Haryana State Board HBSE 6th Class English Solutions Honeysuckle Poem 6 The Wonderful Words Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
Haryana Board 6th Class English Solutions Honeysuckle Poem 6 The Wonderful Words
HBSE 6th Class English The Wonderful Words Textbook Questions and Answers
Summary Of The Wonderful Words HBSE 6th Class Question 1.
With your partner, complete the following sentences in your own words using the ideas in the poem.
(i) Do not let a thought shrivel and die because ___________.
(ii) English is a ___________ with words that everyone can play.
(iii) One has to match ___________.
(iv) Words are the ___________ of thought.
(i) Do not let a thought shrivel and die because you lack the way to express it.
(ii) English is a wonderful game with words that everyone can play.
(iii) One has to match words to thoughts.
(iv) Words are the food and dress of thought.
The Wonderful Words Poem Questions And Answers HBSE 6th Class Question 2.
In groups of four discuss the following lines and their meanings :
(i) All that you do is match the words To the brightest thoughts in your head
(ii) For many of the loveliest things Have never yet been said.
(iii) And everyone’s longing today to hear Some fresh and beautiful thing
(iv) But only words can free a thought From its prison behind your eyes.
(i) Clothes lend beauty to the form (body). In the same way even the brightest thoughts should be expressed in the choicest words.
(ii) Everybody does not hold the power of words. Beautiful ideas spring up in everybody’s brain. However, the people lack rich vocabulary. Therefore, they keep mum and do not express their superb thoughts.
(iii) Most of the people preach old and stale ideas. The masses are sick of them. They aspire to hear some genuine and heart appealing things. Lofty thoughts enlighten the human brains.
(iv) Thoughts gush out from fertile brains. But they remain imprisoned there. Most often, they fade and die there. Words alone find an outlet for them. They are liberated only when they are matched with words. Expression of thoughts in words provides them life.
HBSE 6th Class English The Wonderful Words Important Questions and Answers
The Wonderful Words Poem In Hindi HBSE 6th Class Question 1.
Why is the poem named ‘The Wonderful Words?
The title of the poem is quite appropriate. Words have magical power. They lend life, beauty and motion to thoughts. They give outlets to thoughts. They feed, nourish and clothe the thoughts.
The Wonderful Words Class 6 Question Answer Honeysuckle Question 2.
What is the fate of certain thoughts and why?
Certain thoughts are very useful and beautiful. They spring up in the brains of shy or unlettered people. They fail to give an expression to their thoughts. As a result, the thoughts become stale. They fade and die with the passage of time.
The Wonderful Words Poem Summary HBSE 6th Class Question 3.
Define’A Word’.
‘A word’ is a combination of letters or sounds. It may be a printed symbol of vocal sounds. It has a meaning. So it can be used grammatically without outer help. It forms an independent unit of a language.
The Wonderful Words Poem Class 6 HBSE Honeysuckle Question 4.
Define ‘A Language’.
‘A language’ is a system of sounds and words. It is used by men to express their thoughts and feelings. Different groups of people (nations, communities etc.) speak different languages.
The Wonderful Words Summary HBSE 6th Class Question 5.
What is the poet’s calculation about thoughts?
The poet calculates that thoughts germinate in everybody’s brain. If they are not matched with words, they fade and die. In this way, many valuable thoughts die unheard. Even the fresh and genuine thoughts do not reach the people’s ears. It is surprising that all of us think but fail to express the thoughts.
The Wonderful Words Poem HBSE 6th Class Question 6.
Justify the title ‘The Wonderful Words’.
The title of the poem is quite appropriate as it indicates the significance of words. They are miraculous and only they have the power to express thoughts in the best way. Our thoughts shall remain submerged in our mind until words lend life to them and bring them to birth. Our thoughts can only be provided motion through the magic of language. Hence, they are wonderful, amazing.
Wonderful Words Poem HBSE 6th Class Honeysuckle Question 7.
‘They give it its body and swing.’ Explain.
Words nourish and clothe the thoughts. Just as, food and dress are important for a person’s life; similarly words are important to let your imprisoned thoughts free. They provide flow to the thoughts so that they stand with firmness and give them absolute fluency.
The Wonderful Words HBSE 6th Class Honeysuckle Question 8.
What is the fate of the thoughts kept to ourselves and why?
The thoughts that are kept to ourselves shrivel and die because we cannot say it or lack the confidence to do so. Hence they continue to perish in the confinement behind our eyes.
Wonderful Words Class 6 HBSE Honeysuckle Question 9.
What is the fate of thoughts that are let out of our mind?
When our brightest imaginative thoughts are let out with the precise and accurate arrangement of words, they come out miraculously clear and true. The thoughts seem to be handsomely groomed, hence free from the confinement of our brains.
The Wonderful Words Class 6 HBSE Honeysuckle Question 10.
Why is the brain compared to a prison?
The brain is compared to a prison where thought are kept in a confinement. They are kept in bonds and these thoughts can only be voluntarily let out.
Question 11.
What do words provide the thoughts?
Words provide body and fluent motion to our thoughts.
The Wonderful Words Poem Stanzas for Comprehension
Question 1.
Never let a thought shrivel and die For want of a way to say it For English is a wonderful game And all of you can play it.
(i) When does a thought fade or die?
(ii) Which language provides a wonderful game?
(iii) Who can play the game of words?
(i) A thought fades or dies if it is not expressed in words.
(ii) The English language provides a wonderful game.
(iii) All of us can play the game of words.
Question 2.
All that you do is match the words To the brightest thoughts in your head So that they come out clear and true And handsomely groomed and fed For many of the loveliest things Have never yet been said
Questions :
(i) What should the brightest thoughts be matched with?
(ii) Where do the brightest thoughts spring from?
(iii) What happens to many lovely things?
(i) The brightest thoughts should be matched with suitable words.
(ii) Brightest thoughts spring from one’s head (brain).
(iii) Many lovely things remain unexpressed.
Question 3.
Words are the food and dress of thought
They give it its body and swing And everyone’s longing today to hear Some fresh and beautiful thing
(i) Where do the thoughts find food and dress?
(ii) What does everybody aspire for?
(iii) What do the words provide the thoughts?
(i) Thoughts find food and dress in words.
(ii) Everybody apsires for fresh and beautiful things.
(iii) The words provide body and movement to the thoughts.
Question 4.
But only words can free a thought From its prison behind your eyes May be your mind is holding now A marvellous new surprise ! Questions :
(i) Where does the thought stay?
(ii) Why is the brain compared to a prison?
(iii) What may your mind be holding now?
(i) The thought stays in the brain.
(ii) The thoughts remain in bondage in the brain. Therefore, the brain is compared to a prison.
(iii) Our mind may now be holding some amazing thoughts.
The Wonderful Words Poem Translation in Hindi
Never let …………… play it.
किसी विचार को इस कारण से न सिकुड़ने (मुरझाने) दो और न ही मरने दो
क्योंकि उसे व्यक्त करने का तुम्हारे पास साधन नहीं है।
क्योंकि अंग्रेजी भाषा का एक विस्मयकारी खेल समझो और तुम सभी उसे खेल सकते हो।
Word-Meanings : Never-at no time, कभी भी नहीं। Shrivel-shrink, fade, सिकुड़ना, मुरझाना। Want-lack, absence, अभाव, अनुपस्थिति। Waymeans, तरीका, साधन। Wonderful-surprising, amazing, विस्मयकारी।
All that …………… and fed-
दुन्हें अपने मस्तिष्क में उपजे शुभ्र विचारों के साथ केवल शब्दों का मिलान करना पड़ेगा
ताकि वे स्वच्छ, सच्चे,
सुंदर तरीके से परिपक्व रूप में व्यक्त हो जाएँ।
Word-Meanings : Match-associate, united, मिलान करना, जोड़ंना। Brightest-most glaring, शुभ्रतम। Head-brain, मस्तिष्क। Clear-fresh, ताजा, स्वच्छ। Handsomely-in a beautiful manner, सुंदर ढंग, से। Groomed-fed and taken care of, पुष्ट किए हुए।
For many ………….. beautiful thing
क्योंकि बहुत-सी सुंदरतम बातें
अभी तक कभी भी नहीं कही गई हैं
शब्द, विचारों का भोजन तथा वस्त्र हैं
वे उसे शरीर (रूप) तथा प्रेरणा (झूला) देते हैं
और वर्तमान काल में प्रत्येक व्यक्ति कोई नवीन तथा सुंदर
बात को सुनने के लिए लालायित रहता है।
Word-Meanings : Lovliest-prettiest, most delightful, मनोहरतम। Dress-clothing, apparel, वस्त्र, पोशाक। Body-form, रूप। Swing-movement, गति, प्रेरणा। Longing-aspiring, लालायित होना। Freshgenuine, novel, मौलिक, नवीन।
But only …………. new surprise !
परंतु केवल शब्द ही तुम्हारी आँखों के पीछे दिमाग की कैद
में फँसे हुए विचारों को मुक्त करा सकते हैं
संभवतः इसी समय तुम्हारे मस्तिष्क में कोई विस्मयकारी नया
आश्चर्य उलझा अटका हुआ हो।
Word-Meanings : Free-liberate, मुक्त करना। Prison-jail, place of confinement, कारावास। Behind-on the back of, पीछे। Holdingcontaining, निहित रखना। Marvellous-amazing, विस्मयकारी। Surprise-wonder, आश्चर्य।
The Wonderful Words Poem Summary in English
Thoughts fade or die if they are not expressed. Expression of thoughts depends on selection and arrangement of words. Glaring thoughts should be matched with suitable words carefully. Many beautiful thoughts, most often remain unexpressed.
Words nourish and clothe the thoughts. Everybody aspires to hear fresh and beautiful things. Thoughts remain imprisoned in brain if the words do not express them. Everybody’s mind is full of amazing thoughts.
The Wonderful Words Poem Summary in Hindi
यदि विचारों को व्यक्त नहीं किया जाए तो वे मुरझा जाते हैं या मृत हो जाते हैं। विचारों का व्यक्त करना शब्दों के चयन तथा आयोजन (विन्यास, व्यवस्था) पर आश्रित होता है। शुभ्र विचारों का उपयुक्त शब्दों के साथ सावधानीपूर्वक मिलान किया जाना चाहिए। बहुत से सुंदर विचार प्राय: बिना व्यक्त किए हुए रह जाते हैं।
शब्द, विचारों की पुष्टि करते हैं तथा उन्हें लिबास पहनाते हैं। सभी व्यक्ति नवीन तथा सुंदर चीजों को सुनना चाहते हैं। विचार, मस्तिष्क में कैदियों की तरह पड़े रहते हैं यदि उन्हें शब्दों द्वारा व्यक्त नहीं किया जाता है। प्रत्येक व्यक्ति का मस्तिष्क विस्मयकारी विचारों से भरा हुआ होता है।