Haryana State Board HBSE 6th Class English Solutions Honeysuckle Poem 5 Where Do All the Teachers Go Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
Haryana Board 6th Class English Solutions Honeysuckle Poem 5 Where Do All the Teachers Go
HBSE 6th Class English Where Do All the Teachers Go Textbook Questions and Answers
Where Do All The Teachers Go Poem HBSE 6th Class Question 1.
(i) Why does the poet want to know where the teachers go at four o’clock?
The poet thinks that the teachers are superhuman beings. They are not only ideals for the students but are models for society. Therefore, he wants to make sure where the teachers go when the school closes. Some people go to restaurants, bars, clubs or cinemas after their duty hours.
(ii) What are the things normal people do that the poet talks about?
Normal people live in nuclear families in rented houses. They do nothing at home. They simply watch TV and scratch their noses.
(iii) What does he imagine about:
(а) where teachers live?
(b) what they do at home?
(c) the people with whom they live?
(d) their activities when they were children in school?
He imagines that
(a) teachers live in their joint families
(b) they wash their clothes at home
(c) they live with their parents
(d) they sometimes wrote incorrect spellings.
They sometimes wrote in correct spellings. They chewed chocolates in the class and were punished. They lost their hymn books and left their vegetables here and there. They wrote rubbish on their desks and wore dirty jeans.
(iv) Why does the poet wonder if teachers also do things that other people do?
The poet considers the teachers as special persons. They are ideals in their minds, speech and actions. Therefore, the poet wonders if teachers also do things that other people do.
(v) How does the poet plan to find out? What will he do once he finds out?
The poet plans to follow a teacher when he goes home after school hours. He will secretly find out his activities. He would put those activities in a poem.
Where Do All The Teachers 6th Class Go HBSE Honeysuckle Question 2.
What do you think these phrases from the poem mean?
1. punished in the corner
2. leave their greens
1. The students who make spelling mistakes or eat chocolates in the classroom are made to stand in the corners.
2. ‘Leave their greens’ means ‘ leave their vegetables here and there.’
HBSE 6th Class English Where Do All the Teachers Go Important Questions and Answers
Where Do All Teachers Go HBSE 6th Class Honeysuckle Question 1.
What does the poet want to know?
The poet wants to know how the teachers lead their lives outside the school.
Where Do All The Teachers Go Poem In Hindi HBSE 6th Class Question 2.
How does a small student think of his/her teacher?
A small student thinks of his/her teacher as special. He is an ideal for students and a model for the society. He is a super-human being.
Where Do All The Teachers Go Question Answer HBSE 6th Class Question 3.
Explain ‘Do they live with other people?’
The teachers are educated people. They live in their joint families. They keep their aged parents with them. They do not mix up with illiterate and uncultured people.
Where Do All The Teachers Go Class 6 HBSE Honeysuckle Question 4.
Why does the small boy want to write a poem on the private lives of teachers?
The small boy thinks that teachers lead an ideal life. So he wants to write a poem. The students will read the poem and become ideal students.
Question 5.
Why does the student want to follow a teacher back home?
After the school hours, the teachers are in leisurely mood. They talk freely and act freely. The student wants to note down their ways of living at home. Therefore, he wants to follow a teacher back home.
Question 6.
What is the idea of the poet?
The idea of the poet is to write on the private lives of teachers what a small child feels is really very special and ideal for him.
Question 7.
How do you think a small child will perceive his/her teacher as?
A little small child is tender and inno-cent. For him, his teacher is a very special being who introduces him to the way of life. It is difficult to imagine them as simple people who lead the same lives as them. So for him, they are models.
Question 8.
The poet has followed a unique rhythmic pattern with only the second and fourth line rhyming. From the peom, find out the rhyming words for the following :
(a) clock
(b) TV
(c) dads
(d) mistakes
(e) greens
(f) do
(a) socks
(b) me
(c) bad
(d) flakes
(e) jeans
(f) you
Where Do All the Teachers Go Poem Stanzas for Comprehension
Question 1.
Do they wear pyjamas
And do they watch TV?
And do they pick their noses
The same as you and me?
Questions :
(i) What do the people wear at home?
(ii) What do you and I do?
(iii) Give the rhyming words from the above stanza.
(i) The people wear pyjamas at home.
(ii) You and I pick our noses.
(iii) TV…..me.
Question 2.
Did they ever, never spell right Did they ever make mistakes? Were they punished in the corner If they pinched the chocolate flakes?
Questions :
(i) Who does ‘they’ here refer to?
(ii) When are the students generally punished?
(iii) Give the rhyming words from the stanza.
(i) ‘They’ here refers to the teachers when they were students.
(ii) The students are generally punished when they eat chocolates in the class room.
(iii) mistakes – flakes.
Where Do All the Teachers Go Poem Translation in Hindi
Where do ………….. their socks?
सभी अध्यापक कहाँ चले जाते हैं
जब चार बजते हैं?
क्या वे घरों में रहते हैं
और क्या वे अपनी कपड़े धोते हैं?
Word-Meanings-When it is 4 o’clockafter the schnol hours, छुट्टी के बाद। Socks (here)clothes, कपड़े।
Do they …………… and me?
क्या वे पायजामे पहनते हैं
और क्या वे टी.वी. देखते हैं?
और क्या वे अपने नाक खुजलाते चढ़ाते हैं
जिस प्रकार तुम और मैं करते हैं?
Word-Meanings-Watch-view, दे खाना।
Pick-clean, साफ करना। The same as-exactly like, बिल्कुल उसी तरह।
Do they ………….. ever bad?
क्या वे दूसरे लोगों के साथ रहते हैं
क्या उनकी माताएँ और पिता होते हैं
(उनके साथ रहते हैं)?
और क्या कभी वे भी बच्चे होते थे
और क्या कभी वे शरारती होते थे?
mothers, aunts etc., माँ, चाची, बुआ, दादी आदि। Dads-
father, uncles, grandfather etc., पिता, चाचा, ताऊ, दादा
आदि। Ever-at any time, कभी। Bad-naughty, शरारती।
Did they ………….. chocolate flakes?
क्या वे कभी ठीक हिडजे लिखते थे या सदा गलत लिखते थे
क्या वे कभी गलतियाँ करते थे?
क्या उनको कोने में (खड़ा कर के) सजा मिलती थी
यदि (कक्षा में) चॉकलेट खाते थे?
Word-Meanings-Right-Correct, सही। Mistakes-errors, गलतियाँ। Pinched-munched, चबाते थे। Flakes-layers, परत।
Did they ………………. read to you.
क्या कभी उन्होंने अपनी स्रोत पुस्तिकाएँ खोई थीं
क्या उन्होंने कभी अपना लंच बॉक्स (या सब्जी छोड़ दी थी) कहीं छोड़ दिया था?
क्या उन्होंने डेस्क के ऊपर घसीट काटी थी (कुछ शब्द खोद दिए थे)
क्या उन्होंने पुरानी गंदी जीन पहनी थी?
मैं आज एक अध्यापक के पीछे-पीछे घर जाऊँगा
मैं पता लगाऊँगा कि वे क्या करते हैं
तब मैं उस पर एक कविता लिखूँगा
जिसे वे तुम्हें पढ़कर सुना सकेंगे।
Word-Meanings-Hymn-song of praise to God, भजन। Scribble-scrawl, घसीट कर लिखना।
Where Do All the Teachers Go Poem Summary in English
The poet wants to gather the following information about the teachers :
- Where do they go after the school?
- Do they live in houses and do the washing?
- Do they wear home dresses and watch TV?
- Do they pick their noses like others?
- Do they live with their parents? Were they bad children in their school days?
- Did they spell right or ever make mistakes?
- Were they ever punished for eating chocolates?
- Did they ever lose their prayer books or tiffins?
- Did they write their names on their desks or wear dirty jeans?
The poet will find out what the teachers do and write a poem. The teachers will read the poem to the students.
Where Do All the Teachers Go Poem Summary in Hindi
कवि, अध्यापकों के विषय में अधोलिखित जानकारी प्राप्त करना चाहता है :
- वे छुट्टी के बाद कहाँ जाते हैं?
- क्या वे घरों में रहते हैं और धुलाई का काम करते हैं?
- क्या वे साधारण वस्त्र पहनते हैं और टी. वी. देखते हैं?
- क्या वे दूसरों की तरह ही नाक साफ करते (खुजाते) हैं?
- क्या वे संयुक्त परिवार में रहते हैं? क्या वे विद्यार्थी जीवन में शरारती रहे हैं?
- क्या वे सदा सही रहे हैं या उन्होंने कभी गलतियाँ की हैं?
- क्या कभी (कक्षा में) चॉकलेट चुराने (खाने) के कारण उन्हें दंड मिला है?
- क्या कभी उनकी धार्मिक पुस्तक या लंच बॉक्स खोया गया है?
- क्या उन्होंने अपने डेस्कों पर कभी कुछ खोदा है या जीन के गंदे कपड़े पहने हैं?
कवि यह खोजेगा कि अध्यापक क्या करते हैं और एक कविता लिखेगा। अध्यापक उस कविता को विद्यार्थियों को सुनाऐंगे।