In the company of dog lovers,
The rebel expresses a preference for cats. In the company of cat lovers,
The rebel puts in a good word for dogs. When everybody is praising the sun,
The rebel remarks on the need for rain.
Questions :
(i) How do rebels react to cat lovers?
(ii) What do rebels wish for when there is sunlight?
(iii) What do rebels wish for when there is rain?
(iv) Choose the word which is opposite of presence?
(i) Rebels wish to have company of dog-lovers.
(ii) Rebels wish to have rainfall.
(iii) Rebels wish for sunlight
(iv) Absence.

HBSE 7th Class English Solutions Honeycomb Poem 2 The Rebel

The Rebel Poem Translation in Hindi

1. When everybody …………….. hair short.
हिन्दी अनुवाद – जब सब के छोटे बाल होते हैं विरोधी चाहता है कि उसके बाल लम्बे हो जाए।

2. When every……………….adisturbance.
हिन्दी अनुवाद- जब सब पाठ के समय सब बात करतें हैं विरोधी एक भी शब्द नहीं कहते जो पाठ के समय कोई भी बात नहीं करता विरोधी परेशानी उत्पन्न करते हैं।

3. Whenevery body……..dresses soberly.
हिन्दी अनुवाद – जब सब यूनीफार्म पहनते हैं विरोधी रंग-बिरगें कपड़े पहनते हैं। जब सब रंग-बिरंगे कपड़े पहनते हैं विरोधी सादे कपड़े पहनते हैं।

4. In the ………………………………. for dogs.
हिन्दी अनुवाद- कुत्ते को प्यार करने वालो के बीच विरोधी बिल्ली के लिए झुकाव दर्शाते हैं। बिल्ली से प्यार करने वालों के बीच विरोधी कुत्तों के लिए अच्छा शब्द कहते हैं।

5. When everybody ………. absence of sun.
हिन्दी अनुवाद- जब सब सूर्य की तारीफ करते हैं विरोधी वर्षा की जरूरत पर टिप्पणी करते हैं। जब वर्षा का अभिनन्दन करता है। विरोधी वर्षा की अनुपस्थिति पर पछतावा करते हैं।

6. When every body ………………….. a book.
The rebel goes to the meeting.
हिन्दी अनुवाद- जब सब सभा में जाते हैं विरोधी घर रहकर किताब पढ़ते हैं जब सब घर पर रहते हैं और किताब पढ़ते हैं विरोधी सभा में जाते हैं।

7. When every body ………………… be one.
हिन्दी अनुवाद- जब सब कहते हैं, ‘हाँ कृपा’ विरोधी कहते हैं, ‘नहीं धन्यवाद’ सब कहते हैं ‘नहीं धन्यवाद’ विरोधी कहते है, हाँ कृपा कीजिए। – यह बहुत अच्छा है कि हमारे पास विरोधी हैं तो तुम इन में से एक होकर अच्छा महसूस नहीं करोगे।

The Rebel Poem Summary in English

In this poem rebel protests against everything. If one has short hair, he wishes to have long hair. If every body talks during a lesson, rebel keeps quiet. When every body wears a uniform, rebel dresses in fantastic clothes. In the company of dog lovers, rebel prefers cats. When everybody greets the rain rebel wishes for sun. when every body stayes at home, rebel goes to the meeting. So infact rebels keep everything in level.

The Rebel Poem Summary in Hindi

इस कविता में विद्रोही हर कविता के विरुद्ध आवाज उठाता है। अगर किसी के छोटे बाल हैं, तो वह लम्बे बाल की कामना करता है। जब सब लोग यूनीफार्म पहनते हैं तो विरोधी रंग बिरंगे कपड़े पहनना चाहते हैं। कुत्तों को प्यार करने वाला हो तो विरोधी बिल्लियों की परवाह करते हैं। जब सब लोग वर्षा का आगमन करते हैं तो विरोधी सूर्य की आशा करते हैं। जब सब लोग घर पर रहते हैं तो विरोधी मीटिंग पर जाते है। इसलिए विरोधी हर बात को संयम में रखते हैं।

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