HBSE 6th Class English Solutions A Pact with the Sun Chapter 9 What Happened to the Reptiles

Haryana State Board HBSE 6th Class English Solutions A Pact with the Sun Chapter 9 What Happened to the Reptiles Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Haryana Board 6th Class English Solutions A Pact with the Sun Chapter 9 What Happened to the Reptiles

HBSE 6th Class English What Happened to the Reptiles Textbook Questions and Answers

What Happened to the Reptiles Question Answer HBSE 6th Class Question 1.
In what way is Pambupatti different from any other village?
Prem had fainted on reaching Pambupatti. An old man was bending over him when he opened his eyes. He looked after him for the next few days. The old man even rubbed Prem’s feet. Even the neighbours and strangers – came to visit Prem. It was different from any other village. The people fight with those who pray to another god.

What Happened to the Reptiles HBSE 6th Class Questions Answers Question 2.
Why is Prem determined not to return to his village?
There was an atmosphere of hate and violence in Prem’s village. The people fought with those who prayed to another god. They even burnt down the places of worship of one another. Many houses, including Prem’s house were burnt down. He was forced by circumstances to run away from his village. Therefore, he was determined not to return to his village.

HBSE 6th Class English Solutions A Pact with the Sun Chapter 9 What Happened to the Reptiles

HBSE 6th Class Questions Answers What Happened to the Reptiles Question 3.
Why did Makara dislike tortoises, snakes and lizards? Write a line about each.
Makara disliked tortoises because they are slow and stupid. Moreover, they carry their houses on their backs.
He dislikes snakes because they are slimy and they make funny noises. Besides, they are were’d creatures.
He dislikes weird because they have strange habits and some of them even changed colours. Hence, they cannot be trusted.

Question 4.
What went wrong when the tortoises, snakes and lizards left the forest?
A strange smell of rotting fruit on the ground and rotting animals in the river began to fill the forest when the tortoises left it.
The rats took over the forest. They ate up the eggs of the lizards and the crocodiles when the snakes left the forest.
The rats turned somersaults on the crocodiles’ backs fearlessly. There were also many huge frogs. They began to eat the baby crocodiles. Even the insects grew bigger and nastier in millions. This happenea when the lizards left the forest.

Question 5.
Why do you think Prem wants to tell the story of the reptiles to the people of his village?
Prem wants to make the people of his village understand that each of us has a place in this strange and funny world. Different religions are the creations of men. The people should not fight in the name of religion. They should not burn one another’s homes or places of worship. Therefore, he wants to tell the story of the reptiles to the people of his village.

Question 6.
Do you agree that it is difficult not to go along with someone who is very strong and powerful? Express your views frankly and clearly.
I don’t agree with this statement. The masses are asses. Most of them are brainless creatures. They go along with the strong and powerful like dumb-driven cattle. They become the victims of greed. Their self interests overpower their minds to agree to the wishes of the powerful persons. They don’t realise that each of us has a place in this strange and funny world. They are not far-sighted. I would never accept the wrong decisions thrust on me by any powerful person.

HBSE 6th Class English Solutions A Pact with the Sun Chapter 9 What Happened to the Reptiles

Question 7.
If you were a baby crocodile, would you tell Makara that he was wrong? What would you say to convince him?
If I were a baby crocodile, I would certainly tell Makara that he was wrong. I would tell him about the evil results of his hasty, stupid and cruel decisions. A strange smell of rot would fill the forest in the absence of tortoises. No other creature would eat up the rotten fruits on the ground or rotting animals in the rivers. The rats would eat up the eggs of the lizards and the crocodiles in the absence of snakes. Huge frogs, insects and rats would cause a nuisance in the absence of lizards. I would convince him about the fact that each of the creatines has its own utility in this strange world.

HBSE 6th Class English What Happened to the Reptile Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What was it that made Prem leave his own village?
The conmunal riots in Prem’s village had made life unsafe for the residents. There was tension and chaos every where. So Prem left his own village.

Question 2.
What are reptiles? What is the peculiar physical feature of reptiles?
Snakes, crocodiles, turtles, lizards are all reptiles. A reptile has scales on its body and it lays eggs.

Question 3.
Why did Makara ask tortoises not to come to the monthly meeting?
Makara sent a letter to the tortoises not to come to the monthly meeting because he wanted to declare that day that tortoises were not needed in the forest.

Question 4.
How did the whole forest belong to Makara and his group only?
Makara, the biggest crocodile of the forest had announced in the three monthly meetings that they did not need tortoises, snakes and lizards respectively. So they were ordered to leave the forest. Hence the whole forest now belonged to Makara and his group.

HBSE 6th Class English Solutions A Pact with the Sun Chapter 9 What Happened to the Reptiles

Question 5.
How did the forest become normal and peaceful again?
It was a terrible time for the crocodiles when the tortoises, snakes and lizards had left the forest. A small crocodile pointed out what had gone wrong. They knew that Makara was not all that strong and right. They called all their reptile friends back to Pambupatti. Their arrival marked the beginning of normal and peaceful life again in the forest.

What Happened to the Reptiles Meanings

believe (बिलिव)-trust = विश्वास करना। true (ट्रयू)-real सत्य। edge (ऐज)-brink = सिरा। cliff (क्लिफ)-the top and rugged face of a rocky mass (खड़ी चटटान) vast (वेस्ट)-extremely large in size = विस्तीर्ण। stretches (स्ट्रेचिस)-spreads = फैला हुआ है, many (मैनी) -a number of = अनेक pray (प्रे)-worship = पूजा, प्रार्थना करना। temple (टेंपल)- the place where Hindus worship = मंदिर, forest (फॉरेस्ट)-woods = वन। mosque (मॉस्क्यू)-the place where Muslims worship = fall away (अवे)-far off = दूरी पर, terrible (टैरिबल)-fearful = भयानका happened (हैप्पण्ड)-took place = घटित हुई, started (स्टार्टिड)-began = प्रारंभ किया। in the middle of-during, बीच में। lay-lying as sleep सोया पड़ा होना। violence-outrage हिंसा, दंगा-फसाद। mine-belonging to me मेरा, managed arranged to do = प्रबंध करना। grab-pick up = उठना। statue-image = मूर्ति। further-ahead = आगे। seemed-appeareds = दिखाई पड़ना, finally in the end = अंत में। gathered-assembled = इकट्ठे हुए। fainted-lost consciousness = मूर्छित हो गया, shining-glittering = चमकना। bending bowing = झुकना। looked after-tended = देख-भाल की। stream-rivulet = नदी। rubbed-pressed = दबाया, मला। gently-softly = नर्मी से। strangers- unknown people = अजनबी लोग, seems-looks = दीखाई पड़ना।

What Happened to the Reptiles Summary in English

The people of Prem’s Village went mad. They started fighting with one another. They burnt one another’s places of worship and homes. Prem ran to a village named Pambupatti. He fainted there. An old man was nursing him when he opened his eyes. Even strangers came to see him. He was delighted to find such a difference in the behaviour of the people there.

The old man told him a story about the village. There were only crocodiles, snakes, tortoises and lizards there. Timely meetings were held there. Makara used to be the president of the meetings. He was a strong and powerful crocodile. He planned to turn out the tortoises, snakes and lizards turn by turn from the forest. He gave wrong arguments. Nobody dare oppose him. A strange smell of rot filled the forest. Rats became all powerful there. The frogs and insects created a nuisance. It all happened when the tortoises, snakes and lizards were made to leave the forest. Good sense prevailed over Makara then. All the creatures were asked to return. The forest was back to normal. Prem decided to tell this story to the people of his village.

HBSE 6th Class English Solutions A Pact with the Sun Chapter 9 What Happened to the Reptiles

What Happened to the Reptiles Summary in Hindi

प्रेम के गाँव के लोग पागल हो गए। वे एक-दूसरे के साथ लड़ने लगे। उन्होंने एक-दूसरे के पूजास्थलों और घरों को जला दिया। प्रेम, पम्बूपट्टी नामक गाँव में दौड़ता हुआ पहुँच गया। वह वहाँ मूर्छित हो गया। जब उसकी आँखें खुलीं, एक बूढ़ा आदमी उसकी सेवा कर रहा था। अजनबी लोग भी उससे मिलने आए थे। वहाँ के लोगों के व्यवहार में इतना अन्तर देखकर वह आनन्दित हो गया।

बूढ़े आदमी ने उसे, उस गाँव की एक कहानी सुनाई। वहाँ केवल मगरमच्छ, साँप, कछुए और छिपकलियाँ रहती थीं। समय-समय पर वहाँ बैठकें हुआ करती थीं। मगर, उन बैठकों का सभापति हुआ करता था। वह दबंग और शक्तिशाली मगरमच्छ था। उसने बारी-बारी से कछुओं, साँपों और छिपकलियों को जंगल से बाहर निकालने की योजना बनाई। उसने गलत तर्क पेश किए। उसका विरोध करने की किसी में हिम्मत नहीं थी। जंगल में एक विचित्र गंध फैल गई। वहाँ पर चूहे सशक्त बन गए। मेंढ़कों और कीड़े-मकोड़ों ने तबाही मचा दी। ये सब  घटनायें तब घटी जब कछुओं, साँपों और छिपकलियों को जंगल से निकाल दिया गया। तब मगर के अन्दर सद्बुद्धि जागी। सभी जीवधारियों को लौटने का आदेश मिला। जंगल में फिर से सामान्य स्थिति पैदा हो गई। प्रेम ने अपने गाँव के लोगों को यह कहानी सुनाने का निर्णय लिया।

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