Haryana State Board HBSE 7th Class English Solutions An Alien Hand Chapter 9 A Tiger in the House Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
Haryana Board 7th Class English Solutions An Alien Hand Chapter 9 A Tiger in the House
HBSE 7th Class English A Tiger in the House Textbook Questions and Answers
A Tiger In The House Class 7 Question Answer HBSE Question 1.
He had the distinction of being the only member of the party to have bagged any game.
The italicised phrase means
(i) Grandfather was the most distinguished member of the party.
(ii) Grandfather was the only sportsperson in the party.
(iii) Grandfather was the only successful member of the hunting party.
Mark the right answer
(iii) Grandfather was the only successful member of the hunting party.
A Tiger In The House Questions And Answers 7th Class Question 2.
Complete the following sentences:
(i) Toto climbed up the curtains when …………………………………………… .
(ii) …………………………………………… ,I became one of the tiger’s favourites.
(iii) Timothy had clean habits …………………………………………… .
(i) he lost his temper.
(ii) When I came to live with grandfather
(iii) and would scrub his face with his paws exactly like a cat.
Comprehension Check
A Tiger In The House Class 7 HBSE Question 1.
Grandmother’s prophecy was that the tiger
(i) would prefer Mahmoud’s bed to. sleep in.
(ii) and the cood would disappear together from the house.
(iii) would one day make a meal of Mahmoud.
Mark the right answer.
(iii) would one day make a meal of Mahmoud.
Tiger In The House Class 7 HBSE Question 2.
When Timothy was about six months old, a change came over him.
The phrase in italics means that
(i) Timothy had grown to its full size.
(ii) Timothy grew more friendly.
(iii) Timothy grew less friendly, in fact more dangerous.
(iii) Timothy grew less friendly, in fact more dangerous.
A Tiger In The House Question Answer HBSE 7th Class Question 3.
Write True and False against each of following statements:
(i) Timothy and Grandfather went Lucknow in a special compartment. [ ]
(ii) The compartment in which Grandfather and Timothy travelled had no other passenger. [ ]
(iii) Timothy and Grandfather travelled in a first class compartrhent. [ ]
(iv) All passengers in the compartment thought that Timothy was a well-fed and civilised tiger. [ ]
(i) Timothy and Grandfather went Lucknow in a special compartment. [False]
(ii) The compartment in which Grandfather and Timothy travelled had no other passenger. [True]
(iii) Timothy and Grandfather travelled in a first class compartrhent. [True]
(iv) All passengers in the compartment thought that Timothy was a well-fed and civilised tiger. [False]
A Tiger In The House HBSE 7th Class Question 4.
Grandfather suggested that Timothy should be put in another cage. The reason was that:
(i) the tiger had become very bad tempered.
(ii) a leopard in the next cage would constantly rush at Timothy.
(iii) the cage was too small for a full grown tiger.
(ii) a leopard in the next cage would constantly rush at Timothy.
Question 5.
The tiger was still licking his arm, with increasing relish. The phrase in italics suggests that Timothy’s:
(a) was good nature
(b) recognised of an old friend
(c) smell fresh food.
(c) smell fresh food.
Answer the following questions:
Question 1.
Where was the tiger-cub hiding when Grandfather found him?
Grandfather had found the cub of the tiger in the intricate roots of a banyan tree. Grandfather picked him and brought him home.
Question 2.
(i) What did Toto do to entertain Timothy?
Toto pushed the tail of the young tiger.
(ii) What did he do when Timothy lost his temper?
When Timothy lost his temper he climed up the curtains.
Question 3.
‘I became one of the tiger’s favourites’. Who is T in the statement? Why did he think so?
T is the writer of the story. Wheh T came to live with Grandfather, the tiger crept closer and made a dash for his feet. The tiger even rolled on his back and kicked with delight.
Question 4.
Where was Timothy most comfortable during the day? Where was he during the night?
During the day the most favourite place of Timothy, the tiger was the drawing room. He made himself comfortable on the long sofa, reclining there with great dignity. At night he slept in the cook’s quarters and was delighted to be let out in the morning.
Question 5.
What was Grandmother’s prophecy about the cook? Did it come true?
Grandfather had prophesied that one day only the belongings of the cook would be found and he would be seen no where. No, this did not prove true and before tiger could attack the cook, he was transferred to the zoo.
Question 6.
What made Grandfather decide to transfer Timothy to the zoo?
When Timothy was about six months old a change came over him. He became less friendly. He got the habit of stealing away a cat or a dog. He began to look at Mahmoud with villainous intent. At that time Grandfather decided to shift him to the zoo.
Question 7.
Why did Grandfather want Timothy to be put in another enclosure?
Grandfather wanted tiger to be kept in another enclosure because he felt that the leopard kept frightening him.
Question 8.
What shocked Grandfather in the end?
Grandfather was shocked to realize that the tiger whom he had been stroking was not Timothy. In fact he was another tiger trapped in the hills and was very dangerous.
Discuss the following topics in groups:
1. Shoot animals with a camera, not with a gun.
It is right to say that “shoot animals with a camera, not with a gun.” Infact wild animals are very important part of our flora and fauna. They are the keepers of the balance of nature and environment. A day will come when they will be extinct from the planet earth. Though the authorities are taking very effective measures and shooting with a gun has been declared a punishable offence. So the love for animals can be advocated through camera and not by gun. Wildlife photography should be popularised and competitions, seminars should be organised so that more and more people come forward on this front.
2. Keeping pets help us become more loving and tolerant. It also helps us respect life in any form. Do you agree?
Keeping pets is a very good example to make the society realise that every kind of life has to special place. Pets need love and care. This love and care showed on them is always duly returned. It is true that keeping pet develops the quality of tolerance and sacrifice. It is only when we have a pel, wt give a consideration to time. Pets demand all things on time and teach us to lead a disciplined life.
3. Have you heard of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA)? What do they do?
SPCA is a very important society which works for the street dogs and pets. It’s main objective is that we cannot bring every pet into our homes but at least we can adopt one dog each. It is a very simple concept. We can just offer them table waste or left-over food. Automatically every day at fixed time it will reach your door steps. This society has also opened many bedded hospitals for the care of the dogs and operations are also carried out. The operations are done as well as vaccinations are carried out.
HBSE 7th Class English A Tiger in the House Important Questions and Answers
Question 1.
How was the tiger cub fed?
At first, the tiger cub was brought up totally on bottle milk. When the milk proved to be too rich for him; he was put on a diet of raw mutton and cod liver oil. Gradually, he was given the diet of pigeons and rabbits.
Question 2.
Who was Mahmoud? How did he take care of Timothy?
Mahmoud was a cook in the house. He fed Timothy on milk. He also let him sleep in his quarters at night.
Question 3.
How did grandfather arrange to send Timothy to zoo?
Grandfather got a first class compartment reserved for himself and Timothy. The compartment was not to be shared with anyone. Grandfather took him to a zoo in Lucknow where the authorities were very glad to receive him as a gift.
Question 4.
“I have never been able to touch him myself”.
(а) Who said this to whom?
The keeper said this to grandfather.
(b) Who is ‘him’ refered to here?
The tiger in the cage is ‘him’ referred to here.
(c) Why was the speaker surprised?
The speaker was surprised because the wild tiger allowed grandfather to tickle his ears and strike his head. He also licked grandfather’s hands.
Question 5.
Why did grandfather go in search of the superintendent?
Grandfather went in search of the superintendent because he wanted to tell him to put the tiger somewhere else as the leopard kept on frightening him.
Question 6.
“You remember me”
(а) Who said this to whom?
Grandfather said this to the keeper, who had been there when Timothy first come to.
(b) What did the speaker ask him to do?
The speaker asked him to transfer Timothy to another cage, away from the leopard.
(c) What fact did the other person reveal to the speaker?
The other person told the speaker that the tiger in the cage was not his. His tiger had died two months ago.
Question 7.
What was grandfather’s reaction when he came to know that his own tiger was dead?
Grandfather was spell-bound. He could think of nothing to say. To his amagement, the tiger was still licking his arm with increasing taste. With a great difficulty, he withdrew his hand from the cage.
Question 8.
Why do you think grandfather gave a hateful look to the keeper?
Grandfather gave a hateful look to the keeper because the keeper had told him that Timothy had died. He was not ready to believe that the tiger in the cage was not his.
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
Tick (✓) the correct option:
Question 1.
Who is Toto?
(a) a monkey
(b) a pigeon
(c) a robbit
(d) a puppy
(a) a monkey ✓
Question 2.
Which of the following words means “moved or rushed suddenly’?
(a) stalk
(b) darted
(c) allowed
(d) strolling
(b) darted ✓
Question 3.
What is ‘retriever’?
(a) a breed of tiger
(b) a breed of monkey
(c) a breed of dog
(d) a breed of horse
(c) a breed of dog ✓
Question 4.
Which of the following word means loud and frantic?
(a) cracking
(b) frenzied
(c) villainous
(d) dangerous
(a) cracking ✓
Question 5.
Timothy was transferred to a zoo in
(a) Kanpur
(b) Kolkata
(c) Delhi
(d) Lucknow
(d) Lucknow ✓
Question 6.
Which of the following statements is correct? .
(a) The tiger in the zoo allowed grand¬father to put hands around his head.
(b) The tiger licked grandfather’s hands.
(c) The tiger in the zoo infact was very bad tempered.
(d) All of the above
(d) All of the above ✓
Question 7.
What did the tiger in the cage die of?
(a) malaria
(b) typhoid
(c) typhoid
(d) pneumonia
(d) pneumonia ✓
Make Sentences
Use the following words in sentences of your own:
(a) villainous
(b) frenzied
(c) favourite
(d) intent
(e) snarled
(a) Villainous: Everybody in the village was frightened by the villainous attack of the robbers.
(b) Frenzied: The frenzied noises from the poultry house disturbed my sleep.
(c) Favourite: I am going to the concert because my favourite singers are presenting the show.
(d) Intent: Everybody was pleased when he entered the house with a friendly intent.
(e) Snarled: The wild animal snarled loudly when a visitor touched his cage in the zoo.
A Tiger in the House Summary in English
Grandfather finds a tiny tiger cub in the forest and brings him home. The tiger-cub was named Timothy and brought up by Mahmoud their cook. Timothy had two companions, Toto and a small puppy. Timothy also developed liking for the author.
When he grew up, he became a dignified creature. His favourite place was drawing room and at night slept in the cook’s quarters. Grandfather feared that Timothy might eat up the cook as he even had started attacking the pets and hens. Grandfather got him transferred to the zoo, where he was happily received.
Six months later grandfather went to visit Timothy in the zoo. Grandfather put his hand in the cage which was supposed to be Timothy’s. Grandfather stroked his forehead and on growling smacked his mouth.
The tiger licked Grandfather’s hands and only at snarling of the leopard shrinked back. The keeper was surprised at the re-union. Grandfather went in search of the superintendent in the zoo as he wishes the leopard to be shifted.
In the meanwhile the keeper whom grandfather could recognise informed grandfather that Timothy had actually died two months ago. Grandfather then realised what the whole situation was turning into and walked away.
A Tiger in the House Summary in Hindi
दादाजी ने जंगल में एक बाघ का बच्चा पाया और उसे घर लाये। उस बाघ के बच्चे का नाम टिमॉथी रखा गया और उसे उनके रसोइए महमूद ने बड़ा किया। टिमॉथी के दो साथी टोटो और एक छोटा पिल्ला था। टिमॉथी का लेखक की तरफ झुकाव हो गया।
जब वह बड़ा हुआ, वह एक गौरवशाली जीव बन गया। उसकी सबसे प्यारी जगह बैठक-खाना थी और रात को वह रसोइए के कमरे में सोता था। दादाजी को डर था कि टिमॉथी रसोइए को खा न जाये क्योंकि उसने पालतू जानवरों और मुर्गों पर आक्रमण करना आरंभ कर दिया था। दादाजी ने उसे चिड़िया घर में तबादला कर दिया। यहाँ पर उसका खुशी से स्वागत किया गया।
छ: महीने पश्चात् दादाजी टिमॉथी को चिड़ियाघर में मिलने गए। दादाजी ने अपना हाथ पिंजरे में डाला जो उनके लिए टिमॉथी का था। दादाजी ने उसके माथे पर हाथ फेरा। जब वह गुर्राता तो दादाजी उसका मुंह बंद कर देते।
बाघ दादाजी का हाथ चाटने लगा और तेंदुआ दहाड़ने लगा। इस दहाड़ से बाघ पीछे हट रहा था। रक्षक इस मिलाप को देखकर हैरान था। दादाजी अधीक्षक को ढूँढने गए क्योंकि वह तेंदुए का उस पिंजरे से तबादला करना चाहते थे।
उसी बीच में रक्षक जिसे दादाजी पहचान रहे थे ने दादाजी को सूचना दी कि वास्तव में टिमॉथी दो महीने पहले मर चुका था। दादाजी को तब महसूस हुआ कि पूरी स्थिति कैसी थी और यह सोचते हुए वह वहाँ से निकल पड़े।