HBSE 6th Class English Solutions A Pact with the Sun Chapter 3 The Shepherds Treasure

Haryana State Board HBSE 6th Class English Solutions A Pact with the Sun Chapter 3 The Shepherds Treasure Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Haryana Board 6th Class English Solutions A Pact with the Sun Chapter 3 The Shepherds Treasure

HBSE 6th Class English The Shepherds Treasure Textbook Questions and Answers

The Shepherd’s Treasure Summary HBSE 6th Class Question 1.
The shepherd hadn’t been to school because :
(i) he was very poor.
(ii) there were very few schools in those days.
(iii) he wasn’t interested in studies.
Choose the right answer.
(ii) There were very few schools in those days.

The Shepherd’s Treasure Question Answer HBSE 6th Class Question 2.
Who visited the shepherd one day, and why ?
The king of the country visited him one day. He wanted to meet him and find out the truth.

The Shepherd’s Treasure Question Answers HBSE 6th Class Question 3.
Why did the other governors x grow jealous of the shepherd ?
The other governors grew jealous of the shepherd because he grew very famous as a fair and wise governor of the country.

The Shepherd’s Treasure Class 6 Questions And Answers Question 4.
Why was the new governor called to the palace ?
The new governor was called to the palace because the king wanted to know the secret of the iron chest.

The Shepherd’s Treasure Moral HBSE 6th Class Question 5.
Why was everyone delighted to see the iron chest on the camel’s back ?
Everyone was delighted to see the iron chest on the camel’s back because they thought that this would prove beyond doubt that the charges levelled against the governor were true.

HBSE 6th Class English Solutions A Pact with the Sun Chapter 3 The Shepherds Treasure

Summary Of The Shepherd’s Treasure HBSE 6th Class Question 6.
(i) What did the iron chest contain ?
(ii) Why did the shepherd always carry it ?
(iii) Is it an example of the shepherd’s humility or wisdom or both ?
(i) The iron chest contained an old blanket.
(ii) The shepherd always carried it because he regarded it as his best friend. This blanket could protect him if the king took away new clothes.
(iii) It was an example of the shepherd’s humility as well as wisdom.

The Shepherd’s Treasure Questions And Answers HBSE 6th Class Question 7.
How did the king reward the new governor ?
The king rewarded him by making him the governor of a much bigger district that very day.

HBSE 6th Class English The Shepherds Treasure Important Questions and Answers

Class 6 The Shepherd’s Treasure Question Answer HBSE Question 1.
How did the poor shepherd become famous ?
The shepherd though poor, was very wise. He could understand people’s sorrows and troubles. He helped them to face them wisely with courage. Thus he became famous for his wise and friendly nature.

The Shepherd Treasure Question Answer HBSE 6th Class Question 2.
Why did the king disguise himself as a shepherd ?
The king wanted to test the shepherd’s wisdom and friendliness so he disguised himself as a shepherd and came to the cave. He did not want to disclose his identity to the shepherd.

Class 6 The Shepherd’s Treasure HBSE Question 3.
How did the shepherd welcome the king who come to him as a poor traveller ?
The shepherd welcomed the traveller. He served him water and a share of his own simple meal.

Question 4.
Why did the old governors of the kingdom talk against, the new governor ?
As the new governor was humble and wise, he soon became very famous. The old governors became very jeolous so they talked against the new governor.

HBSE 6th Class English Solutions A Pact with the Sun Chapter 3 The Shepherds Treasure

Question 5.
What is the moral of the story ?
The moral of the story is that humility and wisdom always pay in the long run.

The Shepherds Treasure Word Meanings

shepherd (शेफड) = गड़रिया, cottage (कॉटेज) = झोंपड़ी, uneducated (अनएज्यूकेटेड) = अशिक्षित, wise (वाइज) = बुद्धिमान, sorrows (सोरोज) = दु:ख, troubles (ट्रब्लस) = परेशानियाँadvice (एडवाइस) = सलाह, famous (फेमस)प्रसिद्ध, wisdom (विजडम) = बुद्धिमानी, country (कन्ट्री)देश, meeting (मीटिंग) = मिलना, disguised (डिसगाईज्ड)छद्म वेश में, mule (म्यूल) = खच्चर, cave (केव)- गुफा, meagre (मीगर) = अपर्याप्त, greatly (ग्रेटली) = काफी ज्यादा, impressed (इम्प्रेस्ड) = प्रभावित, hospitality (हास्पेटिलिटी) = मेजबानी, अतिथि सत्कार, conversation (कन्वर्शन) = बातचीत, depart (डिपार्ट) = विदा होना, kindness (काइन्डनेस) = दया, permit (परमिट) = आज्ञा देना, leave (लीव) = छुट्टी, छोड़ना, guest (गेस्ट) = मेहमान, majesty (मेजेस्टी)- हुजूर, compliment (कम्पलीमेन्ट) = आदर-सत्कार, astonished (एस्टोनिस्ड) = आश्चर्यचकित indeed (इन्डीड) = वास्तव में, appointed (अपायन्टेड) = नियुक्त किया, humble (हम्बल) = विनम्र, governor (गवर्नर) = राज्यपाल, district (डिस्ट्रीक्ट) = जिला, dignity (डिगनिटी) = सम्मान, sympathy (सेम्पैथी) = सद्भावना, सहानुभूति, goodness (गुडनेस) = अच्छापन, just (जस्ट) = न्यायप्रिय, throughout(धू-आउट) = सारी जगह, provinces (प्रोविन्सेज)- प्रान्त, terribly (टेरिबली) = भयंकर रूप से। jealous (जेलयस) ईर्ष्यालु, dishonest (डिसओनस्ट) = बेईमान, collect (कलैक्ट) = इकट्ठा करता है, added (एडेड) कहा (यहाँ), iron chest (आयरनचेस्ट) = लोहे की पेटी (यहाँ) treasure (ट्रेजर) = खजाना, secretly (सिक्रेटली) = गुप्त रूप से, attention (अटेन्शन) = ध्यान, ignore (इग्नोर) = नजर अन्दाज करना, endless (एन्डलस) = अंतहीन, summoned (सम्मनअड) = बुलाया, palace (पैलेस) = महल, camel (कमल) ऊँट, delight (डिलाइट) खुशी, fastened (फास्टअनड) = बाँध ना, securely (सिक्योरअली)- सुरक्षित ढंग से, contain (कन्टेन) = रखता है, smiled (स्माइल्ड) = मुस्कराया, eagerly (इगअरली) = उत्सुकता से, astonishment (एस्टचोनिशमेन्ट) = आश्चर्य में, gold (गोल्ड) = सोना, silver (सिल्वर) = चाँदी, blanket (ब्लेन्कट) कम्बल, holding (होल्डिंग) = पकड़े हुए, proudly (प्राउडलि)- घमंड से, treasure (ट्रेजर)- खजाना, dignity (डिगनिटी) = सम्मान, take away (टेकअवे) = ले लेना, cloaks (क्लोक्स)- कपड़े, embarrassed (एम्ब्रेअसड) = परेशान, jealous (जेलस) = ईर्ष्यालु, wisest (वाइजेस्ट) = सबसे ज्यादा बुद्धिमान।

HBSE 6th Class English Solutions A Pact with the Sun Chapter 3 The Shepherds Treasure

The Shepherds Treasure Summary in English

Once there lived a shepherd who was uneducated but very wise and helpful. He was very famous for his wisdom. Once the king went to meet him disguised as a shepherd on a mule. He behaved and greeted him very nicely. This poor shepherd could make out that his visitor was the king of his kingdom. The king was impressed with his wisdom. He made him the governor of a small district. Other governors grew jealous of this shepherd and hatched a conspiracy. The king was frequently complained of the shepherd’s dishonesty as a new governor. One day he was summoned to the palace. Then he was asked to explain why he always carried an iron chest with him. When the iron chest was opened, it was not found containing any treasures as his enemies had been alleging. It contained an old blanket which the shepherd regarded as his oldest friend.

The Shepherds Treasure Summary in Hindi

एक बार एक गडरिया जो कि अशिक्षित परन्तु बुद्धिमान और सहायता करने वाला रहता था। वह अपनी बुद्धिमता के लिए बहुत प्रसिद्ध था। एक बार राजा एक खच्चर पर बैठकर गडरिये के रूप में वेश बदलकर उससे मिलने गया। उसने (गड़रिये ने) अच्छी तरह से स्वागत-सत्कार तथा व्यवहार किया। यह गरीब गडरिया समझ गया था कि उसका दर्शक राज्य का राजा था। राजा उसकी बुद्धिमता से बहुत प्रभावित हुआ। राजा ने उसे छोटे से जिले का राज्यपाल बना दिया। अन्य राज्यपाल इस गड़रिये से बहुत ईर्ष्यालु हो गए और उन्होंने एक षड्यंत्र रचा। राजा को नये राज्यपाल अर्थात् गड़रिये की बेईमानी के बारे में बार-बार शिकायतें की जाती थी। एक दिन नये राज्यपाल (गड़रिया) को महल बुला लिया गया। वहाँ उससे अपने साथ हमेशा लोहे की पेटी रखने का कारण पूछा गया। जब लोहे की पेटी खोली गई तो जैसा कि उसके दुश्मन आरोप लगा रहे थे ऐसा कोई खजाना नहीं पाया गया। इसमें एक पुरानी कम्बल थी जिसे गड़रिया अपना सबसे पुराना मित्र मानता था।

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